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1、西医综合-外科学-2 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Anthropology is the study of human beings as creatures of society. It (1) its attention upon those. physical characteristics and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which (2) one community from all others that

2、 belong to a different tradition.The distinguishing mark of anthropology among the social sciences is that it includes for serious study other societies (3) our own. For its purposes any social (4) of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own. To the anthropologist our customs and those o

3、f a New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for (5) a common problem, and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is (6) to avoid any weighting of one (7) the other. He is interested in human behavior, not as it is shaped by one tradition, our own, but as it has been shaped by any trad

4、ition (8) He is interested in a wide (9) of custom that is found in various cultures, and his object is to understand the way in which these cultures change and (10) , the different forms through which they express themselves and the (11) in which the customs of any peoples function in the lives of

5、the (12) .Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a (13) of any great moment. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely (14) of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace. (15) , it is the other way round. Traditional custom is a

6、mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than (16) any one person can ever evolve in individual actions. Yet that is a rather (17) aspect of the matter. The fact (18) first rate importance is the predominant role that custom (19) in experience and belief, and the very great varieties it may (20) (

7、分数:10.00)(1).A pays B revolves C fastens D draws(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(2).A distinguish B prohibit C dispel D exempt(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(3).A of B from C for D than(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(4).A regulation B execution C prosecution D disposition(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(5).A meditating on B imposing on C tangling with D de

8、aling with(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(6).A acknowledged B authorized C bound D credited(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(7).A in favor of B instead of C rather than D in contrast with(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(8).A however B though C whatsoever D indeed(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(9).A option B span C prototype D range(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(10).A de

9、viate B fluctuate C differentiate D segregate(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(11).A manner B means C case D context(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(12).A personnel B locality C natives D individuals(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(13).A subject B object C objective D subjective(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(14).A worth B worthwhile C worthy D rewarding(分数:

10、0.50)A.B.C.D.(15).A As a matter of fact B On the wholeC In general D On the other hand(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(16).A that B why C how D what(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(17).A vulgar B lofty C grim D trivial(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(18).A in B of C at D to(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(19).A functions B plays C makes D leads(分数:0.50)A.B.C

11、.D.(20).A manifest B illustrate C reveal D indicate(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)People dont want to buy information online. Why? Because they dont have to. No more than that because theyre used to not paying for it. Thats the conv

12、entional wisdom. Slate, Microsofts online politics-and-culture magazine, is an oft-cited example of the failed attempts to charge a fee for access to content. So far, for most publishers, it hasnt worked. But nothing on the Web is a done deal. In September graphics-soft-ware powerhouse Adobe announc

13、ed new applications that integrate commerce into downloading books and articles online, with Simon most participants have already attended a general negotiation program. In “Changing the Game,“ participants learn to understand their thought processes regarding negotiation, to compare rational and in

14、tuitive decision-making strategies, and to identify common mistakes made by even the most experienced professionals. By focusing on competitive environments, the program draws on some of the most advanced concepts from the emerging areas of behavioral economics, behavioral decision research, and beh

15、avioral finance.Participants engage in simulated negotiations that highlight the tension between creating and assessing value, and learn how to think about both simultaneously. The soup-to-nuts simulations encompass preparation, team building, negotiating, and feedback, as well as the development of

16、 a conceptual structure for thinking about negotiations more rationally. Participants then apply that structure in their critiques of several large-scale negotiation cases. Ultimately participants apply their newly-honed analytic skills to their own companies and critique of past negotiations.Negoti

17、ations can take many forms, of course. Bazerman notes that auctions are becoming increasingly common. Thanks to a renewed focus on driving clown costs, auctions have emerged as a valuable way for buyers to exert maximum leverage (although the course offers advice to sellers as well). Here again, cou

18、rsework focuses both on analysis of case studies and on simulations that give participants a chance to roll up their sleeves and put themselves to the test.“Maxs approach is more pragmatic than other programs Ive taken,“ says Gerry Dully, senior vice president of global marketing and logistics at Me

19、thanex, a producer of methanol based in Vancouver. “Looking at my prior experience, I could see what mistakes I made, and Im more conscious of them now. The course had a profound impact on how Ive modified my behavior in negotiating situations. /(分数:10.00)(1).The author cites the pharmaceutical indu

20、stry to show thatA such an industry should be brought under stricter supervision.B the solution-selling method is superior to the traditional method.C it is not developing as fast as the airline industry.D new ways of transaction accompany changes in the industry.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What is the foc

21、us of Harvard Business Schools training program?A Online auctions. B Strategic partnership.C Business management. D Negotiation.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The word “novice“ (first sentence, Para. 3) probably refers toA a person with no previous experience.B an ordinary employee in a company.C a specific s

22、trategy for business negotiation.D a professional negotiator for a company.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The “Changing the Game“ program emphasizesA the training of practical skills.B theory as well as practical skills.C decision-making capabilities.D negotiation in online auctions.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Gerry

23、 Dully isA a friend of the program chair Max Bazerman.B a participant in the program.C a professor who teaches at the program.D a company leader who is an expert in negotiation.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The Bush administration is about to propose far-reaching new rules that would give

24、 people with disabilities greater access to tens of thousands of courtrooms, swimming pools, golf courses, stadiums, theaters, hotels and retail stores. The proposal would substantially update and rewrite federal standards for enforcement of the Americans With Disabilities Act, a landmark civil righ

25、ts law passed with strong bipartisan support in 1990. The new rules would set more stringent requirements in many areas and address some issues for the first time, in an effort to meet the needs of an aging population and growing numbers of disabled war veterans. More than seven million businesses a

26、nd all state and local government agencies would be affected. The proposal includes some exemptions for parts of existing buildings, but any new construction or renovations would have to comply. The new standards would affect everything from the location of light switches to the height of retail ser

27、vice counters, to the use of monkeys as “service animals“ for people with disabilities, which would be forbidden. The White House approved the proposal in May after a five-month review. It is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, with 60 days for public comment. After conside

28、ring those comments, the government would issue final rules with the force of law. Already, the proposal is stirring concern. The United States Chamber of Commerce says it would be onerous and costly, while advocates for disabled Americans say it does not go far enough. Since the disability law was

29、signed by the first President Bush, advances in technology have made services more available to people with disabilities. But Justice Department officials said they were still receiving large numbers of complaints. In recent months, the federal government has settled lawsuits securing more seats for

30、 disabled fans at Madison Square Garden in New York and at the nations largest college football stadium, at the University of Michigan. The Justice Department acknowledged that some of the changes would have significant costs. But over all, it said, the value of the public benefits, estimated at $ 5

31、4 billion, exceeds the expected costs of $ 23 billion. In an economic analysis of the proposed rules, the Justice Department said the need for an accessible environment was greater than ever because the Iraq war was “creating a new generation of young men and women with disabilities“. John L. Wodatc

32、h, chief of the disability rights section of the Justice Department, said:“Disability is inherent in the human condition. The vast majority of individuals who are fortunate enough to reach an advanced age will benefit from the proposed requirements. /(分数:10.00)(1).What do we learn about the Bush adm

33、inistrations proposal of new rules? A It is made on behalf of the aging people and disabled former army men. B It is a revised edition of the Americans With Disabilities Act. C It is a landmark civil rights law with the supports from both Parties. D It is the first proposal setting stricter requirem

34、ent for some issues.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The current public comments on the proposal are_. A accordant B pleasant C impractical D inconsistent(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The case of securing more seats for disabled fans is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to_. A illustrate the Justice Department officials heavy bu

35、rden B prove the disabled fans enthusiasm for sport-events C indicate the low efficiency of modern technology D exemplify the inadequacy of the accessible service for the disabled(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to last paragraph, the proposed rules would_. A be costly and impose pressure on the gover

36、nment B be profitable and bring interests to citizens C be beneficial to both the aged and the disabled D be a compensate to those Iraq war victims(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following statement best summarizes the text? A Expensive Changes Proposed by Bush B Plan Seeks More Access for Disable

37、d C The Revision of the Americans With Disabilities Act D Comments on the Governmental Proposal(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.八、Part B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)“Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here,“ wrote the Victorian sta

38、ge Thomas Carlyle. Well, not any more it is not.Suddenly, Britain looks to have fallen out with its favourite historical form. This could be no more than a passing literary craze, but it also points to a broader truth about how we now approach the past: less concerned with learning from forefathers

39、and more interested in feeling their pain. Today, we want empathy, not inspiration.From the earliest days of the Renaissance, the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men. In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris IllustribusOn Famous Men, highlighting

40、 the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes. Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was the biographical tradition which Niccolo Machiavelli turned on its head. In The Prince, the championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy

41、 and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.Over time, the attributes of greatness shifted. The Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artists personal experience rather than public glory. By contrast, the Victorian author Samual S

42、miles wrote Self-Help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers, industrialists and explores. “The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of self-help, if patient purpose, resolute working and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formulation of truly noble and many character, exhibit

43、,“ wrote Smiles. “what it is in the power of each to accomplish for himself“ His biographies of James Walt, Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as beacons to guide the working man through his difficult life.This was all a bit bourgeois for Thomas Carlyle, who focused his biographies o

44、n the truly heroic lives of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte. These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.Communist Manifesto. For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor w

45、aged battles: “It is man, real, living man who does all that. “And history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle. As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which each epoch stood. For: “Men make their own history, but

46、 they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly found, given and transmitted from the past. “This was the tradition which revolutionized our appreciation of the past. In place of Thomas Carlyle, Britain nurtured

47、 Christopher Hill, EP Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm. History from below stood alongside biographies of great men. Whole new realms of understandingfrom gender to race to cultural studieswere opened up as scholars unpicked the multiplicity of lost societies. And it transformed public history too: downst

48、airs became just as fascinating as upstairs.A emphasized the virtue of classical heroes.41. i Petrarch B highlighted the public glory of the leading artists.42. Niccolo MachiavelliC focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate.43. Samuel Smiles D opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.44. Thomas CarlyleE held that history should be the story of the masses and their record ofstruggle.45. Marx and EngelsF dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders.G depicted the worthy lives of engineer industrialists and explorers.(分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项


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