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1、ABRAHAM MASLOW,By: Lathees Shanmuganathan& Raaid K,WHO IS ABRAHAM MASLOW?,Background Info,His full name is Abraham Harold Maslow He was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the first of seven children born to his parents His parents were were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. Mas

2、low became very lonely as a boy, and found his refuge in books. He married Bertha Goodman, his first cousin, against his parents wishes. Abraham and Bertha went on to have two daughters. on June 8 1970, he died of a heart attack after years of ill health.,CONTINUATION,Background Info,To satisfy his

3、parents, he first studied law at the City College of New York (CCNY). After three semesters, he transferred to Cornell, and then back to CCNY He received his BA in 1930, his MA in 1931, and his PhD in 1934, all in psychology, and all from the University of Wisconsin. A year after graduation, he retu

4、rned to New York to work with E. L. Thorndike at Columbia, where Maslow became interested in research on human sexuality. In 1951, Maslow served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis for 10 years, where he met Kurt Goldstein (who introduced him to the idea of self-actualization) and

5、began his own theoretical work. It was also here that he began his crusade for a humanistic psychology - something ultimately much more important to him than his own theorizing.,FIELD OF RESEARCH,One of the many interesting things Maslow noticed while he worked with monkeys early in his career was t

6、hat some needs take precedence over others. For example, if you are hungry and thirsty, you will tend to try to take care of the thirst first. After all, you can do without food for weeks, but you can only do without water for a couple of days! Thirst is a “stronger” need than hunger. Likewise, if y

7、ou are very thirsty, but someone has put a chokehold on you and you cannot breathe, which is more important? The need to breathe, of course. On the other hand, sex is less powerful than any of these. Let us face it, you wont die if you dont get it! This is how Abraham Maslow thought,CONTINUATION,Mas

8、low then took this idea and created his now famous hierarchy of needs. Beyond the details of air, water, food, and sex, he laid out five broader layers: the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the needs for love and belonging, the needs for esteem, and the need to actualize the s

9、elf, all in the given order.,HIERARCHY OF NEEDS,Physiological Needs,Safety Needs,Love Needs,Esteem Needs,Self-Actualization,The Important Contributions Maslow Made to Psychology,Hierarchy Of Needs Theory (The first four stagesDeficit needs),The Important Contributions Maslow Made to Psychology,Hiera

10、rchy Of Needs Theory (The first four stagesDeficit needs) Homeostasis,The Important Contributions Maslow Made to Psychology,Hierarchy Of Needs Theory (The first four stagesDeficit needs) Homeostasis Self-Actualization (last stage of the hierarchy of needs),WHY MASLOW IS IMPORTANT IN OUR STUDY OF THE

11、 SOCIAL SCIENCES,Maslow was important to the study of social sciences as he used lots of research to explain his theory on human behaviour Also, Maslows thinking was surprisingly original, most psychologist before him had been concerned with the abnormal and the ill. He wanted to know what constituted positive mental health.,


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