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1、工商管理硕士入学考试-逻辑推理练习二及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.A society can achieve a fair distribution of resources only under conditions of economic growth. There can be no economic growth unless the society guarantees equality of economic opportunity to all of its citizens. Equality of economic opportunity cann

2、ot be guaranteed unless a societys government actively works to bring it about.If the statements given are true, it can be properly concluded from them that(分数:5.00)A.no government can achieve a fair distribution of resources under conditions of economic growth.B.all societies that guarantee equalit

3、y of economic opportunity to all of their members are societies that distribute resources fairly.C.a society can achieve a fair distribution of resources only if its government actively works to bring about equality of economic opportunity.D.there can be no economic growth in a society unless that s

4、ociety guarantees a fair distribution of resources.E.(E) some societies that experience economic growth fail to guarantee equality of opportunity to all of their citizens.2.Authorities in California required drivers to use their headlights on a certain road during the daytime as well as at night and

5、 found that annual accident rates on the road fell 15 percent from the previous level. They concluded that applying the daytime rule statewide would lead to a similar reduction in accidents.Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the authorities argument?(分数:5.00)A.Because an alternate rou

6、te became available, the volume of traffic on the test road decreased during the test period.B.Drivers were informed of the requirement to use their headlights on the test road by means of a series of three conspicuous signs in each direction of travel.C.Under certain conditions, among them fog and

7、heavy rain, most drivers in California already use their headlights during the daytime.D.Full-scale application of the daytime rule would cause headlight bulbs to burn out sooner than they currently do and thus to require more frequent replacement.E.(E) The test road was selected to include a great

8、variety of the sorts of road conditions that drivers in California are likely to encounter.3.Most of Earths surface is ocean. The ocean floor is inaccessible for extensive research without equipment of greater technological sophistication than is currently available. It must therefore be true that s

9、cientists know less about the ocean floor environment than about almost any other environment on Earth.Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the conclusion?(分数:5.00)A.Many mountain ranges lie entirely beneath the ocean surface, yet new underwater surveying equipment has prod

10、uced three-dimensional charts of them that are as accurate as those available for mountain ranges on land.B.Strong water currents circulate on the ocean floor, but the general pattern of their movement is not so well understood as is the pattern of air currents that circulate over land.C.In contrast

11、 to most land environments, temperature conditions at the ocean floor are generally stable and uniform, since sunlight does not penetrate far below the ocean surface.D.Very few people have seen detailed maps of extended regions of the ocean floor, even though such maps are available in almost all la

12、rge libraries.E.(E) Animals living on the ocean floor must be able to withstand water pressure that is far greater than the atmospheric pressure with which land animals live.4.Hastings contracture is a disorder of the connective tissue in one or both hands, most commonly causing loss of mobility. A

13、survey of thousands of medical-insurance claims found that over 30 percent of people who had one hand operated on for Hastings contracture underwent surgery a second time for this disorder within three years. Clearly, therefore, a single surgical treatment of Hastings contracture is often ineffectiv

14、e at providing long-term correction of the disorder.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?(分数:5.00)A.The medical-insurance claims did not specify whether the surgery was on the patients right or left hand.B.The surgical techniques used to treat Hastings contracture are

15、 identical to those used successfully to treat certain work-related injuries to the hand.C.A separate survey found that 90 percent of patients operated on for Hastings contracture report increased hand mobility within one month after the surgery.D.All of the patients in the survey were required by t

16、heir insurance companies to seek a second opinion from a qualified surgeon before undergoing the operation.E.(E) Many people who have Hastings contracture choose to tolerate its effects rather than undergo the risks of surgery.5.When cut, the synthetic material fiberglass, like asbestos, releases mi

17、croscopic fibers into the air. It is known that people who inhale asbestos fibers suffer impairment of lung function. A study of 300 factory workers who regularly cut fiberglass showed that their lung capacity is, on average, only 90 percent of that of a comparable group of people who do not cut fib

18、erglass.The statements above, if tree, most strongly support which of the following hypotheses?(分数:5.00)A.People who work with fiberglass are likely also to work with asbestos.B.Fiberglass fibers impair lung function in people who inhale them.C.Fiberglass releases as many fibers into the air when cu

19、t as does asbestos.D.Coarse fibers do not impair lung function in people who inhale them.E.(E) If uncut, fiberglass poses no health risk to people who work with it.6.Amusement rides at permanent fairgrounds are dismantled once a year for safety inspections by independent consultants. Traveling fairs

20、, which relocate each month, can slip past the net of safety inspections and escape independent inspection for several years. Therefore, the rides at traveling fairs are less safe than the rides at permanent fairs.Which of the following, if true about traveling fairs, most seriously weakens the argu

21、ment?(分数:5.00)A.Before each relocation, the operators dismantle their rides, observing and repairing potential sources of danger, such as worn ball bearings.B.Their managers have less capital to spend on the safety and upkeep of the rides than do managers of permanent fairs.C.Since they can travel t

22、o new customers, they rely less on keeping up a good reputation for safety.D.While they are traveling, the fairs do not receive notices of equipment recalls sent out by the manufacturers of their rides.E.(E) The operators of the rides often do-not pay careful attention to the instructions for operat

23、ing their rides.7.Pollutants in the atmosphere can cause acid rain (rain with high acidity levels). While acid rain in itself cannot significantly affect the acidity of bodies of water into which it falls, it can greatly increase the acidity of nearby lakes by increasing the amount of decaying matte

24、r on a forest floor. A recent increase in the acidity of the water in Forest Lake, therefore, surely indicates that the rain failing nearby has become more acid.Which of the following, if tree, most seriously weakens the argument?(分数:5.00)A.Even in areas without significant amounts of acid rain, mos

25、t lakes in regions with vegetation similar to the vegetation around Forest Lake have acidity levels higher than those of other lakes.B.Recent air-quality tests in the region around Forest Lake have revealed a slight increase in the amount of pollutants in the air.C.Large-scale logging, which was rec

26、ently begun in the forest surrounding Forest Lake, has increased the amount of decaying matter on the forest floor.D.There is some disagreement among scientists about exactly how pollutants in the atmosphere cause acid rain.E.(E) Decaying matter exists on all forest floors and is an important factor

27、 in maintaining the healthy growth of the forests.8.Over the last 40 years there has been a great increase not only in the number of agricultural pesticides in use but also in the care and sophistication with which they are used by farmers. Nevertheless, the proportion of agricultural crops lost to

28、certain pests worldwide has increased over the same period, even when the pests concerned have not developed resistance to existing pesticides.Which of the following, if true, best explains how improvements in pesticide use have been accompanied by greater losses to certain pests?(分数:5.00)A.Some dan

29、gerous but relatively ineffective pesticides common 40 years ago are no longer in widespread use.B.As pesticides have become increasingly pest-specific, controlling certain pests with pesticides has turned out to cost more in many cases than the value of crop losses caused by those pests.C.Because t

30、odays pesticides typically have more specific application conditions than did pesticides in use 40 years ago, todays farmers observe their fields more closely than did farmers 40 years ago.D.Certain pest-control methods that some farmers use today do not involve the use of chemical pesticides but ar

31、e just as effective in eliminating insect pests as those that do.E.(E) Forty years ago, much less was known about the effects of pesticides on humans and other mammalian species than is now known.9.High Towers, a company that occupies several office buildings, is considering installing new energy-ef

32、ficient lightbulbs in its buildings. The new bulbs require less than half the electricity consumed by the conventional bulbs currently used to produce the same amount of light. The new bulbs also last considerably longer. It follows that by replacing old bulbs as they burn out with the new kind of b

33、ulb, High Towers would significantly reduce its overall lighting costs.Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument given?(分数:5.00)A.If the new bulbs are widely adopted, as seems likely, they will be produced in large enough quantities to be offered at prices comparable to those of

34、 conventional bulbs.B.The utility that supplies High Towers with electricity offers discounted rates to its largest customers.C.High Towers has recently signed a contract to occupy an additional small office building.D.High Towers has begun a campaign to encourage its employees to turn off lights wh

35、enever they leave a room.E.(E) The company that manufactures the new bulbs has been granted a patent on the innovative technology used in the bulbs and thus has exclusive rights to manufacture them.10.V-shaped walled structures in central Asia were used by prehistoric hunters who drove hoofed animal

36、s into an enclosure at the point of the V. The central Asians who built these structures probably learned this hunting technique from invaders from southwest Asia, because the arrival of invaders from a region in southwest Asia where similar structures had long been used coincides roughly with the b

37、uilding of the earliest of such structures in central Asia.Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?(分数:5.00)A.Excavations in the central Asian region do not indicate whether invaders from southwest Asia settled permanently in central Asia.B.The V-shaped structures in central A

38、sia were roughly 70 meters long, whereas the similar structures in southwest Asia were usually over 300 meters long.C.The walls of the structures in central Asia were made from earth, whereas the walls of the structures in southwest Asia were made of rock.D.The earliest examples of V-shaped walled s

39、tructures in central Asia were of an advanced design.E.(E) Some of the walled structures used for hunting in southwest Asia were built well after the earliest such structures were built in central Asia.11.An economist concluded that Kregg Company deliberately discriminated against people with a hist

40、ory of union affiliation in hiring workers for its new plant. The economists evidence is that, of the 1,500 people hired to work at the new plant, only 100 had ever belonged to a labor union, whereas in Kregg Companys older plants, a much higher proportion of workers have a history of union affiliat

41、ion.Which of the following is an assumption on which the economists argument depends?(分数:5.00)A.None of the people with a history of union affiliation who were hired to work at the new plant were union organizers.B.Applicants for jobs at the new plant were not asked by Kreggs recruiters whether they

42、 had every belonged to a labor union.C.In the plants of some of Kreggs competitors, the workforce consists predominantly of union members.D.The company believes that the cost of running the new plant will be lower if labor unions are not represented in the workforce.E.(E) The pool of potential candi

43、dates for jobs at the new plant included some people, in addition to those Kregg hired, with a history of union affiliation.12.Auditor from Acme Industries: Last week at Acme Bakery, about six percent of the pastries baked during the night shift were found to be imperfect, but no imperfect pastries

44、were found among those baked during the day shift. Pastries are inspected during the same shift in which they are baked, so clearly the night-shift quality control inspectors were more alert, despite their nighttime work hours, than the dayshift quality control inspectors.The argument depends on the

45、 assumption that(分数:5.00)A.at least some imperfect pastries were baked during the day shift at Acme Bakery last week.B.not all of the pastries that the night-shift quality control inspectors judged to be imperfect were in fact imperfect.C.the night-shift quality control inspectors received more trai

46、ning in quality control procedures than did the day shift quality control inspectors.D.in a normal week, fewer than six percent of the pastries baked during the night shift at Acme Bakery are found to be imperfect.E.(E) there are only two shifts per day at Acme Bakery, a day shift and a night shift.

47、13.Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the passage?Every fusion reaction releases neutrinos. To test a hypothesis about the frequency of fusion reactions in the Sun, physicists calculated the number of neutrinos the Sun would produce annually if the hypothesis were correct. Fro

48、m this they estimated how many neutrinos should pass through a particular location on Earth. The fact that far fewer neutrinos were counted than were predicted to pass through the location would seem to prove that the hypothesis is wrong, except that(分数:5.00)A.the physicists, using a different metho

49、d for estimating how many neutrinos should reach the location, confirmed their original estimateB.there are several competing hypotheses about the frequency of solar fusion reactionsC.there is not enough energy in the Sun to destroy a neutrino once it is releasedD.the method used to count neutrinos detects no more than approximately ten percent of the neutrinos that pass throughE.(E) neutrinos released in the fusion reactions of other stars also reach the Earth14.At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were given a new medication designed to reduce a dogs risk of


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