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1、大学英语六级汉译英-17 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.传统的中国绘画是一门独特的美术(fine art),无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。中国人绘画采用毛笔(brush)蘸墨汁或颜料,灵巧地挥洒(wield)于纸上。画家用深、浅、浓、淡的点(dot)和线构成一幅图画。在优秀画家的手里,毛笔和墨汁非常具有表现力,它们不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。与水墨画相比,宫廷画(palace painting)注重细腻的画法、细节的描绘,以及丰富的色彩(elaborate colo

2、ring)。(分数:20.00)_2.实现和平发展,是中国人民的真诚愿望和不懈追求(unremitting pursuit)。自上个世纪 70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国成功地走上了一条与本国国情(national conditions)和时代特征相适应的和平发展道路。通过这条道路,中国人民正努力把自己的国家建设成富强、民主、文明、和谐的现代化国家,并以自身的发展不断对人类进步事业作出新的更大贡献。回顾历史,立足现实,展望未来,中国将坚定不移地(unswervingly)走和平发展道路,努力实现和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展、和谐的发展。(分数:20.00)_3.早在 2500多年前,大概

3、在春秋时代(the Spring and Autumn Period),中国就已经用土圭(sundial)观测太阳的活动,测定出了冬至(the point of Winter Solstice),它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。这一天是北半球全年中白天最短、夜晚最长的一天。冬至后,白天会变得越来越长。在中国北方的一些地区,人们在这一天吃饺子汤,而其他一些地方的居民吃饺子,这样做将让他们在即将到来的冬天不受冻。但在中国的南方部分地区,一家人在一起吃红豆(red-bean)和糯米(glutinous rice)煮的饭来驱赶鬼魂(ghost)和其他邪恶的东西。(分数:20.00)_4.中国酒具(w

4、ine sets)有悠久的历史,并有各种各样的形状和尺寸。在材料方面,有陶器(pottery)、铜器、瓷器(porcelain)、玉器、玻璃酒具,还有那些用其他材料制成的酒具。中国的酒具集优雅和良好的品味于一身,还有精致的装饰(adornment)。在古代中国,酒具也是礼仪制度(ceremonial system)的一部分。森严的等级制度(stringent hierarchy system)下,不同社会地位和职位的人应该使用不同的酒具。中国酒具的所有类型就像中国古代文化的一面镜子。(分数:20.00)_5.今天中国的老百姓一直用酒来庆祝他们的幸福生活。当有人建新房子、结婚、开业(start

5、a business)、发了财(make a fortune)或举行生日派对,他都应邀请人来喝酒。在现代,饮酒这一游戏没有过去那么雅致(elegant)了,实在是很可惜,过去的饮酒通常有诗歌或音乐助兴。今天,饮酒只是玩简单的猜拳游戏(finger-guessing game),而且人们还喝很多酒。而且在现在看来,友谊也只取决于酒量的大小。“如果我们是好朋友,就喝干(bottom up);如果不是,那就喝一口吧(take a sip)”,这在聚会中是常听到的敬酒措辞。(分数:20.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-17 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translat

6、ion(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.传统的中国绘画是一门独特的美术(fine art),无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。中国人绘画采用毛笔(brush)蘸墨汁或颜料,灵巧地挥洒(wield)于纸上。画家用深、浅、浓、淡的点(dot)和线构成一幅图画。在优秀画家的手里,毛笔和墨汁非常具有表现力,它们不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。与水墨画相比,宫廷画(palace painting)注重细腻的画法、细节的描绘,以及丰富的色彩(elaborate coloring)。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Traditional Chinese paintings co

7、nstitute a unique school of fine art, a school that, in style and techniques is vastly different from any other fine art school in the world. The Chinese do paintings with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint and then skillfully wielding them. Painters produce on the paper pictures with li

8、nes and some heavy, and some light, some deep, and some pale dots. In the hands of a good painter, brushes and ink can be highly expressive. Because of this, they are seemed not only as tools for drawing pictures, but also as a symbol of artistic pursuit. In comparison to ink and wash painting, the

9、palace paintings pay attention to fine brushwork, details and elaborate coloring.)解析:2.实现和平发展,是中国人民的真诚愿望和不懈追求(unremitting pursuit)。自上个世纪 70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国成功地走上了一条与本国国情(national conditions)和时代特征相适应的和平发展道路。通过这条道路,中国人民正努力把自己的国家建设成富强、民主、文明、和谐的现代化国家,并以自身的发展不断对人类进步事业作出新的更大贡献。回顾历史,立足现实,展望未来,中国将坚定不移地(unswerv

10、ingly)走和平发展道路,努力实现和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展、和谐的发展。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(To achieve peaceful development is a sincere hope and unremitting pursuit of the Chinese people. Since the policies of reform and opening-up were introduced at the end of the 1970s, China has successfully embarked on a road of peaceful devel

11、opment compatible with its national conditions and characteristics of the times. Along this road, the Chinese people are working hard to build China into a prosperous, powerful, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern country, and continually making new contributions to human progress with China

12、s own development. Looking back upon history, basing itself on the present reality and looking forward to the future, China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, making great efforts to achieve a peaceful, open, cooperative and harmonious development.)解析:3.早在 2500多年前,大概在春秋时代(the

13、 Spring and Autumn Period),中国就已经用土圭(sundial)观测太阳的活动,测定出了冬至(the point of Winter Solstice),它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。这一天是北半球全年中白天最短、夜晚最长的一天。冬至后,白天会变得越来越长。在中国北方的一些地区,人们在这一天吃饺子汤,而其他一些地方的居民吃饺子,这样做将让他们在即将到来的冬天不受冻。但在中国的南方部分地区,一家人在一起吃红豆(red-bean)和糯米(glutinous rice)煮的饭来驱赶鬼魂(ghost)和其他邪恶的东西。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(As early as

14、 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest instituted in the 24 seasonal division points. The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytim

15、e and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in some parts of So

16、uth China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things.)解析:4.中国酒具(wine sets)有悠久的历史,并有各种各样的形状和尺寸。在材料方面,有陶器(pottery)、铜器、瓷器(porcelain)、玉器、玻璃酒具,还有那些用其他材料制成的酒具。中国的酒具集优雅和良好的品味于一身,还有精致的装饰(adornment)。在古代中国,酒具也是礼仪制度(ceremoni

17、al system)的一部分。森严的等级制度(stringent hierarchy system)下,不同社会地位和职位的人应该使用不同的酒具。中国酒具的所有类型就像中国古代文化的一面镜子。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Chinese wine sets have a long history and come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. In terms of material, there are pottery, bronze, porcelain, jade, glass wine sets and those made with o

18、ther materials. Chinese wine sets are elegant and in good taste, with exquisite adornment. In ancient China, wine sets were also part of the ceremonial system. There was a stringent hierarchy system, under which people of different statuses and positions were supposed to use different wine sets. All

19、 types of Chinese wine sets serve as a mirror of ancient Chinese culture.)解析:5.今天中国的老百姓一直用酒来庆祝他们的幸福生活。当有人建新房子、结婚、开业(start a business)、发了财(make a fortune)或举行生日派对,他都应邀请人来喝酒。在现代,饮酒这一游戏没有过去那么雅致(elegant)了,实在是很可惜,过去的饮酒通常有诗歌或音乐助兴。今天,饮酒只是玩简单的猜拳游戏(finger-guessing game),而且人们还喝很多酒。而且在现在看来,友谊也只取决于酒量的大小。“如果我们是好朋

20、友,就喝干(bottom up);如果不是,那就喝一口吧(take a sip)”,这在聚会中是常听到的敬酒措辞。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Ordinary Chinese people today have always used alcohol to help them celebrate the happiness in their lives. When someone builds a new house, marries, starts a business, makes a fortune or holds a birthday party, he should invi

21、te people in for a drinking session. In modem times it is a pity that the games that go with drinking are not the elegant ones of the past that involved poetry or music. Today, drinkers just play simple finger-guessing games and they drink a lot. It also seems today that friendship depends only on the volume of drink being consumed. “If we are good friends, you bottoms up; if not, you just take a sip“ is a common phrase heard during gatherings.)解析:


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