NAVY MIL-C-23866 A-1965 CONTROL SET APPROACH POWER AN ASN-54(V)《电源处理控制设置 nAN ASN-54(V)》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-23866 A-1965 CONTROL SET APPROACH POWER AN ASN-54(V)《电源处理控制设置 nAN ASN-54(V)》.pdf_第1页
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1、Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-238bbA 58 7779706 OL52b4b L MIL-C-23866A( WP) 1.3 . Associated equipment - The equipment shall operate with the following associated equipm$nt which shall not be supplied as part of the equipment: Transmitter, Angle of Attack Control Panel Elevator Posi

2、tion Transducer 2. APELICABLE WCUMENTS .2.1 I General - The following documents of the issue in effect on dateof invitation fbr .bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICAT IONS MIL-E- 4682 Electron Tubes and Transistors, Choice and Appl

3、ication of MIL-W- 5088 .Wiring, Aircraft, Installation of MIL- Preproduction and Ac- ceptance, For Aircraft Electronic Equipment,. Format for Nomenclature and Nameplates for Aero- nautAcal ElectroniXc and Associated . Eguipment ., Transmitter, Angle of Attack or Side- slip, Local Licensed by Informa

4、tion Handling ServicesML-C-23866A( WP) Military (Continued) MIL- R- 22256 MIL-R-23094 STANDARDS . Militry MIL- STD- 41 5 MIL-STD-704 MIL- STD-756 MS 3116 MS 21083 MS 24693 Air Force - -Navy Aeronautical AN -960 Reliability Requirements for Design of Electronic Equipment or Systems Reliability Assura

5、nce for Production Acceptance of Avionic Equipment, General Spec if icat ion for Test Points and Test Facilities, Design Standard For Electric Power, Aircraft, Character- istics and Utilization of Reliability Prediction Connectors, Plug, Electric, Sold- Type, Straight, Bayonet Coupling (Navy) Nut, S

6、elf-Locking, Hexagon, Non- Metallic Insert, Low Height, 250 Deg. F Screw, Machine, Flat Countersunk Head, 100 Deg., Cross Recessed,- UNC-2A and UNF-2A . Washer, Flat 2.2 - Availability of documents - When requesting specifications, standards, drawings and publications, refer to both title and number

7、. of this specificallioh and applicable apecifiaations required by contractors in. connection with specific pracurement functions may be obtained up6n ap- plication to the Comaanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code ES, Avenue, Philadelphia., Pennsylvania 19120. Copies Tbbsr 2.3 Other publications

8、- The following documents form a part of-thfS specification. on date of invikations for bids shall apply. Unless other.wise indicated, the issue in effect Anrerican Sandards Association ASA B5.15-1960. .(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Standards,Assoclation, 10 East 40th S

9、treet, New York le. EI. Y.) 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services- MIL-C-23hbA 5 M 777770b 0352648 5 MIL-C-2 38 66A (W) 3. REQUIREMENTS . 3 01 Preproduction - This specification make provisions for pre- production testing. 32 Parts and materials - In the selection of parts and materials, fulfi

10、llment of major objectives shall be the prime consideration. the following shall govern: In so doing (a) (b) When previously produced models of this equipment did not use non-repairable subassemblies, the design shall not be changed to employ non-repairable assemblies without the approval of the pro

11、curing octivi-ty. Parts and materials requirements shall- conform to MIL-E-5400 0 3.201 Non-standard parts and materials approval - Approval for the use of non-standard parts and materials shall be obtained as outline in MIL-E-C;lrOO 0 3.2.2 Electron devices - Transistors and diodes shpl1 be chosen

12、and applied, and the complements reported as outlined in IVIIL-E-. No elect nor advanced beyond the military power setting. pilot or Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) while on AN/SPN-10 automatic landing system to maneuver the airplane as required to maintain the proper flight path during final

13、 approach, with the APC Set engaged. Throttle damping - The set shall be damped to prevent ex- cessive throttle movement when flying through turbulence. Engage and disengage transients - The set shall provide suitable output signal control to prevent excessive engage and disengage transients under a

14、ll conditions under which the set could be automatically or manually engaged or disengaged. 394.9 provide proper compensation for a free air temperature range of -53C (-63“) to 54C (130F). 3.4.10 so as to provide the functional inputs and outputs as shown in Figures 3 through 6 and as described in 3

15、.4.10.1 through used to provide signals to the items in the set and to the associated equipment. such that either one of the two following switching arrangements may be used on the control panel. three-position ENGAGE-STANDBY-OFF Switch. When the switch is in the OFF position all AC and Dc

16、 power to the APC Set will be de-energized. switch is placed in the STANDBY position, the system shall be energized with AC power and is reay for engagement at the end of the warm-up period. This warm-up period shall not exceed sixty (60) seconds under any combination of service conditions. When the

17、 switch is in the ENGAGE position DC power to the system shall be energized. The system will then be engaged and operating. The ENGAGE switch will be solenoid held to the ENGAGE position and will revert Throttle contr1 - The APC Set shall be adjusted as required turn. 3.4.5 3.4.6 Effect of flight pa

18、th control - It shall be possible for the 3.4.7 3.4.8 Free air temperature range - The set shall be able to See paragraph 3.4.lOt3. Control functions of - set - The APC Set shall be constructed These outputs will be Pilots control switch - The APC Set shall provide outputs The preferred swi

19、tching arrangement will provide a When the - 7- - C. 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-23bbA 58 = Ob 0152b53 7 m d wv MIL: c-23866( to the STANDBY position if the holding coil currentis momentarily interrupted. This pilots control function may also be fulfilled by use of two switches;

20、 an OFLF1-Ot$gOesech: f6r1- thB -sy$Ckm.)ACi.powerj I and a .STA“EFEI,SOQ. (of kbhe i;Wm. angtne. servo amglff e R, at; thS. con tractors expense, to the laboratory designated. 4+2.1.1 Preproduction test sample identification - The prepro- ductiori test samples shall be plainly identified by durable

21、 tags, securely attached, and marked with the following information: Sa.mple for Preproduction Inspection CONTROL SET, APPROACH POWER AN/ASN-54(V Submitted by (Manufacturers name, date 4.2.l. 2 Scope of tests - Preproduction tests shall include all tests deemed necessary by the procuring activity to

22、 determine that the equipment meets all the requirements of this specification and the contract. Preproduction tests shall include environmental tests in accordance with the procedures of MIL-T-5422 and interference tests in accordance with MILI-6181. Preproduction tests shall include as a minimum t

23、he tests speci- fied under test methods (4.7). Preproduction approval - Approval of the preproducelon Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-23866A 58 m 7777906 0152657 6 W I, v- MIL-C-23866A( WP 1 sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. o

24、f the preproduction sample. to the approval of the preproduction sample is at the contractors own risk. The approved preproduction sample shall be retained by the contractor for his use in the fabrication and testing of equipment to be submitted for acceptance. equipments under the contract. No prod

25、uction equipments shall be delivered prior to the approval Prefabrication of production equipment prior The preproduction sample shall not be considered as one of the 4.2.2 Contractor demonstration tests - Contractor demonstration tests shall be accomplished under the responsibility of the contracto

26、r and shall be conducted in accordanc,e with the approved test procedure of 4.6. government inspector and the procuring activity shall be advised when tests are to be conducted so that a representative may be designated to witness or super- vise the tests when so desired. Contractors not having adeq

27、uate facilities to conduct all required tests shall obtain the services of a commercial testing laboratpry. The Demonstration test data - The,contractor shall submit all data collected in conducting these tests to the procuring agency for review and approval. On first production contracts th

28、is data shall include a list of.all electrical and electronic parts giving their specified voltage, current, temperature rating and the applied circuit voltage, current and ambient and surface temperatures. under the extreme high temperature operation condition6 Such data on parts may be included as

29、part of the preliminary parts list. The ambient and surface temperature shall be obtained 4.2.3 Service approval tegts - At the completion of the contractor demonstration tests and when requested by the procuring activity, the equip- ment shall be delivered at the contractors expense to a specified

30、government laboratory for additional testing. duplicating tests previously conducted and such other tests as are deemed necessary to determine compliance with all applicable design and performance requirements. Service approval tests shall also include a Navy conducted Tlighs program of a preproduct

31、ion sample for each aircraft type to demonstrate satisfactory performance. This includes successful flight test aboard an aircraft carrier. Based on the results of flight tests, the manufacturer will be responsible for all engineering changes to the APC Set necessary for satisfactory performance of

32、the installed APC system at no cost to the Government. This addltional testing may consist of Accessory material - In addition to the complete equipment submitted for service approval tests the contractor shall also submit the accessory material and design and test data specified in MIL-E-54

33、00. This information shall indicate the physical and electrical characteristics of the equipment and establish the equipments compliance with applicable re- quirements. 4.2.4 Production equipments - Equipments supplied under the contraat.shal1 in all respects, including design, construction, workman

34、ship, performance and quality, be identical to the approved preproduction sample. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-2386bA 58 77777Ob 0352658 8 MIL-C-23866A( WP) Each equipment shall be capable of successfully passing the same tests as imposed on the preproduction sample. Evidence of. n

35、on-compliance with the above shall constitute cause for rejection and for equipment already accepted by the government, it shall be the obligation of the contractor to make necessary corrections as approved by the procuring activity. 4.3 Production sample tests - When requested by-the procuring acti

36、vity, one equipment shall be selected from the first 10 production equlp- ments submitted for acceptance and sent at the contractors expense to a designated government laboratory for tests. by the government inspector after the equipment has successfully passed all individual tests. This equipment s

37、hall be selected The preproduction sample shall not be selected for this test. 4.3.1 Scope of tests - This equipment may be subjected to any and all tests the procuring activity deems necessary to assure that the pro- duction equipment is equivalent to the previously approved qualification sample in

38、 design, construction, workmanship, performance and quality and that it meets all applicable requirements. 4.3.2 Production sample approval - Approval of the production sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. test shall be corrected by the contractor to t

39、he satisfaction of the procuring activity. Failure of the production sample to pass any of the tests shall be cause for deliveries of equipment under the contract to cease until proper corrective action is approved and accomplished. Corrective action shall also be accomplished oh equipment previousl

40、y accepted when requested by the pro- curing activity.$ 403.3 Any design, material or performance defect made evident during this Reconditioning of prod-uction test sample - On completion of the production sample test the equipment shall be reworked by the contractor by replacing all worn or damaged

41、 items. resubmit the equipment for acceptance. After reworking the contractor shall 4.4 Acceptance tests - The contractor shall furnish all samples and shall be responsible for accomplishing the-accepkance tests. and testing shall be under the supervision of the government Inspector. Con- tractors n

42、ot having testing facilities satisfactory to the procuring activity shall engage the service of a commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the procuring activity. tative results for all acceptance tests. Such reports shall be signed by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory,

43、 as applicable. Acceptance or approval of material during the course of manufacture shall not be construed as a guarantee of the acceptance of the finished product. ance tests shall consist of the following: All inspection The contractor shall furnish test reports showing quanti- Accept- (a) Individ

44、ual Tests (b) Sampling Tests 7- L (c) RC3,1. except that the test duration shall be 120 hours with no restriction on the number of failuresland the 10- i minute vibration Gest shall run only at the beginning i-and-endaftht -320 hour test.However, each falure rshll-be-a 1 zf as to eause 9 Q rem .a ac

45、tion ecessary $,*ce the ossibdxty off I!$ recurrence Reliability assurance tests - Reliability assurance tests (c) :fn - - future - - - eqipment - - - shal!? -. . . -. be - . taken. _- 4.4.3 shall be conducted as required by MIL-R-23094 and 122256. selected for reliability assurance tests shall firs

46、t have passed the individ- ual tests. Equipments Reliability procedure - Reliability Procedure I from MIE A lot shall be one monthds:rddnOtfanl.;quan;y. R-23094 shall be used. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-23BhbA 5B 7777706 015266L MEC-23866A( WP) 4.4.34 2 Test level - Test

47、Level IV from Table I of MIER-23094 During each cycle the equipment shall be operated from time shall be used. “A“ through time “B“ of the chart accompanying the table. 4.4- 33 Accept-reject criteria - Figure i5 of MIL-R-23094 shall be used to determine the.accept-reject criteria for the Reliability

48、 Qualification Test Plan. reject criteria for the Reliability Sampling Test Pian. Figure 16 of MER-23094 shall be used to determine the accept- Length of heat portion of cycle - After stabilization at the high temperature limit required by the test level, the equipment shall be operated 1 ho

49、ur during each cycle, 4 4.3.5 Performance characteristics to be measured .- The perfom- ance characteristics to be measured in the reliability tests shall be taken from those determined in 4.7.3. approva1,by the procuring activity. These charabteristics shall be submitted for 4.4,3.6 Failure, criteria - In addition to the requirements of MIL-R-23094, the following requirements shall be used to determine when a failure has occurred during the test: (a) Whenever performnce characteristics fall below the Acke

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