ITU-T SERIES Q SUPP 21-1999 Technical Report TRQ 2320 Bearer Control Signalling Requirements - Third-Party Bearer Control Services Q Switching and Signalling (Study Group 11 48 pp).pdf

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ITU-T SERIES Q SUPP 21-1999 Technical Report TRQ 2320 Bearer Control Signalling Requirements - Third-Party Bearer Control Services Q Switching and Signalling (Study Group 11 48 pp).pdf_第1页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Series Q Supplement 21 (1 2/1999) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Technical Report TRQ.2320: Bearer Control Signalling Requirements - Third-party Bearer Control ITU-T Q-series Recommendations - Supplement




5、000-Q. 1 O99 Q.1100-Q.1199 Q. 1200-Q. 1699 Q. 1700-Q. 1799 Q.2000-Q.2999 For further details, please rer to the list of ITD-T Recommendations. SUPPLEMENT 21 TO ITU-T Q-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS TECHNICAL REPORT TRQ.2320: BEARER CONTROL SIGNALLING REQUIREMENTS - THIRD-PARTY BEARER CONTROL Summary This S

6、upplement specifies the signalling requirements for bearer control capability of the third party of a call. The bearer control functional entity actions by a third party of a call are defined in terms of information flows. This Supplement is intended to speciQ the essential UNI and NNI interactions

7、required to develop third-party bearer control functional entity actions. Source Supplement 21 to ITU-T Recommendations was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 1 1 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution 5 procedure on 3 December 1999. Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) 1 FOREWORD ITU (Inte

8、rnational Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recomm

9、endations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topic

10、s. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this publicatio

11、n, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this publication may involve the use of a c

12、laimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the publication development process. As of the date of approval of this publication, the ITU

13、had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this publication. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. o ITU 2001 All righ

14、ts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fi-om the ITU. 11 Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 9 Scope . Normat

15、ive references Definitions Abbreviations Information flows used in this Supplement Overview of call control level peer-to-peer functional entity actions . Addition of a new network connection to an existing call with attachment of existing parties to the network connection Addition of a Type 1 netwo

16、rk connection to an existing call . 7.1.1 Network connection establishment with Type 1 connection - Third party- 7.1.2 Network connection establishment with Type 1 connection - Third party- With negotiation Addition of a Type 2 network connection to an existing call . 7.2.1 Network connection establ

17、ishment with Type 2 connection - Third party- 7.2.2 Network connection establishment with Type 2 connection - Third party- With negotiation No negotiation . No negotiation . Attachment of one or more existing parties to one or more existing network connections . Attach one or more existing parties t

18、o one or more existing connections Detachment of a party fiom an existing connection . 1 O Release of a network connection fiom an existing call Page 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 11 17 17 25 35 35 40 40 . Q Series . Supplement 21 (12/1999) 111 Supplement 21 to Q-series Recommendations TECHNICAL REPORT TRQ.2320

19、: BEARER CONTROL SIGNALLING (Geneva, 1999) REQUIREMENTS - THIRD-PARTY BEARER CONTROL 1 Scope This Supplement presents the procedures, information flows and information elements needed for supporting control by a third party of bearers involving type 1, 2, 3 and type 5 network connections. Table 1 -

20、1 illustrates the scope of the capabilities contained within this Supplement. Table 1-1 - Third-party Call Control Capabilities Network connection type Addition of one or more new network connections to an existing call requested by a party that will not be attached to the new network connection(s)

21、Addition of one new network connections to an existing call Addition of one or more new network connections to an existing call Attachment of one or more existing parties to one or more existing network connections requested by a party that is not attached to the existing network connection Attach o

22、ne or more existing parties to one or more existing connections Attach one or more existing parties to one or more new connections Detachment of one or more parties from one or more connections by either the call owner, network connection owner or the party owner Detach a party fi-om its associated

23、network connection branches in a two-party call Detach one or more parties from their associated network connection branches in a three- or more-party call Removal of one or more connections from a call requested by the network requested by either the connection owner or the call owner Removal of on

24、e or more network connections fi-om a two-party call Removal of one or more network connections from a three- or more-party call Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 Type 1,2,3 and 5 2 Normative references The followin

25、g Technical Reports and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Supplement. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All supplements and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Supplement are t

26、herefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the supplements and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations and supplements is regularly published. 11 ITU-T Q-series Recommendations - Supplement 7 (1999), Technical

27、Report TRQ.2001: General aspects for the development of uniped signalling requirements. Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) 1 2 ITU-T Q-series Recommendations - Supplement 10 (1999), Technical Report TRQ.2002: Information Flow Elements. 3 Definitions This Supplement defines the following terms: 3.1 3

28、.2 requested signalling capability. 3.3 capability. 3.4 Supplement 7 i. 3.5 between one call party end point and its Serving Node. 3.6 call. 3.7 3.8 several party Owners within a call. 3.9 control functional entity but no call control functional entity. 3.10 3.11 signalling capability. 3.12 which co

29、ntains call control and bearer control functional entities. addressed party: The party addressed by the requested signalling capability. addressed serving node: Network equipment associated with the party addressed by the backward: The direction rom the addressed party to the party requesting a sign

30、alling network connection: An ATM network connection of topology type 1 to 5 as defined in the call: An end-to-end communications service between two- or more-call party end points, or call owner: One who initiates a call is the Call Owner. There is only one Call Owner per forward: The direction rom

31、 the requesting party to the addressed party. party owner: One who adds a party to a call is the owner of that party. There may be relay node: Network equipment, such as a transit bearer exchange, which contains a bearer requesting party: The party requesting a signalling capability. requesting serv

32、ing node: Network equipment associated with the party requesting a serving node: Network equipment, such as a local exchange or private branch exchange, 4 Abbreviations This Supplement uses the following abbreviations: NA Not Applicable PEP Party End Point 5 Table 5-1 contains the root- and third-pa

33、rty control information flows that are used across the call control and bearer control interfaces illustrated in the Unified Functional Model contained in Supplement 7 i. These information flows are used to establish, modify and release third-party requested network connections. Information flows us

34、ed in this Supplement 2 Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) Table 5-1 - Information flows used for third-party control In addition to those information flows defined in Table 5-1, the full set of information flow definitions can be found in Supplement 1 O 2. 6 Stage 2 flows for each signalling capabi

35、lity is illustrated via a high level overview. The overview model does not illustrate all possible configurations which could exist within an actual instant of the service, however, the examples have been chosen in order to illustrate the general principles. The overview will employ the network conf

36、iguration shown in Figure 6- 1. The actions illustrated in this figure can be used to describe signalling control actions associated with establishment or release of a network connection. Note that for the purpose of this overview, the information flows and actions illustrate the establishment of a

37、two-party network connection. Overview of call control level peer-to-peer functional entity actions Requesting .a. r?F a. Addressed -fl -?j TI 11 11 030-00 Figure 6-1 - Two-party coordinated call and network connection establishment Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) 3 The actions illustrated in Fig

38、we 6- 1 are described as follows: Signalling Service Request issued by service requester: Receiving entity validates request, modifies internal state information, and then issues action 2. Relayed Signalling Service Request issued by requesters serving node: Receiving entity validates request, modif

39、ies internal state information, and then issues its response as action 3. Signalling Service Response issued by addressed partys serving node: Receiving entity validates request, modifies internal state information, and then issues the request on the relay node as action 4. Signalling Service Reques

40、t issued by requesters serving node: Receiving entity records request, modifies internal state information and then relays request as action 5. Relayed Signalling Service Request issued by relay node: Receiving entity records request, modifies internal state information and then issues the request o

41、n the addressed partys interface as action 6. Signalling Service Request issued by addressed partys serving node: Receiving entity validates request, modifies internal state information, and then issues its response as action 7. Signalling Service Response issued by addressed party: Receiving entity

42、 records response, modifies internal state information, and then issues its confirmation as action 8 and its response as action 9. Signalling Service Confirmation issued by addressed partys serving node: Receiving entity records response, modifies internal state information, and notifies the user of

43、 the outcome of the responded service. Signalling Service Response issued by addressed partys serving node: Receiving entity records response, modifies internal state information and then relays response as action 1 O. Signalling Service Response issued by relay node: Receiving entity records respon

44、se, modifies internal state information and relays response to the service requester as action 1 1. Signalling Service Response issued by requesters serving node: Receiving entity records response, modifies internal state information, and notifies the user of the outcome of the requested service. Th

45、e purpose of this overview model is to provide an end-to-end pictorial representation of the signalling capability in one figwe. Again, note that the model does not present all possible network topologies, however, it illustrates the general configurations that would be encountered in intra-network

46、operation. The extension to multiple networks can be extrapolated by replacing the serving nodes and relay nodes with local serving networks and transit networks. The following clauses will describe the basic bearer control signalling capabilities using this model. 7 The addition of one or more Netw

47、ork Connections to an existing call can be separated into several categories such as those that are associated with Type 1 and Type 2 Network Connections. For Signalling Capability Set 2, the following categories have been agreed upon: 1) Addition of a Type 1 Network Connection to an existing call.

48、2) Addition of a Type 2 Network Connection to an existing call. The following subclause describes these signalling services. Addition of a new network connection to an existing call with attachment of existing parties to the network connection 4 Q Series - Supplement 21 (12/1999) Four example variat

49、ions of this capability will be illustrated in this clause. These four variations are as follows: 1) Network Connection Establishment of a Type 1 Network Connection by a “third party“ and without negotiation, without network initiated “Look ahead“, and without notification; 2) Network Connection Establishment of a Type 2 Network Connection by a “third party“ and without negotiation, without network initiated “Look ahead“, and without notification; 3) Network Connection Establishment of a Type 1 Network Connection by a “third party“ with negotiation, but without networ


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