Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee.ppt

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1、Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee,James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) DiscussionEric P. Smith Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,2,Contents,Replan and Special Review Context Special Review Summary Slides with blue background are verbatim from review t

2、eam Astrophysics Division Plans,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,3,JWST Status,JWST is the top priority new mission investment for the Astrophysics Division Program is in Phase B, detailed design, confirmation to Phase C: March 2008 Cost-to-launch (April 2006 projection) $2.5B (FY06) European contribution def

3、ined (value $0.5B) , industrial partners under contract Project on track for January 2007 technology non-advocate review, beginning of mission confirmation process Cost Comparison (FY06, design, develop and construction only, full-costed) with other Great Observatories:Collecting Area Launch Mass JW

4、ST: $0.1B/m2 $0.5M/kg (projected) Spitzer: $1.4B/m2 $0.8M/kg Chandra: $0.2B/m2* $0.6M/kg HST: $0.9B/m2 $0.4M/kg,*Chandras grazing incidence optics not directly analogous to other great observatorys normal incidence optics,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,4,Replan and Special Review Context,JWST reports growth

5、 in development cost - Mar05 Science Mission Directorate (SMD) investigates descopes, commissions independent Science Assessment Team (SAT), directs replanning - Apr05 PA&E commissions independent special review - May05 Interim special Agency Program Management Council (APMC) meetings - Jul05, Sep05

6、, Jan06 Replanning completed - Mar06 Special Review Completed - Apr06 Final special APMC meeting - Apr06,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,5,JWST Cost Growth Today,$1B net cost growth from POP-04; No change since September 2005 $530M for 22 month launch slip to June 2013. Launch vehicle uncertainty and lack of

7、 TAA Budget profile limitations in FY06 and 07 Previous budget cuts Schedule reduction risk $177M at NGST Reevaluation of I&T effort, additional launcher-related testing requirements, additional ISIM resources, etc $125M of recommended added contingency funding Contingency levels on cost-to-go 19% $

8、113M in instruments and instrument-related elements Change in content (cryo-cooler, IEC, ASIC, IRSU), growth in Microshutter and detector cost, etc $96M in JWST project growth other than ISIM or NGST JSC Chamber modifications, ITA pool, etc,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,6,Special Review Process,Many SRT me

9、mbers have prior experience on JWST or relevant experience on other systems Team attended System Definition Review at GSFC January 23-27, 2006 Site meetings held at GSFC February 15-17, 2006, and at NGST March 12-18, 2006 Special in-depth site/telecon reviews were held at: GSFC (Mission Systems Engi

10、neering) - telecon NGST (Sunshield, Backplane,Thermal Testing) Tinsley Corp. (Primary Mirror Segments) GSFC (ISIM Structures, Micro-shutter Array, Program Schedules) STScI (Mission Operations) telecon Observer on Optical Product Integrity Team (PIT) Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) developed Out-brie

11、fing Process: April 7, 2006, GSFC Management Review April 12, 2006, Science Mission Directorate Program Management Council April 13, 2006, Agency Program Management Council,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,7,Executive Summary,Scientific performance meets the expectations of the science community Technical con

12、tent is complete and sound GSFC and Contractor teams are effective Early year funding constraints are the major re-plan issue,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,8,Management & Engineering Capability and Strategy,Worked effectively with the science community to implement Science Assessment Team (SAT) findings Th

13、e team is well integrated, organized, experienced and has strong institutional management support The re-plan effectively prioritizes the critical elements: Advanced technology development Telescope elements ISIM development Sunshield development Critical system interfaces and analyses are prioritiz

14、ed to reduce risk in hardware development and fabrication,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,9,Management and Engineering Progress,All flight primary mirror segment blanks are delivered and machining at Axsys is on schedule On schedule toward completion of Tinsley mirror fabrication capability in the fall of 20

15、06 All major contracts and subcontracts definitized Agreements with foreign partners for Ariane 5 and science instruments are on track Advanced technology development activities are on track for TRL-6 demonstration by early 2007,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,10,SMD Observations & Plans,FY07 JWST budget sub

16、mit is consistent with replan Accomplished by rebalancing between programs within Astrophysics DivisionResults of Special Review Team (SRT) consistent w/ expectations Solid development plan that includes prudent risk mitigations Outstanding team of people Low percentage of funding for contingencies

17、up-front (FY06-09) is a issue that will to be addressed as part of POP process this year However, Chandra had similar contingency at similar stage No need to change cost-to-launch, “rephasing of contingency”Agency is conducting internal dialog on the remaining contingency issue for JWST Seeking work

18、able solution with adequate levels of contingency and appropriate programmatic mix within the division portfolio Solution promised to NASA Administrator in mid-June in time for FY08 budget process.,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,11,JWST within the Astrophysics Division,Myth: JWST cost growth is the cause of

19、 problems for all other missions/programs Current fiscal pressure within Astrophysics Division has multiple causes Removal of $3B from Science Mission Directorate funding for other higher priority programs Astrophysics Division lost $382M in FY07-FY011 budget Congressionally directed spending outsid

20、e planned program Approximately 4% of SMD budget directed to Congressionally mandated activities ($200M) Delay in HST SM4 Original SM4 date, 2002, last budgeted launch date (i.e., before FY07 budget) Nov 2004 Program cost increases/other problems (launch ordered) SOFIA, GLAST, Kepler, JWST,5/11/06,A

21、AAC, Ballston,12,“Why Cant JWST Give Up Just $X M to Help Other Missions/Programs?”,Budget cuts now would cause delay and increase run out costs (see chart 4, note cause of largest pie segment) and create problems starting other missions Low contingency (as noted by SRT) levels for project argue aga

22、inst budget cuts Division must balance budget year-by-year for 5 years, single year solutions cause problems downstreamWhen programs are making progress, have good plans, and are well managed (cf., SRT report) the best solution to minimizing their impact on other division elements budgets is to proc

23、eed to launch,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,13,Summary,Two Independent Reviews Have Concluded: JWST is even more important today than when it was top priority in the 2000 decadal survey Mission Science goals met by replanned program Technology developments on track Project is being managed effectively HQ w

24、orking with Project and astronomical community to solve contingency concerns and programmatic mix within Astrophysics Division Best fiscal, programmatic, and science decision is to press with present plans and schedule to technology non-advocate review in January 2007,Backup Material,5/11/06,AAAC, B

25、allston,15,Mission First light and reionization The assembly of galaxies The birth of stars and protoplanetary systems Planetary systems and the origins of life Optimized for infrared observations (0.6 28 m)Organization Mission Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center International collaboration with ESA &

26、 CSA Prime Contractor: Northrop Grumman Space Technology Instruments: Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Univ. of Arizona Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) ESA Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) JPL/ESA Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) CSA,Description Deployable telescope w/ 6.5m diameter segmented adjustable p

27、rimary mirror Cryogenic temperature telescope and instruments for infrared performance Launch NET June 2013 on an ESA-supplied Ariane 5 rocket to Sun-Earth L2 5-year science mission (10-year goal),James Webb Space Telescope (JWST),,Phase A,Phase B,Phase C/D,Phase E,Concept Developme

28、nt,Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Test,Formulation,Authorization,NAR,Launch,science operations,.,ICR,(PNAR),Warm, Sun-facing side,Cold, space-facing side,Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM),Optical Telescope Element (OTE),Sunshield,Spacecraft Bus,T-NAR,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,16,Special Review Team,5/11/06,AAAC, Ballston,17,Science Assessment Team,


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