ISO 23394-2006 Dried oleaster - Specification and test methods《干沙枣 规格和试验方法》.pdf

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1、 Reference number ISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 23394 First edition 2006-09-01 Dried oleaster Specification and test methods Olastre sch Spcifications et mthodes dessai ISO 23394:2006(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes lic

2、ensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The I

3、SO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has b

4、een taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2006 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be rep

5、roduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22

6、 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2006 All rights reservedISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Scope . 1 2 Terms and definitions. 1 3 Requirements 2 3.1 Description 2 3.2 Classification.

7、2 3.3 Odour and taste 2 3.4 Freedom from insects, moulds, etc. . 2 4 Classification. 2 4.1 General. 2 4.2 Extra class . 2 4.3 Class I 2 4.4 Class II . 3 4.5 Sizing 3 4.6 Tolerances . 3 5 Sampling 3 6 Test methods. 3 7 Packing and marking 3 7.1 Packing 3 7.2 Marking 4 8 Contaminants 4 9 Hygienic requ

8、irements . 4 Annex A (normative) Determination of the content of pest-infested and spoiled oleaster, immature fruits, extraneous matter and deviations from the main colour. 6 Annex B (normative) Determination of moisture content of dried oleaster. 8 Bibliography . 11 ISO 23394:2006(E) iv ISO 2006 Al

9、l rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subj

10、ect for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IE

11、C) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committ

12、ees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be

13、held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 23394 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 14, Fresh, dry and dried fruits and vegetables. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved 1 Dried oleaster Specification

14、 and test methods 1 Scope This International Standard specifies requirements and test methods for dried oleaster obtained from the fruits of the tree Eleagnus angustifolia L. destined for human consumption. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definition

15、s apply. 2.1 oleaster fruit of the tree Eleagnus angustifolia L. 2.2 pest-infested oleaster dried oleaster damaged by insect and/or mite infestation 2.3 spoiled oleaster dried oleaster damaged by bruises, or darkened in colour, or showing the presence of mushy tissue, visible decomposition caused by

16、 bacteria, fungi, visible mould hyphae or any other indications of disease 2.4 immature oleaster dried oleaster obtained from an unripe oleaster, having poor flavour, hard tissue and undesirable appearance 2.5 gritty distinct particles in the fruit flesh 2.6 stem or seeds piece of dried oleaster wit

17、h stem and/or seeds attached 2.7 fermented oleaster piece of dried oleaster damaged by fermentation to the extent that the characteristic appearance and/or flavour is substantially affected 2.8 extraneous matter dirt, pieces of skin, calyx, leaf, peduncle, twigs, bits of wood, soil or any other fore

18、ign matter among or on the dried oleaster 2.9 mineral impurities acid-insoluble ash content ISO 23394:2006(E) 2 ISO 2006 All rights reserved2.10 moisture content loss in mass determined under the operating conditions specified in Annex B 3 Requirements 3.1 Description Dried oleasters are the sun-dri

19、ed or artificially dried fruits of Eleagnus angustifolia L. prepared from sufficiently ripe fruits. The stems shall be pulled or cut off and the calyx ends removed. The fruits shall be sound and clean. 3.2 Classification Dried oleaster shall be classified on the basis of colour and the presence of d

20、efects, extraneous matter and broken pieces, as specified in Table 1. They may also be separated into sizes. 3.3 Odour and taste Dried oleaster shall have an odour and taste characteristic of the variety. They shall be free from foreign odour and odour traces coming from abnormal fermented oleaster.

21、 3.4 Freedom from insects, moulds, etc. Dried oleaster shall be free from living insects, mites or other parasites and moulds, and shall be practically free from dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye (corrected, if necessary, for abnormal vision). When such

22、 magnification exceeds 10, this fact shall be stated in the test report. 4 Classification 4.1 General Dried oleasters are classified into three classes defined in 4.2 to 4.4. 4.2 Extra class Dried oleasters in this class shall be of superior quality. They shall be characteristic of the variety and/o

23、r commercial type. They shall be practically free from defects, provided that these do not affect the general appearance of the product, the quality, or its presentation in the package. Dried oleaster in this class shall not exceed the allowable percentages for the various defects given in Table 1.

24、4.3 Class I Dried oleasters in this class shall be of good quality. They shall be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type. The following slight defects are allowed, provided that the dried oleasters retain their essential characteristics as regards general appearance, quality and presen

25、tation: skin defect, coloration defects. ISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved 3 4.4 Class II This class includes dried oleasters which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but which satisfy the requirements specified in Table 1. The following defects are allowed, provided tha

26、t the dried oleasters retain their essential characteristics as regards general appearance, quality and presentation: skin defect, coloration defects. 4.5 Sizing Sizing is determined by the diameter of the widest part. The following minimum diameter is required for each class: Extra 12 mm; Class I 1

27、0 mm to 12 mm; Class II 10 mm. The difference between the longest and smallest fruit in any package shall not be greater than 4 mm. Sizing is therefore compulsory for the Extra class and Class I, but is not required for Class II dried oleaster. 4.6 Tolerances Subject to agreement between the interes

28、ted parties, tolerances with respect to characteristics and size may be allowed in each package (or in each lot for product transported in bulk) for product not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated. 5 Sampling It is important that the laboratory receive a sample which is truly represen

29、tative and has not been damaged or changed during transport or storage. Methods of sampling dry and dried fruits and vegetable products will form the subject of a future International Standard. 6 Test methods Samples of dried oleaster shall be tested for conformity of the product to the requirements

30、 of Table 1 by the test method specified in Annex A. The moisture content (2.10) shall be determined in accordance with Annex B. 7 Packing and marking 7.1 Packing Dried oleasters shall be packed in clean, sound and dry containers made of materials which do not affect the product. If wooden boxes are

31、 used, they shall be lined with a suitable paper. For direct consumption, small consumer packages may be used. The quantities packed in such packages are usually 0,5 kg, 1,0 kg or 2,5 kg net mass but, if required, other quantities may be used. A suitable number of such small packages shall be placed

32、 in large wooden or cardboard cases. ISO 23394:2006(E) 4 ISO 2006 All rights reservedThe size of the packages and the number of small packages packed in a case shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and vendor. However, the mass of the large containers or cases shall not be more than 25

33、 kg. 7.2 Marking The container and case shall be marked or labelled with the following particulars: a) the name of the product or variety, and the trademark or brand name, if any; b) the name and address of the producer or packer; c) the code or batch number; d) the net mass, or gross mass (accordin

34、g to the request of the purchaser); e) the class of product; f) the producing country; g) the expiry date; h) any other marking required by the purchaser, such as year of harvest and date of packing (if known); i) a reference to this International Standard (optional). 8 Contaminants The contents of

35、contaminants (heavy metals, pesticide residues, mycotoxins, etc.) of the dried oleaster shall not exceed the maximum limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for this commodity and/or shall comply with relevant food safety legislation in force in the target country: iron 15,0 mg/kg ma

36、x.; copper 5,0 mg/kg max.; arsenic 0,2 mg/kg max.; lead 0,2 mg/kg max.; zinc 5,0 mg/kg max. 9 Hygienic requirements 9.1 It is recommended that the dried oleaster be prepared in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygie

37、ne1and other Codes of Practice recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission which are relevant to the product. ISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved 5 9.2 The product a) shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to health, b) shall be free from parasites

38、which may represent a hazard to health, such as 1) total mesophilic aerobic bacteria 1 10 4cfu/g max., 2) Escherichia coli 0 cfu/g max., 3) mould-yeast 1 10 3cfu/g max., 4) Salmonella 0 cfu per 25 g max., 5) Staphylococcus aureus 0 cfu/g max. Table 1 Requirements for dried oleaster in different clas

39、ses Extra class Class I Class II Pest-infested oleaster, mass fraction, % (max.) 1 2 3 Spoiled oleaster, mass fraction, % (max.) 1 2 3 Immature oleaster, mass fraction, % (max.) 1 2 3 Extraneous matter, mass fraction, % (max.) 1,0 1,5 2,0 Mineral impurities, mass fraction, % (max.) 0,1 0,1 0,1 Moist

40、ure content mass fraction, % (max.) 7,0 7,0 7,0 Colour light and cream with reddish light and cream with reddish light reddish inside brown Deviations from the main colour, mass fraction, % (max.) 2 5 5 Gritty, mass fraction, % (max.) 1 2 3 Proportion of non-whole oleaster, max. number in 100 pieces

41、 (%) 0 5 10 Proportion of stem or seeds max. number in 100 pieces (%) 2 4 5 Fermented oleaster, mass fraction, % (max.) 0,5 1,0 1,5 ISO 23394:2006(E) 6 ISO 2006 All rights reservedAnnex A (normative) Determination of the content of pest-infested and spoiled oleaster, immature fruits, extraneous matt

42、er and deviations from the main colour A.1 Principle A test portion of dried oleaster is visually inspected by physically separating the damaged pieces, immature fruits and extraneous matter from the sound, healthy and ripe pieces of the sample. A.2 Apparatus A.2.1 Tweezer. A.2.2 Analytical balance,

43、 capable of weighing to the nearest 0,01 g. A.3 Procedure Weigh, to the nearest 0,02 g, a test portion of about 500 g. Separate carefully, by hand or using tweezers, the pest-infested and spoiled dried oleaster, immature fruits, extraneous matter and the dried oleaster which shows deviations from th

44、e main colour. Weigh, to the nearest 0,02 g, each of the categories separately. A.4 Expression of results The proportion, p, expressed as a percentage by mass, of each category separately is equal to 1 0 100 % m p m = where 0 m is the mass, in grams, of the test portion; 1 m is the mass, in grams, o

45、f the relevant category (see A.3). ISO 23394:2006(E) ISO 2006 All rights reserved 7 A.5 Test report The test report shall specify: a) all information necessary for the complete identification of the sample; b) the sampling method used, if known; c) the test method used, with reference to this Intern

46、ational Standard; d) all operating details not specified in this International Standard, or regarded as optional, together with details of any incidents which may have influenced the test result(s), e) the test result(s) obtained, or, if the repeatability has been checked, the final quoted result ob

47、tained. ISO 23394:2006(E) 8 ISO 2006 All rights reservedAnnex B (normative) Determination of moisture content of dried oleaster B.1 Principle Heating and drying of a test portion of dried oleaster at a temperature of 70 C 1 C under a pressure not exceeding 13 kPa (100 mmHg). B.2 Materials Use only m

48、aterials of recognized analytical grade and distilled or demineralized water or water of equivalent purity. B.2.1 Sand. B.3 Apparatus Usual laboratory equipment and, in particular, the following. B.3.1 Electric oven, capable of being maintained at 70 C 1 C at a pressure of 13 kPa (100 mmHg). B.3.2 D

49、ish, of corrosion-resistant metal, of diameter about 8,5 cm, with tight-fitting lid. B.3.3 Fruit chopper, made of a material which does not absorb moisture (like stainless steel). B.3.4 Desiccator, containing an effective desiccant. B.3.5 Steam bath. B.3.6 Analytical balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 0,01 g. B.4 Preparation of test sample Take approximately 50 g dried oleaster and remove the stone and pass it through the fruit chopper (B.3.3) three times, mixing thoroughly after each


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