Interference and Diffraction.ppt

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1、Interference and Diffraction,Huygens Principle,Any wave (including electromagnetic waves) is able to propagate because the wave here affects nearby points there In a sense, the wave is the source for more of the wave A wave here creates waves in all the forward directions For a plane wave, the gener

2、ated waves add up to make more plane waves,Mathematically, this works, but for plane waves, no one does it this way,Diffraction Through a Tiny Hole,The waves come out in all directions It is only because the whole wave makes new waves that the waves add up to only go forwards What if we let the wave

3、 pass through a tiny hole? Smaller than a wavelength,Only one point acts as source Waves spread out in all directions,Whats interesting is that oscillations depend on distance from slit,Interference Through Two Slits,Now imagine we have two slits, equally sized Each slit creates its own waves,In som

4、e directions, crests add with crests to make bigger “brighter” crests In others, crests combine with troughs to make minimum areas In the end, what you get is a pattern of alternating light and dark bands,Were about to need an obscure math identity:,Interference Through Two Slits (2),What do the EM

5、waves look like far away? Let the separation of the slits be d Lets find total E-field at point P,P,d sin,Interference Through Two Slits (3),Where is it bright? Where is it dark?,Interference Through Four Slits,What if we have more than two slits? Four slits, each spaced distance d apart Treat it as

6、 two double slits,P,r1,2,r3,4,For four slits, every third band is bright,More Slits and Diffraction Gratings,This process can be continued for more slits For N slits, every N 1th band is bright For large N, bands become very narrow,N = 8 N = 16 N = 32,A device called a diffraction grating is just tr

7、ansparent with closely spaced regular lines on it You already used it in lab,Diffraction gratings are another way to divide light into different colors More accurate way of measuring wavelength than a prism Commonly used by scientists,Resolution of Diffraction Gratings,Note that the angle depends on

8、 the wavelength With a finite number of slits, nearby wavelengths may overlap,The width of the peaks is aboutThe difference between peaks isWe can distinguish two peaks if:,N = 8, 1.1,This quantity (mN) is called the resolving power Even if N is very large, effectively N is how many slits the light

9、beam actually falls on,Diffraction Through a Single Slit,What if our slit is NOT small compared to a wavelength? Treat it as a large number of closely spaced sources, by Huygens principle,P,Let the slit size be a, and rave the distance to the center Let x be the distance of some point from the cente

10、r The distance r will be slightly different from here to P,Diffraction Through a Single Slit (2),Very similar to equation for multi-slit diffraction, but . . . a is the size of the slit This equation is for dark, not light Note m= 0 is missing Central peak twice as wide,Screens and Small Angles,Usua

11、lly your slit size/separation is large compared to the wavelength Multi-slit: Diffraction:When you project them onto a screen, you need to calculate locations of these bright/dark lines For small angles, sin and tan are the same,Diffraction and Interference Together,d,a,a,Now go through two finite s

12、ized slits Result is simply sum of each slit Resulting amplitude looks like:,a = d/5,Resulting pattern has two kinds of variations: Fast fluctuations from separation d Slow fluctuations from slit size a,The Diffraction Limit,When light goes through a “small” slit, its direction gets changed Cant det

13、ermine direction better than this,If we put light through rectangular (square) hole, we get diffraction in both dimensions A circular hole of diameter D is a trifle smaller, which causes a bit more spread in the outgoing wave For homework, use this formula; for tests, the approximate formula is good

14、 enough,Sample problem,A degree is 1/360 of a circle, an arc-minute is 1/60 of a degree, an arc-second is 1/60 of an arc minute Telescopes require large apertures to see small angles,If the pupil of your eye in good light is 2 mm in diameter, whats the smallest angle you can see using 500 nm visible

15、 light?,Phases,When you combine two (or more) waves, you need to know the phase shift between them: The angle is the phase shift When the phase shift is zero, the waves add constructively The result is bigger Same thing for any even multiple of When the phase shift is , the waves add destructively T

16、he result is smaller Same thing for any odd multiple of To find maximum/minimum effects, set phase shift to even/odd multiples of ,Spherical Mirrors: Finding the Image,As a wave passes through any material, its phase shifts For a distance d, we have:,Recall, wavelength changes inside a material,Refl

17、ection and Phase Shift,When you reflect off of a mirror, the reflected wave must cancel the incoming wave It has a phase shift,When you go from a low index of refraction medium to a high one, some of the wave is reflected It also has a phase shift,When you go from a high index of refraction medium t

18、o a low one, some of the wave is reflected This has a 0 phase shift,Interference From Thin Films,Suppose we go through a thin soap film Index goes up then down Front surface: Phase shift of from reflection (low-high) Back surface: Phase shift of 2t/ from traveling Phase shift of 0 from reflection Ph

19、ase shift of 2t/ from traveling Total phase shift between two reflected waves: Weak reflection when odd times : Strong reflection when even Same results for index down then up Opposite for: Index up, then up Index down, then down,t,Applications of Thin Films Interference,What if the light isnt monoc

20、hromatic?,d,Some wavelengths are enhanced, others are not Soap bubbles Oil on water Newtons rings: convex lens on flat glass plate Air gap changes thickness in circular pattern Alternating light/dark regions,Michelson Interferometer,Laser,Detector,Mirrors,Interference easy to measure Can see much sm

21、aller than one wavelength LIGO, state of the art, can see 10-15 m!,Hanford, Washington,Crystal Scattering of X-rays,Mysterious rays were discovered by Rntgen in 1895 Suspected to be short-wavelength EM waves Order 1-0.1 nm wavelength Scattered very weakly off of atoms Bragg, 1912, measured wavelengt

22、h accurately,d,dcos,dcos,Scattering strong only if waves are in phase Must be integer multiple of wavelength,Polarization,Recall that light waves have electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to the direction of motion But there are two independent ways of arranging this Called polarization Our ey

23、es cant tell these two polarizations apart But some instruments can measure or take advantage of polarization We describe polarization by telling which direction the electric field points, e.g. vertically or horizontally,Methods of Producing Polarization,Direct production Antennas produce waves that

24、 are automatically polarized Scattering Light waves of all orientations hit small targets Target has vibrating charges, like an antenna Reflection and Brewsters Angle: When light hits a substance, some of it reflects and some refracts Fraction of each depends on polarization Theres a special angle B

25、rewsters angle where reflected is completely polarized,Methods of Producing Polarization (2),Birefringent Crystals Index of refraction has to do with electric fields from the wave pushing atoms around In some crystals, it is easier to push them one way than another Index of refraction depends on pol

26、arization You can use such birefringent crystals to sort light based on polarization Selective absorption Similarly, some materials absorb one polarization better than another,Some Uses for Polarization,Polarized Sun Glasses “Glare” comes mostly from light scattered in the atmosphere and reflected f

27、rom water Mostly polarized Sun glasses use selective absorption to eliminate it Optical Activity Some materials are capable of rotating the plane of polarization These materials are not mirror-symmetric Enantiomers, especially biological molecules Studying rotation of polarized light detects presence of these molecules Someday use these to detect life on other planets?,


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