International business styles.ppt

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1、International business styles,National culture is very important in determining the business style:,The characteristics of management often vary according to the particular culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobsThe amount of respo

2、nsability of any individual in a company depends on the position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy Managers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called subordinates,In this process the authority is frequently mentioned:,The managers must use their

3、authority, which is the right to take decisions and give orders Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees at lower levels in the company hierarchy can use their initiative, that is make decisions without asking their manager. However, these procedures vary from nation to nation. E

4、ach country has its own way of doing business which depends on the local mentality.,For example, the Australian business culture can be described as follows:,Appointments: In Australia appointments are relatively easy to schedule at practically all organisational levels. Youll find that many executi

5、ves will be pleasant, approachable, and willing to meet to discuss business. You should be punctual, but you must understand that Australians sometimes have a casual attitude toward time. In some cases, if you are a few minutes late to a meeting, it will be overlooked. In other instances your late a

6、rrival may be perceived as careless.,On the other hand, if you find yourself waiting for your Australian partners to arrive, remain patient and accommodating. If you are an employer, its not enough to insist that your Australian employees arrive on time; you will have to give convincing evidence tha

7、t their tardiness is harming the organisation.,Business dress: Due to the size of Australia, climate varies greatly according to region. Business dress is conservative. Men wear a dark suit and tie; during the summer the jacket can be removed. Suits, skirts and blouses, or dresses are standard for w

8、omen. Business dress may be more informal in very tropical climates. Some workplaces have a “casual Friday” policy where casual dress may be worn on Fridays.,Conversation: Australians generally prefer direct eye contact. People who avoid eye contact are not perceived as trustworthy. Australians tend

9、 to be enthusiastic conversationalists and debaters. The best policy, however, is to wait for your Australian companions to bring up a subject; be prepared to hear very strong and often confrontational opinions. Australians like to hear opinionated conversations so dont hesitate to express your view

10、s if they are sincere and informed.,It is common for Australians to make provocative statements during conversation- you are expected to respond with humour. Your Australian companions will be quick to let you know if you say something that “crosses the line” (usually migration and aboriginal issues

11、). Australians like to criticise themselves, but they are not receptive to criticism from others. Dont boast about yourself or your companys accomplishments. Australians prefer to judge your competence and abilities through your actions.,Lets make a deal: Before a meeting proceeds, there is usually

12、some “small talk”. Speak plainly and expect what you say to be taken literally. In turn, interpret what is said to you in the same direct manner. Australians are usually distrustful of authority and of people who think they are somehow “better” than others. Australians generally dislike negotiating

13、and aggressive sales techniques. Presentation should be straightforward, with an emphasis on both the positive and negative outcomes.,Keep your presentation simple and “to the point”, since excessive details will not be well received. Australians are receptive to new ideas. Generally, they are analy

14、tical, conceptual thinkers. Empirical evidence and other facts are considered the most valid forms of proof. The work environment tends to be collaborative, so decision-making is slow and protracted. Deadlines are the main source of anxiety in this culture.,In Canada they follow these rules:,Appoint

15、ments: Punctuality should always be a priority. You are expected to be on time for all business related meetings. If you cannot prevent being late, a telephone call is appreciated. In general, it is acceptable to be 15 minutes late for an evening social engagement. Mornings tend to be the preferred

16、time for appointments. Business hours are generally 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Longer hours are also common.,Business dress: Canadians prefer comfortable, tasteful clothing which is also conservative in most cases. Your clothing does not necessarily have to be brand new or “trendy”. Wea

17、ring quality clothing that is old, but presentable, can be prefectly acceptable. The standard for men is a suit and tie, for women business suits or dresses. In rural areas and small towns, clothing tends to be more informal. During their leisure time, Canadians dress casually (jeans, t-shirts, shor

18、ts.),Canadians in general, do not wear scent in a business setting. Perfume, aftershave, and heavily scented personal care products as shampoo and hairspray should be avoided, or at least used sparingly. Its often believed that perfume is worn to cover up poor personal hygiene. Furthermore, the pres

19、ence of scent can also be a health hazard to individuals with asthma, a relatively common condition in Canada.,Conversation: First name or title? The best thing to do is to wait for your Canadian colleagues to invite you to move to a first name basis. Be careful of name pronounciation. To show respe

20、ct use a common professional title such as Dr. Or courtesy titles such as Mr., Ms., Miss., with the last name. If you are unsure of a womans marital status use Ms. (pronounced miz) followed by her last name.,Lets make a deal: Canada is officially bilingual (English and French). In Quebec make sure t

21、hat you provide a French translation for promotional material and documents. Write your business cards in both French and English; business cards are usually exchanged during an initial greeting. Canadians are very friendly and take a genuine interest in other countries. They are tolerant, calm and

22、very practical. They stress ones ability and competitive behaviour.,While negotiating mantain good posture and air of formality. Your negotiation must lead to a direct action plan. Even in business deals, a good sense of humour is always welcome. Canadians dont have difficulty saying NO if they feel

23、 strongly against something. Try not to bring up the subject of family and other personal affairs in the course of negotiatons.,France:,Appointments and behaviour: Punctuality is taken very casually in France, so being 10 minutes late is never considered disrespectful. Always shake hands when meetin

24、g someone, as well as when leaving. French handshake is not as firm as in the United States. The French have a great respect for privacy. Knock and wait before entering into a room. Do not “drop in” unannounced and always give notice before your arrival.,Business dress: The French are very much awar

25、e of their appearance. You will be expected to dress conservatively and invest in well-tailored clothing. Patterned fabrics and dark colours are most acceptable, but avoid bright colours. French businessmen do not loosen their ties or take off their jackets in the office. Women should also dress con

26、servatively and avoid bright colours and too much flashy jewelery.,Conversation: The French are extremely proud of their heritage and they often boast of their long history and their important roles in world affairs. If you do not speak French, it is very important that you apologize for your lack o

27、f knowledge. However, most individuals in business speak English. The French frequently interrupt each other because, for them, arguing is a form of entertainment. Eye contact is frequent and intense, and can often be intimidating to North Americans.,Lets make a deal: The French usually choose any m

28、eal to conduct business, but lunch is best. The atmosphere is often informal. However, they tend to be very precise when money or personal involvement are discussed. On these occasions they do not show excessive tolerance. Moreover, a streak of egoism is sometimes present in many business situations

29、.,Germany:,Appointments and behaviour: Puctuality is a necessity in Germany. Arrive on time for any appointment, whether for business or social. Being late, even if it is only by a few minutes, is very insulting to a German executive. Germans do not like surprises. Sudden changes in business transac

30、tions, even if they might improve the outcome, are not welcome. German citizens do not need to be complimented. In Germany it is assumed that everything is satisfactory unless the person hears otherwise.,In business situations, shake hands at both the beginning and the end of a meeting. Be sure to l

31、ook directly into the persons eyes while shaking hands. Business is viewed as being very serious and Germans do not appreciate humour in a business context. Germans are able to consume large quantities of beer in one evening, but public drunkenness is not acceptable. It is best to know your limits,

32、especially in Bavaria where two litres of beer is an ordinary evening. Pace yourself and eat plenty of food.,Business dress: It is very conservative. Men wear dark suits, solid, conservative ties, and white shirts. Women also dress conservatively, in dark suits and white blouses. Chewing gum while t

33、alking to someone is considered rude. Dont be surprised if occasionally you see a fashion statement with white socks being worn with a dark suit.,Conversation: Germans love to talk on the telephone. While important business decisions are not made over the phone, expect many follow up calls or faxes.

34、 Germans guard their private life, so do not phone a German executive at home without permission. Titles are very important to Germans. Do your best to address people by their full, correct title, no matter how extraordinarily long. This is also true while addressing a letter.,Lets make a deal: Germ

35、ans are very serious and extremely precise in decision-making. Everything concerning business must be previously established and checked. There is no room whatsoever for mistakes.,Italy:,Appointments and behaviour: Foreign business people should be punctual for business appointments, although the It

36、alian executive may not be. “Time is money” is not a common phrase in Italy. Do not expect quick decisions or actions to take place, as the Italian bureaucracy and legal systems are rather slow. It is common for everyone to speak simulteneously at Italian gatherings. This applies to business meeting

37、s as well as social events.,Business dress: In the business world, good clothes are a signature of success. Men should wear fashionable, high quality suits. Shirts may be colored or pin-striped, and they should be paired with an Italian designer suit. Women dress in quiet, expensive elegance. Qualit

38、y accessories such as shoes and leather goods will make a good impression with Italians.,Conversation: Italians appear very lively in both private and business communication. They interrupt each other while striving to make their point. Fortunately, English is spoken by many businesspeople. Avoid ta

39、lking about religion, politics, and World War II. At social gatherings, it is considered insulting to ask someone you have just met about their profession.,Japan:,Appointments and behaviour: If you are invited to a social event, punctuality is not expected. It is the custom to be “fashionably late”.

40、 The Japanese tend to be rather direct in their questioning of foreigners. You may be asked personal questions such as how much money do you earn or how large is your house? If you take your host out insist upon paying. The Japanese will refuse, but insist. Do not openly display money. It is importa

41、nt to use an envelope to pass money.,Business dress: Men should wear dark, conservative attire. Business suits are most suitable. Casual dress is never appropriate in a business setting. Womens dress should be conservative with minimal accessories. Women should not wear pants in a business situation

42、. Japanese men find it offensive. Women should only wear low-heeled shoes to avoid towering over men.,Conversation: The Japanese prefer not to use the word no. They may simply respond with a yes but clearly mean no. The customary greeting is the bow. However, some Japanese might greet you with a han

43、dshake, but frequently a weak one. Do not a weak handshake as an indication of character. If you are greeted wit a bow, return with a bow as low as the one you received. How low your bow determines the status of the relationship between you and the other individual.,Prefixes I,The imperative,Exercis

44、e 1: Match the prefixes with the groups of adjectives:,Dis- il- im- in- ir- un- _ possible probable precise _ honest similar organised _ popular economical manageable _ legible legal logical _ complete expensive efficient _ regular relevant responsible,Exercise 2: Add prefixes to the following adjec

45、tives:,Likely Literate Resistible Respectful Frequent Liberal,Polite Awful Mature Rational Proportionate Helpful,Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjectives from exercise 1:,Her desk is so _ that it is hard to find anything there. Their payments have become _. We will have to fi

46、nd another supplier who will pay on time. We are spending too much money. This new procedure is highly _. His methods are _. His trainees have little success in all the activities. I cannot read this note. It is completely _. Your question is _ for this situation. We must concentrate on concrete sug

47、gestions.,The imperative,It has the same form as the infinitive without to. It is used to give orders or instructions:Fill in the form in block capitals.Empty the contents into boiling water. It is used to give strong advice:Avoid showing the soles of your feet in the Middle East. If you want to be

48、emphatic you can use do or always:Do learn a few words of the language.Always familiarise yourself with the basics. The negative is formed by using dont or never.Dont appear too reserved.Never cross your legs in the Middle East.,Complete the sentences below using the following expressions, positive

49、or negative:,study, expect (2), increase, invest, assume, beware, be flexible, judge, leave _ attitudes like “my way is the only way” behind. _, be curious and fascinated instead. _ some time in preparing yourself for encounters with other business and cultural styles. _ your understanding of the countries and cultures you are visiting by attending cross-cultural seminars. _ the general protocol and etiquette of the country or countries you are visiting. _ delays, frequent changes in plans and cancellations.,


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