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1、专业英语八级听力-12及答案解析 (总分:98.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、TEST 1(总题数:1,分数:13.00)According to the interview, what does yellow journalism mean?(分数:13.00)(1).According to the interview, what does yellow journalism mean?ATrustworthy coverage in newspaper or magazine.BAdvertisements that come out of a comic strip.CSensatio

2、nal and exaggerated journalistic reports.DNewspapers and magazines serving public interests(分数:2.60)A.Trustworthy coverage in newspaper or magazine.B.Advertisements that come out of a comic strip.C.Sensational and exaggerated journalistic reports.D.Newspapers and magazines serving public interests(2

3、).Newspapers today dont want to be offensive mainly because _.AU.S. is an immigration country respecting diversityBthey are on behalf of the Democrats or RepublicansCthere is not much competition between newspapersDit is fun to be a reporter of old urban papers(分数:2.60)A.B.C.D.(3).Why does the story

4、 of Roosevelt not being photographed in wheelchair show?ANewspapers in the past were supposedly objective.BJournalists in the past were great story-tellers.CJournalists role in the past was less adversarial.DNewspapers were once notorious for yellow journalism.(分数:2.60)A.B.C.D.(4).What was the attit

5、ude of the press at the beginning of the Vietnam War?AIt was strongly against the U.S. position.BIt was in favor of the U.S. position.CIt held fixed point of view about the war.DIt supported everything given by the Pentagon.(分数:2.60)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following is NOT Clarence Pages view?AToda

6、ys newspapers are more homogenous and boring.BThe early immigrants of the United States came from Europe.CThe urban papers are now competing with the suburban papers all over the country,DIt was not advocacy journalism that helped turn the country against the Vietnam War.(分数:2.60)A.B.C.D.二、TEST 2(总题

7、数:1,分数:15.00)According to Prof. Snow, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?(分数:15.00)(1).According to Prof. Snow, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?AYounger language learners learning capacity is almost the same as the olders.BPeoples language learning capacity is biologically

8、 determined.CThere is no critical period for second-language learning.DBoth older and younger learners have their advantages and disadvantages.(分数:3.00)A.Younger language learners learning capacity is almost the same as the olders.B.Peoples language learning capacity is biologically determined.C.The

9、re is no critical period for second-language learning.D.Both older and younger learners have their advantages and disadvantages.(2).Older learners are faster second-language learners becauseAthey master more than one languageBthey utilize languages with literacy skillsCthey do well in algebra and hi

10、storyDthey practice languages on a regular basis(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(3).In the process of acquiring second-language skills, younger learners are keen on the following EXCEPT _.Ameanings BphrasesClonger expressions Dunfamiliar sounds(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Success in learning a target language involves _.A

11、less recourse to the target languageBless immersion in the first languageChigher second-language proficiencyDmotivation to forget the first language(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(5).According to ProfSnow,which of the following is CORRECT?AChildren become bilingual in learning a second language.BChildren have dif

12、ficulties in maintaining two languages.CAdult second-language learners become monolingual in learning a second language.DAdults are more likely to achieve native-like proficiency to learn a second language.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.三、TEST 3(总题数:1,分数:15.00)The necessity for talking about regrets can be summar

13、ized as that _.(分数:15.00)(1).The necessity for talking about regrets can be summarized as that _.Aregrets are very annoying for peopleBregrets are very wonderful for peopleCregrets are very common to peopleDregrets are very puzzling to people(分数:3.00)A.regrets are very annoying for peopleB.regrets a

14、re very wonderful for peopleC.regrets are very common to peopleD.regrets are very puzzling to people(2).Concerning changing the situations brought about by things we regret on, Reverend holds that _.Aits very simple Bits very difficultCits impossible Dit depends(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the foll

15、owing statements about guilt and regret is INCORRECT?AGuilt hinders you from actingBGuilt is a merciless blow in the pastCRegret is something we should repressDRegret makes US take action(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Reverends suggestions for people living with regrets for years are all the following EXCEPT

16、_Ahaving a view shift towards regretBidentifying the regretCdoing something to change the present situationDforgetting all about the regret(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The interview mainly focuses on _.Athe difference between guilt and regretBthe right way to deal with regretCthe mistaken view we hold on re

17、gretDthe definition of regret(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.四、TEST 4(总题数:1,分数:15.00)According to the man, bananas _.(分数:15.00)(1).According to the man, bananas _.Ahave only recently been cultivatedBare economical to growCare hard to grow in plantations in EnglandDcan only be planted in tropical climate(分数:3.00)A.

18、have only recently been cultivatedB.are economical to growC.are hard to grow in plantations in EnglandD.can only be planted in tropical climate(2).The woman listens to the man because she _.Awants to know more about bananasBhas nothing else to do todayCis interested in the economy of AustraliaDwants

19、 to help the man(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(3).According to the man, bananas were introduced into Australia from _.AIndia BEngland CChina DAfrica(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which of the following has the consumption market of Australian bananas?AEurope and Asia. BAsia and New Zealand.CNew Zealand and Australia. DEur

20、ope and Australia.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the conversation?AThe man has been doing work related to primary industry and economy.BEnglish people seem to enjoy bananas.CBanana trees reproduce by springing up as suckers around parent plants.DBanan

21、as in one bunch tend to ripen at rather different time.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.五、TEST 5(总题数:1,分数:15.00)Whats the relationship between the speakers?(分数:15.00)(1).Whats the relationship between the speakers?ARoommates. BFriends. CColleagues. DClassmates.(分数:3.00)A.Roommates.B.Friends.C.Colleagues.D.Classmate

22、s.(2).What did Jane think of Potters course?AThere are too many things. BIts boring but very useful.CIts entertaining. DIts rubbish.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What did they think of Potters first lecture?AHe started off on the right foot with this nice interesting introduction.BAfter his introductionhe pi

23、led on the detail.CHe was just a bit disorganized towards the end.DAll the above.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(4).What did the three speakers think of Potters lecture dealing with the 18th century developments?AJane and Helen thought it was good but Brain didnt.BAll of them thought it was all right.CNone of the

24、m thought much of it.DHelen and Brian liked it, but Jane thought it was too detailed and too formless.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What is the White Sheep?AOne of the states in USA.BA Department of the government.CA place where they can have coffee.DThe place where the Students Union is located.(分数:3.00)A.B

25、.C.D.六、TEST 6(总题数:1,分数:25.00)According to the dialogue, which of the following things may not be Peters choice at the weekend?(分数:25.00)(1).According to the dialogue, which of the following things may not be Peters choice at the weekend?AGo to a pub for a drink. BDo some washing.CGo to the church. D

26、Have a big brunch.(分数:5.00)A.Go to a pub for a drink.B.Do some washing.C.Go to the church.D.Have a big brunch.(2).What does Susan always do on Saturdays?ARead many newspapers. BHave continental breakfast.CPlay tennis. DPlay chess.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(3).In the game, how many Pawns does each player have

27、?Afive Bsix Cseven Deight(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Files refer to the _ on the chessboard.Ahorizontal rows Bvertical rowsCdiagonal rows Dsquares(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following statement about Knights is Not true?AEach player has 2 knights, a Kings Knight and a Queens Knight.BThe Knight is the

28、 only piece which can jump over pieces.CIt can jump over only the pieces of its own colour.DThe Knight can move in any direction.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.专业英语八级听力-12答案解析 (总分:98.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、TEST 1(总题数:1,分数:13.00)According to the interview, what does yellow journalism mean?(分数:13.00)(1).According to the in

29、terview, what does yellow journalism mean?ATrustworthy coverage in newspaper or magazine.BAdvertisements that come out of a comic strip.CSensational and exaggerated journalistic reports.DNewspapers and magazines serving public interests(分数:2.60)A.Trustworthy coverage in newspaper or magazine.B.Adver

30、tisements that come out of a comic strip.C.Sensational and exaggerated journalistic reports.D.Newspapers and magazines serving public interests解析:听力原文W: Now that the 20th century has slipped into history, we take this opportunity to look back at 100 years of journalism. Joining us now Clarence Page,

31、 columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Welcome.M: Thank you.W: You know, in the early 1900s, the Citizen Kane era, you had a lot of papersThe World, Sun, Herald Tribune, Telegram, Mirror, News, Times, Post, and so on. But many of these were openly partisan papers swinging away on behalf of Democrats or

32、 Republicans. Todays newspapers are big, supposedly objective, but more homogenous and some would say boring. Have we lost something?M: Oh, I dont think theyre boring. I think that todays newspapers are infinitely better than any one of those newspapers that you mentioned there. You go back and look

33、 at those things, I mean the word yellow journalism, although it came out of a comic strip, came to speak about a whole generation of papers that were untrustworthy, in which you couldnt tell the difference between an advertisement and news and a good part of the news was made up or created to serve

34、 the interests of the publisher.W: But arent newspapers today a little more cautious, Clarence?M: Well, thats always the question. The worst thing we can do is to be boring. We also dont want to be offensive. At the beginning of the century we were an immigration country, mostly immigrants coming fr

35、om Europe. We are once again an immigration country but theyre coming from all over the world. Were also a country that recognizes diversity in different kinds of ways. When I came to Chicago, we had four daily newspapers and that was fun to be a reporter. Weve got two dailies in town and the real c

36、ompetition is not between the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times but between us and the suburban papers.W: Exactly.M: And thats true all over the country. Now the suburban papers are competing with the old urban papers because America is changing once again. Now were a more suburban country.W

37、: I would hate to return to the days of partisan papers or the days when the staffs were all white, mostly male, a far cry from today. But I do think that newspapers have gotten very cautious in their new monopoly status in most cities. Lets flash forward now to World War II and the coverage there.

38、It was an era of great storytellers. But it was also a very patriotic kind of coverage.M: Well, look back home, a classic story of how American journalists and photographers didnt put pictures of Roosevelt in his wheelchair, of how the one young photographer started to take a picture and the older o

39、ne knocked the camera out of his hands.W: Inconceivable today.M: Exactly, and the whole culture has changed and our role now is more adversarialand the public expects us to be so.W: I have a question for you because in the same decade of the 1960s that we had the civil rights upheaval we also had th

40、e Vietnam War and because of the focus of the press on how badly the war was going, Im wondering if some might say that that, too, was advocacy journalism that helped turn the country against the Vietnam War.M: I dont think it was advocacy because that suggests a predetermined point of view. I think

41、 in the case of Vietnam the reporters were reporting the facts and the facts were stacked against the reality that was being presented by the Pentagon. Advocacy presupposes that you go to the typewriter or the computer with a fixed point of view. That was not the case in Vietnam. I remind you that i

42、n the early years of the war in Vietnam, the resounding message in the press corps was prowar, that is to say pro the U.S. position in the war.W: Certainly. Right.M: And, in fact, its interesting, our evening news was only 15 minutes long. But it was 15 minutes long until the fall of 1963 when Huntl

43、ey Brinkley and the others went to a half hour just in time for JFK to be assassinated and become the first 24hour TV news story. And then the Vietnam War heated up after that, along with civil rights, etc., and TV became the real conveyor of the narrative here.W: OK, well talk about where the media

44、 are heading in the 21st century. Television clearly changed the world but the Internet seems to be remaking it once again and even more significantly. Is that a good thing?M: Its good and its bad. I mean there is now much more competition. On the other hand, of course, you get very, very bad and da

45、ngerous web sites. Itll need to be policed.W: Clarence Page, thanks very much for helping us cover the last hundred years.M: Likewise. Thank you.推理题。访谈中男士认为当今的报纸并不枯燥,远胜于以前的报纸。他以yellow journalism(黄色新闻)为反面例子,认为这种哗众取宠的新闻作风代表了整整一代不可靠、模糊广告和新闻界限、为出版商私利而不惜杜撰的新闻风格。因此C为正确答案。注意untrustworthy和made up贬义词表明说话人对ye

46、llow journalism的反感。(2).Newspapers today dont want to be offensive mainly because _.AU.S. is an immigration country respecting diversityBthey are on behalf of the Democrats or RepublicansCthere is not much competition between newspapersDit is fun to be a reporter of old urban papers(分数:2.60)A.B.C.D.解析:推理题。男士说当今的报纸虽然最忌讳枯燥乏味,但也不想显得唐突无礼。他解释说美国是个移民国家,还是一个承认多样性的国家,并以芝加哥报纸竞争激烈为例说明这种多样性。因此A为正确答案。(3).Why does the story of Roosevelt not being photographed in wheelchair show?A


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