CAN CSA-ISO 14024-1999 Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures (First Edition).pdf

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1、CSA INTERNATIONAL National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA=ISO 14024-99 (IS0 140241999) International Standard Is0 140241999 (fkst edition, 1999-04-01) has been adopted without modification as CSA Standard CAN/CSA- IS0 1-24-99, which has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Cou

2、ncil of Canada. ISBN 1-89441 6-38-4 November 1999 Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures Marquage et declarations environnernentaux - tiquetage environnemental de fvpe J - Principes et methodes Reference number IS0 14024:1999(E) LAssociatio

3、n CaMdinede- . (CSA), sous les auspices de laquelle cette Norme nationale a et6 pr6pae, a refu ses lettres patentes en 191 9 et son accreditation au sein du SystPme de normes nationales par le Conseil canadien des normes en 1973. Association daffiliation libre, sans but lucratif ni powoir de kglemen

4、tation, elle se consacre a Ielaboration de normes et a la certification. Les normes CSA detent le consensus de producteurs et dusagers de partout au pays, au nombre desquels se trowent des fabricants, des consommateurs, des detaillants et des repkentans de syndicats, de corps professionnels et dagen

5、ces gowemementales. Lutiliition des norma CSA est tF.3 kpandue dans Iindustrie et le commerce, et leur adoption a divers ordres de IQislation, tant municipal et provincial que fGderal, est chose courante, particulierement dam les domaines de la sante, de la s6curit6, du bltiment, de la construction

6、et de Ienvironnement Les Canadiens dun bout a Iautre du pays tkmoignent de leur appui au travail de normalisation men6 par la CSA en participant Mnevolement aux travaux des comitk de la CSA et en appuyant ses objectifs par leurs cotisations de membres de soutien. Les quelque 7000 volontaires faisant

7、 partie des comitk et les 2000 membres de soutien constituent Iensemble des membres de la CSA parmi lesquels ses administrateun sont choisis. Les cotisations des membres de soutien repkentent une source importante de revenu pour les services de soutien a la normalisation volontaire. LAssodation offr

8、e des services de certification et de mise a Iwai qui appuient et complPtent ses activitk dans le domaine de Ielaboration de normes. De maniere a assurer Iintegrite de son processus de Certification, IAssociation procede de facon r6guliPre et continue a Iexamen et 2 Iinspection des produits portant

9、la marque CSA. Outre son siege social et ses laboratoires a Etobicoke, la CSA possae des bureaux r6gionaux dam des centres vitaux partout au Canada, de mme que des agences dinspection et dwai dans huit pays. Depuis 191 9, IAssociation a parfait les connaissances techniques qui Iui permettent de remp

10、lir sa mission dentreprke, a savoir la CSA est un organisme de services independant dont la mission est doffrir une tribune libre et efficace pour la kalisation dactivites facilitant Iechange de biens et de services par Iintermediaire de services de normalisation de certification et autres, pour kpo

11、ndre aux besoins de nos clients, tant a Iechelle nationale quintemationale. The bnadian Standards Association (CSA), under whose auspices ths National Standard has been produced, was chartered in 191 9 and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to the National Standards system in 1973. It is

12、a not-for-profit, nonstatutory, voluntary membenhip association engaged in standards development and certification activities. CSA standards reflect a national consensus of producers and users - including manufacturers, consumers, retailers, unions and professional organmtions, and governmental agen

13、cies. The standards are used widely by industry and commerce and often adopted by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in their regulations, particularly in the fields of health, safety, building and construction, and the environment. Individuals, companies, and associations across Canada

14、indicate their support for CSAs standards development by volunteering their time and skills to CSA Committee work and supporting the Associations objectives through sustaining memberships. The more than 7000 committee volunteers and the 2000 sustaining memberships together form CSAs total membership

15、 from which .%s Directors are chosen. Sustaining memberships represent a major source of income for CSAs standards development activities. The Association offers certification and testing services in support of and as an extension to its standards development activities. To ensure the integrity of p

16、rocess, the Association regularly and continually audits and inspects products that bear the CSA Mark. In addition to its head office and laboratory complex in Etobicoke, CSA has regional branch offices in major centres across Canada and inspection and testing agencjes in eight countries. Since 191

17、9, the Association has developed the necessary expertise to meet its corporate mission: CSA is an independent service organization whose mission is to provide an open and effective forum for activities facilitating the exchange of goods and services through the use of standards, certification and re

18、lated services to meet national and international needs. certification Pour plus amples renseignements sur les services de la CSA, sadrwer a For futher information on CSA services, write to Association canadienne de normalisation Canadian Standards Association 178, boulevard Rexdale 178 Rexdale Boul

19、evard Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 1 R3 Canada Le Cd cadien des nom est Iorganisme de coordination du Systeme de normes nationales, une federation dorganismes independants et autonomes qui travaillent au developpement et a Iamelioration de la normalisation volontaire dam IinterGt national. Les principaux

20、 buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouvoir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen dameliorer Ikonomie nationale, dameliorer la sante, la securite et le bien4tre du public, daider et de proteger le consommateur, de faciliter le commerce national et international et de favorker la cooperation

21、 intemationale dam le domaine de la normalisation. Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approwee par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui refite une entente raisonnable parmi les points de we dun certain nombre de personnes competentes dont les inter cet aspect demeure la responsabilite de Io

22、rganisme 6dacteur de normes acckditk. I1 est recommande aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose est possible. Ces normes font Iobjet dexamens periodiques ; cest pourquoi il est recommande aux utilisateurs de se procurer Iedition la plus rk

23、ente de la norme aup this remains the continuing responsibility of the accredited standardsdevelopment organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are

24、cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. La responsabilite dapprower les Normes nationales du Canada incombe au The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the Conseil canadien des normes Standards Council of Canada 45, rue OCo

25、nnor, Bureau 1200 45 OConnor Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario, K1 P 6N7 Canada Les norma nationales du Canada sont publib en versions frangaise et anglaise. National Standards of Canada are published in English and French. Bien que le but premier vise pr cette nonne soit bnond sous sa rubrique Dom

26、aine dapplication, il est important de retenir quil incombe a Iutilisateur de jugersi la nonne convient 6 ses besoins prticuliers. Although the intended primary application of this Standard is stated in its Scop, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users to judge its su

27、itability for their prticular pupse. Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures CAN/CSA-IS0 7 4 024-99 CAN/CSA-IS0 14024-99 EnvironnzentuZ ZubeZs and deczurutions - Type I environmentuZ ZubeZZing - PvincipZes und procedures CSA Prefuce This is

28、the first edition of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-IS0 14024, Environmental labels and declarations - Type l environmental labelling - Principles and procedures, which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled IS0 (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 14024:1999 (first

29、 edition, 1999-04-01). The IS0 14000 family of Standards was developed by environmental experts from around the world, under the auspices of the IS0 Technical Committee 207. Canada plays a major role in this area. The Secretariat of ISO/TC 207 is held by CSA on behalf of Canadas member body in ISO,

30、the Standards Council of Canada, and the Chair of TC 207 is a Canadian. Standards through CSAs national consensus development forums. The CSA Technical Committee on Environmental Labelling (EL) is the source of Canadian experts for the IS0 14024 Standards. This Technical Committee provides expert in

31、put to the Canadian Advisory Committee to ISO/TC 207/SC 3 (CAC/ISO/TC 207/SC 3). In consultation with the EL Technical Committee, CAC/ISO/TC 207/SC 3 is responsible for developing and submitting coordinated Canadian responses, comments, and voting actions on ISO/TC 207/SC 3 documents and helping to

32、establish the Canadian position for delegates to take in international meetings. Technical Committee on Environmental Labelling has approved the technical content of this Standard and supports it on a continuing basis, providing interpretations, updates and revisions, reaffirmations or withdrawals,

33、as appropriate for Canadian stakeholders. The practices related to criteria development and certification are examples of methodologies currently in use in some programs around the world. However, other practices or methodologies may equal these or supersede them, ensuring that innovation in procedu

34、res and practices is encouraged. This Standard was reviewed for Canadian adoption by the CSA Technical Committee on Environmental Labelling, under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Environment, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. A list of the members of

35、the Technical Committee is available upon request. This Standard has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. Canadian stakeholders participate actively in the development of the IS0 14000 family of International In proposing this International Standard for

36、adoption as a National Standard of Canada, the CSA November 7 999 0 CSA International - 7 999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher. IS0 material is reprinted with permission. Inquiries regarding this N

37、ational Standard of Canada should be addressed to CSA International, 7 78 Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M9W 7 R3. November 7 999 CSA/1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 14024 First edition 1999-04-01 Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and proc

38、edures Marquage et declarations en vironnementaux - Efiquetage environnemenial de type I - Principes et methodes Reference number IS0 14024:1999(E) IS0 14024:1999(E) Contents 1 Scope 1 2 Normative reference 1 3 Terms and definitions . 1 4 Objective of Type I environmental labelling 2 5 Principles 3

39、6 Procedures .6 7 Certification and compliance 9 Bibliography 12 0 IS0 1999 All rights resewed. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in wri

40、ting from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneve 20 Switzerland Internet 0 IS0 IS0 14024:1999(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies

41、). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and no

42、n-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISOAEC Directives, Part

43、 3. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 14024 was prepared by Technical Committee

44、lSO/TC 207, Environmentalmanagemenf, Subcommittee SC 3, Environmentallabelling. IS0 14024: 1999( E) 0 IS0 Introduction There are a number of approaches to environmental labelling. This International Standard relates to Type I environmental labelling programmes which award their environmental label t

45、o products which meet a Set of predetermined requirements. The label thus identifies products which are determined to be environmentally preferable within a particular product category. Type I environmental labelling programmes are voluntary, can be operated by public or private agencies and can be

46、national, regional or international in nature. iv IS0 14024:1999(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD o IS0 Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures 1 Scope This International Standard establishes the principles and procedures for developing Type I envi

47、ronmental labelling programmes, including the selection of product categories, product environmental criteria and product function characteristics; and for assessing and demonstrating compliance. This International Standard also establishes the certification procedures for awarding the label. 2 Norm

48、ative reference The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements ba

49、sed on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of IS0 and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 14020:1998, Environmenfal labels and declarations - General principles. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Type I


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