A Trip to the Dark Side of the Thesis Statement..ppt

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1、A Trip to the Dark Side of the Thesis Statement.,The Thesis Idea is the answer that you would give if you only have one sentence to answer the question.,It cannot merely restate the question It must answer all parts of the question,Analyze the differences between the Spanish settlements in the South

2、west and the English colonies in New England in the seventeenth century in terms of TWO of the following: - Politics - Religion Economic DevelopmentDuring the seventeenth century, Spanish colonies were more closely tied to their mother country, both economically and politically than English colonies

3、 were.The seventeenth century Spanish and English colonies were very different.During the seventeenth century, English colonies developed democratic political systems and a wide variety of economies, while the Spanish colonies were governed directly from Spain and their economic development was seve

4、rely limited.4. The political and economic development of Spanish and English colonies in the seventeenth century were very different.,Analyze the differences between the Spanish settlements in the Southwest and the English colonies in New England in the seventeenth century in terms of TWO of the fo

5、llowing: - Politics - Religion - Economic Development,The seventeenth century Spanish and English colonies were very different. The political and economic development of Spanish and English colonies in the seventeenth century were very different. During the seventeenth century, Spanish colonies were

6、 more closely tied to their mother country, both economically and politically than English colonies were. During the seventeenth century, English colonies developed democratic political systems and a wide variety of economies, while the Spanish colonies were governed directly from Spain and their ec

7、onomic development was severely limited.,Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1775-1800.1. The American Revolution changed the status of slaves between 1775 and 1800, but did little to change the status of women.2. Because of the Am

8、erican Revolution, most Northern slaves were freed while Southern slaves remained in chains; at the same time the legal status of women remained largely unchanged.3. The American Revolution helped to change the legal status of northern slaves between 1775 and 1800, but did little to change the statu

9、s of slaves in the South.4. The American Revolution changed the status of women and slaves between 1775 and 1800.,Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1775-1800.,The American Revolution changed the status of women and slaves between

10、 1775 and 1800. The American Revolution changed the status of slaves between 1775 and 1800, but did little to change the status of women. The American Revolution helped to change the legal status of northern slaves between 1775 and 1800, but did little to change the status of slaves in the South. Be

11、cause of the American Revolution, most Northern slaves were freed while Southern slaves remained in chains; at the same time the legal status of women remained largely unchanged.,Analyze the impact of the market revolution (18151860) on the economies of TWO of the following regions. - The Northeast

12、- The Midwest The South1. The market revolution impacted the Northeast by contributing to the growth of an industrial economy and that of the South by increasing its dependence on plantation slavery. 2. The market revolution impacted the Northeast and the South in many ways. .,Analyze the impact of

13、the market revolution (18151860) on the economies of TWO of the following regions. - The Northeast - The Midwest - The South,The market revolution impacted the Northeast and the South in many ways. The market revolution impacted the Northeast by contributing to the growth of an industrial economy an

14、d that of the South by increasing its dependence on plantation slavery.,To what extent did the role of the federal government change under Theodore Roosevelt in respect to TWO of the following: - Labor - Trusts - Conservation World AffairsTheodore Roosevelt used the powers of the presidency to prote

15、ct and expand the rights of workers and to create the National Parks Service.Theodore Roosevelt greatly expanded the role of the federal government in respect to labor and conservation.Theodore Roosevelt greatly expanded the role of the federal government.4. Theodore Roosevelt greatly changed the ro

16、le of the federal government.,To what extent did the role of the federal government change under Theodore Roosevelt in respect to TWO of the following: - Labor - Trusts - Conservation - World Affairs,Theodore Roosevelt greatly changed the role of the federal government. Theodore Roosevelt greatly ex

17、panded the role of the federal government. Theodore Roosevelt greatly expanded the role of the federal government in respect to labor and conservation. Theodore Roosevelt used the powers of the presidency to protect and expand the rights of workers and to create the National Parks Service.,Describe

18、the patterns of immigration in TWO of the periods listed below. Compare and contrast the reactions of Americans to immigrants during these periods - 1820 to 1860 - 1880 to 1924 1965 to 2000Patterns of immigration have changed in many ways over the years.Immigration patterns between 1820 and 1860 wer

19、e very different than immigration patterns between 1880 and 1924.The sources of immigrants during the period 1820-1860 had changed greatly by 1880-1924, as did the patterns of settlement of those immigrants. 4. Even though the sources of immigration to the U.S., as well as the patterns of settlement

20、 that those immigrants followed were very different during the periods 1820-1860 and 1880-1924, the reactions of Americans to those immigrants remained largely unchanged.,Describe the patterns of immigration in TWO of the periods listed below. Compare and contrast the reactions of Americans to immig

21、rants during these periods - 1820 to 1860 - 1880 to 1924 - 1965 to 2000,Patterns of immigration have changed in many ways over the years. Immigration patterns between 1820 and 1860 were very different than immigration patterns between 1880 and 1924. The sources of immigrants during the period 1820-1

22、860 had changed greatly by 1880-1924, as did the patterns of settlement of those immigrants. Even though the sources of immigration to the U.S., as well as the patterns of settlement that those immigrants followed were very different during the periods 1820-1860 and 1880-1924, the reactions of Americans to those immigrants remained largely unchanged.,


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