Ambiguity Management in Deep Grammar Engineering.ppt

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1、Ambiguity Management in Deep Grammar Engineering,Tracy Holloway King,Ambiguity: bug or feature?,Bug in computer programming languages Feature in natural language People good at resolving ambiguity in context Ambiguity consequently often unperceived“Readjust paper holding clip”even though thousand-fo

2、ld ambiguities are common Ambiguity promotes conciseness Computers cant resolve ambiguity like humansIf we are going to build large-scale, linguistically sophisticated grammars, we need ways to handle ambiguity,Talk Outline,Sources of ambiguity Grammar engineering approaches Shallow markup (Dis)pref

3、erence marks Stochastic disambiguation Efficiency in ambiguity management,Sources of Ambiguity,Phonetic: “I scream” or “ice cream” Tokenization: “I like Jan.” - |Jan|. Or |Jan.|. (abbrev January) Morphological: “walks” - plural noun or 3sg verb “untieable knot” - un(tieable) or (untie)able Lexical:

4、“bank” - river bank or financial institution Syntactic: “The turkeys are ready to eat.” - fattened or hungry Semantic: “Two boys ate fifteen pizzas.” - 15 each or 15 total Pragmatic: “Sue won. Ed gave her a good luck charm.” - cause or result,PP Attachment A classic example of syntactic ambiguity,PP

5、 adjuncts can attach to VPs and NPs Strings of PPs in the VP are ambiguous I see the girl with the telescope. I see the girl with the telescope.I see the girl with the telescope. Ambiguities proliferate exponentially I see the girl with the telescope in the park I see the girl with the telescope in

6、the park I see the girl with the telescope in the park I see the girl with the telescope in the park I see the girl with the telescope in the park I see the girl with the telescope in the park The syntax has no way to determine the attachment, even if humans can.,Coverage entails ambiguity,I fell in

7、 the park. + I know the girl in the park.I see the girl in the park.,Ambiguity can be explosive,If alternatives multiply within or across components,Tokenize,Morphology,Syntax,Semantics,Discourse,Ambiguity figures,Deep grammars are massively ambiguous Example: 700 from section 23 of WSJ average # of

8、 words: 19.6 average # of optimal parses: 684 for 1-10 word sentences: 3.8 for 11-20 word sentences: 25.2 for 50-60 word sentences: 12,888,Managing Ambiguity,Grammar engineering approaches Trim early with shallow markup (Dis)preference marks on rules Choose most probable parse for applications that

9、need a single input Use packing to parse and manipulate the ambiguities efficiently,Talk Outline,Sources of ambiguity Grammar engineering approaches Shallow markup (Dis)preference marks Stochastic disambiguation Efficiency in ambiguity management,Shallow markup,Part of speech marking as filter I saw

10、 her duck/VB. accuracy of tagger (v. good for English) can use partial tagging (verbs and nouns) Named entities Goldman, Sachs & Co. bought IBM. good for proper names and times hard to parse internal structure Fall back technique if fail slows parsing accuracy vs. speed,Example shallow markup: Named

11、 entities,Allow tokenizer to accept marked up input:parse Mr. Thejskt Thejs arrived.tokenized string:Mr. Thejskt Thejs TB +NEperson Mr(TB). TB Thejskt TB Thejs,Add lexical entries and rules for NE tags,Resulting C-structure,Resulting F-structure,Results for shallow markup,Kaplan and King 2003,(Dis)p

12、reference marks (OT marks),Want to (dis)prefer certain constructions prefer: use when possible disprefer: do not use unless no other analysis Implementation Put marks in rules and lexical entries Rank those marks ranking can be different for different grammars/corpora Use most prefered parse(s) can

13、use as a two pass system for robust parsing,Ungrammatical input,Real world text contains ungrammatical input Deep grammars tend to only cover grammatical output Common errors can be coded in the rules may want to know that error occurred(e.g., provide feedback in CALL grammars) Disprefer parses of u

14、ngrammatical structures tools for grammar writer to rank rules two+ pass system standard rules rules for known ungrammatical constructions default fall back rules,Sample ungrammatical structures,Mismatched subject-verb agreementVerb3Sg = SUBJ PERS = 3SUBJ NUM = sg|BadVAgr Missing copulaVPcop = Vcop:

15、 =!|e: ( PRED)=NullBeMissingCopularVerb NP: ( XCOMP)=!|AP: ( XCOMP)=!| ,Dispreferred grammatical structures,Prefer subcategorized infinitives to adverbials I want it. I finished up (in order) to leave. I want it to leave.VP V(NP: ( OBJ)=!)(VPinf: ( XCOMP)=! +InfSubcat|! $ ( ADJUNCT) InfAdjunct ).Pos

16、t-copular gerunds He is a boy. (His) going is difficult. He is going.,OT Mark summary,Use (dis)preference marks to (dis)prefer constructions or words Allows inclusion of marginal/ungrammatical constructions Issues: Only works with ambiguities with known preferences (not PP attachment) Hard to determ

17、ine ranking for many marks Two-pass parsing can be slow,Talk Outline,Sources of ambiguity Grammar engineering approaches Shallow markup (Dis)preference marks Stochastic disambiguation Efficiency in ambiguity management,Packing & Pruning in XLE,XLE produces (too) many candidates All valid (with respe

18、ct to grammar and OT marks) Not all equally likely Some applications require a single best parse or at most just a handful (n best) Grammar writer cant specify correct choices Many implicit properties of words and structures with unclear significance,Pruning in XLE,Appeal to probability model to cho

19、ose best parse Assume: previous experience is a good guide for future decisions Collect corpus of training sentences, build probability model that optimizes for previous good results partially labelled training data is okNP-SBJ They see NP-OBJ the girl with the telescope Apply model to choose best a

20、nalysis of new sentences efficient (XLE English grammar: 5% of parse time),Exponential models are appropriate (aka Maximum Entropy or Log-linear models),Assign probabilities to representations, not to choices in a derivation No independence assumption Arithmetic combined with human insight Human: De

21、fine properties of representations that may be relevant Based on any computable configuration of features, trees Arithmetic: Train to figure out the weight of each property,Properties employed in WSJ Experiment,800 property-functions: c-structure nodes and subtrees recursively embedded phrases f-str

22、ucture attributes (grammatical functions) atomic attribute-value pairs left/right branching (non)parallelism in coordination lexical elements (subcategorization frames) Some end up with no discrimination power after training,Stochastic Disambiguation Summary,Training: Define a set of features by han

23、d Train on partially labelled data Can train on low-ambiguity data Use: Choose just one structure for applications that want just one XLE displays most probable first 5% of parse time to disambiguate 30% gain in F-score,Talk Outline,Sources of ambiguity Grammar engineering approaches Shallow markup

24、(Dis)preference marks Stochastic disambiguation Efficiency in ambiguity management,Computational consequences of ambiguity,Serious problem for computational systems Broad coverage, hand written grammars frequently produce thousands of analyses, sometimes millions Machine learned grammars easily prod

25、uce hundreds of thousands of analyses if allowed to parse to completion Three approaches to ambiguity management: Pruning: block unlikely analysis paths early Procrastination: do not expand analysis paths that will lead to ambiguity explosion until something else requires them Also known as underspe

26、cification Packing: compact representation and computation of all possible analyses,The Problem with Pruning: premature disambiguation,The conventional approach: Use heuristics to prune as soon as possible,Tokenize,Morphology,Syntax,Semantics,Discourse,X,X,X,Fast computation, wrong result,X,The prob

27、lem with procrastination: passing the buck,Chunk parsing as an example: Collect noun groups, verb groups, PP groups Leave it to later processing to figure out the correct way of putting these together Not all combinations are grammatically acceptable Later processing must either Call parser to check

28、 grammatical constraints Have its own model of grammatical constraints In the best case, solve a set of constraints the partial parser includes with its output,The Problem with Packing,There may be too many analyses to pack efficiently A major problem for relatively unconstrained machine induced gra

29、mmars Grammars overgenerate massively Statistics used to prune out unlikely sub-analyses Less of a problem for carefully hand-coded broad coverage grammars,Packing,Explosion of ambiguity results from a small number of sub-analyses combining in different ways to produce a large number of total analys

30、es (e.g. PP attachment)Compute and represent each sub-analysis just once Compute a factored representation of how these sub-analyses combine,Generalizing Free Choice Packing,Dependent choices,Solution: Label dependent choices,Label each choice with distinct Boolean variables p, q, etc.Record accepta

31、ble combinations as a Boolean expression Each analysis corresponds to a satisfying truth-value assignment(a line from s truth table that assigns it “true”),The Free Choice Gamble,Worst case, where everything interacts: As many choice variables as there are readings Packing blows up, and becomes expo

32、nential Best case, no interactions N completely independent choices represent 2N readings Language interactions mostly limited & local Tends towards the best case Free choice packing pays off for linguistic analysis,Conclusions,Ambiguity has to be dealt with Deep grammars use a variety of approaches

33、 preprocessing grammar engineering stochastic disambiguation Why use deep grammars if they are so ambiguous?,Deep analysis matters if you care about the answer,Example:A delegation led by Vice President Philips, head of the chemical division, flew to Chicago a week after the incident. Question: Who

34、flew to Chicago?Candidate answers:division closest nounhead next closestV.P. Philips next,Applications of Language Engineering,Functionality,Domain Coverage,Low,Narrow,Broad,High,Deep,Shallow,Synthesis,Natural Dialogue,Knowledge Fusion,Microsoft Paperclip,Manually-tagged Keyword Search,Document Base

35、 Management,Restricted Dialogue,Useful Summary,Good Translation,What to do with them?,Define yes-no / 1-0 features, f, that seem important Training determines weights on these features, , to reflect their actual importance Select parse x: count occurrences of features (0,1) and multiply by correspon

36、ding weights, .f(x) Convert weighted feature counts to probabilities,Issues in Stochastic Disambiguation,What kind of probability model? What kind of training data? Efficiency of training, efficiency of disambiguation? Benefit vs. random choice of parse,Advantages of Free Choice Packing,Avoids procr

37、astination Nogoods are constraints that parser sends to other component Eliminating nogoods: other components dont do parsers workIndependence between choices: Allows processing relying on independence assumptions Counting number of readings Apparently trivial but of crucial importance, since statistical modelling requires the ability to count Hence, statistical processingA general mechanism extending beyond parsing,Simplifying Truth Tables,Freely choose any line from the truth table,


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