Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre.ppt

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1、Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre,Photo of front, community learning hub,Overview and FAQs,Fully Integrated Community Centre/Neighbourhood House Commitment to lifelong community learning underpins philosophy Space? - 1397sq m over two floors with optimum disabled access Collection size? - O

2、nly 20% larger - 27k but much larger emphasis on electronic access Opening hours? Shopping centre hours 9am 8pm most weekdays, and open both Sat and Sun How many staff ? - EFT 5.5 Library + Community Centre staff Cost? $4.2 million + $250,000 for materials Technology? RFID technology, zoned security

3、, multimedia, IT training room, video surveillance, multi-channel advertising,Design Brief,Communitys shared “living room”,Reflect local community needs Family Learning Culturally diverse An identified need to improve educational opportunities,Design Brief,Best practice disability and family access

4、principles adopted,Design Brief,Green principles adopted throughout Use of natural light Reduced energy consumption,Innovative use of Technology to enhance access and service delivery,Design Brief,Concept of the “ant farm” sense of being outside and looking in - Whats happening in there? Can I come

5、in? encouraging welcoming!,Come on in?,Marketing to the suburbs. the polish of David Jones just didnt quite fit! Vibrant, Colourful, Comfortable, Welcoming Supermarket of choices - learning and leisure Community hub Staff Flexible, welcoming and from a wide variety of backgrounds,Have they come?,The

6、 Librarys Vision,The Learning Centre will: Consolidate support for education and lifelong learning and focus on literacy Support the Councils vision of enhanced learning, communication and participation Raise awareness of opportunities for lifelong learning through promotion,Branding,Theme learn and

7、 grow wings Use of colour Externally Internally Signage Clear, simple, portable Multiscreen promotion,A great beginning.,The Launch! and a Week of free festivity Opportunities for recreation, fun and enjoyment as well as access to information, education and social services,Working in Partnership - t

8、o provide services for all in the community,Library,Community Centres,Elderly,Housebound,Local Business,Clubs,People with special requirements,People who are physically and mentally disadvantaged,New settlers for whom English is a second language,People of different cultures,Local interest groups,Gi

9、ve and take,African Women of the West Pacific Island Homework Group Altona Meadows Lions Club Altona Rotary Womens referral centre,Gallery,Cocoon Exhibition Victoria University map display Local artist Working in harmony - schools,A Learning Centre What has worked well for the community -,Vision of

10、a seamless approach Creation of safe, comfortable and welcoming environment formal and informal community spaces Location in an activity node the local busy shopping centre Use of natural light and colour Use of RFID more than200% increased capacity with justover double the staff The number and variety of programs offered Improved profile of libraryservices within communityand Council,What we could have done better Signed agreementson vision and marketing,


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