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1、大学四级-1333 及答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:103.00)1.假设你是李文,请你就学校假期的安排给教育部部长写一封信,向他建议将学校传统的长假调整为几次短假并陈述相关原因,比如:学习时间过长可能引起过度疲劳,而放假过长则可能导致浪费时间等等。(分数:103.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Americans and FoodAn unusual but timely cartoon recently appeared in the local newspaper. Th

2、e single panel showed a gravel-pit operation with piles of raw earth and large cranes. Next to one of the cranes stood the owner of the gravel pita grizzled, tough-looking character, hammer in hand, pointing proudly to the new sign he had just tacked up. The sign read, “Freds Fill Dirt and Croissant

3、s.“ The cartoon illustrates an interesting phenomenon: the changing food habits of Americans. Our meals used to consist of something like home cooked pot roast, mashed potatoes laced with butter and salt, a thick slice of apple pie topped with a healthy scoop of vanilla ice creamplain, heavy meals,

4、cooked from scratch, and eaten leisurely at home. But America has changed, and as it has, so have what we Americans eat and how we eat it. We used to have simple, unsophisticated tastes and looked with suspicion at anything more exotic than a hamburger. Admittedly, we did adopt some foods from the v

5、arious immigrant groups who flocked to our shores. We learned to eat croissants, those small, sweet French bread rolls, and also Chinese food and pizza, but in the last few years, the international character of our diet has grown tremendously. We can walk into any mall in Middle America and buy Mexi

6、can food like pita bread and tacos. Such foods are of ten changed on their journey from exotic imports to ordinary “American“ meals, but the imports are still a long way from hamburger on a bun. Why have we become more worldly in our tastes? For one thing, television blankets the country with inform

7、ation about new food products and trends. Viewers in rural Montana know that the latest craving in Washington, D. C. is Cajun cooking and that something called tofu is now available in the local supermarket. Another reason for the growing international flavor of our food is that many young Americans

8、 have traveled abroad and gotten hooked on new tastes and flavors. Backpacking students and young professionals vacationing in Europe come home with a taste for authentic French bread or German beer. Finally, continuing waves of immigrants settle in the cities where many of us live, causing signific

9、ant changes in what we eat. Vietnamese, Haitians, and Thais, for instance, bringing their native foods and cooking styles with them and eventually open small markets or restaurants. In time, the new food will become Americanized enough to take its place in our national diet. Our growing concern with

10、 health has also affected the way we eat. For the last few years, the media have warned us about the dangers of our traditional diet, high in salt and fat, low in fiber. The media also began to educate us about the dangers of processed foods pumped full of chemical additives. As a result, consumers

11、began to demand healthier foods, and manufacturers started to change some of their products. many foods, such as lunch meat, canned vegetables, and soups, were made available in low-fat, low-sodium versions. Whole-grain cereals and high-fiber breads also began to appear on the grocery shelves. Moreo

12、ver, the food industry started to produce all-natural productseverything from potato chips to ice creamwithout additives and preservatives. Not surprisingly, the restaurant industry responded to this switch to healthier foods, luring customers with salad bars, broiled fish, and steamed vegetables. O

13、ur food habits are being affected, too, by the rapid increase in the number of women working outside the home. Sociologists and other experts believe that two important factors triggered this phenomenon: the womens movement and a changing economic climate. Women were assured that it was acceptable,

14、even rewarding, to work outside the home; many women also discovered that they had to work just to keep up with the cost of living. As the traditional role of homemaker changed, so did the way families ate. With Mom working, there wasnt time for her to prepare the traditional three square meals a da

15、y. Instead, families began looking for alternatives to provide quick meals. What was the result? For one thing, there was a boom in fast-food restaurants. The suburban or downtown strip that once contained a lone McDonalds now features Wendys, KFCs, Burger King, and Pizza Hut. Families also began to

16、 depend on frozen foods as another time-saving alternative. Once again, though, demand changed the kind of frozen food available. Frozen food no longer consist of foil trays divided into greasy fried chicken, watery corn nib lets, and lumpy mashed potatoes. Supermarkets now stock a range of supposed

17、ly tasty frozen dinners. It may not be possible to pick up a ton of fill dirt and a half-dozen croissants at the same place, but Americas food habits are definitely changing. If it is true that“ you are what you eat,“ then Americas identity is evolving along with its diet.(分数:70.00)(1).The grizzled,

18、 tough-looking cartoon character _.(分数:7.00)A.warns Americans not to change their food habitsB.illustrates that Americans are changing their food habitsC.introduces new kinds of food to traditional American familiesD.is employed by the government to illustrate Americans food habits(2)._ contribute t

19、o Americans international taste.(分数:7.00)A.The various immigrant groups in AmericaB.The governments encouragementC.The young peoples changes of tasteD.The mass media ads(3).Many young Americans who have traveled abroad _.(分数:7.00)A.dislike traditional food more and more, so they only try exotic food

20、B.love the food imported very muchC.have changed their tastesD.get hooked on new tastes and flavors(4)._ are examples that manufacturers meet consumers health demand.(分数:7.00)A.Bread and milkB.The imported foodC.Whole grain cereals and high fiber breadsD.The traditional food(5).Working women dont ha

21、ve enough time to prepare three meals a day so that families depend on_.(分数:7.00)A.traditional frozen foodB.alternatives for quick mealsC.fast-food restaurantD.supermarket(6).According to the passage, American meals at one time were _.(分数:7.00)A.heavy and meat basedB.delicious and lightC.expensive t

22、o prepareD.luxurious(7)._ keep(s) introducing different kinds of food, which is changing Americans taste.(分数:7.00)A.The governmentB.The dietitiansC.TelevisionD.Young people(8).An important factor that has affected what Americans eat is increased consciousness about their _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).A dire

23、ct result of the change in Americas economic climate was _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).According to the passage, the American identity is changing with the change in _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:3,分数:105.00)A.Every weekends.B.Frequently.C.Occasionally.D.Rarely.A.Beca

24、use the policeman stopped him.B.Because the driver charged too much.C.For no good reason.D.Because he had been rubbeA.There is no time to fit in a course.B.She hasnt started to work yet.C.Its too early to register for the course.D.She has a lot of forms to sign.A.The woman can pay either person.B.Th

25、e woman should buy the one she likes.C.He likes the same one that the woman does.D.He will talk to either person.A.He cant find the tickets.B.He doesnt want to sit in the front.C.He would rather stand than sit down.D.He expects the hall to be crowdeA.He left his notes in class.B.He had to borrow the

26、 notes from his classmates.C.He doesnt have an exam.D.He loaned his notes to a classmatA.It left a few minutes ago.B.They dont have to rush for it.C.Hed rather take a later one.D.He thinks it has been delayed again.A.Shes going to the eye doctor.B.Shes supervising new employees.C.Shes having her din

27、ner in the cafeteria.D.Shes looking for some help.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.A sick friend.B.A math class.C.School policy.D.The mans test.A.Because it is against the law.B.Because the man is not a member of Terrys family.C.Because the woman canno

28、t find the test.D.Because Terry was too sick to take the test.A.Young.B.Purcell.C.Raleigh.D.Kelly.A.Call his friend.B.Go to the office to get his test.C.Send the woman a letter.D.Take the test later.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.A notice on the bull

29、etin board.B.A book for a class the man is taking.C.A chemistry class that is being taught.D.The library reserve desk.A.He is starting the course late.B.The subject is diffieun for him.C.The professor is very reserved.D.The book is difficult to reaA.Check out a chemistry book.B.Make copies of all th

30、e pages in the book.C.Put a notice on the bulletin board.D.Look for a copy of the book on the reserve shell.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.The speakers friend entered his house from back door.B.The speakers friend en

31、tered his neighbors house by mistake.C.A thief entered the speakers house by mistake.D.The speakers friend entered the room by climbing the apple treA.To cook something for him.B.To wait for him.C.To give him advice.D.To have a meal and drink by himselA.Under a piece of stone.B.Under the window.C.In

32、 the kitchen.D.Near the living-room.Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Forgetful.B.Lazy.C.Careful.D.Serious.A.He sees his sister very seldom.B.He sent Mark something on his 19th birthday.C.He always walked to work.D.He lives with his sister and he

33、r family.A.To punish Mr. Brown.B.To visit his uncle.C.To receive the bills.D.To inquire somethinPassage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.The history of Benjamin Franklin.B.The history of the U.S. mail.C.The Changes of writing letters.D.The history of

34、U. S.A.Two centuries.B.300 years ago.C.In 1691.D.In the 16th century.A.The British government.B.The private contractors.C.Benjamin Franklin.D.George Washington.A.He established a government service.B.He developed a system called “star routes“.C.He built a lot of post offices.D.He established the pos

35、tal system.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Art, said Picasso, is a lie that makes us realize the truth. So is a map We do not usually (36) the precise work of the mapmaker with a (37) object of art. Yet a map has many qualities that a painting or a poem has. It is truth realized in a (38) way, holding me

36、anings it does not express on the surface. And like work of art, it requires (39) reading. Thus, map and reality are not, and cannot be, (40) No aspect of map use is so obvious yet so often (41) Most map reading mistakes occur because the user forgets this (42) fact and expect a one-to-one (43) betw

37、een map and reality. (44) . To understand a painting, you must have some idea of the medium which was used by the artist. You wouldnt expect a water color to look anything like an oil painting or a charcoal drawing, even if the subject matter of all three were the same. (45) . As a map-reader, you s

38、hould always be aware of the invisible hand of the mapmaker. (46) The mapmaker translates reality into the clearest possible picture under the circumstances, and the map-reader converts this picture back into an impression of the environment. For such communication to take place, the map-reader as w

39、ell as the mapmaker must know something about how maps are created.(分数:77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Section A(总题数:1,分数:90.00)It is a miracle that New York works at all. The whole thing is unbelievable. Every t

40、ime the residents brush their teeth, millions of gallons of water must be consumed. When a young man in Manhattan writes a letter to his girl in Brooklyn, the love message gets blown to her through a pneumatic (充气的) tube. The underground system of telephone cables, power lines, steam pipes, gas pipe

41、s is reason enough to abandon the island to the gods and the beetles. Every time a cut is made on the street, the noisy surgeons expose ganglia (神经中枢)that are twisted beyond belief. By rights New York should have destroyed itself long ago, from terror or fire or failure of some vital supply lines in

42、 its circulatory system or from some deep complex short circuit. Long ago the city should have experienced an insoluble traffic confusion at some impassable bottle-neck. It should have died of hunger when food lines failed for a few days. It should have been wiped out by widespread diseases starting

43、 in its dirty blocks or carried in by ships rats. It should have been swallowed by the sea that licks at it on every side. The workers in its innumerable cells should have gone mad, from the fearful darkness of smoke-fog that drifted over every few days from the Jersey, darkening all light at noon a

44、nd leaving the high offices suspended, men groping (摸索) and depressed, and the sense of worlds end. It should have been touched in the head by the August heat and become crazy.(分数:90.00)(1).What does the passage mainly talk about? _(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_(2).What does the author imply when he says that “m

45、illions of gallons of water must be consumed“ ? _(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_(3).What does the “noisy surgeons“ refer to? _(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_(4).What does the author imply by saying “the city should have experienced an insoluble traffic confusion “? _(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_(5).Why are people unable to see clearly eve

46、n in daytime in New York? _(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:45.00)Science for self-reliance has, in recent years, become a matter of great concern for Third World and developing nations. These nations increasingly realize that science is the key to material developme

47、nt in their society and that without it, industrial, social and technological progress would be impossible. Many leaders of formerly colonized nations have cried out for the development of the scientific and technological skills among their peoples. With such skills, these nations will be better able to utilize the resources which their own lands supply. There exists an acute need for scientists, engineers, technicians, economists, physicians, lawyers skilled in domestic and international law, and most import


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