1、SOLASInternational Convention forthe Safety of Life at Sea, 1974Resolutions of the 1997 SOLAS Conferencerelating to bulk carrier safetyBInternational Maritime OrganizationLondon,1999Published in 1999by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted by the Internati
2、onal Maritime Organization, London24681097531ISBN 92-801-6101-6IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IMO-160ECopyright # IMO 1999All rights reserved.No part of this publication may, for sales purposes,be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, electrostat
3、ic,magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise,without prior permission in writing from theInternational Maritime Organization.ForewordConcerned at the continued loss of ships carryingbulk cargoes, sometimeswithout trace,and theheavy loss of lifeincurred, and recognizing the urgentneed furt
4、her to improve the safety standards of ships carryingsolid bulkcargoes in all aspects of their design, equipment and operation to avoid therecurrence of such casualties, the Conference of ContractingGovernmentsto the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS),1974, adopted amendm
5、ents to the Convention aimed at enhancingthesafety of bulk carriers in November 1997. These are contained in res-olution 1 of the Conference and have been published by IMO.*The remainingresolutions of the 1997 SOLAS Conference are included inthis publication. Amongother things, they include amendmen
6、ts to theGuidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys ofbulk carriers and oil tankers (resolution A.744(18), as previously amendedby resolution MSC.49(66),which are mandatory under regulation XI/2 ofthe Convention.*Refer to the publication SOLAS: 1997/1998 Amendments (sales num
7、ber: IMO-158E).For ease of reference, resolution MSC.49(66) is included in the appendix to the presentpublication.iiiContentsPageResolutions of the 1997 SOLAS ConferenceResolution 2 Adoption of amendments to the Guidelines onthe enhanced programme of inspections during surveys ofbulk carriers and oi
8、l tankers (resolution A.744(18) 1Resolution 3 Recommendation on compliance withSOLAS regulation XII/5 . 14Resolution 4 Standards for the evaluation of scantlingsof the transverse watertight vertically corrugated bulkheadbetween the two foremost cargo holds and for the evaluationof allowable hold loa
9、dingof the foremost cargo hold 15Resolution 5 Recommendation on loadinginstruments 39Resolution 6 Interpretation of the definition of bulk carrier,as given in chapter IX of SOLAS 74, as amended in 1994. 40Resolution 7 Enhanced surveys carried out prior toentry into force of the amendments . 42Resolu
10、tion 8 Further work on the safety of bulk carriers 43Resolution 9 Implementation of the International SafetyManagement (ISM) Code 44AppendixResolution MSC.49(66) Adoption of amendments to theGuidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections duringsurveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (resolutio
11、n A.744(18) 47vResolution 2(adopted27November1997)Adoption of amendments to theGuidelines on the enhanced programme ofinspections during surveys of bulk carriersand oil tankers (resolution A.744(18)THE CONFERENCE,RECALLING article VIII(c) of the International Convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea,
12、 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), concerningthe procedure for amending the Convention by a Conference ofContracting Governments,RECALLING ALSO resolution A.744(18) by which the Assembly of theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted Guidelines on theenhanced programme of in
13、spections during surveys of bulk carriers and oiltankers,RECALLING FURTHER article VIII(b) and regulation XI/2 of theConvention concerning the procedure for amending the aforementionedGuidelines,NOTING that the IMO Assembly, at its eighteenth session, when adoptingresolution A.744(18), requested the
14、 IMO Maritime Safety Committee andthe Marine Environment Protection Committee to keep the Guidelinesunderreviewandupdatethemasnecessary,inthelightofexperiencegainedin their application,NOTINGALSO resolutionMSC.49(66)bywhichamendmentsto resolutionA.744(18) were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committe
15、e in accordancewith article VIII and regulation XI/2 of the Convention,RECOGNIZING the urgent need to further improve the safety standards ofships carrying solid bulk cargoes,HAVING CONSIDERED amendments to the said Guidelines proposed andcirculated in accordance with article VIII of the Convention,
16、1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(c)(ii) of the Convention,amendments to the Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspectionsduring surveysofbulkcarriers andoiltankers, thetextofwhichissetoutinthe annex to the present resolution;2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb
17、) of theConvention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been acceptedon 1 January 1999, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of theContracting Governments to the Convention or Contracting Governmentsthe combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the1gross to
18、nnage of the worlds merchant fleet, have notified the Secretary-General of IMO of their objections to the amendments;3. INVITES Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance witharticle VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter intoforce on 1 July 1999 upon their acceptance
19、 in accordance with paragraph 2above.AnnexAmendments to the Guidelines on the enhancedprogramme of inspections during surveys of bulkcarriers and oil tankers (resolution A.744(18)Guidelines on the enhanced programme ofinspections during surveys of bulk carriers(resolutionA.744(18),annexA)1 IntheCont
20、ents,thefollowingtextisaddedattheend:Annex 10 Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at areas ofsubstantial corrosion. Periodical survey of bulk carriers within the cargoarea.2 Existingparagraph1.2.10isreplacedbythefollowing:1.2.10 A corrosion-prevention system is normally considered eithe
21、r:.1 a full hard coating; or.2 a full hard coating supplemented by anodes.Protective coating should usually be epoxy coating or equivalent. Othercoating systemsmay beconsideredacceptableasalternativesprovidedthatthey are applied and maintained in compliance with the manufacturersspecifications.Where
22、 soft coatings have been applied, safe access should be provided forthe surveyor to verify the effectiveness of the coating and to carry out anassessment of the conditions of internal structures which may include spotremoval of the coating. When safe access cannot be provided, the softcoating should
23、 be removed.3 ThetitleTankcorrosion-preventionsystemofsection2.3ischangedtoSpaceprotection.4 Existingparagraph2.3.1isreplacedbythefollowing:2.3.1 Where provided, the condition of corrosion-prevention system ofballasttanksshouldbeexamined.Forballasttanks,excludingdouble-bottomtanks,whereacoatingisfou
24、ndinPOORconditionasdefinedin1.2.11,and2itisnotrenewed,orwheresoftcoatinghasbeenapplied,orwhereacoatinghas not been applied, the tanks in question should be examined at annualintervals.Whensuchbreakdownofcoatingisfoundinballastdouble-bottomtanks, or where a soft coating has been applied, or where a c
25、oating has notbeen applied, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals.When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosionexists, thickness measurements should be carried out. Where a protectivecoatingisprovidedincargoholdsandisfoundingoodcondition,theextentof clos
26、e-upsurveys and thickness measurements may be speciallyconsidered.*5 In paragraph 2.4.2, the word random is deleted and the word all isinsertedbetweenthewordsoperation ofandmechanically.6 Thefollowingsentenceisaddedtoparagraph2.6.3:Provisions for extended measurements for areas with substantial corr
27、osionas defined in 1.2.9 are given in annex 10.7 Thefollowingsentenceisaddedtoparagraph2.6.4:Whereaprotectivecoatingisprovidedincargoholdsandisfoundingoodcondition, the extent of close-upsurveys and thickness measurements maybe specially considered.8 In paragraph 3.3.2, the words , including close-u
28、psurvey of hatchcover platingareinsertedafterthewordshatch cover.9 In paragraph 3.3.3, the words , including close-upsurvey of hatchcover platingareinsertedafterthewordssteel pontoons.10 Thefollowingnewparagraphs3.3.5and3.3.6areadded:3.3.5 Checkingofthesatisfactoryconditionofhatchcoamingplatingandth
29、eir stiffener, including close-upsurvey should be done.3.3.6 Random checking of the satisfactory operation of mechanicallyoperated hatch covers should be done, including:.1 stowage and securing in open condition;.2 proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition;.3 operational testing of hy
30、draulic and power components, wires,chains, and link drives.*NOTES: All through the text, replace the sentence Thickness measurement should becarried out as considered necessary by the surveyor with the expression When considerednecessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickne
31、ss measurementsshould be carried out.Where the words specially considered are found, add a reference to the following footnote:_*As a minimum, the words specially considered are taken to mean that sufficient close-upinspection and thickness measurements are taken to confirm the actual average condit
32、ionof the structure under coating.311 Existingparagraphs3.4.1and3.4.2arereplacedbythefollowing:3.4.1 For bulk carriers over 10 years of age, the following should becarried out:.1 overall survey of all cargo holds. Where a protective coating isprovided in cargo holds and is found in GOOD condition, t
33、heextent of close-upsurveys and thickness measurements may bespecially considered;.2 close-upexamination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% offrames,toestablishtheconditionofthelowerregionoftheshellframes including approximately lower one-third length of sideframe at side shell and side frame end att
34、achment and theadjacentshellplatingintheforwardcargohold.Wherethislevelofsurveyrevealstheneedforremedialmeasures,thesurveyistobeextendedtoincludeaclose-upsurveyofalloftheshellframesandadjacentshellplatingofthatcargoholdaswellasaclose-upsurvey of sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds;.3 when
35、 considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measure-ment is to be carried out. If the results of these thicknessmeasurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, theextent of thickness measurements should be increased inaccordance with annex For bulk carriers over 15 years of
36、age, the following should becarried out:.1 overall survey of all cargo holds. Where a protective coating isprovided in cargo holds and is found in good condition, theextent of close-upsurveys and thickness measurements may bespecially considered;.2 close-upexamination of sufficient extent, minimum 2
37、5% offrames,toestablishtheconditionofthelowerregionoftheshellframes including approximately lower one-third length of sideframe at side shell and side frame end attachment and theadjacent shell plating in the forward cargo hold and one otherselected cargo hold. Where this level of survey reveals the
38、 needforremedialmeasures,thesurveyistobeextendedtoincludeaclose-upsurvey of all of the shell frames and adjacent shellplatingofthatcargoholdaswellasaclose-upsurveyofsufficientextent of all remaining cargo holds;.3 when considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measure-ment should be carried ou
39、t. If the results of these thicknessmeasurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, theextent of thickness measurements should be increased inaccordance with annex 10.12 Addanewparagraph3.4.3asfollows:3.4.3 All piping and penetrations in cargo holds, including overboardpiping, should be e
40、xamined.413 Existingparagraph3.5.1isreplacedbythefollowing:3.5.1 Examinationofballasttanksshouldbecarriedoutwhenrequiredasa consequence of the results of the periodical survey and intermediateenhanced survey When considered necessary by the surveyor, thicknessmeasurement should be carried out. If th
41、e results of these thicknessmeasurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, the extent ofthicknessmeasurementsshouldbeincreasedinaccordancewithannex10.14 Existingparagraph4.2.3isreplacedbythefollowing:4.2.3 Forballast tanks excludingdouble-bottomtanks,wherea coatingisfound in POOR conditi
42、on as defined in 1.2.11, and it is not renewed, orwhere soft coating has been applied, or where a coating has not beenapplied,thetanksinquestionshouldbeexaminedatannualintervals.Whensuchbreakdownofcoatingisfoundinballastdouble-bottomtanks,orwheresoftcoating has been applied, orwhere a coating has no
43、t been applied, thetanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considerednecessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thicknessmeasurements should be carried out.15 Existingparagraphs4.3.1and4.3.2arereplacedbythefollowing:4.3.1 For bulk carriers over five years of
44、age, the following should becarried out:.1 anoverallsurveyofallcargoholds,includingaclose-upsurveyofsufficientextent,minimum25%offrames,shouldbecarriedoutto establish the condition of: shellframesincludingtheirupperandlowerendattachments,adjacentshellplating,andtransversebulkheadsintheforwardcargo h
45、old and one other selected cargo hold; areas found suspect according to 1.2.8 at the previousperiodical survey;.2 where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result of theoverall and close-upsurvey as described in, the surveyshouldbeextendedtoincludeaclose-upsurveyofalloftheshellframes a
46、nd adjacent shell plating of that cargo hold as well as aclose-upsurvey of sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds.4.3.2 For bulk carriers over 10 years of age, the following should becarried out:.1 anoverallsurveyofallcargoholds,includingaclose-upsurveyofsufficientextent,minimum25%offrames,i
47、stobecarriedouttoestablish the condition of: shellframesincludingtheirupperandlowerendattachments,adjacent shell plating, and transverse bulkheads in all cargoholds; and areas found suspect according to 1.2.8 at the previousperiodical survey;.2 where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result
48、of theoverall and close-upsurvey as described in, the survey is5to be extended to include a close-upsurvey of all of the shellframes and adjacent shell plating of all cargo holds.16 Thefollowingnewparagraph4.3.3isadded:4.3.3 For bulk carriers over 15 years of age, the following should becarr
49、ied out:.1 anoverallsurveyofallcargoholds,includingaclose-upsurvey,isto be carried out to establish the condition of: all shell frames including their upper and lower endattachments, adjacent shell plating, and transverse bulkheadsin all cargo holds; and areas found suspect according to 1.2.8 at the previousperiodical survey.17 Thefollowingsentencesareaddedtoparagraph4.4.1:Theminimumrequirementforthicknessmeasurementsattheintermediate