Active and Passive VoiceEL-F ZEYREK1090610172 -ÖP.ppt

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1、Active and Passive Voice ELİF ZEYREK 1090610172 İP,Active ve passive yapnn Trkedeki karl, etken ve edilgen yapdr.Active yani etken cmlenin znesi, cmledeki eylemi gerekletirendir,When rewriting active sentences in passive voice ;1. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive

2、sentence,2. The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle) 3. The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped),Ahmet waited for the busThe bus was waited by Ahmet,object,subject,subject,Ayn cmlenin zamanlara gre ekimi u ekildedir:SIMPLE

3、PRESENT Ahmet waits the bus. ActiveThe bus is waited by Ahmet Passive,Subject,Object,Subject,Present Continuous:Ahmet is waiting the bus. ActiveThe bus is being waited by Ahmet Passive,Future: AHMETAhmet will wait the bus. Active The bus will be waited by Ahmet. PassiveBe going to: Ahmet is going to

4、 wait the bus. Active The bus is going to be waited by Ahmet. Passive,Simple Past: Ahmet waited the bus. Active The bus was waited by Ahmet. PassiveSimple Past Continuous: Ahmet was waiting the bus. Active The bus was being waited by Ahmet. Passive,Present Perfect: Ahmet has waited the bus. Active T

5、he bus has been waited by Ahmet. PassivePast Perfect:Ahmet had waited the bus. Active The bus had been waited by Ahmet Passive,Future Perfect:Ahmet will have waited the bus. Active The bus will have been waited by Ahmet. Passive,When do we use passive,1. When the agent of the action is unknown:Examp

6、le:My wallet was stolen last night. (we dont know who stole the wallet),Example: My bike was stolen.In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.,2. To be tactful by not naming the actor,Example: A mistake was made.In this case, I focus o

7、n the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).,3. When the agent is unimportant:Example:The new students centre was completed last week. (the people who built the centre are unnecessary information for the meaning of the sentence),4. The agent is commo

8、n knowledge, and mentioning it would be redundant. Example:George Bush was elected in 2000.,5. To emphasize (put importance on) the recipient (receiver) of the action:Example:a. Only Jane was injured in the accident; the remainder of the passengers were unhurt.(we want Jane to be the subject of the

9、sentence and at the beginning to emphasize her importance),b. Erina was chosen as best student, and of course this made her happy. (the teacher who chose Erina is not what we want to emphasize),6. To connect ideas in different clauses more clearly:Example :The music was being played too loud by the

10、students, who were finally asked to turn it down.,7. To make generic statements, announcements, and explanations:a. Something should be done about the traffic jams in this town.b. Its said that its going to rain tonight.(Often, people will say, They say that its going to rain tonight, the they being

11、 the weatherman.),Active and PassiveVoice Quiz,Thomas feeds his dog. Active / Passive 2) The dog is fed by Thomas. Active / Passive 3) The family went to the beach. Active / Passive 4) The letter was written by Marshall. Active / Passive,5) The dog was hit by the car. Active / Passive 6) The problem

12、 was solved. Active / Passive 7) The stunt man risked his life. Active / Passive 8) The fire was extinguished. Active / Passive,9) The car was being cleaned by its owner. Active / Passive 10) It gets cold here during the winter.Active / Passive,Directions: Rewrite the passive voice sentences as acti

13、ve voice sentences.Passive: The dog was hit by the car.Active,The car hit the dog,Passive: The house will be built by the construction crew in five months.Active,The construction crew will built the house in five months,Everybody _ by the terrible news yesterday. A)shocked B)was shocked Mr. Green _

14、at the University since 1989. A)has been teaching B)has been taught Not much _ about the accident since that time. A)has said B)has been said A new book _ by that company next year. A)will publish B)will be published,5. He _ the girls name now. A)remembers B)is remembered 6. The secretary _ to her n

15、ew boss yesterday. A)introduced B)was introduced 7. Our plan _ by the members of the committee. A)is being considered B)is considered He _ responsible for the accident. A)was holding B)was held,9. A prize _ to whoever solves this equation. A)will be giving B)will be given 10. When the manager arrived, the problem _. A)had already been solved. B)had already solved.,THE ENDPREPARED BY ELİF ZEYREK,


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