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1、2015 年湖南师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 cover story2 nanotechnology3 Euro-currency4 southern California5 Geneva6 Winston Churchill7 Ebola virus8 Obsessive Cellphone Use Disorder9 sub-health10 smog11 coffee break12 the Group of Twenty13 copyright infringement14 core competitiveness15 negative review汉译英16 京剧

2、大师17 农历五月18 珍禽异兽19 军衔20 综合国力21 堰塞湖22 中国东南部23 夏季奥运会24 政治体制改革25 儒学26 元宵节27 中国电信28 三峡工程29 家政服务30 信息产业部英译汉31 Education is the harmonious development of all our faculties. It begins in the nursery, and goes on at school, but does not end there. It continues through life, whether we will or not. The only

3、question is whether what we learn in after-life is wisely chosen or picked up haphazard. “ Every person,“ says Gibbon , “ has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one more important, which he gives himself. “ What we teach ourselves must indeed always be more useful than what we le

4、arn of others. “ Nobody,“ said Locke, “ ever went far in knowledge, or became eminent in any of the Science, by the discipline and restraint of a Master.Those who have not distinguished themselves at school need not on that account be discouraged. The greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quic

5、kest. If, indeed, you have not taken pains, then, though I will not say that you should be discouraged, still you should be ashamed; but if you have done your best, you have only to persevere; for many of those who have never been able to distinguish themselves at school, have been very successful i

6、n after-life. We are told that Wellington and Napoleon were both dull boys, and the same is said to have been the case with Newton, Swift, Scott, and many other eminent men. Evidently then it does not follow that those who have distinguished themselves least at school have benefited least.汉译英32 对于我们

7、所生存的这个世界,千百年来有着各种认识;然而,归根到底,它是一种系统。这个系统包括了天体、地理、社会、人体、思维等等。牛顿发现的万有引力、爱因斯坦创立的相对论,使人类对这个系统有了最基本的理解,但还仅仅是个基础。一切事物都是复杂的系统集合,有宏观亦有微观。各系统之间、各层次内部,又发生着永无止境的相互影响。只有从系统的角度,才能真正认识事物、把握事物。物质的本质其实是同一的;任何物质的属性,既不会增加也不会减少,所不同的是其形式进行了转化,所谓“万变不离其宗” 。世界上的千变万化,原来都是实质内容的不同形式。2015 年湖南师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 封面故事

8、;托词,借口2 【正确答案】 纳米技术3 【正确答案】 欧元4 【正确答案】 南加州5 【正确答案】 日内瓦6 【正确答案】 温斯顿丘吉尔7 【正确答案】 埃博拉病毒8 【正确答案】 手机过度使用症9 【正确答案】 亚健康10 【正确答案】 雾霾11 【正确答案】 (上班时的)喝咖啡休息时间12 【正确答案】 二十国集团13 【正确答案】 侵权14 【正确答案】 核心竞争力15 【正确答案】 差评汉译英16 【正确答案】 Master of Beijing Opera17 【正确答案】 the fifth lunar month18 【正确答案】 rare fowls and strange

9、animals19 【正确答案】 military rank20 【正确答案】 comprehensive national strength21 【正确答案】 barrier lake22 【正确答案】 Southeast China23 【正确答案】 Summer Olympics24 【正确答案】 reform of the political structure25 【正确答案】 Confucianism26 【正确答案】 the Lantern Festival27 【正确答案】 China Telecom28 【正确答案】 Three Gorges Project29 【正确答案】

10、 household management service30 【正确答案】 Ministry of Information Industry英译汉31 【正确答案】 教育,即我们所有天资的和谐发展。它始于幼稚园,续之于学校,但并不止于学校。不管我们愿意与否,教育都会贯穿我们的一生。唯一的问题在于我们后半生所学是出于明智之选择,还是出于偶然之所获。历史学家爱德华?吉本说:“每个人都会接受两种教育,一种受教于人,一种受教于己,而后一种教育更为重要。” 较之受教于人所得的收获,自我教育之收获肯定总是更有裨益。哲学家约翰?洛克就曾说: “仅凭老师的调教和约束,还不曾有人在学问上大有作为,或在某科学领

11、域超凡出众。”在学校未崭露头角者不必因此而气馁。最具才智者未必就该最早成熟。当然,如果你并未努力,虽然我不会说你应该自馁,但你自己应该感到惭愧;不过,若是你已经竭尽全力,那你只需要持之以恒;须知有众多在校时无法出类拔萃者,其后半生都大获成功。我们知悉,威灵顿公爵和拿破仑皇帝上学时都笨头笨脑,据说其他许多杰出人物念书时也同样愚钝,如科学家牛顿、讽刺作家斯威夫特、诗人及小说家司各特等。由此可见,学业平庸并非老大无成之必然结果。汉译英32 【正确答案】 For thousands of years, there have been various kinds of understandings ab

12、out the world where we live. The world may be best presented, however, as a system including cosmology, geography, society, human beings, thinking mode and so on. Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation and Einsteins Relativity have merely laid a foundation for us to grasp the essence of the system.Eve

13、rything exists in a complex system consisting of macro-cosmos and micro-cosmos, and there are everlasting interactions among different systems at various levels. The best realization comes of a systematic approach.The intrinsic quality of substance is ever unvarying; it has neither increased nor reduced. What has actually been altered is merely its forms: this is the so-called the “ law of conservation of matter. “ Matter is bound to be manifested in diversified ways.

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