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1、2011-2012学年四川省成都市七中高三入学考试英语试卷与答案 其他 【小题 1】 The man was a_ of frequent theft. 【小题 2】 They greatly increased the sales of their product after it was a_ on TV. 【小题 3】 I feel it is your husband who is to b_ for the spoiled child. 【小题 4】 She worked diligently and as a consequence she was soon _(提升 ). 【小题

2、 5】 Many people support the former opinion, but personally I favour the _ one. 【小题 6】 People who cant d_ colours are considered to be colour-blind. 【小题 7】 The latest development has further _(加强 ) my determination to leave. 【小题 8】 She r_ her sister in appearances. Its hard to tell one from the other

3、. 【小题 9】 There are v_ goods in the supermarket for people to choose from. 【小题 10】 You dont seem _(热情 ) about the proposal. 答案: 【小题 1】 accused 【小题 1】 advertised 【小题 1】 blame 【小题 1】 promoted 【小题 1】 latter 【小题 1】 distinguish 【小题 1】 strengthened 【小题 1】 resembles 【小题 1】 various 【小题 1】 enthusiastic 根据对话内容

4、,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。请将答案:填写在第二卷指定的答题区域内。 Mary, we are going to have a party on Spring Fesviv als Eve. Im sure well have a good time. 【小题 1】 . Id like to. 【小题 2】 . In our classroom. We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid ballroom. 【小题 3】 _. I shall be glad to spend my

5、first Chinese New Year in China with you. But we are going t o ask everyone at the party to give a performance.【小题 4】 I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though. I heard you sing once. _ 【小题 5】 _. Im sure youll be the star of our party. Oh, thank you. A Your voice was sweet and beautifu

6、l. B Where are you going to have it? C Would you like to join us? D Thank you for inviting me. E Oh, it is great. F Lets go to the ball together. G Do sing us some English songs,please. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 E 【小题 1】 G 【小题 1】 A 单项选择 * -Whose advice do you think I should take -_. A It doesnt m

7、atter B Thats it C Its up to you D Either is OK 答案: C Leaves are found _ all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape. A in; on B in; from C on; by D on; in 答案: D I know a little bit about the city as I _ there for one year in my youth. A am studying B had studied C studied D have st

8、udied 答案: C The new book _ several stories, _the one about News Corp. phone hacking scandal. A contains; including B includes; containing C contains; containing D includes; including 答案: A Much_ he has a good taste, he cant avoid being influenced by advertisements. A that he claims B does he claim C

9、 as he claims D is it that he claims 答案: C There are many books on the shelf. But only one of them is _. A worth to read B worth being read C worthy of reading D worth reading 答案: D Its the sort of work that _a high level of concentration. A calls for B makes up C lies in D stands for 答案: A Once a d

10、ecision has been made, all of us should _ it. A direct to B stick to C lead to D refer to 答案: B To save class time, our teacher has _ students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework. A we B us C our D ours 答案: B Could you show me the TV set youd like _ A to ha

11、ve repaired B repairing it C to have it repaired D to repair it 答案: A Now an increasing number of middle school students go abroad for further study at their own _, trying hard to realize their dreams. A price B cost C expenses D pay 答案: C 这题考查词组: at ones own expenses“自费 ”,句意是:现在越来越多的中学生自费出国学习,努力实现梦

12、想。选 C。 We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best professor in the college. A whatever B whomever C whichever D whoever 答案: D I dont know who invented _ telephone. Its really _ most useful invention. A the; a B /; a C a; the D /; the 答案: A 这题考查冠词,第一空是表示发明物,加 the,第二空: a most useful是 “非常有用 ”,这里的

13、most相当于 very。选 A。 A good speaker is supposed to manage to _ the listeners what he means. A make sense to B get across to C appeal to D attach to 答案: B 这题考查词组辨析: make sense to对什么有意义, get across to向 传达 ,appeal to吸引, attach to附上,句意是:一个好的演讲者应该设法向观众传达他的意思。选 B。 _ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus

14、 or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city. A Examining B Examined C Being examined D Having been examined 答案: C The government has taken some measures to reconstruct the earthquake-hit areas, but it must be some time _ everything returns to normal. A since B after C unless D

15、before 答案: D The opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympics is a great success, which is believed _ the Chinese splendid civilization. A having been displayed B to have displayed C to be displayed D displaying 答案: B 这题考查固定句型: Sb/sth is believed to have done“某人据说已经做了 ”句意是: 2008年北京奥运会的开幕式是个很大的成功,据说展示了中

16、国辉煌的文明。因为是已经展示了,所以选 B。 This new teaching approach is specially _ to develop childrens problem-solving skills. A designed B devoted C concentrated D hoped 答案: A When somewhat better _ academically, he returned home to continue his research. A equipped B had equipped C provided D providing 答案: B 这题考查词

17、义辨析: equip: 装备,供给。指为某种工作需要而大量准备必不可少的人力、设备和知识等, provide: 供给,提供,句意是:当具备了更好的成绩,他回家继续研究。 “回家 ”是在 “具备知识 ”后发生,所以选 B。 Darwin counted 225 flowering plants, _ he collected and brought home 193. A that B in that C of which D all of which 答案: C 完型填空 My husband, a simple man, has a favorite saying: “A bargain i

18、s really a bargain when you dont buy it”. _21_ he sets aside his simple ways when we dine out. Unlike his relatives who enter a restaurant armed with calculators to make sure they never _22_, my husband_23_ 5 percent each time the accepted tip standard increases. He hasnt analyzed why he tips so gen

19、erously, but I think the habit _24_ from his high school years, when he worked as a busboy(饭店打杂工 ) and got tips from people he served. Over the years, out growing boys would suggest that Dad let them _25_ dessert rather than tip so much. He stood firm _26_ their strong demands. Our sons and I have _

20、27_ to accept his habit. We recently _28_ our sons girlfriend to seafood. We chose a restaurant near Cocoa Beach. Our server, a grandmotherly woman _29_ at the artof service, flew around the restaurant serving dishes and drinks _30_ treating customers enthusiastically. She remembered their special _

21、31_, likes and dislikes. She didnt serve us _32_ food. She served us the best food. She made sure the kitchen gave her fresh produce. At the end of the meal, our waitress _33_ the bill, then went to _34_ to the growing crowd of other diners. My husband paid with a credit card and added her tip. When

22、 we left, “Mr. Goldsmith!”she called waving a receipt(发票 )at him, “Thank you.” “What did you give her ”I asked, wondering if he had done something _35_ or made acalculation error. “She gave us great service. I just thought she deserved a big _36_ in tips.It wasnt until later when I overheard our son

23、 retelling the story of the grateful waitress that I realized she had given my family something _37_ a thank you. She showed our son the _38_ of recognizing hard work. Her show of gratitudehelped a dad earn a bit more _39_ from a loving son. And it reminded me just why I married this _40_, caring ma

24、n. 【小题1】 A Therefore B Yet C Instead D Besides 【小题2】 A overtip B overspend C overcharge D overwaste 【小题3】 A adds B supplies C refuses D provides 【小题4】 A developed B resulted C appeared D changed 【小题5】 A order B choose C book D ask 【小题6】 A for B to C against D upon 【小题7】 A decided B agreed C come D h

25、appened 【小题8】 A helped B requested C treated D cooked 【小题9】 A quick B familiar C weak D skilled 【小题10】 A sothat B after C with D while 【小题11】 A characters B features C tastes D favorites 【小题 12】 A cheap B special C average D delicious 【小题 13】 A presented B took C delivered D settled 【小题 14】 A turn B

26、 talk C wait D attend 【小题 15】 A demanding B ashamed C unreasonable D puzzling 【小题 16】 A rise B reward C pay D prize 【小题 17】 A littlemorethan B morethan C ratherthan D otherthan 【小题 18】 A importance B situation C meaning D effort 【小题 19】 A attention B care C praise D respect 【小题 20】 A easy-going B th

27、oughtful C tough D serious 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 阅读理解 A study involving 8,500 teenagers from all social backgrounds found that most of the

28、m are ignorant when it comes to money. The findings, the first in a series of reports from NatWest that has started a five-year research project into teenagers and money, are particularly worrying as this generation of young people is likely to be burdened with greater debts than any before. Univers

29、ity tuition feesare currently capped at 3,000 annually, but this will be reviewed next year and the Government is under enormous pressure to raise the ceiling. In the research, the teenagers were presented with the terms of four different loans but 76 per cent failed to identify the cheapest. The yo

30、ung people also predicted that they would be earning on average 31.000 by the age of 25, although the average salary for those aged 22 to 29 is just 17,815. The teenagers expected to be in debt when they finished university or training, although half said that they assumed the debts would be less th

31、an 10.000. Average debts for graduates are 12,363. Stephen Moir, head of community investment at the Royal Bank of Scotland Group which owns NatWest, said. The more exposed young people are to financial issues, and the younger they become aware of them, the more likely they are to become responsible

32、, forward-planning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively. Ministers are deeply concerned about the financial pressures on teenagers and young people because of student loans and rising housing costs. They have just introduced new lessons in how to manage debts. Nikki Fairweath

33、er, aged 15, from St Helens, said that she had benefited from lessons on personal finance, but admitted that she still had a lot to learn about money. 【小题 1】 Which of the following can be found from the five-year research project A Students understand personal finances differently. B University tuit

34、ion fees in England have been rising. C Teenagers tend to overestimate their future earnings. D The students payback ability has become a major issue. 【小题 2】 The phrase to raise the ceiling in paragraph 2 probably means _. A to raise the student loans B to improve the school facilities C to increase

35、 the upper limit of the tuition D to lift the school building roofs 【小题 3】 According to Stephen Moir, students _. A are too young to be exposed to financial issues B should learn to manage their finances well C should maintain a positive attitude when facing loans D benefit a lot from lessons on per

36、sonal finance 【小题 4】 What can we learn from the passage A Many British teenagers do not know money matters well B Teenagers in Britain are heavily burdened with debts. C Financial planning is a required course at college. D Young people should become responsible adults. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】

37、B 【小题 1】 A Celebrity (名人 ) has become one of the most important representatives of popular culture. Fans used to be crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached to any given product. Besides, fashion magazines have almost abandon

38、ed the practice of putting models on the cover because they dont sell nearly as well as famous faces. As a result, celebrities have realized their unbelievably powerful market potential, moving from advertising for others products to developing their own. Celebrity clothing lines arent a completely

39、new phenomenon, but in the past they were typically aimed at the ordinary consumers, and limited to a few TV actresses. Today theyre started by first-class stars whose products enjoy equal fame with some world top brands. The most successful start-ups have been those by celebrities with specific per

40、sonal style. As celebrities become more and more experienced at the market, they expand their production scale rapidly, covering almost all the products of daily life. However, for every success story, theres a related warning tale of a celebrity who overvalued his consumer appeal. No matter how fam

41、ous the products origins is, if it fails to impress consumers with its own qualities it begins to resemble an exercise in self-promotional marketing. And once the initial (最初的) attention dies down, consumer interest might fade, loyalty returning to tried-and-true labels. Today, celebrities face ever

42、 more severe embarrassment. The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover has speeded up as well. Each misstep threatens to reduce a celebritys shelf life, and the same newspaper or magazine that once brought him fame has no problem picking him to pieces when the opport

43、unity appears. Still, the egos (自我的) potential for expansion is limitless. Having already achieved great wealth and public recognition, many celebrities see fashion as the next frontier to be conquered. As the saying goes, success and failure always go hand in hand. Their success as designers might

44、last only a short time, but fashion like celebrity has always been temporary. 【小题 1】 Fashion magazines today _. A seldom put models on the cover B no longer put models on the cover C need not worry about celebrities market potential D judge the market potential of every celebrity correctly 【小题 2】 A

45、change in the consumer market can be found today that _. A price rather than brand name is more concerned B producers prefer models to celebrities for achievements C producers prefer TV actresses to film stars for advertisements D quality rather than the outside of products is more concerned 【小题 3】

46、The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 indicates that any wrong step will possibly _. A decrease the popularity of a celebrity and the sales of his products B damage the image of a celebrity in the eyes of the general public C cut short the artistic careen of a celebrity in show business D influence

47、 the price of a celebritys products 【小题 4】 The passage is mainly about _. A celebrity and personal style B celebrity and market potential C celebrity and fashion design D celebrity and clothing industry 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B Googlefight is a simple service available on the Internet which offers you the chance to compare two different items and see how many hits they get on the Google search engine. The seemingly simple device has proved invaluable to users, especially to help win arguments. For example, im


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