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1、考博英语模拟试卷 131及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the _ peasants. ( A) animated ( B) rebellious ( C) creased ( D) impassive 2 The company will _ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be. ( A) retain ( B) alter ( C) aba

2、ndon ( D) adhere 3 The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and _ penicillin prescriptions. ( A) dispenses ( B) disposes ( C) disperses ( D) dispatches 4 AIDS is causing great public concern because the _ fatal disease hits primarily young people. ( A) invariably ( B) imperatively (

3、 C) transiently ( D) deceptively 5 The houses in this area were all erected in _ of housing regulations. ( A) compliance ( B) defiance ( C) alliance ( D) obedience 6 He had wanted a 25 % raise in pay, hut after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to _. ( A) suffice ( B) satisf

4、y ( C) gratify ( D) delight 7 The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their cooperation _. ( A) ethical ( B) bilateral ( C) mandatory ( D) subsidiary 8 It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN and other international la

5、ws. ( A) Charter ( B) Constitution ( C) Concordance ( D) Custody 9 When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall _ in all three. ( A) rare ( B) lacking ( C) short ( D) scarce 10 Three weeks after the suicid

6、e bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were _. ( A) on the verge ( B) on the sly ( C) on the spot ( D) on the loose 11 As there was not enough money to bury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modest cemetery in South Africa before World AIDS Day.

7、( A) parentless children ( B) miserable victims ( C) contagious bodies ( D) infectious patients 12 In his opinion, the objection to harbarity does not mean that capital punishment should not go on. ( A) adversity ( B) savagery ( C) habitat ( D) integrity 13 What is at fault in our present system is

8、not the outcome but the fallible procedure. ( A) sublime ( B) erroneous ( C) plausible ( D) impeccable 14 It could not be ruled out that, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty. ( A) confirmed ( B) tolerated ( C) excluded ( D) refuted 15 Now researchers are directing more attenti

9、on to the social and cultural impetus that propelled university graduates into careers in management. ( A) implication ( B) propaganda ( C) impulse ( D) benefit 16 Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded. ( A) sturdy ( B) obstinate ( C) pe

10、rmanent ( D) manifest 17 Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical. ( A) focused ( B) concentrated ( C) agreed ( D) based 18 He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his empl

11、oyer. ( A) tenacity ( B) curiosity ( C) civility ( D) hostility 19 Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments determined efforts to quash software piracy. ( A) boost ( B) prevent ( C) crush ( D) restrict 20 It

12、 is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania in the United States has prompted China to slap a ban on poultry imports from the state. ( A) marine products ( B) dairy products ( C) industrial products ( D) avian products 二、 Cloze 20 The effect of the baby boom on the schools

13、helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education in the 1950s. In the 1920s but especially【 21】 the Depression of the 1930s, the United States experienced a【 22】 birth rate. Then with the prosperity【 23】 .on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it

14、, young people married and【 24】 households earlier and began to【 25】larger families than had their【 26】 during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 106. 2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955【 27】 economics was probably the most important【 28】 . it is not the only explanation for the ba

15、by boom. The increased value placed【 29】 the idea of the family also helps to【 30】 this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming【 31】 the first grade by the mid-1940s and became a【 32】 by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself【 33】 . The wartime economy-meant that few new

16、schools were built between 1940 and 1945.【 34】 large numbers of teachers left their profession during that period for better-paying jobs elsewhere.【 35】 , in the 1950s and 1960s, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the custodial rhetoric of the 1930s no longer

17、 made【 36】 : keeping youths ages sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high【 37】 for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger children. With the baby boom, the focus of educators【 38】 turned toward the lower grades and back to

18、basic academic skills and【 39】 . The system no longer had much【 40】 in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths. ( A) in ( B) for ( C) at ( D) on ( A) accelerating ( B) strengthening ( C) declining ( D) fluctuating ( A) took ( B) produced ( C) brought ( D) carried ( A) adopte

19、d ( B) incorporated ( C) administered ( D) established ( A) increase ( B) raise ( C) erect ( D) generate ( A) predecessors ( B) successors ( C) processors ( D) oppressors ( A) since ( B) Despite ( C) Although ( D) Unless ( A) tenant ( B) determinant ( C) lubricant ( D) repentant ( A) at ( B) on ( C)

20、 for ( D) with ( A) demonstrate ( B) interpret ( C) exhibit ( D) explain ( A) through ( B) across ( C) into ( D) towards ( A) creek ( B) flood ( C) bonus ( D) pledge ( A) overtaxed ( B) overdosed ( C) overweighed ( D) overlapped ( A) moreover ( B) However ( C) Otherwise ( D) Thus ( A) nevertheless (

21、 B) Therefore ( C) Furthermore ( D) Henceforth ( A) sense ( B) meaning ( C) sensible ( D) meaningful ( A) notoriety ( B) compatibility ( C) proximity ( D) priority ( A) refutably ( B) indispensably ( C) inevitably ( D) respectively ( A) conference ( B) symposium ( C) seminar ( D) discipline ( A) abi

22、lity ( B) advantage ( C) benefit ( D) interest 三、 Reading Comprehension 40 Motorola Inc., the worlds second-largest mobile phone maker, will begin selling all of the technology needed to build a basic mobile phone to outside manufacturers, in a key change of strategy. The inventor of the cell phone,

23、 which has been troubled by missteps compounded by a recent industry slump in sales, is trying to become a neutral provider of mobile technology to rivals, with an eye toward fostering a much larger market than it could create itself. The Chicago area-based company, considered to have the widest ran

24、ge of technologies needed to build a phone, said it planned to make available chips, a design layout for the computer board, software, development tools and testing tools. Motorola has previously supplied mobile phone manufacturers with a couple of its chips, but this is the first time the company w

25、ill offer its entire line of chips as well as a detailed blueprint. Mobile phones contain a variety of chips and components to control power, sound and amplification. Analysts said they liked the new strategy but were cautious about whether Motorolas mobile phone competitors would want to buy the te

26、chnology from a rival. The company, long known for its top-notch (等级 ) engineering culture, is hoping to profit from its mobile phone technology now that the basic technology to build a mobile phone has largely become a commodity. Motorola said it will begin offering the technology based on the next

27、-generation GPRS (Global Packet Radio Service) standard because most mobile phone makers already have technology in place for current digital phones. GPRS offers faster access to data through “always on“ network connections, and customers are charged only for the information they retrieve, rather th

28、an the length of download. Burgess said the new business will not conflict with Motorolas own mobile phone business because the latter will remain competitive by offering advanced features and designs. Motorolas phones have been criticized as being too complicated and expensive to manufacture, but B

29、urgess said Motorola will simplify the technology in the phones by a third. In addition to basic technology, Burgess said, Motorola would also offer additional features such as Bluetooth, a technology that allows wireless communications at a short distance, and Global Positioning System, which track

30、s the users whereabouts, and MP3 audio capability. 41 The word “slump“ in the first paragraph may be replaced by _. ( A) slouch ( B) decline ( C) increase ( D) stamp 42 According to this passage, Motorola Inc. ( A) is the worlds largest mobile phone maker ( B) is trying to become a mobile technology

31、 provider besides being a mobile phone maker ( C) will only sell chips of the mobile phones ( D) is going to sell all its manufacturing plants 43 Analysis dont think that _. ( A) Motorola will be successful ( B) the technology offered by Motorola will be selected by its competitors ( C) its competit

32、ors will want to buy the technology from it ( D) its mobile phones contain a variety of chips 44 The technology supplied by Motorola is based on _. ( A) Bluetooth features ( B) MP3 audio capability ( C) Global Positioning System ( D) GPRS standard 45 Which of the following statements is NOT true? (

33、A) GPRS offers faster access to data through network connections, so customers should pay more. ( B) Motorola Inc. is the inventor of the cell phone. ( C) Previously Motorola only supplied mobile phone manufacturers with some of its chips. ( D) Motorola Inc. is known for its high-class engineering c

34、ulture. 45 Hurricanes are violent storms that cause millions of dollars in property damage and take many lives. They can be extremely dangerous, and too often people underestimate their fury. Hurricanes normally originate as a small area of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean west of the Cape Verd

35、e Islands during August or September. For several days the area of the storm increases and the air pressure falls slowly. A center of low pressure forms, and winds begin to whirl around it. It is blown westward, increasing in size and strength. Hurricane hunters then fly out to the storm in order to

36、 determine its size and intensity and to track its direction. They drop instruments for recording temperature, air pressure, and humidity (湿度 ), into the storm. They also look at the size of waves on the ocean, the clouds, and the eye of the storm. The eye is a region of relative calm and clear skie

37、s in the center of the hurricane. People often lose their lives by leaving shelter when the eye has arrived, only to be caught in tremendous winds again when the eye has passed. Once the forecasters have determined that it is likely the hurricane will reach shore, they issue a hurricane watch for a

38、large, general area that may be in the path of the storm. Later, when the probable point of landfall is clearer, they will issue a hurricane warning for a somewhat more limited area. People in these areas are wise to stock up on nonperishable foods, flash light and radio batteries, candles, and othe

39、r items they may need if electricity and water are not available after the storm. They should also try to hurricane-proof their houses by bringing in light-weight furniture and other items from outside and covering windows. People living in low- lying areas are wise to evacuate their houses because

40、of the storm surge, which is a large rush of water that may come ashore with the storm. Hurricanes generally lose power slowly while traveling over land, but many move out to sea, gather up force again, and return to land. As they move toward the north, they generally lose their identity as hurrican

41、es. 46 The eye of the hurricane is _. ( A) the powerful center of the storm ( B) the part that determines its direction ( C) the relatively calm center of the storm ( D) the center of low pressure 47 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) A storm surge is a dramatic increase in wind velocit

42、y. ( B) A hurricane watch is more serious than a hurricane warning. ( C) Falling air pressure is an indicator that the storm is increasing in intensity. ( D) It is safe to go outside once the eye has arrived. 48 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? ( A) How to Avoid Hurri

43、cane damage ( B) Forecasting Hurricanes ( C) The dangerous Hurricane ( D) Atlantic Storms 49 The low-lying areas refer to those regions that _. ( A) close to the ground level ( B) one-storey flat ( C) flat houses ( D) near to the lowest level of hurricane 50 Which of the following is NOT a method of

44、 protecting ones house from a hurricane? ( A) taking out heavy things ( B) moving in light-weight furniture ( C) equipping the house with stones ( D) covering windows 50 Attacking an increasingly popular Internet business practice, a consumer watchdog group Monday filed a complaint with the Federal

45、Trade Commission, asserting that many online search engines are concealing the impact special fees have on search results by Internet users. Commercial Alert, a 3-year-old group founded by consumer activist Ralph Nader, asked the FTC to investigate whether eight of the Webs largest search engines ar

46、e violating federal laws against deceptive advertising. The group said that the search engines are abandoning objective formulas, to determine the order of their listed results and selling the top spots to the highest bidders without making adequate disclosures to Web surfers. The complaint touches

47、a hot-button issue affecting tens of millions of people who submit search queries each day. With more than 2 billion pages and more than 14 billion hyperlinks on the Web, search requests rank as the second most popular online activity after E-mail. The eight search engines named in Commercial Alerts

48、 complaint are. MSN, owned by Microsoft; Netscape, owned by AOL Time Warner; Directhit, owned by Ask Jeeves; HotBot and Lycos, both owned by Terra Lycos; Altavista, owned by CMGI; LookSmart, owned by LookSmart; and Iwon, owned by a privately held company operating under the same name. Portland, Ore.

49、 -based Commercial Alert could have named more search engines in its complaint, but focused on the biggest sites that are auctioning off spots in their results, said Gary Ruskin, the groups executive director. “Search engines have become central in the quest for learning and knowledge in our society. The ability to skew (扭曲 ) the results in favor of hucksters (小贩 ) without telling consumers is a serious problem,“ Ruskin said. By late Monday afternoon, three of the search engines had responded to


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