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1、大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 22及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 预订酒店宴会 说明: 假定你是秘书 Jane Swift,写信给酒店预订宴会,并询问相关情况。 内容: 1从报纸上读到该酒店的广告; 2公司计划 12月 15日晚上在西湖酒店开年会,要预订大约 40人的宴会,请估算宴会大 概费用: 3请酒店寄来菜谱,以便提前决定宴会菜式; 4请尽快回复,以便及时通知客人。 Words for refer

2、ence: 年会 annual convention 宴会 banquet 估算 estimate 提前 in advance 2 邀请来校讲学 说明: 以北京大学法学院院长张守文的名义,邀请 Mr Green来校做一个有关法律的讲座。 内容: 1得知 Mr Green在华访问,邀请 Mr Green来校做一个有关法律的讲座: 2法学院的师 生们爱读他的著作很期待他的到来: 3请 Mr Green回信告知是否能来,如果能来,请说明来的时间。 3 通知说明: 35名美国学生将来校访问,请以学生会的名义写一份工作安排通知,要求每个学生会成员都要记住自己的任务。时间: 6月 22日上午 9: 00至

3、13: 00具体安排:Words for reference: 接待室 reception room 欢迎会 welcome party 食堂 student canteen Announcement We are going to have thirty-five American students who will come to our school for a visit on June 22nd(Sunday). _ 4 晚会致辞 说明: 以晚会主持人的身份做一个圣诞节晚会致辞。 内容: 1欢迎光临,并祝圣诞快乐: 2很荣幸邀请到 BMG公司的经理 Mr Miller与大家共度佳节,

4、请大家以热烈掌声欢迎他: 3晚会有游戏环节,欢迎大家玩得开心; 4希望大家度过一段快乐的时光,并尽情享受美酒佳肴 ,谢谢。 Words for reference: 掌声 applause 5 投诉邮件 说明: 假定你是张宁。根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。 内容: 1发件人:张宁 2收件人:客服经理 3发件人电子邮件地址: zhangningyahoo com cn 4收件人电子邮件地址: customerservicegmail com 5事由:张宁在商店买了一台电脑,几天之后出现故障,售货员不肯退换,故写信投诉。 6邮件涉及内容: (1)11月 18日在其商店买了一台电视机,但是

5、3天之后开不了机; (2)一直都是按照说明书使用,电视机一定是本身有质量问题; (3)拿回商店,店员拒绝退款或者调换; (4)要求退款或者调换,请尽快答复。 Words for reference: 说明书 instructions E-Mail Message From: _ To: _ Subject: complaint of the product Dear Sir or Madam, _ 大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 22答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your abil

6、ity to do practical writing. 1 【正确答案】 Dear Sir or Madam, We read the advertisement for your restaurant in the newspaper. Our company is going to hold its annual convention on Dee. 15. We wish to hook a banquet for about 40 people in the evening. Will you be so kind to estimate the cost for us? And w

7、e will appreciate it if you can send us a menu to decide the dishes in advance. I hope you can reply as soon as possible so that I can inform the guests in time. Sincerely yours, Jane Swift 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Dear Mr. Green, We know that you are now visiting China, so School of Law in Peking Univers

8、ity would like to invite you to give a lecture on law. All our teachers and students like reading your books, and are really looking forward to your coming. We would appreciate it if you can reply as soon as possible. If you can come, please tell us when it is convenient for you. Sincerely yours, Zh

9、ang Shouwen Dean of School of Law in Peking University 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Announcement We are going to have thirty-five American students who will come to our school for a visit on June 22nd(Sunday). To give a friendly welcome, weve made an arrangement as follows: 8:40 Get together to welcome the gu

10、ests at the school gate 9:00-10:00 Have a welcome party, exchange gifts with the guests in the reception room 10:30-11:30 Visit the campus, library, and labs 11:30 Have lunch at the student canteen 13:30 See the guests off at the school gate All members of the Student Union should remember their own

11、 tasks. The Student Union 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to be here tonight! Merry Christmas to you all! We are greatly honored to have Mr. Miller here tonight. Mr. Miller is the manager of BMG Corporation, and he is going to spend this evening with us. Lets welcome him with warm a

12、pplause! There are some games that you could join in. I hope you will all have a good time tonight. Enjoy the food and wine! Thank you. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 E-Mail Message From: To: Subject: complaint of the product Dear Sir or Madam, On Nov. 18 this year, I bought a TV set from your shop. At first,

13、 it works just perfectly, but three days later I could no longer turn it on. There must be something wrong with the TV set, since 1 always follow the instructions. I returned it to the shop to exchange it for a new one, or have my money back. However, the shop assistant refused. Would you please let me know when your shop would replace it for me, or give my money back? Ill appreciate it if you can reply soon. Sincerely yours, Zhang Ning 【知识模块】 作文


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