A Practical Approach to Pre Post Testing.ppt

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1、A Practical Approach to Pre & Post Testing,Probing for learning outcomes while avoiding the pitfalls,Annie Donahue UNHM Library October 23, 2003,Background - Getting Started,UNH Preparing Future Faculty Program Grad 965 - Classroom Research and Assessment Methods Outcome - Focus on learning not teac

2、hing Resource - Classroom Assessment Techniques by Angelo & Cross,CHARACTARISTICS Learner-centered Teacher directed Mutually beneficial Formative Context-specific Ongoing feedback loop Rooted in good teaching practice,Classroom Assessment Techniques,Background Knowledge Probe,University Of New Hamps

3、hire - Manchester Southern Illinois University - Edwarsdville http:/www.siue.edu/deder/assess/cats/probe7.html George Mason University http:/measure.gmu.edu/BackgroundKnowledge.doc Portland State University http:/web.pdx.edu/meyertj/cats/bgprobe.html University of Missouri - Rolla http:/campus.umr.e

4、du/assess/adozen/assdoz8.html University of Nothern Iowa http:/fp.uni.edu/its/et/tlt/faculty/assessment/cats/knowledge/prior/background.htm,Building the Pre/Post Test,Know your teaching objectives and test to those objectives Determine the type of questions to ask -open-ended - short answer - multip

5、le choice - true/false Provide clear instruction Consider how much time will be available to administer the instrument Plan how you will use the information learned Expect this instrument to evolve with use - plan to adapt it for future use,Administering the Pre/Post Test,Faculty collaboration is es

6、sential Timing of delivery can affect results Explain the purpose of the instrument Key characteristics - anonymous and ungraded Provide feedback - close the loop,Integrating Assessment Findings,Determine strengths and weaknesses Examine your teaching style and consider adaptations Focus on changes

7、you can make Incorporate at least one change in the next offering Continue to assess - it is an ongoing enterprise,Resources to Get You Started,Carter, Elizabeth W. “Doing the Best You Can with What You Have:” Lessons Learned from Outcomes Assessment. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. Vol. 28 (

8、1), Jan-Mar 2002, pp. 36-41. Barclay, Donald. “Evaluating Library Instruction: Doing the Best You Can with What You Have.” RQ. Vol. 33 (2), Winter 1993, pp. 195-202. Project Sails - http:/sails.lms.kent.edu/ ACRL Standards & Guidelines - http:/www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/Standards_and_Gu

9、idelines/Standards_and_Guidelines.htm,Wrap-up, Questions & Comments,“The value of outcomes assessment is that it improves the thing being evaluated. It demands a commitment of time, effort, and resources. It requires collaboration with faculty in other departments. It can be as simple or elaborate a

10、s resources allow. To be meaningful, though, assessment must collect hard data, and librarians must use that data to evaluate their programs and make changes necessary to improve those programs. Outcomes assessment is an ongoing process. One need not wait for the perfect opportunity, the perfect ins

11、trument, or the perfect time. A modest study that is well designed and collects hard data can provide valuable information. One can learn from each experience and refine and improve assessment procedures with each effort, doing the best you can with what you have.” Elizabeth W. Carter - Daniel Library, The Citadel.,


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