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1、中国人民大学考博英语模拟试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 During the famine,many people were_to going without food for days. ( A) sunk ( B) reduced ( C) forced ( D) declined 2 The computer can be programmed to_a whole variety of tasks. ( A) assign ( B) tackle ( C) realize ( D) solve 3 The teams efforts

2、to score were_by the opposing goalkeeper. ( A) frustrated ( B) prevented ( C) discouraged ( D) accomplished 4 I only know the man by_but I have never spoken to him. ( A) chance ( B) heart ( C) sight ( D) experience 5 Being colour-blind,Sally cant make a_between red and green. ( A) difference ( B) di

3、stinction ( C) comparison ( D) division 6 You must insist that students give a truthful answer_with the reality of their world. ( A) relevant ( B) simultaneous ( C) consistent ( D) practical 7 In order to raise money,Aunt Nicola had to_with some of her most treasured possessions. ( A) divide ( B) se

4、parate ( C) part ( D) abandon 8 The car was in good working_when I bought it a few months ago. ( A) order ( B) form ( C) state ( D) circumstance 9 The customer expressed her_for that broad hat. ( A) disapproval ( B) distaste ( C) dissatisfaction ( D) dismay 10 In order to repair barns,build fences,g

5、row crops,and care for animals a farmer must indeed be_. ( A) restless ( B) skilled ( C) strong ( D) versatile 11 His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in_to his income. ( A) comparison ( B) proportion ( C) association ( D) calculation 12 Although he has become rich,he is still ver

6、y_of his money. ( A) economic ( B) thrifty ( C) frugal ( D) careful 13 As the manager was away on a business trip,I was asked to_the weekly staff meeting. ( A) preside ( B) introduce ( C) chair ( D) dominate 14 The_of the word is unknown,but it is certainly not from Greek. ( A) origin ( B) generatio

7、n ( C) descent ( D) cause 15 The precious manuscripts were hopelessly_by long exposure in the cold,damp cellar. ( A) ruined ( B) damaged ( C) destroyed ( D) harmed 16 The board of the company has decided to_its operation to include all aspects of the clothing business. ( A) extend ( B) enlarge ( C)

8、expand ( D) amplify 17 That sound doesnt_in his language,so its difficult for him to pronounce it. ( A) happen ( B) occur ( C) have ( D) take place 18 The accommodation was cheap,but the food was very_. ( A) high ( B) costly ( C) dear ( D) overpaid 19 My boss insists on seeing everything in_before h

9、e makes a decision. ( A) black and blue ( B) red and blue ( C) black and white ( D) green and yellow 20 The work is not very profitable_cash,but I am getting valuable experience from it. ( A) in the light of ( B) according to ( C) on the basis of ( D) in terms of 21 The police have offered a large_f

10、or information leading to the robbers arrest. ( A) award ( B) compensation ( C) prize ( D) reward 22 I arrived at the airport so late that I_missed the plane. ( A) only ( B) quite ( C) narrowly ( D) seldom 23 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers fears were completely_. ( A) unjustifie

11、d ( B) unjust ( C) misguided ( D) unaccepted 24 The head of the Museum was_and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts. ( A) promising ( B) agreeing ( C) pleasing ( D) obliging 25 The multinational corporation was making a take-over_for a property company. ( A) application ( B) bid ( C) prop

12、osal ( D) suggestion 26 The partys reduced vote was_of lack of support for its policies. ( A) indicative ( B) positive ( C) revealing ( D) evident 27 There has been a_lack of communication between the union and the management. ( A) regretful ( B) regrettable ( C) regretting ( D) regretted 28 The tea

13、cher_expects his students to pass the university entrance examination. ( A) confidentially ( B) proudly ( C) assuredly ( D) confidently 29 The_family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housing than before. ( A) normal ( B) average ( C) usual ( D) general 30 The new colleague_to have worked i

14、n several big corporations before he joined our company. ( A) confesses ( B) declares ( C) claims ( D) confirms 31 During the reading lesson,the teacher asked students to read a few_from the novel. ( A) pieces ( B) essays ( C) fragments ( D) extracts 32 During the summer holiday season it is difficu

15、lt to find a(n)_room in the hotels here. ( A) empty ( B) vacant ( C) free ( D) deserted 33 The old couple will never_the loss of their son. ( A) get over ( B) get away ( C) get off ( D) get across 34 Scientific research results can now be quickly_to factory production. ( A) used ( B) applied ( C) tr

16、ied ( D) practiced 35 At the meeting,Smith argued_in favor of the proposal. ( A) severely ( B) warmly ( C) forcefully ( D) heavily 36 His attention often_ at lectures.no wonder he failed the exam. ( A) branched ( B) wondered ( C) wandered ( D) went out 37 Its often a mistake to_appearance:that poor-

17、looking individual is anything but poor. In fact,he is a millionaire. ( A) go over ( B) go by ( C) go against ( D) go for 38 He doesnt seem to be able to_any interest in his studies. ( A) make up ( B) work up ( C) turn up ( D) use up 39 When workers are organized in trade unions,employers find it ha

18、rd to lay them_. ( A) off ( B) aside ( C) out ( D) down 40 The wealth of a country should be measured_the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. ( A) in line with ( B) in terms of ( C) in regard with ( D) by means of 二、 Reading Comprehension 40 In The Birth

19、Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are(2004), Dr. Kevin Leman notes that 21 of the first 23 Americans in space were first-born males or only children. More than half of United States presidents have been first-borns or first-born boys. Its a pretty significant finding historically, because families

20、 used to be bigger than they are today. In addition to being high achievers, older children also generally have higher IQs(智商 )than younger ones. Researchers have noted that the more kids a family has, the lower each childs individual IQ tends to be. They give a few reasons for this. Parents only ha

21、ve so much time, attention, and money. The more kids they have, the more these things are divided. First-borns initially get the entire parental-time pie. Whats more, the ratio of grown-ups to kids decreases with each new baby. So the younger ones are surrounded by more childrens language on average

22、 than the older kids. Some researchers think parental attention is the key to personality birth-order differences.In his book Born to Rebel, psychologist Frank Sulloway says competition for Mom and Dads attention is the thing that really shapes our personalities and, in fact has shaped history. He a

23、rgues that we adapt our personalities as part of our strategy to seek favor from Mom and Dad. Younger siblings(兄弟姐妹 )tend to become rebels. Sulloway studied political activists and found that later-born activists were more radical than their first-born peers. The conclusion of his book is that sibli

24、ng competition for parental attention can affect society as a whole in times of revolution. Thomas Jefferson, Karl Marx, and Fidel Castro were all younger siblings, for example. As compelling as this all is, its also something we should probably take with caution, there are other things that happen

25、to us in life besides the addition of siblings to our families. A parent can die; a hurricane can leave us homeless; we can catch a life-threatening disease. Any one of these things will probably have more of an effect on our personalities than the presence of siblings. A 2002 study bore this out. A

26、fter interviewing 535 undergraduates, researchers concluded that personality differences related to birth order were “folklore“, although IQ and achievement differences were widely supported by research. 41 What is implied by “the younger ones are surrounded by more childrens language on average tha

27、n the older kids“(Para.3)? ( A) Younger children need parental rather than siblings attention. ( B) Younger children need siblings rather than parental attention. ( C) Younger children feel uncomfortable with more siblings. ( D) Younger children have less chance to talk with their parents. 42 Sullow

28、ay, author of Born to Rebel, suggests that younger siblings_. ( A) try hard to get attention from their parents ( B) are less likely to shape history ( C) are winners in getting parental attention ( D) seldom adapt their personalities 43 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor shaping pe

29、rsonality? ( A) Death of a parent ( B) Children s language ( C) A natural disaster ( D) A fatal disease 44 What is the meaning of“folklore“in the last paragraph? ( A) Traditional customs and beliefs ( B) Verified hypotheses ( C) Widely held unsupported notions ( D) Tales of sayings preserved orally

30、45 Which of the following statements is proposed by researchers? ( A) Later-boms do not compete for attention. ( B) First-borns tend to become rebels. ( C) Later-boms are prone to diseases. ( D) First-borns achieve more than younger ones. 45 “Does money buy happiness? Its sometimes said that scienti

31、sts have found no relationship between money and happiness, but thats myth“, says University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener. The connection is complex. In fact, very rich people rate substantially higher in satisfaction with life than very poor people do, even within wealthy nations, he says. “T

32、here is overwhelming evidence that money buys happiness,“said economist Andrew Oswald of University of Warwick in England. The main debate, he said, is how strong the effect is. Oswald recently reported a study of Britons who won between $ 2,000 and $ 250,000 in a lottery(彩票拍奖 ).As a group, they sho

33、wed a boost in happiness averaging a bit more than one point on a 36-point scale when surveyed two years after their win, compared to their levels two years before they won. Daniel Kahnman, a Nobel-Prize winner and Princeton economist, and colleagues, recently declared that the notion that making a

34、lot of money will produce good overall mood is “mostly illusory“. They noted that in one study, members of the high-income group were almost twice as likely to call themselves “very happy“as people from households with incomes below $ 20,000. But other studies, rather than asking for a summary estim

35、ate of happiness, follow people through the day and repeatedly record their feeling. These studies show less effect of income on happiness, Kahnman and colleagues said. There is still another twist to the money-happiness story. Even though people who make $ 150,000 are considerably happier than thos

36、e who make $ 40,000,Its not clear why, says psychologist Richard E. Lucas of Michigan State University. Researchers conclude that any effect of money on happiness is smaller than most daydreamers assume. “People exaggerate how much happiness is bought by an extra few thousand,“Oswald said.“The quali

37、ty of relationships has a far bigger effect than quite large rises in salary. Its much better advice, if youre looking for happiness in life, try to find the right husband or wife than to try to double your salary.“ 46 The main purpose of this passage is to discuss_. ( A) the contributions of househ

38、old incomes to happiness ( B) the complex relationship between money and happiness ( C) the positive relationship between money and happiness ( D) the negative relations of money to happiness 47 Andrew Oswalds study_. ( A) proves money has little effect on happiness ( B) given evidence that money bu

39、ys happiness ( C) rejects the relation between money buys happiness ( D) shows that lottery brings people happiness 48 The word“illusory“(Para.4)is closest in meaning to “_“. ( A) dramatic ( B) ordinary ( C) drastic ( D) imaginary 49 According to Lucas, richer peoples happiness_. ( A) comes form the

40、ir high income ( B) may not be directly related to their high income ( C) is boosted by their high income ( D) is not derived from their high income 50 According to Oswald, a more important factor in bringing about happiness may be good_. ( A) health ( B) feelings ( C) marriage ( D) salaries 50 When

41、 Frank Dale took over as publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner, the organization had just ended a ten-year strike. There was much bitterness and, as he told us himself to everybody, to thank them for their loyalty to that point, and to allow them to express their concerns and frustrations. To qu

42、estions like“What makes you think you can make this thing go?“he responded,“I dont know yet,but in thirty days Ill come back to you and let you know what Ive found.“He recruited a task force of the best people from throughout the Hearst Corporation to do a crash study,and in thirty days he had a wri

43、tten report on what needed to be done, which he shared with the staff. He had taken the all-important first steps to establish mutual trust, without which leadership would not have been possible. Trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together. The accumulation of trust is a me

44、asure of the legitimacy of leadership.lt cannot be demanded or purchased; it must be earned. Trust is the basic ingredient of all organizations, the lubrication that maintains the organization, and it is as mysterious and difficult a concept as leadership-and as important. One thing we can say for s

45、ure about trust is that if trust is to be generated,there must be predictability, the capacity to predict anothers behavior. Another way of putting it is to say that organizations without trust would resemble the ambiguous nightmare of Kafkas The Castle,where nothing can be certain and nobody can be

46、 relied on or be held responsible. The ability to predict outcomes with s high probability of success generates and maintaining trust. 51 What was Frank Dates problem when he became the publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner? ( A) He had lost interest in his publishing career. ( B) He found it ha

47、rd to introduce himself to everyone. ( C) Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was in extrame difficulty. ( D) Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was on a ten-year strike. 52 What was the result of Frank Dales first steps? ( A) Mutual trust was established. ( B) Efficiency was improved. ( C) A task force was recr

48、uited. ( D) His promises were fulfilled. 53 According to the author, how could trust be established? ( A) By economic means ( B) By legitimate measures ( C) By authoritative command ( D) By effort or action 54 What does the author think about trust? ( A) It is hard to accumulate. ( B) It can make or

49、ganizations go. ( C) It can help establish authority. ( D) It is relatively easy to acquire. 55 For what purpose is Kafkas The Castle mentioned? ( A) To show peoples behaviors are predictable. ( B) To describe the nightmare of the story. ( C) To demonstrate the importance of trust. ( D) To prove no one can be relied on. 55 At all age and at all stages of life, fear presents a problem to


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