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1、ABDOMINAL CAVITY,Peritoneal Cavity,Greater omentumExtends from greater curvature of stomach to posterior abdominal wall.Apron-like fold covering transverse colon and small intestine.,Peritoneal Cavity,Lesser omentumExtends from lesser curvature of stomach to liver.Includes:Hepatogastric ligament.Hep

2、atoduodenal ligament.,Peritoneal Cavity,MesenteriesMesentery proper attaches to small intestine from duodenojejunal flexure to ileocecal junction.Composed of two layers of peritoneum:Enclose blood vessels and nerves to jejunum and ileum.,Peritoneal Cavity,Other mesenteries:Transverse mesocolon.Sigmo

3、id mesocolon.,Liver,Largest visceral organ in body. Lies mostly in upper right portion of abdominal cavity. Encased in fibrous capsule and covered by visceral peritoneum except:Bare area:In contact with underside of diaphragm.,Liver,Surfaces:Diaphragmatic.Visceral.Inferior.,Lobes:Right:Largest.Left.

4、Caudate.Quadrate.,Liver,Porta hepatis:Transverse fissure separating caudate and quadrate lobes.Transmits:Right and left hepatic ducts.Right and left hepatic arteries.Right and left branches of portal vein.Autonomic plexus and lymphatics.,Gallbladder,Relationship to liver:Lies between quadrate and ri

5、ght lobe.Pear-shaped organ.Function:Store and concentrate bile.,Gallbladder,Duct system:Common hepatic duct:From union of right and left hepatic ducts of liver.Accompanied by portal vein and proper hepatic artery.,Gallbladder,Duct system:Cystic duct:Connects common hepatic duct to gall bladder.Commo

6、n bile duct:Formed by union of common hepatic duct and cystic duct.Opens into duodenum with main pancreatic duct.,Stomach,Located in epigastric and left hypochondriac regions. Regions:Lesser curvature.Short concave right border.Attached to lesser omentum.Greater curvature:Long convex left border.Att

7、ached to greater omentum.,Stomach,Regions (cont.):Cardiac:Adjacent to junction with esophagus.Fundus:Dome-shaped portion above entry of esophagus.Often filled with gas.,Stomach,Regions (cont.):Body:Pylorus:With anatomical pyloric sphincter.,Stomach,Blood supply:Left and right gastric arteries.Left a

8、nd right gastroepiploic arteries.Short gastric arteries.Accompanying vein to portal vein.,Spleen,Largest lymphatic organ: Develops in dorsal mesentery of stomach:Not an embryological derivative of gut tube. Location:Lies against diaphragm in left hypochondriac region.Along the long axis of ribs 9-11

9、.,Spleen,Attached to stomach by:Gastrosplenic ligament:Contains:Left gastroepiploic artery and vein.Short gastric arteries and veins.,Pancreas,Location:In epigastric and left hypochondriac regions. Blood supply:Branches of splenic artery.Superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries.,Pancreas,F

10、our parts:Head.Neck.Body.Tail.,Pancreas,Head:Lies in curvature of duodenum.Lies anterior to inferior vena cava.Traversed by common bile duct. Neck:Constricted where crossed posteriorly by:Superior mesenteric artery.,Pancreas,Body:Triangular in cross-section.Extends across midline across aorta and le

11、ft renal vein. Tail:Ends at hilus of spleen.,Small Intestine,Duodenum:From pylorus to jejunum.Surrounds head of pancreas.Retroperitoneal.Begins to right of midline at level of lumbar vertebra 1.Ends left of midline at level of lumbar vertebra 2.,Small Intestine,Duodenum:Divided into 4 parts:Not disc

12、ussed here.Blood supply:Gastroduodenal artery via smaller named arteries.Superior mesenteric artery via smaller named arteries.,Small Intestine,Jejunum and Ileum:Begins at duodenojejunal flexure in upper left quadrant.Ends at ileocecal junction in lower right quadrant.Approximately 20 feet in length

13、 (8/12)Attached to posterior abdominal wall by:Mesentery of small intestine.15 inches long.,Small Intestine,Jejunum and Ileum:Arterial supply:Superior mesenteric artery.Venous drainage:Superior mesenteric vein.,Large Intestine,Cecum and Appendix:Ileocecal orifice with ileocecal valve.McBurneys point

14、:2/3 distance from umbilicus to ASIS.,Large Intestine,Transverse Colon:From right colic flexure (hepatic) to left colic flexure (splenic).Suspended by transverse mesocolon.Arterial supply:Middle colic artery from superior mesenteric artery.,Large Intestine,Descending Colon:From left colic flexure to

15、 pelvic brim (sigmoid colon).Mostly covered by peritoneum but posterior wall is fused to posterior abdominal wall.Arterial supply:Branch from inferior mesenteric artery.,Large Intestine,Sigmoid Colon:Begins at pelvic brim.Becomes continuous with rectum at sacral vertebra 3.Suspended by sigmoid mesoc

16、olon.Arterial supply:Inferior mesenteric artery.,Large Intestine,Rectum:Begins at level of sacral vertebra 3.Follows curvature of sacrum and coccyx.,Large Intestine,Anal Canal:Internal anal sphincter:Thick ring of circular smooth muscle.Surrounds upper part of anal canal.Controlled reflexively and i

17、nvoluntarily by ANS:Parasympathetic system promotes relaxation.Sympathetic system promotes contraction.,Large Intestine,Anal Canal:External anal sphincter:Three rings of skeletal muscle.Extends entire length of anal canal.Controlled voluntarily via branches of pudendal nerve.,Large Intestine,Anal Ca

18、nal:Anal columns:5-10 longitudinal folds of mucosa in upper half of canal.Pectinate line:Marks junction between endoderm portion of anal canal and ectoderm portion of anal canal (proctodeum).Marks division between visceral and somatic arterial, venous, lymphatic, and nerve supply.,Urinary System,Kid

19、neys and ureters:Kidneys are retroperitoneal.Lie against posterior abdominal wall on either side of vertebral column.Generally lie adjacent to upper three lumbar vertebrae.Move with movements of the diaphragm.,Urinary System,Kidneys and ureters:Subdivisions:Cortex.Medulla with renal pyramidsPelvisma

20、jor and minor calyces (sing. calyx),Urinary System,Kidneys and ureters:Ureter is a continuation of the pelvis.Descends retroperitoneally on the anterior surface of the psoas major.Passes anterior to bifurcation of common iliac.Renal fat.,Urinary System,Suprarenal (adrenal) glands:Blood supply:Right

21、and left renal arteries:Right is longer than the left.Right and left renal veins:Left is longer than the right.,Urinary System,Urinary bladder:Apexpoints anteriorly.attached to umbilicus via median umbilical ligament.Base:faces posteriorly.receives ureters.opens into urethra.,Urinary System,Urinary

22、bladder:Superior surface:Completely covered by peritoneum.Muscle:= detrusor muscle.,Urinary System,Urinary bladder:Arterial supply:Superior and inferior vesical arteries from internal iliac arteries.,Urinary System,Urinary bladder:Trigone:Smooth internal surface of triangular base:Does not contract

23、or stretch when bladder empties and fills.,Urinary System,Urinary bladder:Trigone:Three openings:Paired ureteric orifices.Internal urethral orifice.,Urinary System,Suprarenal glands:Lie against posterior abdominal wall on superior poles of kidneys.Arterial supply:Superior suprarenal arteries:From inferior phrenic artery.Middle suprarenal artery:From abdominal aorta.Inferior suprarenal arteries:From renal artery,Urinary System,Suprarenal glands:Venous drainage:Right suprarenal vein to inferior vena cava.Left suprarenal vein to renal vein.,


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