
文集的是 ( )(A)华盖集(B) 朝花夕拾(C) 龙虎狗(D)闲书5 赋被鲁迅称为“ 一代之文学 ”,此“一代”指的是 ( )(A)战国(B)秦代(C)汉代(D)唐代6 我国文学史上现存诗歌数量最多的诗人是 ( )(A)李白(B)杜甫(C)白居易(D)陆游7 屠格涅夫是俄国 19 世纪的 ( )(


1、文集的是 A华盖集B 朝花夕拾C 龙虎狗D闲书5 赋被鲁迅称为 一代之文学 ,此一代指的是 A战国B秦代C汉代D唐代6 我国文学史上现存诗歌数量最多的诗人是 A李白B杜甫C白居易D陆游7 屠格涅夫是俄国 19 世纪的 A现实主义作家B自然主。

2、谏逐客书B 寡人之于国也C 季氏将伐颛臾D庄子秋水5 论毅力一文中没有构成正反对比的是 A成与败B顺与逆C强与弱D大与小6 种树郭橐驼传一文中,故不我若也 一句从语法上看属于 A被动句B判断句C宾语前置句D双宾语句7 下列散文属于托物言志的。

3、设 ylnx,则 y A B C D 分数:4.00A.B.C.D.4.设 axb,fx0,fx0,则在区间a,b内曲线弧 yfx的图形分数:4.00A.沿 x 轴正向下降且向上凹B.沿 x 轴正向下降且向下凹C.沿 x 轴正向上升且向上。

4、f00,且 f0存在, Af0 B2f0 Cf0 D 分数:4.00A.B.C.D.3.函数 yxe x 在1,2上的最大值或最小值正确的是分数:4.00A.最大值为 e1B.最小值为 e1C.最小值为 0D.最小值为 2e14. Asin。

5、wingC.showsD.showed2.He also acknowledges that, in general, stateowned companies do have an advantage the stability, man。

6、分数:2.00A.set offB.set upC.set downD.set aside2.the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.分数:2.00A。

7、B always helpsC has always helpedDwill always help3 They decided to chase the ox awayit did more damage to the plants.Au。

8、an arethe problems of living in outer space.Athe same asB such thatC such asDjust as3 People wont pay attention to you w。

9、39;t put off until tomorrowshould be done today.AthatB whatC isDwhen3 He had a painhis back.AonB withC inDonto4 They tal。

10、ite different today.AisB will beC would have beenDwould be3 Johnhe could improve his exam results, but he did not have e。

11、twhen somebody else is talking.Aintend B interpretC interruptDinvest3 It has been about 7 years since they.Agot marriedB。

12、y2 Ive worked here since IHarvard Business School.AleaveB leftC have leftDhad left3 Did you see any foreigner present at。

13、e student againThats very hard to say, but I wish Ipsychology when I was a college student.Ahas not studiedB had studied。

14、y to cover.Ahave beenB isC areDwere3 It is typical of students to stay up deep into the night for the final exam.Ato rea。

15、存在,则 Af0B 2f0C f0D f03 函数 yxex 在 1,2上的最大值或最小值正确的是 A最大值为 e1B最小值为 e1C最小值为 0D最小值为 2e14 sin2xdx A一 sin2xCB cos2xCC sin2xCD c。

16、设 ylnx,则 y ABCD4 设 axb ,fx 0,fx 0,则在区间a ,b 内曲线弧 yfx的图形 A沿 x 轴正向下降且向上凹B沿 x 轴正向下降且向下凹C沿 x 轴正向上升且向上凹D沿 x 轴正向上升且向下凹5 球心在1,2。

17、 the guidethe way,we set out on foot into the dark night.AleadB leadingC ledDto lead3 Lessons can be learned to face the。

18、ld not help to laugh2 For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in stayi。

19、Dset aside2 the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.AFindB FindingC To findDFound3 Look at those。

20、edges that, in general, stateowned companies do have an advantage the stability, management and career prospects they of。

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