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1、在职攻读硕士学位全国联考体育硕士入学资格试卷真题 2010年及答案解析(总分:70.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英语语法单项选择题(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.The first Youth Olympic Games _ in August 2010 in Singapore. (分数:1.00)A.will holdB.is heldC.heD.were held2.The book _ well and was reprinted many times. (分数:1.00)A.sellsB.is sellingC.was soldD.sold3.Our car _ down

2、half way, we had to run to the nearest rescue station for help. (分数:1.00)A.breaksB.brokeC.breakingD.broken4.Will you call them up and tell them well start training as soon as the rain _? (分数:1.00)A.will stopB.stopsC.is to stopD.is going to stop5._ more training, they could have done better in the Wo

3、rld Cup. (分数:1.00)A.GivenB.To giveC.GivingD.Having given6._ you have your health, nothing else matters. (分数:1.00)A.As well asB.As long asC.As much asD.As soon as7.Look what youve done! You _ more careful. (分数:1.00)A.should have beenB.may beC.must beD.would have been8.He is _ player as anyone else on

4、 the football team. (分数:1.00)A.as an intelligentB.so intelligent aC.so an intelligentD.as intelligent a9.No sooner _ it than she burst into tears. (分数:1.00)A.she had saidB.did she sayC.had she saidD.she said10.It is very frequently in the fields _ several branches of science overlap that the most ex

5、citing results are obtained. (分数:1.00)A.whichB.thatC.whereD.when二、英语词汇单项选择题(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.Believe it or not, the majority of the world does not _ our mother tongue. (分数:1.00)A.speakB.talkC.sayD.utter12.His main sporting _ are golf and tennis. (分数:1.00)A.eventsB.fashionsC.gamesD.interests13.Is t

6、here anyone who _ the plans put forward by the committee? (分数:1.00)A.differsB.opposesC.disagreesD.objects14.The _ he said it he knew what a mistake he had made. (分数:1.00)A.momentB.timeC.occasionD.hour15.This title ranks alongside the Olympics _ importance. (分数:1.00)A.in terms ofB.in favor ofC.in spi

7、te ofD.in place of16.She is _ rated number two in the world. (分数:1.00)A.primarilyB.originallyC.currentlyD.suddenly17.Many people believe that there can be no true sports _ the idea of fair play. (分数:1.00)A.withoutB.withC.alongsideD.against18.A very large number of people _ sport for the benefits of

8、“health-related fitness”. (分数:1.00)A.involve inB.engage inC.carry onD.go on19.I had the _ same problem as you when I first started. (分数:1.00)A.actualB.factualC.exactD.precise20.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _ loud continuous noise. (分数:1.00)A.involved inB.attached t

9、oC.associated withD.subjected to三、英语阅读理解题(总题数:2,分数:20.00)Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage: London started its first major bike hire scheme on July 30th. Transport For London (TFL), the agency responsible for moving people around Englands capital, put 5,000 bicycles in 400 different

10、 locations around the city. The idea is to cut traffic, reduce pollution and provide a greener way of getting around Londons streets. The scheme had a few teething problems on its first day as people could not lock the bikes properly once they had finished riding them. As a gesture of goodwill, Lond

11、on Mayor Boris Johnson announced all rentals on the first day would be free of charge. The bikes are available for free for the first 30 minutes but costs go up steeply thereafter. Renters have to pay $1.60 for the first hour and $78 for 24 hours. The bikes are clearly designed for very short trips.

12、 TFL says it sees a “cycle revolution” happening in London. It predicts there will be around 40,000 new cycle journeys every day on the rental bikes. Mr Johnson says he wants to see a return to the turn of the 20th century, when 20 per cent of journeys in London were made by bicycle. The scheme has

13、received a lot of positive feedback in the first two days. Many Londoners believe it is a great alternative to Londons overcrowded and overpriced trains and buses. One commuter (远程上班族), Andy Clark, told the Reuters news agency: “Its a great idea. Ive seen it operating in Paris and Barcelona and thou

14、ght why dont we have one?” The Londonist Blog said the bikes were very sturdy and were “designed to withstand a beating from both careless cyclists and drunken vandals(故意破坏公物者)”. (分数:10.00)(1).Londons bike rental service is intended to _. (分数:2.00)A.move people around free of chargeB.ease traffic pr

15、oblems on the citys roadsC.promote the bike sales in the cityD.raise peoples awareness of pollution(2).A problem of the bike hike scheme on its first day was that _. (分数:2.00)A.the bicycles could not be locked properlyB.people didnt pay for the rental serviceC.it brought renters some tooth problemsD

16、.people didnt know where to return the bikes(3).How much does it cost to rent one of the bikes for a day? (分数:2.00)A.No money.B.$1.60.C.$30.D.Almost $80.(4).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? (分数:2.00)A.A “cycle revolution” happened at the turn of the 20th century.B.Around

17、40,000 journeys a day will be made on the rental bikes.C.A fifth of all London journeys were on bicycles over 100 years ago.D.People are supportive of the bike rental scheme when it started.(5).The word “sturdy” (Line 9, Para.2 ) most probably means _. (分数:2.00)A.convenientB.low-pricedC.strongD.wide

18、spreadQuestions 26-30 are based on the following passage: Calls to use technology for big decisions in football are coming thick and fast at the FIFA World Cup the games greatest event. These follow two totally wrong refereeing(裁判的)decisions that marred the games between Germany and England, and Arg

19、entina and Mexico. In the first game, a shot by England player Frank Lampard clearly crossed the goal line by a metre. Neither the referee nor his officials saw it so no goal was given. In the later game, Argentinas Carlos Tevez was several metres offside (越位). Despite the whole Mexican team protest

20、ing, his headed goal was given. Both of these obvious errors potentially changed the outcome of the game. England would have had the momentum(势头), coming back from 2-0 down to level at 2-2. Mexico lost their shape after Tevezs goal was allowed to stand. There have been many calls for FIFA president

21、Sepp Blatter to resign. Tottenham boss Harry Rednapp said Mr Blatter should be embarrassed. Blatter believes there is no place in football for goal-line technology or video replays. FIFA general-secretary Jerome Valcke said in March: “Technology should not enter into the gameLets keep the game of fo

22、otball as it is.” The games two top officials are ignoring the fact that technology is used extremely well in almost every other sport to bring fairness and reduce human error. Former England captain Alan Shearer pointed out: “All the managers and the stars of football are calling for it.” Even Mara

23、dona had sympathy for England, saying: “Today we saw that goal that was ruled out for England, and you know that Im not a great fan of England.”(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following can be the title of the passage? (分数:2.00)A.Calls for Technology in SoccerB.Referee Errors at the FIFA World CupC.Calls

24、 for FIFA President to ResignD.Unfair Rules of the FIFA World Cup(2).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? (分数:2.00)A.Many people want to see technology introduced in soccer games.B.The Mexican team accepted the referees decision without argument.C.Mistakes were made by refere

25、es in two important World Cup matches.D.Mexicos football changed after the poor judgment by the referee.(3).The word “marred” (Line 3, Para.1) is closest in meaning to _. (分数:2.00)A.ruinedB.embarrassedC.happenedD.protested(4).It is stated in the passage that the FIFA president _. (分数:2.00)A.has call

26、ed for the referees to resignB.wants goal-line technology but FIFA doesntC.dismisses the use of video replays in footballD.believes that technology can bring fairness(5).What does the passage say about Maradona? (分数:2.00)A.He is Englands old enemy.B.He wants technology in football.C.He is a great fa

27、n of England.D.He feels sorry for England.四、体育综合单项选择题(每小题 1分,共 15分(总题数:15,分数:15.00)21.周期安排原则的理论依据不包括( )。 (分数:1.00)A.物质运动周期性的普遍规律B.人体竞技能力变化的周期性特征C.人体生物特点D.适宜比赛条件出现的周期性特征22.下列不属于动作轨迹的构成要素是( )。 (分数:1.00)A.轨迹形状B.轨迹方向C.轨迹幅度D.轨迹结构23.等动力量训练法是在指动作速度基本不变的情况下,肌肉始终能发挥出( )的训练方法。 (分数:1.00)A.最大力量B.较小力量C.持续力量D.较大力

28、量24.发展最大力量的途径不包括( )。 (分数:1.00)A.加大肌肉横断面积B.增加肌肉中磷酸肌酸的储备量,加快工作中 ATP的合成速度C.增加肌纤维的数量D.提高肌肉间及肌纤维之间的协调性25.训练课的结构一般包括( )。 (分数:1.00)A.准备部分、基本部分和结束部分B.开始部分、基本部分和结束部分C.准备部分、主干部分和结束部分D.准备部分、基本部分和休整部分26.学校体育工作条例规定普通中小学校、农业中学、职业中学每天应当安排课间操,每周安排三次以上课外体育活动,保证学生每天有( )体育活动的时间(含体育课)。 (分数:1.00)A.1小时B.半小时C.45分钟D.2小时27.

29、学校体育管理体制是学校体育管理的( )等方面体系和制度的总称,是实现学校体育总目标的组织保证。(分数:1.00)A.指导思想、工作方针、发展规划B.机构设置、权限划分、运行机制C.管理方法、管理内容、管理手段D.监督、协调、指导、控制、反馈28.按人体参与活动的基本方式,体育课程内容可分为( )。 (分数:1.00)A.走、跑、跳跃、投掷、攀登、爬越、悬垂支撑和平衡、角力等B.个人运动和集体运动等C.养生、健身、防病、治病、健康等D.水上运动、空中运动、陆地运动等29.一味强调体育课程内容的科学性、系统性,把学生当成掌握基本知识、基本技术和基本技能的“工具人”和传承运动文化“载体人”的做法,忽

30、视学生的兴趣和爱好,是对学生( )的一种压抑。 (分数:1.00)A.锻炼的有效性、有序性B.积极性、创造性C.知识性、实用性D.科学性、层次性30.体育学科独有的运动认知体系是不断提高人体对物体,对自我的速度,对时间、空间、距离、重量、力量、方位、平衡、高度等因素进行识别和控制的能力,是一种身体-动觉智力。构成身体-动觉智力有三个核心要素,其一是有效地控制身体运动的能力;其二是熟练地操作物体的能力;其三是( )的能力。 (分数:1.00)A.语言和行动协调一致B.体脑协调一致C.肢体和动作协调一致D.时间和空间协调一致31.骨骼肌细胞收缩和舒张最基本的功能单位是( )。 (分数:1.00)A

31、.线粒体B.肌小节C.细胞核D.细胞膜32.慢肌纤维有以下代谢特征( )。 (分数:1.00)A.糖酵解酶活性和有氧代谢酶活性均较低B.糖酵解酶活性较低,而有氧代谢酶活性较高C.糖酵解酶活性和有氧代谢酶活性均较高D.糖酵解酶活性较高,而有氧代谢酶活性较低33.胰高血糖素由胰岛的( )细胞分泌。(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.34.赛前状态是指人体在比赛或训练前某些器官、系统产生的一系列( )反射性变化。 (分数:1.00)A.心理活动B.生理活动C.自然条件D.人工条件35.乳酸阈(也称为无氧阈)是指人体在递增运动强度运动时,由( )的临界点。 (分数:1.00)A.ATP-CP供能向无氧代

32、谢供能过渡B.有氧代谢供能向 ATP-CP供能过渡C.有氧代谢供能向无氧代谢供能过渡D.无氧代谢供能向有氧代谢供能过渡五、体育综合判断题(总题数:15,分数:15.00)36.静息电位是钠离子内流的平衡电位。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误37.长期系统的速度性训练有助于快肌纤维选择性肥大。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误38.血红蛋白含量直接影响无氧耐力水平。( )(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误39.在运动过程中机体无论处于何种机能状态,体内三个供能系统都要共同参与供能。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误40.出现“青春期高血压”的青少年一般体质较差,运动能力

33、较弱。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误41.体育教师在进行情景教学前,要让学生“想玩”;在进行比赛教学前,要让学生“入景”;在进行游戏教学前,要让学生“摩拳擦掌”。( )(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误42.体育教学中的运动负荷变化与控制过程是:粗略掌握动作阶段改进与提高动作阶段动作的巩固与运用自如阶段等三个阶段。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误43.体育教学中乐趣体验的过程是:学生在自己原有的技能水平上充分地运动,从而体验运动乐趣的阶段学生向新的技能水平进行挑战,从而体验运动学习乐趣的阶段学生在运动技能习得以后进行技术和战术的创新,从而体验探究和创新乐趣的阶段。( )

34、(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误44.学校体育的健身功能主要表现在促进身体的正常生长发育,提高人体的机能水平和形成正确的身体姿势,全面发展身体素质和基本活动能力,提高对环境的适应能力和对疾病的抵抗能力等。( )(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误45.体育(与健康)课程标准改变了过去按运动项目划分课程内容的做法,将学习内容划分为运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康和社会适应 5个领域。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误46.速度素质包括反应速度、动作速度和移动速度 3种类型。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误47.动作质量属于动作要素的内容。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确

35、B.错误48.采用持续训练法发展有氧耐力的负荷应该将心率控制在 170次/分180 次/分。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误49.耐力素质可以分为心血管耐力和肌肉耐力。( ) (分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误50.运动员的心理能力是指其与训练竞赛有关的个性心理特征,以及依训练竞赛的需要把握和调整心理过程的能力。( )(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误在职攻读硕士学位全国联考体育硕士入学资格试卷真题 2010年答案解析(总分:70.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英语语法单项选择题(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.The first Youth Olympic Games _ i

36、n August 2010 in Singapore. (分数:1.00)A.will holdB.is heldC.heD.were held 解析:2.The book _ well and was reprinted many times. (分数:1.00)A.sellsB.is sellingC.was soldD.sold 解析:3.Our car _ down half way, we had to run to the nearest rescue station for help. (分数:1.00)A.breaksB.brokeC.breaking D.broken解析:4

37、.Will you call them up and tell them well start training as soon as the rain _? (分数:1.00)A.will stopB.stops C.is to stopD.is going to stop解析:5._ more training, they could have done better in the World Cup. (分数:1.00)A.Given B.To giveC.GivingD.Having given解析:6._ you have your health, nothing else matt

38、ers. (分数:1.00)A.As well asB.As long as C.As much asD.As soon as解析:7.Look what youve done! You _ more careful. (分数:1.00)A.should have been B.may beC.must beD.would have been解析:8.He is _ player as anyone else on the football team. (分数:1.00)A.as an intelligentB.so intelligent aC.so an intelligentD.as i

39、ntelligent a 解析:9.No sooner _ it than she burst into tears. (分数:1.00)A.she had saidB.did she sayC.had she said D.she said解析:10.It is very frequently in the fields _ several branches of science overlap that the most exciting results are obtained. (分数:1.00)A.whichB.thatC.where D.when解析:二、英语词汇单项选择题(总题数

40、:10,分数:10.00)11.Believe it or not, the majority of the world does not _ our mother tongue. (分数:1.00)A.speak B.talkC.sayD.utter解析:12.His main sporting _ are golf and tennis. (分数:1.00)A.eventsB.fashionsC.gamesD.interests 解析:13.Is there anyone who _ the plans put forward by the committee? (分数:1.00)A.di

41、ffersB.opposes C.disagreesD.objects解析:14.The _ he said it he knew what a mistake he had made. (分数:1.00)A.moment B.timeC.occasionD.hour解析:15.This title ranks alongside the Olympics _ importance. (分数:1.00)A.in terms of B.in favor ofC.in spite ofD.in place of解析:16.She is _ rated number two in the world

42、. (分数:1.00)A.primarilyB.originallyC.currently D.suddenly解析:17.Many people believe that there can be no true sports _ the idea of fair play. (分数:1.00)A.without B.withC.alongsideD.against解析:18.A very large number of people _ sport for the benefits of “health-related fitness”. (分数:1.00)A.involve inB.en

43、gage in C.carry onD.go on解析:19.I had the _ same problem as you when I first started. (分数:1.00)A.actualB.factualC.exact D.precise解析:20.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _ loud continuous noise. (分数:1.00)A.involved inB.attached toC.associated withD.subjected to 解析:三、英语阅读理

44、解题(总题数:2,分数:20.00)Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage: London started its first major bike hire scheme on July 30th. Transport For London (TFL), the agency responsible for moving people around Englands capital, put 5,000 bicycles in 400 different locations around the city. The idea is

45、 to cut traffic, reduce pollution and provide a greener way of getting around Londons streets. The scheme had a few teething problems on its first day as people could not lock the bikes properly once they had finished riding them. As a gesture of goodwill, London Mayor Boris Johnson announced all re

46、ntals on the first day would be free of charge. The bikes are available for free for the first 30 minutes but costs go up steeply thereafter. Renters have to pay $1.60 for the first hour and $78 for 24 hours. The bikes are clearly designed for very short trips. TFL says it sees a “cycle revolution”

47、happening in London. It predicts there will be around 40,000 new cycle journeys every day on the rental bikes. Mr Johnson says he wants to see a return to the turn of the 20th century, when 20 per cent of journeys in London were made by bicycle. The scheme has received a lot of positive feedback in

48、the first two days. Many Londoners believe it is a great alternative to Londons overcrowded and overpriced trains and buses. One commuter (远程上班族), Andy Clark, told the Reuters news agency: “Its a great idea. Ive seen it operating in Paris and Barcelona and thought why dont we have one?” The Londonist Blog said the bikes were very sturdy and were “designed to withstand a beating from both careless cyclists and drunken vandals(故意破坏公物者)”. (分数:10.00)(1).Londons bike rental service is intended to _. (分数:2.00)A.move people around free of chargeB.ease traffic problems on the citys roads C.promo


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