ASTM E2264-2005 Standard Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products《测定穿孔产品温度循环效果的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM E2264-2005 Standard Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products《测定穿孔产品温度循环效果的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2264-2005 Standard Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products《测定穿孔产品温度循环效果的标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E2264-2005 Standard Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products《测定穿孔产品温度循环效果的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2264-2005 Standard Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products《测定穿孔产品温度循环效果的标准实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 2264 05Standard Practice forDetermining the Effects of Temperature Cycling onFenestration Products1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2264; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year

2、of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the testing of any fenestrationproducts that are installed with the exterior surface exposed

3、toweathering conditions. It is intended to measure the responseof the fenestration product to temperature cycles with thetemperature changes being induced by controlling the airtemperature on the exterior (weather side) or by exposing theproduct to infrared radiation, or both. When tested using this

4、practice, fenestration products are exposed to standard cyclesof elevated and depressed ambient air and surface tempera-tures. Test methods are specified for evaluating changes inperformance that may occur as a result of temperature cycling.With this practice, seasonal and diurnal temperature condit

5、ionsare simulated in a controlled laboratory apparatus.1.2 In this practice, two test methods, Test Method A andTest Method B, are described for exposing the exterior surfaceof fenestration products to the elevated portion of a standard-ized temperature cycle. The purpose for providing two testmetho

6、ds of exposure is to address two distinct needs of thefenestration industry.1.2.1 Test Method A uses infrared radiation to increase thesurface temperature of the fenestration product and uses ablack panel temperature sensor placed in front of the speci-mens exterior surface to sense the temperature.

7、 The surfacetemperature of the black panel temperature sensor is raised toa preset level above the exterior ambient air temperature. Thisprovides a more realistic test for temperature exposure basedon atmospheric solar radiation and its effect on the temperatureincrease of exterior building material

8、s. This method should beused when the number of cycles can be large and the outcomeis critical for field correlation. Test Method A is intended forcomparative product evaluations.1.2.2 Test Method B uses elevated temperature produced byconvective hot air to achieve the exterior air temperatureset-po

9、int. It provides a more sever test because it elevates theexterior air temperature to levels that are not obtainable underin-service conditions. This provides a more rapid degradationcycle for accelerating the effects of the temperature exposurecycling on some materials and fastening methods used in

10、fenestration products. This method is intended to be used whenthe number of temperature cycles must be minimized or theoutcome is not critical for field correlation. Test Method B isintended for research and development purposes and not forcomparative product evaluations.1.3 In this practice, three

11、temperature exposure levels aresuggested for each method: Level 1 is a low temperatureexposure, Level 2 is a moderate temperature exposure, andLevel 3 is a high temperature exposure. The purpose ofproviding three levels of temperature exposure is to accommo-date different grades of fenestration prod

12、ucts based on theirdesigns and their potential geographic installation locations.Other temperature levels may be selected by the specifier.1.3.1 Performance characteristic measurements are used toevaluate the effects on the fenestration product caused bytemperature cycling. They are measured by the

13、following tests: Air leakage rates shall be measured in accordancewith Test Method E Water penetration resistance shall be measured inaccordance with Test Method E 331 or Test Method E 547. Structural strength shall be measured in accordancewith Test Method E 330. This test

14、 shall only be performedwhen specified and only after temperature cycling is com-pleted.1.3.2 The test specifier may also choose additional tests tocharacterize fenestration product performance. (See Note 3 forsuggested additional tests.)1.3.3 For the purposes of product comparison, these testsare p

15、erformed at or near standard laboratory conditions, but forresearch and development purposes, they may also be per-formed during an elevated or depressed portion of the tempera-ture cycle in order to measure the effects of the temperatureextreme on the performance parameter being evaluated. For thep

16、urposes of comparative evaluation, the parameters defined in11.2 shall be used.1.4 Values reported in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The units reported in parentheses are for informationonly.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Perfor-mance of Buildings and

17、is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.51 onPerformance of Windows, Doors, Skylights, and Curtains.Current edition approved May 1, 2005. Published May 2005.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.1.5 Testing organiz

18、ations using this practice shall have staffknowledgeable in heat transfer, fluid mechanics, instrumenta-tion practice, and the specific requirements for the test methodsspecified. Testing personnel shall have a general knowledge offenestration systems and components being tested.1.6 This standard do

19、es not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-tionary statements

20、 are given in Section 6.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 283 Test Method for Determining the Rate ofAir LeakageThrough Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and DoorsUsing Specified Pressure Differences Across the SpecimenE 330 Test Method for Structural Performance of ExteriorWindows, Doors,

21、 Skylights, and Curtain Walls by UniformStatic Air Pressure DifferenceE 331 Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Win-dows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by UniformStatic Air Pressure DifferenceE 547 Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Win-dows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain

22、Walls by Cyclic StaticAir Pressure DifferenceE 631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsG 151 Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Ac-celerated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions are in accordance with Termi-nology E 631 unless otherwise

23、indicated.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 exterior temperature exposure levelthe increasedexterior (weather side) specimen surface temperature aboveambient temperature resulting from the amount of energyabsorbed from a radiant source. The following temperaturelevels apply:3.

24、2.1.1 Level 1for products that have limited exposure todirect solar radiation. Level 2for products that have moderate exposureto direct solar radiation. Level 3for products that have high exposure todirect solar radiation.NOTE 1These levels are used only to differentiate general levels

25、 oftemperature exposure on fenestration products. There are many differentcriteria that are cited for each level and the specifier is permitted to selectother levels if appropriate to the product being tested.4. Summary of Practice4.1 This practice requires installing a test specimen in anapparatus

26、that holds the interior (room-side) of the productspecimen at a constant temperature and relative humidity. Theexterior (weather-side) of the product specimen is subjected tospecific differential infrared radiation (Test Method A or airtemperature (Test Method B) extremes (temperature cycling),or bo

27、th.4.2 The specimen(s) shall have its exterior surface exposedto elevated ambient air temperature or infrared radiation, orboth, at one of the three pre-specified temperature exposurelevels.4.3 The specimen(s) shall have its interior surface exposedto ambient air temperature and relative humidity le

28、vels that areconsistent with typical room conditions.4.4 The specimen(s) shall be subjected to performancecharacterization tests before, during, or after temperaturecycling, or combination thereof, to evaluate performancechanges or structural damage that may occur as a result ofexposure to the tempe

29、rature extremes or cycling. Destructivetesting is only done after temperature cycling and non-destructive testing are completed.5. Significance and Use5.1 Fenestration products, when exposed to differentialtemperatures (constant higher or lower temperatures on theexterior and room temperature on the

30、 interior) or temperaturecycling (relatively constant room temperature on the interiorand repeated cycling of higher and lower temperatures on theexterior), will have stresses induced on components that maycause failure or changes in overall system performance. Someof these changes may be temporary,

31、 with their effects onsystem performance lasting only during the cyclical tempera-ture exposure. Other changes may be more permanent becauseof the failure of critical components or irreversible changes inthose critical components that control overall system perfor-mance.5.2 In this practice, a proce

32、dure is provided for evaluatingthe effects of exposure to temperature cycling at standardizedconditions on fenestration products. It is useful for productevaluation and development. Interrelationships between win-dow components can be studied under laboratory conditionssimulating in-service temperat

33、ure extremes.5.3 Laboratory approximation of in-service temperature cy-cling and temperature extremes is a useful tool for thefenestration designer. These conditions help in evaluatingdesigns and components for absolute and relative interactionson overall performance when these products are installe

34、d andfunctioning in residential and commercial buildings.5.4 This practice is limited to temperature exposure andtemperature cycling only. Temperature is only one of manyenvironmental factors that affect field performance of fenestra-tion products. Products made with different materials orconstructi

35、on methods may show specific sensitivity to differentenvironmental factors, such as humidity, ultraviolet radiation,or airborne chemicals.5.5 Because of the complexity and cost of a single apparatuscapable of measuring window performance, providing tem-perature cycling, and providing infrared radiat

36、ion exposure,more than one test apparatus may be required to complete thispractice. If multiple test apparatus are used, care shall be takenwhen moving the specimen from one apparatus to another to2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service a

37、t For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.E2264052protect them from damage by racking, twisting, dropping, orother causes of distortion.5.6 In this practice, specimens are subjected to one of avariety of po

38、ssible variations of ambient air temperature orsurface temperature cycling conditions by using either convec-tive hot air or exposure to infrared radiation. Therefore, theresults are valid only for the test method and conditions used.5.7 At present, no correlation data exists that relates thispracti

39、ce to field performance.6. Safety Precautions6.1 Extreme elevated and depressed temperatures will beencountered when using this practice. Operator access tovariable temperature weather-side chambers shall be restrictedduring the exposure cycles.7. Apparatus7.1 The description of the apparatus in thi

40、s section isgeneral. Any suitable arrangement capable of maintaining therequired test conditions and tolerances is permitted.7.1.1 The test chamber is an apparatus in which the speci-men can be mounted so that a differential temperature can beapplied between the ambient room-side air temperature and

41、 theexterior weather-side surface temperature of the specimen(s)for extended periods. In the apparatus, the temperature and relative hu-midity of the room-side of the chamber and ambient airtemperature on the weather side shall be controllable.Temperature-controlling equipment shall be capabl

42、e of main-taining the specified temperature set-point 63C (65F). An infrared radiation source shall be positioned inthe weather-side of the chamber so that the specimen surfacecan be exposed to radiation if directed by the specifier. The duration of any portion of the test cycle shall

43、becontrollable to the specified length of time 6 5 minutes. All temperature measuring systems are required tobe accurate to 61C (61.8F). Air circulation equipment shall be used in both theroom-side and weather-side compartments to prevent still airstratification on either side of the t

44、est specimen.7.1.2 Measurement of specified performance characteristicsis best accomplished by incorporating the appropriate testapparatus or equipment into the temperature cycling apparatus.The elements of the test equipment shall not interfere with thetest specimen(s) or the ability of the apparat

45、us to maintain thespecified temperature between the room-side ambient airtemperature and the exterior surface of the specimen(s) duringthe test.7.1.3 Alternately, the specimen(s) may be removed from thetemperature cycling apparatus and installed in the appropriateequipment, such as an air/water test

46、 chamber for the testing.8. Test Specimen(s)8.1 The type, size, and installation method of the testspecimen(s) shall be determined by the test specifier.8.2 The specimen(s) surface finish shall be consistent withnormal manufacturing practice or manufacturers suggestedfinishing instructions.8.2.1 Dis

47、assembly of anchorage or other elements of the testassembly is not allowed during any portion of the proceduresrequired by this practice.NOTE 2It is important to include full size members, expansion joints,and other control elements in multiple product installations to obtainresults representative o

48、f installed product conditions.9. Calibration9.1 Calibration of a performance characteristic measure-ment test apparatus shall be according to the applicable testmethod chosen by the test specifier.9.2 Calibration shall be performed on each performancecharacteristic measuring system at least once ev

49、ery 6 months oras required by the applicable test method.9.3 Calibration of the Infrared (IR) Source:9.3.1 See Practice G 151 and Appendix X1 for descriptionsof and information on black panel temperature sensors. Thereare two types of black panel temperature sensors: insulated anduninsulated. The temperatures measured by the two typesdiffer, being somewhat higher for the insulated type. Unlessotherwise specified, the uninsulated type shall be used formeasurements using this standard practice.9.3.2 Place a black panel temperature sensor on the exteriorsurface of the test spec


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