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1、1Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of ChinaUnit5 Topic2 SectionA 教学案例设计. Material analysis本课是九年级第五单元第二个话题的第一课时,主要活动为 1a, 4a 和 4b。以 Susanna向高老师询问孔子的事迹及他留给我们的精神财富作为切入点引出本课的学习,重点学习用 who,whom 和 whose 引导的定语从句,了解伟大的教育学家孔子的生平及其著名的教育论著,并通过第四部分的任务详细介绍了秦始皇的历史功绩,使学生对先辈们的奉献有更深刻的了解,能从小树立为

2、人类的幸福而奋斗的远大理想。通过本课的学习,学生在提高分析细节信息能力的同时,会发现积累名言是学习英语的一个好方法,它对写作也有很大的帮助。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 1) Words and phrases: pioneer, wise, influence, whom, pass away, set up, come to an end2) Grammar: 掌握 who,whom 和 whose 引导的定语从句。3) Functions:询问更多信息。2. Skill aims:1) 能听懂并理解介绍孔子的对话的大意,掌握信息转换能力。2) 能就熟悉

3、的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论。3) 能读懂相关的名言,理解其中蕴含的寓意。3. Emotional aims:1) 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。2) 对著名的历史人物有更深刻的了解,能从小树立为人类的幸福而奋斗的远大理想,传承丰富的历史文化。24. Culture awareness: 介绍一位外国的或中国现代的教育家,并与中国古代的教育家进行对比,开阔视野,增长知识。5. Learning strategies:注意名言的积累,为写作提供素材。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and p

4、hrases: pioneer, wise, influence, whom, pass away, set up, come to an end2. Sentences:1) Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.2) He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. 3) He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many peopl

5、e in different countries. 4) He was really a great man from whom I can learn a lot. 5) He spent the rest of his life teaching. 3. Grammar: attributive clauses (who/whom/whose). Teaching aids多媒体课件,或本话题将讨论的历史人物的图片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activ

6、ityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Show some pictures of famous people in Chinas history. 1.Greeting. 2.Students introduce the famous people according to 教师用多媒体课件或图片呈现中国的历史人物,可选3Ask students to introduce the famous people according to the pictures and

7、the knowledge they know. At last sum up the introduction and offer some information about them.the pictures. They may use Chinese if necessary.用将在本话题中出现的人物,为本单元的学习埋下伏笔,并激发学生的学习兴趣。必要时允许学生使用汉语表达,降低难度,使各个水平的学生都能乐于参与到英语学习活动中来。2Revision(3 mins)Individual workCheck the homework.1.Retell the famous sayings

8、 mentioned in last topic. 2.Report the famous sayings of Confucius they searched before class. They may use 复习上个话题中提到的谚语,引出孔子的至理名言。4Chinese if necessary. 3Pre-listening(3mins)Class activityShow the pictures of Confucius to lead to the new lesson. Introduce something they know about Confucius. 提 示 学生

9、 联 系 在 语文 课 上 曾 学过 的 孔 子 的生 平 及 作 品 。4While-listening(6 mins)Individual work1.Guide students to scan 1b.2.Play the record of the conversation and let students complete the table.3.Ask two students to tell the answer.1.Read through the table in 1b carefully.2.Listen to the conversation and write down

10、 the answers or the capital letters of the words. Complete the table.3.Check the answers with the teacher.1.强 调听 前 预 览 的重 要 性 。2.提醒学生记录简单的相关信息。5Post-listening (14 mins)Class activityPlay the flash of 1a and let students Watch the flash of 1a and mark something 5underline the key points.important and

11、 difficult. Group workAsk students to discuss the key and difficult points in groups.Students discuss in groups to understand the conversation further in groups.Individual work1.Point out the key and difficult points.2.Guide students to finish 2.1.Note the key and difficult points.2.Put the sentence

12、s of 2 in the correct order.通过排序的形式培养学生分析细节信息的能力。Pair workOrganize students to discuss the meanings of Confucius sayings.Read and talk about these wise sayings of Confucius with their partners. 告诉学生记忆名言是学习英语的一个好方法。它对写作也有很大的帮助。6Pre-listening(3mins)Individual workShow the picture of 4a, and ask Try to

13、 answer the questions 激活语境。6students to answer the questions of 4a. according to the knowledge you know.7While-listening(3 mins)Individual work1.Play the record and let students finish 4a.2.Play the record again and let students finish 4b.1.Listen to the passage and check the answers of the question

14、s in 4a.2.Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks to complete 4b.8Post-listening(5 mins)Pair work1.Ask students to repeat the passage of 4b after the record. 2.Ask students to read 4a by themselves. 1.Repeat after the record. 2.Read by themselves. 在 听 音的 基 础 上 进行 仿 读 , 培养 学 生 正 确的 语

15、音 语 调 。9Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Individual work1.Ask students to sum up the key points according to the 1.Sum up the main content of this class. 培 养 学生 能 根 据 话题 提 供 的 信息 进 行 口 语7blackboard.2.Repeat the key points. 3.Assign homework. 2.Read through what they have learnt after the te

16、acher.3.Prepare to report Confucius life story according to 2 by adding some information from 1a.表 述 的 能 力 。. Blackboard designTopic 2 Section A1. pioneer n. 先锋;拓荒者2. wise adj. 明智的,高明的3. influence v.&n. 影响4. whom pron. 谁,什么人5. pass away 去世;消失6. set up 建立,创建;设置7. come to an end 结束8. Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.孔子,教育领域的先驱。in the field of 在领域9. He spent the rest of his life teaching.他把自己的余生奉献给了教学。8spend sometime doing sth 花费时间做某事


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