BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf

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BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf_第4页
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BS 5395-1-2010 Stairs - Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders《楼梯 直步和拉丝楼梯的设计实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationStairs Part 1: Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and windersBS 5395-1:2010BS 5395-1:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI

2、 copyright notice displnullyed in this docnullnullent indicnulltes nullhen the docnullnullent nullnulls lnullst issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 9nullnull 0 5null0 55null9null 2InullS 91null0null0null30The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relnullte to the nullornull on this stnullndnullrd: nullonulln

3、ullittee renullerence Bnull20null Drnullnullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnull301null01nullnull DnullPublication historynullirst pnullnulllished Decenullnuller 19nullnullSecond editionnull nullnullne 2000Third nullpresentnull editionnull nullenullrnullnullry 2010Amnullndmnullnts issunulld sincnull pub

4、licationnullatnull nullnullnullt affnullctnulld BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iBS 5395-1:2010nullontnullntsnullorenullord iiiIntrodnullction 11 Scope 22 Nornullnulltinulle renullerences 23 Ternulls nullnd denullnitions 2null Snullnullety 55 Dinullensions 10null Dnullrnullnullility nullnd nullnu

5、llterinullls 15null Slip resistnullnce 15null Aconullstics 199 nullighting 19AnnnullnullnullsAnnenull A nullnornullnulltinullenull Denullnitions 20Annenull B nullinnullornullnulltinullenull Sonulle typicnulll solnulltions to designing nullinders nullor stnullirs less thnulln 1 000 nullnull 23Annenul

6、l null nullinnullornullnulltinullenull Renullnullired spnullce onull stnullirs 28Binullliogrnullphy 33nullist of nullgurnullsnullignullre 1 null Stnullir ternullinology 4nullignullre 2 null Hnullnullnullrd nullt top onull nullight 8nullignullre 3 null Hnullnullnullrd nullt nullottonull onull nulligh

7、t 9nullignullre null null nullenullsnullring nullinders on stnullirs less thnulln 1 000 nullnull 11nullignullre 5 null nulllosed riser design 13nullignullre null null Henulldroonull nullnd clenullrnullnce on short nullights 14nullignullre Bnull1 null Design onull null three trenulld nullinder nullig

8、ht nullith enullnullnulll trenullds 23nullignullre Bnull2 null Design onull null three trenulld nullinder nullight nullith dnullncing trenullds 24nullignullre Bnull3 null Design onull null nullonullr trenulld nullinder nullight nullith enullnullnulll trenullds 25nullignullre Bnullnull null Design on

9、ull null nullonullr trenulld nullinder nullight nullith dnullncing trenullds 27nullist of tablnullsTnullnullle 1 null Reconullnullended sinulles nullor strnullight stnullirs nullnd nullinders 12Tnullnullle 2 null nullininullnullnull lenullels onull Rnull ronullghness necessnullry to pronullide renul

10、lsonnullnullle slip resistnullnce in the presence onull nullnullrionulls contnullnullinnullnts 17Tnullnullle 3 null Typicnulll pendnulllnullnull test nullnulllnulles nullnullTnullnull 18Tnullnullle nullnull1 null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull2 null00 null

11、null nullor nornullnulll-nullse stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnull nullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 15 nullnd 20 29Tnullnullle nullnull2 null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinul

12、lension onull2 null00 nullnull nullor prinullnullte stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnullnullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 13 nullnd 20 29Tnullnullle nullnull3 null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nullo

13、or-to-nulloor dinullension onull2 null00 nullnull nullor nornullnulll-nullse stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnull nullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 15 nullnd 20 30Tnullnullle nullnullnull null Design rise n

14、ullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull2 null00 nullnull nullor prinullnullte stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnullnullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 13 nullnd 20 30Tnullnullle nullnull5

15、 null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull2 null00 nullnull nullor nornullnulll-nullse stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnull nullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 15 nullnd

16、20 31Tnullnullle nullnullnull null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull2 null00 nullnull nullor prinullnullte stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnullnullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nu

17、lletnulleen 13 nullnd 20 31BS 5395-1:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDTnullnullle nullnullnull null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull3 000 nullnull nullor nornullnulll-nullse stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 3 500

18、 nullnull nullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 15 nullnd 20 32Tnullnullle nullnullnull null Design rise nullnd going nullor null nulloor-to-nulloor dinullension onull3 000 nullnull nullor prinullnullte stnullirsnull nullor onullernullll going nullnulllnulles

19、 nulletnulleen 3 500 nullnullnullnd null 000 nullnull nullnd the nnullnullnuller onull risers nulletnulleen 13 nullnd 20 32Summary of pagnullsThis docnullnullent conullprises null nullront conullernull nulln inside nullront conullernull pnullges i to inullnull pnullges 1 to 3nullnull nulln inside nu

20、llnullcnull conuller nullnd null nullnullcnull conullernullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 5395-1:2010nullornullnullordPublishing informationThis pnullrt onull BS 5395 is pnullnulllished nully BSI nullnd cnullnulle into enullnullect on 2null nullenullrnullnullry 2010null It nullnulls prepnu

21、llred nully Technicnulll nullonullnullittee Bnull20nullnullStairs and walkwaysnull A list onull orgnullninullnulltions represented on this conullnullittee cnulln nulle onulltnullined on renullnullest to its secretnullrynullSupnullrsnullssionThis pnullrt onull BS 5395 snullpersedes BS 5395-1:2000null

22、 nullhich is nullithdrnullnullnnullnullnulllationship nullith othnullr publicationsBS 5395 is pnullnulllished in three pnullrtsnull nulls nullollonulls:null Part 1: Code of practice for the design of straight stairs and windersnullnull Part 2: Code of practice for the design of helical and spiral st

23、airsnullnull Part 4: Code of practice for the design for stairs for linullited access 1nullnullBS 5395-1 onullnullers gnullidnullnce on strnullight stnullirs nullnd nullinders nullith nosings nullith null strnullight edgenull nullnd nullhere the strnullight stnullirs hnullnulle null nullnulllnulling

24、 line perpendicnulllnullr to the nosingsnullnullnformation about this documnullntThe stnullndnullrd hnulls nulleen nullpdnullted to renullect the sinullplinullying onull stnullir criterinull to null rnullnge onull rise nullnd going designed to pronullide snullnuller stnullirs onullgenernulll nullsen

25、ull There is no criterion on pitch or conullnullortnullnullle gnullit nullgnull2rnullnullsenullnulll innullornullnulltion regnullrding sports gronullnds cnulln nulle nullonullnd in BS nullN 13200-1 nullnd in the nullnullide to Safety at Sports nullronullnds null1nullnullnullsnull of this documnullnt

26、As null code onull prnullcticenull this pnullrt onull BS 5395 tnullnulles the nullornull onull gnullidnullnce nullnd reconullnullendnulltionsnull It shonullld not nulle nullnulloted nulls inull it nullere null specinullcnulltion nullnd pnullrticnulllnullr cnullre shonullld nulle tnullnullen to ensnu

27、llre thnullt clnullinulls onull conullplinullnce nullre not nullislenulldingnullAny nullser clnullinulling conullplinullnce nullith this pnullrt onull BS 5395 is enullpected to nulle nullnullle to nullnullstinully nullny conullrse onull nullction thnullt denullinulltes nullronull its reconullnullend

28、nulltionsnullIt hnulls nulleen nullssnullnulled in the prepnullrnulltion onull this British Stnullndnullrd thnullt the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to nullpproprinulltely nullnullnulllinulled nullnd enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it hnulls null

29、een prodnullcednullnullhere nullethods onull designnull nullnullterinulllsnull conullponents nullnd nullethods onullconstrnullction nullre not conullered nully this stnullndnullrdnull or nully nullny other British Stnullndnullrdnull this is not necessnullrily to nulle regnullrded nulls disconullrnul

30、lging their nullsenullPrnullsnullntational connullnullntionsThe pronullisions in this stnullndnullrd nullre presented in ronullnulln nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendnulltions nullre enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principnulll nullnullnullilinullry nullernull is nu

31、llshonullldnullnullConullnullentarynull enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic typenull and does not constitnullte a nornullatinulle elenullentnull1nullIn prepnullrnulltionnullBS 5395-1:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThe nullord nullsh

32、onullldnull is nullsed to enullpress reconullnullendnulltions onull this stnullndnullrdnull The nullord nullnullnullynull is nullsed in the tenullt to enullpress pernullissinullilitynullenullgnull nulls nulln nulllternnulltinulle to the prinullnullry reconullnullendnulltion onull the clnullnullsenul

33、lThe nullord nullcnullnnull is nullsed to enullpress possinullilitynull enullgnull null consenullnullence onull nulln nullction or nulln enullentnullNotes nullnd conullnullentnullries nullre pronullided thronullghonullt the tenullt onull this stnullndnullrdnull Notes ginulle renullerences nullnd nul

34、ldditionnulll innullornullnulltion thnullt nullre inullportnullnt nullnullt do not nullornull pnullrt onull the reconullnullendnulltionsnull nullonullnullentnullries ginulle nullnullcnullgronullnd innullornullnulltionnullnullontractual and lnullgal considnullrationsThis pnullnulllicnulltion does not

35、 pnullrport to inclnullde nullll the necessnullry pronullisions onull null contrnullctnull nullsers nullre responsinullle nullor its correct nullpplicnulltionnullnullompliancnull nullith a British Standard cannot confnullr immunity from lnullgal obligationsnullnullttention is drawn to the renullnull

36、irenullents of the nullnullilding nullegnulllations for nullngland and nullalesnull null2null nullhe nullnullilding nullegnulllations nullnullorthern nullrelandnull null3nullnull nullhe nullnullilding nullScotlandnull nullegnulllations null4null and nullhe nullorkplace nullnullealthnull Safety and n

37、ullelfarenull nullegnulllationsnull 1992 null5nullnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 5395-1:2010nullntroductionIn the nullnited nullingdonull there nullre onuller 500 denullths enullch yenullr nullronullstnullir relnullted nullccidents in the honullenull It is estinullnullted thnullt null nu

38、llnullrther 250 000 non-nullnulltnulll nullccidents tnullnulle plnullce on stnullirs in the honulle enullch yenullrnullnullhich nullre serionulls enonullgh to cnullnullse the nullictinull to nullisit their nullenernulll nullrnullctitioner or Hospitnulll Accident nullnd nullnullergency depnullrtnulle

39、ntnull This is enullnullinullnulllent to null donullestic nullccident on stnullirs occnullrring enullery 2null5 nullinnulltesnullIn nulldditionnull there nullre nullppronullinullnulltely 100 000 nullccidents on stnullirs in leisnullre ennullironnullents nullnd null nullnullrther 1 000 plnulls in the

40、 nullornullplnullcenull This is enullnullinullnulllent to null nullnullll on stnullirs in the nullnull occnullrring enullery 90 secondsnullIn 2003null there nullere onuller tnullice nulls nullnullny denullths dnulle to nullnulllls on or nullronullsteps nullnd stnullirs nulls there nullere dnulle to

41、enullposnullre to snullonullenull nullre nullnd nullnullnulles in nullnglnullnd nullnd nullnulllesnullnullonullng children nullnd elderly people nullre pnullrticnulllnullrly nullt risnull nullronull nullnulllls on stnullirsnull Nenullrly 20null onull the non-nullnulltnulll donullestic nullccidents o

42、n stnullirs hnullppen to children less thnulln null yenullrs onull nullgenull nullnd null0null onull the nullnulltnulll nullccidents occnullr to nulldnulllts onuller null5 yenullrs onull nullgenullThe nullost inullportnullnt nullspects onull stnullir design thnullt nullnullnullects the snullnullety

43、onullnullsers nullre the trenulld dinullensionsnull Inull null going is too snullnullll to enullsily plnullce null signinullcnullnt proportion onull the nulloot nullponnull it increnullses the linullelihood onull nulln onullerstepnull Resenullrch snullggests thnullt lnullrge onullerstepsnull conullp

44、led nullith the type onull nullnullterinulll on the stnullir nosingnull cnulln lenulld to null slip in descentnullInull there nullre no snullitnullnullle hnullndrnullilsnull or the person cnullnnot renullch thenull in tinullenull this slip cnulln lenulld to null serionulls incidentnullIt is nulllso

45、inullportnullnt thnullt stnullirs nullre designed nullnd constrnullcted to ennullnullle nullse nully people nullith nulls nullide rnullnge onull nullnullility nulls prnullcticnulllnull recogninulling thnullt the nullnullility to nullse steps cnulln nullnullry signinullcnullntlynull There is null cor

46、relnulltion nulletnulleen enullse onull nullse nullnd snullnulletynull nullith stnullirs thnullt onullnuller pnullssnullge nullithonullt nullndnulle enullnullort or enullertion nullnullrther rednullcing the potentinulll nullor incidents thnullt nullight resnulllt in innullnullrynullThe nullninullorn

47、ullity onull steps is nulllso nullery inullportnullntnull since enullen null snullnullll decrenullse in the sinulle onull null going cnulln lenulld to null signinullcnullnt increnullse in the linullelihood onull null lnullrge onullerstepnull This snullnullll dinullnullerence in the sinulle onullgoin

48、gs is pnullrticnulllnullrly inullportnullnt inull the going is less thnulln 300 nullnullnullnullnder nornullnulll nullnulllnulling conditions the plnullcenullent onull nulleet on snullccessinulle trenullds is not conullpletely consistentnull nullnullt instenulld there is linullited nullnullrinulltio

49、n nullithin nulloot plnullcenullent on null stnullir trenulldnull Therenullorenull there is null possinullility thnullt null lnullrge onullerstep cnulln occnullr nullhen descending nullny stnullirnull nulllthonullgh this risnull is drnullnullnullticnulllly rednullced nully increnullsing the sinulle onull the goingnullnullnd nully linulliting the nullnullrinulltion nulletnulleen snullccessinulle trenulldsnull The nullore nullrenullnullently null stnullir is nullsednull the grenullter the pronullnullnullility onull null lnullrge onullerstep occnullrringnull nullor this renullsonnull nullny stn

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