1、1,ALICE OFFLINE :ORGANIZATION,A user point of viewYves Schutz, SUBATECH, France,(PHOS biased),2,Toward AliRoot ,A single framework for all computing activities in ALICESimulation & Online & Offline (Reconstruction+Analysis)Be friendly to the user (not necessarely user friendly !)PAW was a success,3,
2、Toward AliRoot ,The framework must be adapted to:The particularities of the experiment: Large events: 80 Mb Many events: 2(+2) Pb/year Huge data flow: 1 Gb/s,4,Toward AliRoot ,The framework must be adapted to:Any (most) user (about 900): Rapidly usable (even if unstable) Available on all major platf
3、orms Low learning thresholdLooks like a-postiori design criteria for Root,5,&,All OO & C+The unique framework is AliRoot (same language for script and implementation)Fortran is tolerated (GEANT3.21 wrapped)Open source (user = potential developper),An often disputed (at CERN) choice but it works !,6,
4、Organisation,7,Alice User,Talks to root Through a macro,8,Alice User,Talks to root Through a macro,9,Alice User,Talks to root Through a macro,10,Alice User,Talks to root Through a macro,11,Alice User,12,Simulator,13,Reconstructioner,14,Developers and users,About 900 potential users About 50 develope
5、rs scattered arround the world Steering group at CERN ( 5 persons ) 1-2 developper-librarian/detector About 5 (regular+occasional) developpers/detector,15,To stay within the frame(work),The offline board The steering group The librarians Meets every week (micro), 6 weeks (macro) Users training 4 one
6、-week meetings/year Users + developpers Presentations + classes,16,but not enough,ALICE defined Coding Conventions Strictly enforced (blame/shame) Automatic tool Syntax Naming Style make check *.viol,17,Maintenance,CERN based CVS Repository Librarian have exclusive commit rights Developpers are auto
7、matically informed by e-mail HEAD must compile, not necessarely bug free Every 2 weeks a release (3.02) bug free, usable by any user,18,Documentation,Root builds html documentation (to be improved) Root does reverse engeenering (uml look alike) Every detector responsible for its own documentation Collected on a single WWW page,19,http:/AliSoft.cern.ch/offline,20,Documentation,Root builds html documentation (to be improved) Root does reverse engeenering (uml look alike) Every detector responsible for its own documentation Collected on a single WWW page,