1、专业英语八级听力-31及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、lilist-style-type:n(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A MINI-LECTU(总题数:1,分数:50.00)In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need the
2、m to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) b
3、oth grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.Audience Awareness of WritingB. Introduction/Baudience refers to readers of written materialsthe content, structure and the style
4、 of the writing U U 1 /U /Uits audiencesview audiences from three anglesB. Writers social relation to the audience/BSocial relationship between the writer and the audience will U U 2 /U /Uthe form of the writing.B. Audiences U U 3 /U /Uof the subject/Bsignificant especially in informative and explan
5、atory writinge.g. When comparing the Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving,U U 4 /U /Uand subtle similarities are preferable to detailed introduction to each holiday.B. Audiences attitudes or viewpoints and the writers position/Bmost important in U U 5 /U /Uwritingwriters role: convince audiences of
6、authenticity of a beliefU U 6 /U /Uof writing to different types of audiences1) favorable audience: doing nothing but U U 7 /U /Uthe reasons2) neutral or hesitant audience: having much to do to U U 8 /U /Uthe audience ;U U 9 /U /Uthe audiences doubts and concerns and deal with them satisfactorily3)
7、opposing audience: analyzing the reasons of disagreementunwavering decision, U U 10 /U /Uinformation, or influence in terms of personal, political, religious and other respects (分数:50.00)填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_三、SECTION B INTERVIEW(总题数:1,分数:25.00)In this section
8、you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.(分数:25.00)(1).According to Felix, whats special about integrated Business Studies? A. It includes such subjects as Finance, Marketing, and Banking
9、. B. It is a very conventional course of study. C. The subjects are taught in an integrated way. D. It is quite helpful for the future career.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which of the following is CORRECT about orientation camp? A. It familiarizes the freshers with the coming college life. B. It offers many
10、 academic classes and lectures. C. It includes many outside activities. D. It offers training opportunities for college students.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Why did Felix like to take part in orientation camp? A. Because of his parents support. B. Because he benefited a lot from it. C. Because of his own e
11、xperience of being a fresher. D. Because he could make friends with many freshers.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to Felix, the manager should do the following things EXCEPT _. A. identifying the complex problems B. solving the complex problems C. planning the development of the company D. communicat
12、ing the solution to problems with others adequately(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(5).Which of the following is CORRECT according to the interview? A. Felix wants to work in the big bank because it offers high salary. B. Felix thinks that Integrated Business Studies is rather dull and remote. C. Felix longs for t
13、he opportunities of working in Japan in the future. D. Felixs parents helped him adapt to college life when he was a fresher.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.四、SECTION C NEWS BROAD(总题数:2,分数:25.00)In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the
14、 best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.(分数:10.00)(1).Gow wants to solve the Peruvian trouble by _. A. trapping heat from the sun B. making the mountains white C. bringing ice into the place D. putting paint on the top of rocks(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(2).According to the news item, the area Grow
15、plans to cover is _. A. larger than 500, 000 football fields B. larger than 3 billion football fields C. larger than 1.5 billion football fields D. larger than 3 football fields(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(分数:15.00)(1).According to the news item, what are robots supposed to do in the trial? A. Replace wardens
16、to do the daily work in prison. B. Identify prisoners abnormal behaviors promptly. C. Ensure all prisoners act normally. D. Guard against prison break.(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(2).According to the news item, the trail of Robot wardens is sponsored by _. A. the government B. prison guards C. researchers D. b
17、usiness leaders(分数:5.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What does the news item mainly talk about? A. The empowerment of women in economy is important. B. The United States is one of the members in APEC. C. The high-level policy dialogue has many functions. D. The APEC members are working to promote economy.语音下载(分数:5.0
18、0)A.B.C.D.专业英语八级听力-31答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、lilist-style-type:n(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A MINI-LECTU(总题数:1,分数:50.00)In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will
19、 need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in i
20、s (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.Audience Awareness of WritingB. Introduction/Baudience refers to readers of written materialsthe content, structure and
21、the style of the writing U U 1 /U /Uits audiencesview audiences from three anglesB. Writers social relation to the audience/BSocial relationship between the writer and the audience will U U 2 /U /Uthe form of the writing.B. Audiences U U 3 /U /Uof the subject/Bsignificant especially in informative a
22、nd explanatory writinge.g. When comparing the Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving,U U 4 /U /Uand subtle similarities are preferable to detailed introduction to each holiday.B. Audiences attitudes or viewpoints and the writers position/Bmost important in U U 5 /U /Uwritingwriters role: convince audi
23、ences of authenticity of a beliefU U 6 /U /Uof writing to different types of audiences1) favorable audience: doing nothing but U U 7 /U /Uthe reasons2) neutral or hesitant audience: having much to do to U U 8 /U /Uthe audience ;U U 9 /U /Uthe audiences doubts and concerns and deal with them satisfac
24、torily3) opposing audience: analyzing the reasons of disagreementunwavering decision, U U 10 /U /Uinformation, or influence in terms of personal, political, religious and other respects (分数:50.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:depend on)解析:听力原文Audience Awareness of WritingGood morning, everyone. Before you write somet
25、hing, you need to have a clear idea of the topic, the audience, and the purpose of your writing. In this lecture, well concentrate on one of those elements, the audience. This is a very important aspect for writing. The term audience usually refers to viewers of movies and TV shows and listeners of
26、radio programs. Here we expand it to include readers of written materials in discussions of writing activities. Why is this concept so important? UAs shown in the example in our book, the same topic, when written to different audiences, can have very different content, structure, style, etc/U. (同样的主
27、题,读者不同,其内容、结构和风格也不相同,所以说后者取决于前者,因此填depend on。) Thus, the importance of a keen awareness of your audience throughout the writing process can not be overemphasized. Audiences can be examined from three different perspectives:1. your social relations to your audience;2. your audiences knowledge about y
28、our subject;3. your audiences attitudes or viewpoints to the subject and your position in the writing.Lets discuss them one by one. Now, the first point, analyze your audience in terms of your social relations. Whenever you write, you are interacting with other members of the society. Are you writin
29、g to a friend of yours? To a college student? To the director of your business firm? To the admission office of an American college? UIn each situation, you have a different social relationship with your audience and this relation has a definite impact on the shape of your writing/U. (作者和读者间的社会关系必定会
30、影响到写作的形式,所以填definitely impact。) No one in his or her right mind would write a letter of application to the dean of the graduate school as if the dean was one of his or her buddies.UThe second point, analyze your audience in terms of their knowledge of the subject you are writing about/U. (第二点是要知道读者对
31、文章题材的了解程度,所以填knowledge。) This analysis is valuable particularly in informative and explanatory writing. Suppose you are writing a paper comparing the Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving. How much knowledge would you assume your American readers already have about the Chinese holiday and how much ab
32、out their own? Obviously, very little about the former and a whole lot about the latter. In such a paper, you want to take care not to bore your readers to death by telling them what they already know while leaving them tantalizingly unsatisfied about what they are so eager to learn. UThe emphasis h
33、ere should be to show the striking differences and subtle parallels rather than to give exhaustively detailed information on each holiday/U. (在写这篇文章时,重点应放在两种节日的区别和相似之处等方面,而不应详尽地介绍二者,所以填striking/noticeable differences。)Now, the third point, analyze your audience in terms of their attitudes or viewpoi
34、nts to the subject and your position in the writing. UThis analysis is vitally important in writing persuasive or argumentative essays, which is much more complex and challenging/U. (分析读者的态度和观点对于写作劝说性或议论性的文章来说尤为重要,所以填persuasive or argumentative。) In a persuasive essay you present reasons and argumen
35、ts to convince your readers that they should accept a belief or to take a position or a specific action. For persuasive or argumentative writings, you can classify audiences into three groups: those who agree, those who are neutral or undecided, and those who disagree.UWhen writing to an audience wh
36、o already sees eye to eye with you about a controversial issue, is there much you need to do/U? Not much. If you are addressing an audience who already shares your view about developing and maintaining a mature and constructive relationship between China and the United States in the 21st century, Ua
37、ll you need to do is repeat why such a relationship is in the vital interests of both countries and of the whole world/U. (在这种情况下,作者只需要重申原因来支持论点即可,所以填repeating。)UWhen writing to audiences who are neutral or undecided, you have the most to do and can hope to achieve a lot/U. Say you want to propose t
38、hat a new financial aid system be established to help those bright students in rural and less prosperous areas of the country. You are concerned that with todays new tuition policy and practice, those students will be priced out of a chance for the high education they deserve so much. USome people m
39、ay be undecided because they have some doubts and concerns: Where does the money needed for such an aid come from? What are the specific standards whereby to award scholarships? Are there more fair and efficient alternative solutions? Once you find out why your audiences are undecided, you need to a
40、ddress their doubts and concerns as directly and fully as possible/U. (作者需要考虑或者分析这部分读者的疑虑和担忧,以便做出相应的处理,争取他们的支持,所以总结为considering或者analyzing。) UYou have a fairly good chance of winning them over when their questions are answered satisfactorily/U. (由该段的开头和结尾两句可以得知,作者需要努力去说服保持中立或犹豫不定的读者,所以填win over或者per
41、suade。)UAnd audiences who disagree are the most difficult to write to/U. (通过对以上三段主题句和内容的分析可以总结出,这一部分内容是指导人们如何针对持不同看法的读者进行写作,因此填strategies或者techniques。) Different people disagree with you for different reasons. Some of them may have already given the issue a thought and have already made a choice; th
42、erefore, it is extremely difficult to change their minds. Others who disagree may not have had the time to think it over seriously. UThere are two main possible reasons why your audiences may disagree with you: 1) because they dont have the facts or because they look at the same facts differently; 2
43、) because they are influenced by their personal opinion, prejudice, and political or religious beliefs. Once you have found why they disagree, you can decide what is the best approach to such audiences. If it is a lack of information, your job is to give them the relevant historical as well as up-to
44、-date information as accurately as possible/U. (持有不同意见的读者主要出于两个原因:信息不足以及其他各个方面的影响,所以填a lack of或者insufficient。) If it is for personal, political and religious reasons, you need to recognize them, understand them, and address them accordingly.Now, we can see that audience awareness is so crucial to th
45、e success of your writing. And in the next lecture, well discuss the writing purpose and your role in the writing. Thank you for your attention!填空项1:_(正确答案:definitely impact)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:knowledge)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:striking/noticeable differences)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:persuasive or argumentative)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:strategies/techniques)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:repeating)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:win over/persuade)解析:填空项1:_