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1、Abnormal Psychology,Dr. David M. McCordParadigms,Quick Review,We looked at definitions of “abnormal” Statistical, violation of norms, personal distress, dysfunction, unexpectedness We then reviewed the history of how abnormal behavior has been viewed and treated in the past Early demonology Hippocra

2、tes and rise of somatogenesis Dark ages and return to demonology Renaissance, development of asylums, Pinel Benjamin Rush in Philadelphia Somatic therapies of the 1930s and 1940s This brings us to modern era Modern somatogenesis (Kraepelin, “syndrome”) Modern psychogenesis (Mesmer, Charcot),Scientif

3、ic Paradigms,Paradigms are conceptual frameworks that scientists use to study the world Paradigms include assumptions about science and methods A general perspective or approach Paradigms dictate what will and will not be studied (e.g. few scientists study ESP today) Paradigms can dictate the method

4、s used by a scientist (introspection versus experimentation) Affects the interpretation of facts and findings Psychology has yet to settle on a universally accepted paradigm, so we continue to consider several ,Biological paradigm Medical model, somatogenic approach Mental problems caused by abnorma

5、l biological processes Psychodynamic paradigm Freud, psychogenic approach Mental problems caused by psychological issues Behavioral Paradigm Psychogenic, classical & operant conditioning Cognitive paradigm Psychogenic, Beck, Ellis, CBT Humanistic/Existential paradigm Psychogenic, Rogers, Gestalt Soc

6、iocultural Paradigm Family system, cultural background, labels,The Biological Paradigm,The biological paradigm (medical model) suggests that alterations of biological processes result in abnormal behavior Biological processes may include: Heredity Imbalances of brain chemistry Disordered development

7、 of brain structures,Nerve Signaling,Neurons signal information by releasing packets of chemical transmitters from the axon terminal Chemical molecules bind to receptors on the membrane of adjacent nerve cells Binding in turn changes the electrical activity of the adjacent cell and can trigger an ac

8、tion potential A reuptake process in the axon membrane takes up excess chemical for reuse,Fig 2.2,Abnormal behavior could result from: Too much of a specific neurotransmitter in the synapse, due to excessive synthesis Too little of a specific neurotransmitter in the synapse, due to deficient synthes

9、is Too much of a specific neurotransmitter due to inhibited reuptake of the transmitter Too many or too few receptors on the postsynaptic neuron membrane Neurotransmitters relevant to us include: Norepinephrine Serotonin GABA Dopamine And many others,The biological approach to treatment is usually t

10、o alter the biochemistry of the brain: Drugs alter synaptic levels of neurotransmitters Increase or decrease synthesis of transmitter Increase by blocking enzymes that break down transmitter Increase by blocking reuptake Block receptor sites,The Psychoanalytic Paradigm,The core assumption of the psy

11、choanalytic paradigm is that abnormal behavior reflects unconscious conflicts within the person Drives such as sex and aggression come into conflict with laws, social rules, and moral codes. As we grow, we internalize these rules, so the conflicts are intrapsychic. The psychoanalytic paradigm is der

12、ived from the theories of personality developed by Sigmund Freud,Sigmund Freud,Born May 6, 1856, Pribor, Moravia (now Czech Republic) Moved to Vienna at age 4, for rest of life (80 years) Graduated at 17, then 8 years in med school Graduated in 1881, married, began practice Planned to specialize in

13、physiology and pathology, but became very interested in abnormal nervous system disorders Good friend Josef Breuer (1842-1925) gave him advice and $, discussed patients, esp. Anna O. Stumbled upon the “talking cure” and catharsis Freud Web Links. Freud Museum UK,Freuds Model of the Mind,Freud sugges

14、ted that the mind is composed of three parts: Id is the raw energy that powers the mind Id seeks gratification of basic urges for food, water, warmth, affection, and sex Id processes are unconscious Ego is a conscious part of the mind that deals with reality Superego is the final part of the mind to

15、 emerge and is similar to the conscience,Repression the automatic ejection from awareness of anxiety-provoking ideas. Protects us from recognizing and admitting our darker side, the urges we would consider inappropriate in light of our moral values. A primary and primitive defense mechanism.Instinct

16、s 2 classes Eros life instincts, help you to survive and reproduce (hunger, thirst, sex). Thanatos death instincts, “the goal of all life is death” unconscious death wish aggressive drives turned inward.Eros contains the psychosexual energy, the libido, which flows into different parts of the body a

17、s you develop. A hydraulic paradigm, so to speak.,Freud argued that personality develops in stages: in each stage the id derives pleasure from a distinct part of the body Oral (Birth to 18 months): infant derives pleasure from eating and biting Anal (18 months to 3 years): the focus of pleasure is t

18、he anus Phallic (3 to 6 years): the genitals are the focus of pleasure Latent (6 to 12 years): id impulses are dormant Genital: heterosexual interests are dominant,Defense Mechanisms I,Anxiety results from conflict between id impulses and expression of those impulses Defense mechanisms reduce anxiet

19、y Repression: impulses are made unconscious Projection: person attributes their own impulses onto others Denial: troubling experiences are made unconscious Reaction formation: preventing the awareness or expression of unacceptable impulses by an exaggerated adoption of seemingly opposite behavior-at

20、titudes-feelings Displacement: Discharging pent-up feelings, often of hostility, on objects less dangerous than those arousing the feelings,Defense Mechanisms II,Sublimation: Converting sexual or aggressive impulses into socially acceptable, even valued, behaviors Intellectualization: Cutting off af

21、fective charge from hurtful situations, or separating incompatible attitudes by logic-tight compartments Rationalization: Using contrived “explanations” to conceal or disguise unworthy motives for ones behavior Fantasy: Gratifying frustrated desires by imaginary achievements Emotional insulation: Re

22、ducing ego involvement by protective withdrawal and passivity Undoing: Atoning for or magically trying to dispel unacceptable desires or acts Regression: Retreating to an earlier developmental period involving less mature behavior and responsibility,Essentials of Classic Psychoanalytic Therapy,The g

23、oal of psychoanalysis is insight (understanding) of the basis for anxiety Techniques of psychoanalytic therapy: Free association: person says whatever comes to mind: the content is examined by the therapist for resistances (areas the person does not wish to talk about) Dream analysis: Unconscious im

24、pulses are expressed during dreams (segment 7),Freuds Disciples,Carl Jung (1887-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, broke ranks in 1914 Collective unconscious, archetypes “Analytical Psychology” Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Inferiority complex “Individual Psychology” Karen Horney Focused on interpersonal relation

25、ships Denied penis envy Expelled from NY Psychoanalytic Institute,Freuds Legacy,Freud contributions include the views that: Childhood experiences help shape adult personality There are unconscious influences on personality Defense mechanisms help to control anxiety The causes and purposes of human b

26、ehavior are not always obvious,Humanistic/Existential Paradigms,Humanistic/existential paradigms focus on insight into the motivations/needs of the person These paradigms place greater emphasis on the persons freedom of choice (free will) The humanistic paradigm does not focus on how problems develo

27、p in a person,Assumptions of Rogers Client-Centered Therapy,Client-centered therapy argues that: People can only be understood from the vantage point of their own feelings Healthy people are: aware of their own behavior innately good and effective purposive and directive Therapy creates conditions u

28、nder which person makes independent decisions,Existential Therapy,The existential view emphasizes personal growth The existential view notes that making choices results in anxiety Existential therapy encourages clients to confront their anxieties and to make important decisions about how to relate t

29、o others,Gestalt Therapy,Fritz Perls Help patients understand and accept their own needs, desires, fears, to enhance awareness of self Focus on here and now, without delving into past all that matters is now Technique focused (segment 8),Learning Paradigms,Learning paradigms argue that abnormal beha

30、vior is learned as are normal behaviors Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Modeling Behaviorism focuses on the study of observable behaviorWatson website,Classical Conditioning,Fig 2.4,Operant Conditioning,Behaviors have consequences Positive reinforcement: behaviors followed by pleasant st

31、imuli are strengthened Negative reinforcement: behaviors that terminate a negative stimulus are strengthened Behavior can be shaped using method of successive approximations Reward a series of responses that approximate the final response,Modeling,Learning can occur in the absence of reinforcers Mod

32、eling involves learning by watching and imitating the behaviors of others Models impart information to the observer Children learn about aggression watching aggressive models,Behavior Therapy,Behavior therapy uses learning methods to change abnormal behavior, thoughts and feelings Behavior therapist

33、s use classical and operant conditioning techniques as well as modeling Counterconditioning: learning a new response Systematic desensitization: relaxation is paired with a stimulus that formerly induced anxiety Aversive conditioning: an unpleasant event is paired with a stimulus to reduce its attra

34、ctiveness,Phobias an example of paradigms,Little Hans Little Albert Little Peter,Cognitive Paradigm,Learner is an active interpreter of information Schema Becks cognitive therapy for depression Elliss Rational Emotive Therapy More generalized Cognitive Behavior Therapy is leading model of therapy to

35、day,Diathesis-Stress Paradigm,Focuses on the interaction between a predisposition to disease or disorder, and environmental events that lead toward, or away from, that disorder. Diathesis usually refers to a genetic, biological, or constitutional vulnerability Stressor can be major traumatic events as well as more normal life stresses Integrates data from other paradigms,


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