1、Public Lessons Learned Entry: 2297 Lesson Info: Lesson Number: 2297 Lesson Date: 2007-7-20 Submitting Organization: MSFC Submitted by: Jerry Owens Subject: Need to Include Systems Engineering Early in Project Formulation Abstract: Lack of engineering input during the formulation period in which agre
2、ements are being made among the various partners regarding interface locations can result in increased risk to mission success and strained working relationships at critical times. Description of Driving Event: Early in the definition of the Hinode instruments, interfaces were mandated to be in unde
3、sirable locations in the middle of a subsystem in the case of X-Ray Telescope (XRT). Phase A and Phase B are both critical times for a project. Decisions made during these phases of a project define the problems and risks that will be dealt with during the later phases. Lessons Learned need to be in
4、corporated especially during this time. Finding information about difficulties encountered during Skylab in the case of the Narrowband Filter Imager (NFI) blocking filters and during Spacelab 2 in the case of the Tunable Filter (both in the Focal Plane Package) may have allowed the in-flight difficu
5、lties with these items to be avoided. Lesson(s) Learned: Lack of systems engineering involvement early in the project formulation increases the risks later in the development and operations phases of the project. Recommendation(s): Include the Lead Systems Engineer (or Chief Engineer or whatever tit
6、le is being used) in the initial negotiations and concept development phase of the project especially when international agreements are involved. Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness: N/A Documents Related to Lesson: N/A Mission Directorate(s): Science Additional Key Phrase(s): Missions and
7、Systems Requirements Definition.Level 0/1 Requirements Missions and Systems Requirements Definition.Mission concepts and life-cycle planning Missions and Systems Requirements Definition.Requirements critical to costing and cost credibility Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p
8、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-Systems Engineering and Analysis.Engineering design and project processes and standards Systems Engineering and Analysis.Level II/III requirements definition Systems Engineering and Analysis.Mission and systems trade studies Systems Engineering and Analysis.Miss
9、ion definition and planning Missions and Systems Requirements Definition.Configuration control and data management Program Management.Risk management Program Management.Program planning, development, and management Program Management.Organizational Planning Program Management.International partner c
10、oordination Program Management.Cross Agency coordination Program Management.Contractor relationships Program Management.Configuration and data management Program Management.Communications between different offices and contractor personnel Program Management.Acquisition / procurement strategy and pla
11、nning Systems Engineering and Analysis.Planning of requirements verification processes Additional Categories.Risk Management/Assessment Additional Categories.Program and Project Management Additional Categories.Payloads Safety and Mission Assurance.Reliability Safety and Mission Assurance.Quality Sa
12、fety and Mission Assurance.Product Assurance Safety and Mission Assurance.Early requirements and standards definition Integration and Testing Manufacturing and Assembly Engineering Design (Phase C/D).Spacecraft and Spacecraft Instruments Additional Info: Project: Hinode/Solar-B Approval Info: Approval Date: 2011-11-30 Approval Name: mbell Approval Organization: HQ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-