A Fair and Balanced Tax System for the 21st Century.ppt

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1、A Fair and Balanced Tax System for the 21st Century,Michael J. Graetz Yale Law School,Presentation to the Presidents Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform,May 11, 2005,Administration,Cynicism,The income taxs failings discourage individuals from paying taxes they legally owe. Young people, especially,

2、 admit feeling little compunction about dishonestly completing tax forms.,FAILINGS OF THE INCOME TAX,The Code contains more than 700 provisions affecting individuals and more than 1500 provisions affecting businesses. The Code and regulations total more than 9.4 million words.,Complexity,AMT Growth,

3、The IRS, tasked with administering many programs, has difficulty keeping up. It has diverted resources away from corporate and high-income individual returns.,If left unchanged, the Alternative Minimum Tax will soon be imposed on 30 million Americans, who will have to calculate their taxes twice.,Ch

4、icken Soup,For any social problem including education, child care affordability, health insurance coverage, retirement security, or the financing of long-term care an income tax deduction or credit is advanced as the answer.,TAX CODE COMPLEXITY:,Internal Revenue Code,Regulations,Source: Calculations

5、 based on U.S.C. (1940, CCH 1952) and C.F.R. (1940, 1949) and Tax Foundation calculations, based on Wests Internal Revenue Code and Federal Tax Regulations (1975), Study of the Overall State of the Federal Tax System. 4 (2001).,THOUSAND OF WORDS IN IRC AND REGULATIONS,Raise AMT Exemption,Payoff,Abou

6、t 150 million people will file no tax returns. The marriage penalty will be eliminated, but deductions for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions and incentives for retirement savings plans and health insurance would be preserved.,PIECE 1: PARING BACK THE INCOME TAX,Lower AMT Rates,Incr

7、ease the AMT exemption for married couples to $100,000 ($50,000 for singles) and index the exemption for inflation to keep the income tax in check.,Lower the AMT rate to a flat 25% and permit appropriate deductions for income-producing activities.,Repeal the Income Tax,Instead of heeding the frequen

8、t call to repeal the AMT, repeal the regular income tax instead and modify the AMT.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL,Align Book & Tax Acctng,Payoff,Small corporations could be taxed on a flow-through basis, simplifying taxation for many small businesses. Greater book-tax conformity will assis

9、t in the battle against tax shelters.,PIECE 2: CLEANING UP THE CORPORATE INCOME TAX,More closely align book and tax accounting while allowing Congress to make explicit any book-tax differences, such as for depreciation, R&D expenses, and foreign taxes.,Lower the Tax Rate,Lower the corporate income t

10、ax rate from 35% to 25%, the rate which will apply to individuals and flow-through entities.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL,Institute Territorial Tax System,Consider replacing the foreign tax credit with an exemption for dividends paid from foreign subsidiaries to eliminate barriers to repa

11、triation of foreign earnings.,Simplify Small Business Taxation,The taxation of small businesses should be greatly simplified. Consider a single flow-through regime for all small businesses and a greater use of cash accounting.,Source: OECD Revenue Statistics (2004, release 1); U.S. figures for 2005

12、are authors estimates. Note: OECD reports U.S. revenue for 2003 as 10.9% of GDP.,INCOME TAX REVENUE AS A PERCENT OF GDP,INCOME TAXES AROUND THE WORLD,Businesses with gross receipts of less than $100,000 annually (nearly 80% of 25 million U.S. small businesses) should be exempt from collecting VAT or

13、 filing returns.,Make the VAT Visible,Payoff,A VAT imposes compliance costs 1/3 to 1/4 as large as our income tax,* is easily enforceable based on international experience, and minimizes economic distortions.,PIECE 3: ENACT A VALUE ADDED TAX,Exempt Small Businesses,Require the total amount of VAT to

14、 be separately stated wherever goods and services are sold so that consumers are aware of the price of government.,Enact a VAT,To replace revenues lost by eliminating income tax for most taxpayers, enact a broad-based 10% to 14% credit-method VAT such as that used throughout the world.,*Slemrod (200

15、5) presentation to the Presidents Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL,VAT AND SALES TAX REVENUE AS PERCENT OF GDP - 2002,Source: OECD Revenue Statistics (2004, Release 1).,CONSUMPTION TAXES AROUND THE WORLD,VAT AND SALES TAX RATES 2000 (UNWEIGHTED AVERAGES),

16、Source: Consumption Tax Trends 2001 (OECD) Table 3.5; U.S. computations based on data from http:/ (visited 1/10/2002).,Proposed U.S. VAT,CONSUMPTION TAXES AROUND THE WORLD:,18.6%,State sales tax,The IRS would assist employers in calculating payroll tax withholding by providing tables showing payroll

17、 tax offsets at different wage levels and family sizes.,Improve Incentives,Payoff,A payroll tax offset would maintain EITCs work incentives and leave Social Security benefits unaffected while eliminating marriage penalties, increasing take-home pay, and ensuring distributional neutrality. With VAT e

18、xemptions for certain necessities such as some food and clothing, the payroll tax offset could be smaller.,PIECE 4: PROVIDE A REFUNDABLE PAYROLL TAX OFFSET,Assist Employers,Eliminate the EITCs serious marriage penalties and recognize financial obligations of non-custodial parents to their children w

19、hile preserving EITCs work incentives.,Replace the EITC,Replace the earned income tax credit with a payroll tax offset both to replace the EITC and protect low- and moderate-income families from increased tax burdens.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL,Guard Against Regressivity,Any movement aw

20、ay from the income tax to a consumption tax collected by businesses will require some adjustment of this sort to protect against regressivity.,Corporate,MILLIONS OF TAX RETURNS UNDER CURRENT LAW AND PROPOSAL,GAO has estimated that an exemption for small businesses with gross receipts of $100,000 or

21、less would reduce the required number of VAT returns from 24 million to 5.4 million. We assume here that such a small business exemption would be included in a VAT and show 8 million VAT returns filed, since some small businesses will opt into the VAT to obtain refunds and to account for growth sinc

22、e the GAO report was published. VAT Administrative Costs, GAO/GGD-93-78 (1993) at 62. Sources: 1946: Statistical Abstract of the United States (1956); 2000: Internal Revenue Service Databook (2000); Proposal 2003: Treasury estimates (individual), author estimate (corporate), GAO estimate (VAT). Note

23、 that partnership returns are treated as information returns and therefore not included in the graph above.,VAT,Corporate,Individual,SIMPLIFYING TAX COMPLIANCE,133.5,35.5,Individual,Unlike the current tax, this system eliminates all marriage penalties, something Congress has been unable to do under

24、the current income tax.,Economic Growth,International Coordination,By combining taxes commonly used throughout the world, this system facilitates international coordination and fits well within existing international tax and trade agreements.,KEY ADVANTAGES,No Marriage Penalties,Fewer Filers,The new

25、 tax system would encourage saving and investment in the United States, stimulating economic growth and creating additional jobs for American workers.,Elimination of 100 million of 135 million income tax returns reduces compliance and administrative costs and counteracts cynicism generated by income

26、 tax complexity.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL,Unburdening The IRS,Stability,With few Americans filing tax returns, there will be less temptation for political tinkering with the tax system. International capital mobility, the initial level of the VAT rate, and a supermajority voting requi

27、rement would limit rate increases.,A FOUR-PIECE FAIR AND BALANCED PROPOSAL:,With far fewer income tax filers and an easily administrable VAT, this system would reduce the IRS workload so that it can do its job.,Easy Transition,This plan avoids the difficult issues of transition to an entirely new sy

28、stem that have haunted other proposals to move completely away from the income tax.,KEY ADVANTAGES,Table 1: Illustrative Summary of Revenues,Source: Michael J. Graetz, 100 Million Unnecessary Returns: A Fresh Start for the U.S. Tax System, 112 Yale L. J. 261, 304-5 (2002).,CONCLUSION,BACK TO THE FUT

29、URE,A Role for the VAT,Back to the Future,Flexibility,One alternative requested by the President is reform of the existing income tax. The structural reform suggested here can be combined with any reform of the current income tax.,After reforming the current income tax, adding a 10-14% VAT, along th

30、e lines here, would allow Congress to:eliminate at least 150 million people from the income tax roles through an exemption of at least $100,000, andreduce income tax rates by about 10 percentage points.,A low-rate income tax on a small slice of high-income Americans combined with consumption taxes o

31、n everyone describes the U.S. tax regime before World War II. Then, the consumption tax in the form of tariffs was economically inefficient. The modern VAT is a far more equitable and efficient tax.,Appendix,Flat Rates,Flat-rate tax systems such as the flat tax and the retail sales tax are less prog

32、ressive than revenue-equivalent graduated taxes since lower-income individuals must pay the same tax rate as higher-income individuals.,PROVIDING RELIEF FOR MIDDLE-INCOME TAXPAYERS,Consumption Taxes,Consumption taxes such as credit- and subtraction-method VATs, the flat tax, and the retail sales tax

33、 have roughly equivalent tax bases and are less progressive than income taxes of the same rate since lower-income individuals consume a larger fraction of their income than higher-income individuals.,Other plans,Other consumption-based tax reform plans must introduce provisions like a payroll tax of

34、fset or more steeply graduated rates in order to avoid imposing a greater tax burden on lower- and middle-income taxpayers. Some consumption tax plans offer neither.,PROVIDING RELIEF FOR MIDDLE-INCOME TAXPAYERS,Four-piece Proposal,The plan described in these slides addresses the loss in progressivit

35、y from flat rates and the introduction of a VAT by a payroll tax offset and retention of income taxation for high-income taxpayers.,Bottom Line,Any move toward consumption taxation requires careful attention to distributional concerns. Without careful design, a shift to a consumption tax may entail

36、tax cuts for the wealthy and tax increases for low- and moderate-income people.,Export Taxation,Pensions and Health Ins.,The flat tax would eliminate employers incentives to provide employer-based health insurance and pensions, threatening employers provision of both.,THE “FLAT TAX”,American busines

37、ses will not stand for taxing exports while exempting imports, as is required by our trade agreements under a flat tax.,Instability,Given Congress propensity to enact targeted tax breaks, a flat tax which would require all wage earners to file tax returns would not remain flat or simple for very lon

38、g.,Progressivity,Americans are uncomfortable with taxing income from wages only and not from wealth. Moreover, the flat tax would increase the tax burden on the middle class.,DIFFICULTIES OF OTHER PROPOSALS,Pension and Health Ins.,Progressivity,A retail sales tax would reduce progressivity by increa

39、sing the tax rate on low-income individuals, who consume most of their income, and lowering the rate for higher-income individuals, who consume relatively less.,NATIONAL RETAIL SALES TAX,Like the flat tax, the retail sales tax would eliminate employers incentives to provide employer-based health ins

40、urance and pensions, threatening employers provision of both.,Insufficient Revenue,Compliance difficulties prevent sales tax rates sufficiently high to replace the income tax. Only six countries have adopted such taxes at a rate above 10%, and none currently exist.*,*Slemrod (2005) presentation to t

41、he Presidents Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform.,DIFFICULTIES OF OTHER PROPOSALS,Sheltering Opportunities,Novelty,Since no other nation relies on such a tax, more unforeseen difficulties are likely to arise upon implementation. Only India and Sri Lanka ever tried such a tax and both abandoned it.

42、,A PROGRESSIVE PERSONAL CONSUMPTION TAX (E.G. NUNN-DOMENICI),Failure to tax consumption financed with borrowing under the Nunn-Domenici plan would allow people with assets or the ability to borrow to avoid the tax.,Transition Problems,The transition provisions of the Nunn-Domenici plan created incen

43、tives for dissaving and for wasteful tax avoidance activities.,DIFFICULTIES OF OTHER PROPOSALS,Preferences Maintained,Other preferences will likely be retained, offering additional opportunities to consume tax-free.,Tax-free Consumption,Insufficient Revenue,This plan proposes to lower capital gains

44、rates, allow 100% expensing, expand Roth-type saving opportunities, eliminate the double-tax on corporate earnings, and implement territorial taxation. The first four items are major revenue losers.,TAX REFORM IN “FIVE EASY PIECES”,Like the Nunn-Domenici progressive consumption tax, this plan would

45、create opportunities for tax shelters and to consume entirely tax-free by borrowing. This problem is exacerbated by the piecemeal approach.,Continuing Complexity,Because of its incremental nature, this plan to convert the income tax into a consumption tax a step at a time could actually increase complexity of the tax system.,DIFFICULTIES OF OTHER PROPOSALS,


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