
(C) suggestion(D)attention二、Section A6 Speaker A: Welcome back. _?Speaker B : Just fine. We had only one good day as far as weather was concerned. But


1、C suggestionDattention二Section A6 Speaker A: Welcome back. Speaker B : Just fine. We had only one good day as far as wea。

2、C waitedDneeded二Section A6 Daniel: May I borrow these four booksNancy: You may keep them for two weeks.AOf course not.B 。

3、gun二Section A6 Sherry: I feel very sorry that Im late again. Angela: AYou are welcome.B Dont mention it.C Thats great.DN。

4、healthC birthdayDwithdraw二Section A6 Doctor Smith is engaged on Wednesday. Would you like to come on Thursday AThursday 。

5、oughDthrough二Section A6 You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.ANo, I couldnt.B Thank you all。

6、wC newDthrew二Section A6 You mustnt play on the street. Its dangerous.AGood ideaB No, we wont.C Never mindDEnjoy yourself。

7、C poolDsoon二Section A6 Meat isnt really dangerous, is itOh Its not at all good for our health.AYes, it isntB No, it isC 。

8、 allowC throwDknow二Section A6 Are you feeling better today But I still feel too weak to walk around.AMuch better, thanks。

9、oeC whoseDwhole二Section A6 What does your brother look like .AHe is a little shyB He is tallC He likes dancingDHe is a d。

10、AfortunateB futureC mixtureDuniversity二Section A6 Speaker A: Yesterday, we went to Jane s house to listen to records.Spe。

11、 throughC withoutDbreath二Section A6 Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink Woman: AIts your pleasure.B You are t。

12、 plentyC youngDquantity二Section A6 Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. , thank you.AI willB I hope soC 。

13、ate has been approved. The suggestion, which includes several measures toB2 academic dishonesty, was passed by the Unive。

14、t surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger and fear. The r。

15、 expressions differ from those of animals in the degree they can be deliberately controlled and modified.Ato whichB in w。

16、ho does not take any alcohol. ButC5this limit, when the bloodalcohol level begins to creep over the 0. 005 percentC6 the。

17、ngerB a singerC the singerDsingers3 Electricity isthat modern industry cannot develop without it.Aso important energyB s。

18、onB hourC whetherDhobbyAsuggestionB compositionC attentionDsatisfactionAtoughB daughterC roughDlaughAthroughoutB thoroug。

19、id in theof the vessel is hotter than that on the top.AbaseB basisC foundationDbottom3 With so little time to prepare, h。

20、n A6 The park isnt far from here. Shall we walk thereASorry, I wont do that again.B Have a great timeC OK, lets go.DSee 。

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