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1、MIL-F-25173LW3G)16 FEBRUARY 1956=F-25173(USAF)1h K y 1955IKCLITASX SFECIPICAWFAsmYEi, COSTSOL PAfAKL,M- mThis specMicatlon has bam awro by tie ntof the Air Force and by tbe UaVJ Bureau of A8r0mutlCa.1. SamM w.9 SP9CifmIti0n COW- Om tsm Of CCQI-1 P-Q f-2. MFLICABLS KJORfP2t on date Of intiwtiO f bfi,

2、 f s X Of fi SWCiCa tiOn tO tie tent “j1,., ,)ISpmified herein:.sPBXFICATIONSFederal(x)-A-33.8w-A-325QQ-U-151 “QQ-P-li16ly Plate ad Sheet#Aaninum PJloY 6=, %=5, SodS, SbIWS dwire, 2t011B or Dram!4etals; Omeial Swcificatio* for Intictiori ofPI.At Pr.=sermtion, Packagiwr, packing mdMarking ofA use of(

3、coPim of specifications,stamk=-ds, drawings, ad whlations =q*d by cOn-tractors in comection with specificpromuwm nt functions should be obtained from theprocuring activity or as directed by the contracttig OfflcEr.)3. R.FLWIZMINls3.1 Qualification.- The f astmars furnled under this specificationehel

4、l be aproduct whi.,has been tested and has passed the Qualification teats .w8cif led herein.3.2 Materials.-.3.2.1 Selection of materials.- In using mtarials, pruhcts, snd tm.mites notSCifiCal?J ibimt=d hereh, applicable SW4ficatiom and standards shall be selectedin accordalm with ANA Bulletin No. lh

5、 Met.a16.- Het-slashall be of the corrosion-resistanttype or suitablytreated to resi=mceion. h fuels, salt mrv, Or atispher cOnditiO tO *ich tiefastenersray be subjectedwhen in storage : i. during normal service use. Dissimilarmetals.- lbde suitab4 protected against electrolyticcmro-

6、sion, disstiilarmetals shall not be usei in intimate contact vith each other. OratingAND10398 defties dissMMr rnetah.).- Fastener studs shall be bardemd to prevent damage toscrew(a) DDW510S A SSALL SE SUCH TSAT *TALLATIOM OF 27-ISCM BE MADE ISTO IHE?IODSTISOFIUWL310USAS SFllXFXED.(b) DII!EWILWSAWLY

7、AFTSR ITALLATIOM.SILTFASTSTiESSTDDDlnENs4EN ymm2Cm7S . 05Ki3SoIHEfbfHE SFEZIFIKO, lWSSANCJLStASOLES il”,. .FIOUPX 2. Stud flstener, aircxaft equipn?mtcontrol panelItProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I H?.L-F-25173A(M)I3 .IJ cOMtructim.-

8、) 3.1$.1 Fastener stud head.- with the fastener stud unlocked, the toP surface ofthe htmd shall rzti titbti e outline dimensions as shown kn figure screwdriverslot.- The screwdriver slot in tJIefastener stud head sbsXiconform to the d.i.mnsionsshown in figure 2. with .thafastener In the tie

9、d Positiun,the acreudriverslot Eha.11be in line uitb the wire of the receptacle strip.3JJ.3 stud munting and rem- NOmt Of we fas- ud *- haccordanceUiti fi be possible to renvve a damaged fastener studUImUMY and sui=%IIII-I a naOne, thout g tie -. by *e w Of S-hand tm3S nhich rhall be designed by the

10、 fmtener manufacturer.3.5 Performance.-3.5.1 Lacking tOrqlm.- nnxim. locking tom m.- me mxlmia tirque required to lock the fastenershall.be 8 pmii-imhea . M.rAmtm locking tOrque.- ne torque re+red ta lock tie faatermrshallbe 2.5 Pmnd-tithes. Absolute maximum tom w.- The absolute

11、 -mm torquerequired to lockthe fatiener shall be 133 Wrcent of Che maximum locking torque with the additim of aO.010-inch shim between the panel and receptacle. Absolute mlnimnn torque.- lhe absolute mi.nl.mmtorque required to hcktAe fastener =all be b7 percent of fliemidm.m 10 32 stitaoffas

12、teners !undBs436M.ed)as sbwn in ff.gurs2, four apecimms as Bhmm in figure 3, fOUrSFUS “.ssh %= II,fo as *W in fiIOU= 5, wf two SPcfmms e asshoun in figures3, II, and 5, monnted an sheets having a total thickness of O.010 inchless than th.total nominal thicknessswctiied for each. Samples submitted fO

13、r qual.i-ficat.itmte.:.ing shall be accompaniedby two campletesets of detail !rMufEiCttingdrawings O each fastener item submittedfor test. Samples shallbe identifiedwith themanufacturesown t number and any additional informationrequired by the authorizingletter (se? 6.lJ).11.2.2 Tests.- The Qualific

14、ationtests shall ccumistof all the AcceptancetestsSpcfiied 1ei( the fol.lovingtests. The Qualificationtests say, at the option ofthe prccuringactivity,be supplementedwith testi uder actl seice cOitiWs.IJ.2.2.1 Vibration.- Fasteners shall be asseubledwith a test panel as shown infigure 5. The assenbl

15、y shall be loaded and attachedto the tist jig as sbmm in figure6. The base of I”he_*- =p,e fa=teners, selectedat random from a lot rWtu-e are conditions and submittedfor acceptance at substan-tiallythe s- t-, shall be ViSWW. ed fOr wornaip, fisb, and cOO=nceto approveddasisn -d materials in accor-me

16、 tb tie Si%le -ins plans,” ofstandardNIL-.VTD- Criticaldefects.- Ore oritical dfect found in the sample fastnerSshall be cause or rejection of the lot. Production shall be stoppsd until cause of thecriticaldefects can be foundand corrected.-3”1-2“e”- If onB majorIdefect is found in the s

17、ample fasteners,thelot shall be re ec e .of $i4;L2fri%fA%+GdFive fasteners shallbe selectedat random from each lotsubjetted to the followingtests. The rECePQCle StriPSand specirensnecessary for the tests shall be preparedas specied herein.IJ.3.2.1 DimenAans.- The dimensions shall be measuredwith an

18、accuracy sufficientto detertie complianse with tie dimensions and tolerancesspecifiedon the applicabledrawings or figures.JJ.3.2.2 Hardness Of studs.- fhehqrdness of the studs shall be checked on tie faceof the stud an either side of he screwdriverslot. Case-hardan9dsurfaces shall k testedon tie 15-

19、11,Rcckwell sup3rficial scale. The heat-trfmted,through-hardenedstuds shallbe tested on the Itocku31C scale.8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-251?3A()1It.). .-ri-l-1LfFAsTmss Smt= .06LA.5sfXSLY ti NULALWTE5T , SPF.CI.FKATIONyG/ Q

20、C-A-318, ti2 H,.9)IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIHIL-P-25173A(A0)II?.)J38 *.0161 “2”*”0L.r“0”“mmNFCEPTACLS “SIP -/ IDIM?.KSIONSIN I?X; and has cent-=ctedthe locking stip, a -M Of 30 Foti-inch Shm be wli at the faatek t- a SCv= bit

21、 fOra dvrationof at least 5 seconds. l%a tarque shall be applied in such manner as to forcethe fastaneragatist the locking atop. The width and thickness of the bit shall notEXCeed ?S percent of the width ad tMckneea, r+wpecti4, of the scrier slti. fiestud and receptacle strip shall be inspected for

22、any damage or rmchanioal immfJnt afterthe applicationof the torque. tieceptaclesttip faate- vlre attdiingstrength.-that :i3?L:;13/i8t:?2.7.Initial tenaim.- l%. initial tmsion and the factthat tbe Governmeti may have formulated, furnished, pr i“any way supplld the said drawings, sw ctfication

23、s,orother data is not to”be regamled by implication or other-wise as In any manner licensing ti-eholder or my otherp-son cm corporation,or conveying any rights or permissionto manufacture, use, or sell any tented invention thatmay in any way be l-elatedthereto.I custodians:T - Nure.auof AeromnticsAi

24、r FCO.-) ?.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-).I -L_- . .,-L ,-_.STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT FROPOSAL OM13APW .(No, 22.R2$5-1NSTRUCTIONS: Thep.rp.aee . this formcs 1. i.itb-.fi.%.l -mmenl. which W,i, help achieve pr.c, e.me. I

25、 or suitsble wud.cts .: rc. s.bl. COSI -d mlfilm.m d.1.y. ., wU1 .rwis. .nh.nc. .6. of the docume,DoD ct,.ct.rs, government a71ctivities, or mmwf.ct.r.r,l d.- . .r. Pr.,.pe:ti.e .uw!sers of thernod.cwe invited to submit comments t. +e zo. t. F.ld 11s O. ,.,*. .,de. staple i. c.mer, .nd send t,prep.

26、ring .Cti.itr. Comment. subm,tted . . III,. form do not cstt.tut.so. omply th.rlzatim t. WM myportica.f the rsferenc.d document(n) .rt. amend . tr. ct.! r.wwm=mt Att.ch Y pertinent dm. whichmay be os . . . in improving ibis d.cum-t. H there a71. .dd,l,.n paper% .tl.ch 1. form ud PI.bathin-envelope.d

27、dres.ed t. prep.ri. a .ctiviQ.oCUMEMT lD.ENT1lER AND TITLEAME OF ORG4N1ZATIOM ANO JBWITTED BY (Prl”t.d., WP.d”-I. mdafdrs -0PtlMI.1J TELEPHoNE NO.DATEProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PosTAGE 4MD FCCS PAIDc*=OFFICIAL MJSIIUMPEN AI.rY rOR pRIVhTE USEsawASD/EtWESWright-Patterson AFB, OU 4S433I .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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