An Introductionto version 3.ppt

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1、An Introduction to version 3,Dr. Michael Ebner University Gttingen, Germany,2,12 October 2005,About the speaker,Is researcher in the telematics group of Prof. Dr. D. Hogrefe at the Institute for Informatics, University of Gttingen, GermanyIs active in the research area of t

2、est automation, model-based testing, and protocol modelingWorking with TTCN-3 since 2000 Influenced data types and synchronous communication of TTCN-3,3,12 October 2005,An Introduction to Institute for Informatics, University of Gttingen,George-August-Universitt Gttingen,Department of Mathematics,In

3、stitute for Informatics,Gau, Weber, Hilbert, ,Center for Informatics,Other 12 departments,Founded in 1737 by King George II (England), who also founded Princeton U (1746) and Columbia U (1754),01/2003,Telematics Group Prof. Hogrefe,Distributed Systems Group, Prof. Switzer,Theory Group Prof. Waack,So

4、ftw. Eng. Group Prof. Grabowski,Database Group Prof. May,2000,Practical Informatics Group Prof. Neumair (GWDG),Service Eng. Group Prof. Margaria,44 Nobel Prize-winner live(d) and work(ed) here,4,12 October 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior speci

5、fication Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,5,12 October 2005,Why using a standardised test language? 1(3),Developer,6,12 October 2005,Why using a standardised test language? 2(3),7,12 October 2005,Why using a standardised test language? 3(3),Standardised test language impro

6、ves communication among developers with the customer improves transparency one test language for all departments No proprietary test languages reduces costs costs of training usage of commercial test equipments (tools, test suites, etc.),8,12 October 2005,What is TTCN-3 ?,The standardised (black-box

7、) test specification and test implementation language. Developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) from 1999 to 2001. based on the experiences from previous TTCN versions. Applicable for all kinds of black-box testing for reactive and distributed systems, e.g. Telecom sys

8、tems (ISDN, ATM); Mobile (telecom) systems (GSM, UMTS); Internet (has been applied to IPv6); CORBA based systems.,9,12 October 2005,TTCN stands for ?,Tree and Tabular Combined Notation For TTCN-1 and TTCN-2Testing and Test Control Notation Since TTCN-3,10,12 October 2005,The TTCN-3 series of standar

9、ds 1(3),11,12 October 2005,The TTCN-3 series of standards 2(3),: testcase myTestcase () runs on MTCType system TSIType mydefault := activate (OtherwiseFail); verdict.set(pass); :connect(PTC_ISAP1:CP_ISAP1,mtc:CP_ISAP1);:map(PTC_ISAP1:ISAP1, system:TSI_ISAP1);:PTC_ISAP1.start(func_PTC_ISAP1();PTC_MSA

10、P2.start(func_PTC_MSAP2();Synchronization(); all component.done;log(”Correct Termination”); :,12,12 October 2005,The TTCN-3 series of standards 3(3),European Standard (ES) in 6 parts ES 201 873-1: TTCN-3 Core Language ES 201 873-2: TTCN-3 Tabular Presentation Format (TFT) ES 201 873-3: TTCN-3 Graphi

11、cal Presentation Format (GFT) ES 201 873-4: TTCN-3 Operational Semantics ES 201 873-5: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI) ES 201 873-6: TTCN-3 Control Interface (TCI) ES 201 873-7: Using ASN.1 with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-8: Using IDL with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-9: Using XML with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-10: Using C/C+ w

12、ith TTCN-3 (planned),New edition 3.1.1 of TTCN-3 since June 2005,13,12 October 2005,Concepts,Black-Box Testing with TTCN-3 Test Configuration Test Components Communication Ports Test Verdicts Ingredients of TTCN-3 Structure of TTCN-3 specs Re-use of existing Code,14,12 October 2005,Black-box testing

13、 with TTCN-3,Assignment of a Test Verdict,15,12 October 2005,Test configuration 1(2),16,12 October 2005,Test configuration 2(2),Abstract Test System Interface,17,12 October 2005,Test components,There are three kinds of components Abstract Test System Interface defined as component MTC (Main Test Com

14、ponent) PTC (Parallel Test Component),18,12 October 2005,Communication ports 1(2),Test components communicate via ports A test port is modeled as an infinite FIFO queue Ports have direction (in, out, inout) There are three types of port message-based, procedure-based or mixed,19,12 October 2005,Comm

15、unication ports 2(2),Language,20,12 October 2005,Test verdicts,Test verdicts: none pass inconc fail error Each test component has its own local verdict, which can be set (setverdict) and read (getverdict). A test case returns a global verdict,21,12 October 2005,Ingredients of TTCN-3,Built-in and use

16、r-defined generic data types (e.g., to define messages, service primitives, information elements, PDUs). Actual test data transmitted/received during testing. Definition of the components and communication ports that are used to build various testing configurations. Specification of the dynamic test

17、 system behavior.,TTCN-3,22,12 October 2005,Structure of TTCN-3 specs TTCN-3 Modules,Modules are the building blocks of all TTCN-3 test specifications. A test suite is a module. A module has a definitions part and an (optional) control part. Modules can be parameterized. Modules can import definitio

18、ns from other modules.,Module,23,12 October 2005,Structure of TTCN-3 specs Module definitions part,Definitions are global to the entire module. Data Type definitions are based on TTCN-3 predefined and structured types. Templates define the test data. Ports and Components are used in Test Configurati

19、ons. Functions, Altsteps and Test Cases define behavior.,24,12 October 2005,Structure of TTCN-3 specs Module control part 1(2),Module,Module control is the dynamic part of a TTCN-3 specification where the test cases are executed. Local declarations, such as variables and timers may be made in the co

20、ntrol part. Basic programming statements may be used to select and control the execution of the test cases.,25,12 October 2005,Structure of TTCN-3 specs Module control part 2(2),module controlvar integer count;if(execute(SIP_UA_REC_V_001() = pass) / Execute test case 10 timescount := 0;while( count

21、= 10) execute(SIP_UA_REC_V_002();count := count + 1; / end while / end if / end control / end module,26,12 October 2005,Reuse of existing code The import mechanism 1(2),Main Module contains the control part, which specifies test suite execution. Modules may reuse definitions from other (library) mod

22、ules. Implicit import of definitions via chains of imports is not allowed, i.e., an explicit import has to be added. Reason: A module shall know all modules which it depends on.,27,12 October 2005,Reuse of existing code The import mechanism 2(2),Import allows to import single definitions definitions

23、 of a certain kind, and groups of definitionsfrom other modules. Definitions may be imported recursively.If several definitions are addressed, certain definitions can be excluded by using an except directive.,import form ModuleOne modulepar ModPar2;type RecordType_T2 import from ModuleTwo recursive

24、testcase T_case import from ModuleThree all except template all ,28,12 October 2005,Use of nonTTCN-3 code Language mapping,Importing non TTCN-3 definitions requires a language mapping onto TTCN-3. The language mapping defines the meaning of non TTCN-3 definitions in TTCN-3 modules. The language mapp

25、ing may provide TTCN-3 additional features for imported definitions (e.g., operations for ASN.1 data types).,29,12 October 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior specification Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,30,12 October

26、2005,Language,Data types and test data Constants, types, templates 1(2),TTCN-3 data types: integer, char, universal char, float, boolean, objid enumerated bitstring, hexstring, octetstring, charstring, universal charstring, record, record of, set, set of, union anytype verdicttype address Useful typ

27、es IEEE754float, long, byte, Iso8859string, utf16string, ,31,12 October 2005,Language,Data types and test data Constants, types, templates 2(2),const integer int_Const := 7; / Normal constant external const boolean bool_Const; / External constanttype record Request / Structured type definitionReques

28、tLine requestLine,ReqMessageHeader reqMessageHeader optional,charstring crlf,charstring messageBody optional template Request Invite := / template for the Request typerequestLine := Request_Line(“INVITE“),reqMessageHeader := Req_Mes_Header(“INVITE“),crlf := ?,messageBody := omit ,32,12 October 2005,

29、Language,Encoding of Messages Attributes 1(2),Attributes can be assigned to all kinds of definitions, groups and modules. Kinds of attributes Encoding information encode attribute variant attribute Values are standardized for ASN.1 encoding Presentation information display attribute Values are stand

30、ardized for the graphical and tabular presentation format. User-defined extension - attribute,33,12 October 2005,Encoding of Messages Attributes 2(2),group MyPDUs type record MyPDU1 group MySpecialPDUs type record MyPDU3 with extension “MyVerySpecialRule“type record MyPDU4 with extension “MySpecialR

31、ule“ with display “PDU“; extension “MyRule“ ,Language,34,12 October 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior specification Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,35,12 October 2005,Language,Specifying test behavior Alternative beha

32、vior 1(2), has to be specified whenever test component is ready to take a response from the SUT or a timeout. is typically defined by several alternatives, which are evaluated according to their appearance may be guarded can be part of an altstep, which may be called explicitly or activated as defau

33、lt. forks the test behavior (the typical tree“), but in TTCN-3 alternatives can be joined again after the end of an alternative behavior. All other cases can be handled in an else branch.,36,12 October 2005,Language,Specifying test behavior Alternative behavior 2(2),alt L1.receive(MyMessage1) : / do

34、 somethingx1 L2.receive(MyMessage2) x=1 L2.receive(MyMessage3) MyAltstep; / call of a altstepelse stop / else branch ,37,12 October 2005,Shorthand for all alternative permutations All messages must be received, but in any orderinterleave PCO1.receive(MyMessageOne) PCO1.receive(MyMessageTwo) PCO1.rec

35、eive(MyMessageThree) ,Specifying test behavior Interleaved behavior,Language,38,12 October 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior specification Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,39,12 October 2005,Overview The TTCN-3 test sy

36、stem,TE TTCN-3 Executable SA System Adapter PA Platform Adapter CD Coder/Decoder TM Test Management CH Component Handling SUT System Under Test,ETSI ES 201 873-1: TTCN-3 Core Language ETSI ES 201 873-5: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI) ETSI ES 201 873-6: TTCN-3 Control Interfaces (TCI),40,12 October 2

37、005,Overview Implementing TTCN-3,Abstract Test Suite,+,SUT,Executable Test Suite,41,12 October 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior specification Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,42,12 October 2005,TTCN-3 presentation for

38、mats Overall view,XML,43,12 October 2005,The graphical presentation format of TTCN-3,44,12 October 2005,sd invalidPIN,storeCardData(current),sut atm,hwe,display(”Enter PIN”),isPinCorrect(invalidPIN),isPinCorrect : false,current,readOnly Integer invalidPIN; current.isPinCorrect(invalidPIN) = false ,i

39、sPinCorrect(invalidPIN),display(”Invalid PIN”),display(”Enter PIN again”),isPinCorrect : false,t1(2.0),t1,0 3,validationAction pass,U2TP A test case,Data partition,Setting arbitrated verdict,Stimulus,Observation,Setting a timer,Stopping a timer,Duration constraint,Function return value,45,12 October

40、 2005,Table of contents,Overall view of TTCN-3 TTCN-3 en detail Types and values Behavior specification Implementation of TTCN-3 Presentation formats Final remarks,46,12 October 2005,Managing TTCN-3 projects Potential usage 1(2),Applicability for different test phases Host/target tests System integr

41、ation and system test User acceptance test Features required for a test automation solution Test design (low-level, high-level, graphical) Scheduling of test runs Centralized/distributed test runs Log/trace analysis Test case management Support of standards,Legend for the table on next slide feature

42、 must be supported in this test phase () feature should be supportedfully colored field feature supported by TTCN-3hatched colored field feature partly supported by TTCN-3,47,12 October 2005,Managing TTCN-3 projects Potential usage 2(2),48,12 October 2005,TTCN-3 extensions Work items in standardizat

43、ion,Language extensions mechanisms Packages and profiles Extended communication mechanisms Broadcast / multicast (edition 3.0.0) Synchronization / coordination (edition 3.0.0),Real-time extensions Absolute time support Time-constrained operations Better performance testing support Implicit test conf

44、iguration Implicit communication Performance measurement,49,12 October 2005,Current TTCN-3 tool providers,Tool providers Danet DaVinci Communication Open TTCN Telelogic Testing Technologies Strategic Test Solutions Internal tools used by Nokia Ericsson Motorola,Existing test devices with TTCN-3 supp

45、ort (for telecommunication applications) Alcatel A1100 Navtel InterWatch Nethawk Tektronix G20,50,12 October 2005,Conclusions,TTCN-3 finds its way into practice Lots of interest from industry and academia Mature TTCN-3 standard Stimulates further research & development New application domains, e.g.

46、automotive Real-time and performance testing Test patterns Still possibilities to shape the future TTCN-3,51,12 October 2005,Acknowledgement,Slides are based on a TTCN-3 Tutorial from Grabowski and UlrichProf. Dr. Jens Grabowski Institute for Informatics, University of Gttingen Is in the TTCN-3 busi

47、ness since the beginning Dr. Andreas Ulrich Is a Principal Engineer at Siemens Corporate Technology Division in Mnchen, Germany Member of the ETSI TTCN-3 maintenance group,An Introduction to version 3,Dr. Michael Ebner University Gttingen, Germany,Literature on TTCN-3,Stand

48、ard documents Overview articles Graphical presentation format TTCN-3 control and runtime interface IDL to TTCN-3 mapping TTCN-3 real-time extensions UML Testing Profile,54,12 October 2005,Literature on TTCN-3 1(6),Standard documents: (can be found on the TTCN-3 homepage: http:/ or http

49、:/ ES 201 873-1: TTCN-3 Core Language ES 201 873-2: TTCN-3 Tabular Presentation Format (TFT) ES 201 873-3: TTCN-3 Graphical Presentation Format (GFT) ES 201 873-4: TTCN-3 Operational Semantics ES 201 873-5: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI) ES 201 873-6: TTCN-3 Control Interface (TCI) ES 201 873-7: Using ASN.1 with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-8: Using IDL with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-9: Using XML with TTCN-3 ES 201 873-10: Using C/C+ with TTCN-3 (planned)Example test suites: See: http:/ E.g., http:/,


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