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1、1Unit2 How often do you exercise? 【新词必备】1. housework (不可数名词)家务劳动; 家务事. 2.hardly ever 几乎从不3. hardly(adv.)几乎不; 几乎没有-hard(adj./adv.)坚硬的; 困难的; 努力地; 猛烈地4. once(adv.)一次; 曾经-one 一-first 第一 5. twice(adv.)两次; 两倍-two 二-second 第二6. Internet (n.)(国际)互联网; 因特网 surf the Internet 上网 7. full(adj.) 忙的; 满的; 饱的 be full

2、 of =be filled with 充满 eg: The classroom is full of students.8. swing(v. -swung-swung / n.) 摇摆;摆动; 秋千 9. maybe(adv.)= perhaps 或许; 大概; 可能10. least(adv./adj./pron.)-little-less 最小; 最少; 最小的; 最少的 11. at least 至少【单元语法精讲】频度副词1. 频度副词的 含义:表示事情发生频率的副词称为频率副词。(1)常用的频率副词有: always 总是; usually 通常; often 经常; somet

3、imes 有时; seldom 很少; hardly ever 几乎不; never 从不等。 表示具体的频率、次数时, 一次用 once; 两次用 twice; 三次及以上用基数词+times; 2. 频率副词在句中的位置频率副词一般用在实义动词之前, be 动词、助动词或情态动词之后, 有时为了强调, 也可置于句首 (注意: always 一般不用于句首, 在祈使句中除外 Always remember this.)。We never eat junk food./Lucy is sometimes very busy./I can hardly say a word.Sometimes

4、Jack plays computer games.3. 对频率副词提问时, 用 how often。 eg: -How often do you exercise? -Hardly ever.拓展:how many times“多少次” 只回答次数。how many “多少” 对可数名词的数量提问how much “多少”或“ 多少钱” 对不可数名词的数量或物品的价钱提问2how far “多远” 对距离提问how long “多长时间”或“多长” 对时间段或长度提问, 回答用 for+时间段eg: How many times have you been to Beijing? Only

5、twice.How often do you go to Beijing? Twice a month.一般现在时 用法:1. 表示经 常性或习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态。2.描述客观真理、客观存在或科学事实。2. 在时间、条件状语从句中, 用一般现在时表示将来构成: 主语+ am/is/are; 主语+ 实意动词的原形或单三式思考其疑问形式及其回答、否定形式分别是什么样的?附录动词变单三变化规则1. 一般情况 下,动词词尾加-s, 如:workworks; 2. 以 s, x, ch, sh 及部分以 o 结尾的动词,动词词尾加-es, 如:watch-watches; 3. 以“辅音字母+

6、y”结尾的动词,把 y 改成 i, 加es 如:studystudies; 常见标志词: 频率副词、频率短语等【知识链接】1. help with housework 帮助做家务(1)help sb. (to) do sth=help sb.with sth. 帮助某人做某事(2)help oneself (to sth). 随便吃.(3)cant (couldnt) help doing sth.情不自禁做某事2. hardly / hard hardly 副词“几乎不, 很少” 表否定 (反义疑问句“前否后肯” )He is very tired, he can hardly walk.h

7、ard 形容词“艰难的, 坚硬的” ; They lived a hard life in the past. hard 副词,意为“努力地,刻苦地,猛烈地” It was raining hard. 7. I always exercise. 我总是锻炼。常用搭配:do morning exercises 做 早操 do eye exercises 做眼保健操 do some exercises 做练习题 do/take exercise=do sports 做运动8. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我大概每月去看一次电影。3词条 用法mayb

8、e 副词,意思是“也许、可能” ,在句中作状语,相当于 perhaps,常位于句首。may be may 是情态动词,be 是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为”也许是、可能是” 。常位于句中。Maybe shell come this afternoon. 她可能今午下午来。He may be a soldier. 他可能是军人。Unit 2 Section B【新词必备】1. health(n.)健康; 人的身体(或精神)状态-healthy(adj.)健康的-unhealthy(adj.) 不健康的 be in good health 身体健康 keep/ sta

9、y healthy 保持健康 2 percent( n.)百分之. twenty percent of “百分之二十的” 做主语时, 谓语动词取决于 of 后的名词 3. such as 例如; 像这样 4. die(v.-died-died-dying)死-death(n.)死亡-dead(adj.)死了的-dying(adj.)奄奄一息的 5. writer(n.)作者; 作家-write(v.-wrote-written-writing)写作6. however(adv.)然而; 不过, 通常后有逗号; but 后无逗号7. more than 超过, 多于 8 none(pron.)没

10、有一个, 毫无(三者或三者以上都不, 反义词为 all)9.less-little-least 较 小, 最小; 较少的; 更少 10. less than 少于【知识链接】1.want 的用法 want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要做某事 want sb. To do sth. 想要某人做某事(2) be good for 意为“对有益” , 后可跟名词、代词或动名词。 其反义短语为 be bad for “对有害” eg: Eating vegetables is good for your health.2. ask sb. about sth. 向某人询问有

11、关的情况。ask sb.(not) to do sth. 要求某人(不要)做某事ask sb. for 向某人要某物 (ask sb. for help; ask sb. for advice)eg: I asked my teacher about todays homework. My parents ask me not to swim in 4the river.You can ask the policeman for help.3. Here are the results. 这是调查结果。本句是以 here 开头的倒装句,该句主语是 the results, here 为表示地点

12、的副词。拓展: here/ there 置于句首, 谓语动词是连系动词 be 或 come/go 等不及物动词, 且主语是名词时, 其后的主语谓语颠倒位置, 构成倒装结构, 这种倒装句的真正的主语是后面的名词; 若主语为代词时, 则不需要倒装。 Eg: Here is a letter for. Here comes your school bus. Here it is.4.notat all 意为“根本不, 一点也不” eg: He didnt do his homework at all yesterday.小贴士:Not at all 还可意为“没关系、别客气”用来回答道歉或表示感谢的

13、话-Im sorry Im late. -No at all. -Thank you very much. - Not at all.5.the answers to questions 意为“问题的答案” 注意 to; 类似短语还有 they key to the door 门上的钥匙; the solution to the problem 这个问题的解决办法; a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的票Can you find out the answers to the questions?. 6.although /though 为从属连词,表“虽然,尽管, 即使”

14、 ,相当于 even though/ even if 用来引导让步状语从句,不与 but 连用。7. It is good to rela x by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. 上网或看游戏类节目是很好的放松方式, 但我们认为放松的最好方式是通过锻炼。(1) It is +adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.(对于某人来说, )做某事是 Eg. It is hard to learn English well.It

15、 is + adj.(表示人物品质性格) +of sb. to sth. 做某事, 某人是. It is kind of you to help me.(1)by 为介词, “通过(的方式)” 后加名词,代词,动名词。Eg. She made money by writing.(2)by/through/with by “用什么手段”或者“借助什么交通工具”(后跟交通工具或 v-ing) eg: by using the Internet through 指通过一种途径了解(后通常跟名词) eg: through exercise 通过锻炼 5 with 用一件东西或工具 eg:with a

16、pen 用一支笔(3)through/ across 1.through 指从物体的内部穿过, 常用于指穿过窗户、大门、森林、云层、人群 2.across 指从物体的表面穿过, 常用来指穿过街道、马路、桥梁、海洋、河流等8.such as / for example such as , “例如” ,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。for example, “例如” ,一般只列举一个例子,做插入语,用逗号隔开,可放句首,句中,句末。9. Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.简是一名 16 岁的美国中学生。

17、16-year-old 是复合形容词,作定语,修饰 high school students. 复合形容词由 数字名词单数 (形容词)构成,复合形容词中的名词只能用单数 Eg: a 10-meter-long bridge; a 2-month holiday; 20-minute walk16-year-old “16 岁的”位于句中; 16 years old “16 岁”位于句末10. afraid 的用法be afraid of +n./ pron./ v-ing 害怕 eg: He is afraid of snakes.be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 eg:

18、I am afraid to go out at night.be afraid that 从句 恐怕 eg: I am afraid that it will rain tomorrow.11. 辨析 sometimes/some times/sometime/some timesometimes,频度副词,“有时”. eg: He sometimes goes skateboarding on weekends.some times,名词词组,“几次,几倍”. eg:The factory is some times larger than that one.sometime, 副词,“某时”(指 未来或过去的时间). Eg:She was there sometime last year.some time,名词词组,“一段时间” eg:I will stay there for some time.


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