
B.accidentC.eventD.occurrence2.Dont put off until tomorrow_should be done today.(分数:2.00)A.thatB.whatC.isD.when3.He had a pain_his back.(分数:2.00)A.onB


1、B.accidentC.eventD.occurrence2.Dont put off until tomorrowshould be done today.分数:2.00A.thatB.whatC.isD.when3.He had a p。

2、doesnt need to be corrected2.With the guidethe way,we set out on foot into the dark night.分数:2.00A.leadB.leadingC.ledD.t。

3、 heothers.分数:2.00A.is always helpingB.always helpsC.has always helpedD.will always help3.They decided to chase the ox aw。

4、would stayB.has stayedC.stayedD.stay2.Ive worked here since IHarvard Business School.分数:2.00A.leaveB.leftC.have leftD.h。

5、 you wish to do if you were a college student againThats very hard to say, but I wish Ipsychology when I was a college s。

6、B.whatC.whichD.whether2.Please do notwhen somebody else is talking.分数:2.00A.intendB.interpretC.interruptD.invest3.It has。

7、ms associated with living in the ocean arethe problems of living in outer space.分数:2.00A.the same asB.such thatC.such as。

8、laughingC.could not help laughingD.could not help to laugh2.For those with family members far away, the personal compute。

9、edges that, in general, stateowned companies do have an advantage the stability, management and career prospects they of。

10、Dset aside2 the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.AFindB FindingC To findDFound3 Look at those。

11、B always helpsC has always helpedDwill always help3 They decided to chase the ox awayit did more damage to the plants.Au。

12、an arethe problems of living in outer space.Athe same asB such thatC such asDjust as3 People wont pay attention to you w。

13、39;t put off until tomorrowshould be done today.AthatB whatC isDwhen3 He had a painhis back.AonB withC inDonto4 They tal。

14、y2 Ive worked here since IHarvard Business School.AleaveB leftC have leftDhad left3 Did you see any foreigner present at。

15、e student againThats very hard to say, but I wish Ipsychology when I was a college student.Ahas not studiedB had studied。

16、y to cover.Ahave beenB isC areDwere3 It is typical of students to stay up deep into the night for the final exam.Ato rea。

17、ite different today.AisB will beC would have beenDwould be3 Johnhe could improve his exam results, but he did not have e。

18、twhen somebody else is talking.Aintend B interpretC interruptDinvest3 It has been about 7 years since they.Agot marriedB。

19、ld not help to laugh2 For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in stayi。

20、 the guidethe way,we set out on foot into the dark night.AleadB leadingC ledDto lead3 Lessons can be learned to face the。

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