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1、MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 9 及答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.0 No reference book, perhaps no book of any kind except the Bible, is so widely used as “the

2、dictionary“. Even houses that have few books or none at all possess at least one dictionary; most business offices have dictionaries, and most typists keep a copy on their desks; at one time or another most girls and boys are required by their teachers to obtain and use a dictionary. Admittedly, the

3、 dictionary is often used merely to determine the correct spelling of words, or to find out the accepted pronunciation, and such a use is perhaps not the most important from an intellectual point of view. Dictionaries may, however, have social importance, for it is often a matter of some concern to

4、the person using the dictionary for such purpose that he should not suggest to others, by misspelling a word in a letter, or mispronouncing it in conversation, that he is not “well-bred“, and has not been well educated. Yet, despite this familiarity with the dictionary, the average person is likely

5、to have many wrong ideas about it, and little idea of how to use it profitably, or interpret it rightly. For example, it is often believed that the mere presence of a word in a dictionary is evidence that it is acceptable in good writing. Though most dictionaries have a system of marking words as ob

6、solete, or in use only as slang, many people, more especially if their use of a particular word has been challenged, are likely to conclude, if they find it in a dictionary, that it is accepted as being used by writers of established reputation. This would certainly have been true of dictionaries a

7、hundred years or so ago. For a long time after they were first firmly established in the eighteenth century, their aim was to include only what was used by the best writers, and all else was suppressed, and the compiler frequently claimed that this dictionary contained “low“ words. Apparently this a

8、spect of the dictionary achieved such importance in the mind of the average person that most people today are unaware of the great change that has taken place in the compilation of present-day dictionaries. Similarly, the ordinary man invariably supposes that one dictionary is as good and authoritat

9、ive as another, and, moreover, believes that “the dictionary“ has absolute authority, and quotes it to clinch arguments. Although this is an advantage, in that the dictionary presents a definition the basic meaning of which cant be altered by the speaker, yet it could be accepted only if all diction

10、aries agreed on the particular point in question. But ultimately the authority of the dictionary rests only on the authority of the man who compiled it, and, however careful he may be, a dictionary-maker is fallible: reputable dictionaries may disagree in their judgments, and indeed different sectio

11、ns of the same dictionary may differ.1 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?(A)The Bible is the most widely used reference book.(B) The dictionary is the most widely used reference book.(C) The dictionary is actually the more widely used book than the Bible.(D)The Bible

12、 is used as widely as the dictionary. 2 By “the great change“ in present-day dictionaries, the author implies that(A)dictionaries seem to have many wrong ideas in them for the average persons.(B) many average persons do not know how to use the dictionaries profitably.(C) words appearing in a present

13、-day dictionary may not be acceptable in good writing.(D)dictionaries have different systems of marking the words they contain. 3 Many people do not realize that(A)it is not easy for dictionary-makers to compile a dictionary.(B) dictionaries have achieved such importance today.(C) a dictionary today

14、 may contain “low“ words.(D)words in a dictionary may be out of date or used only as slang. 4 When can one quote from dictionaries to settle his arguments decisively?(A)When he looks up in a dictionary that has absolute authority.(B) When the basic meaning of a word found in one dictionary is confir

15、med in other ones.(C) When a dictionary presents a definition that the basic meaning of which cannot be altered by the speakers.(D)When the compiler of the dictionary is a reputable person. 5 According to the author, differences between dictionaries or in a dictionary usually result from(A)varied de

16、finitions of a word.(B) the different purposes of making them.(C) misinterpretations of users.(D)different judgment of the compilers. 5 Researchers are increasingly interested in manipulating the environment early in childrens lives when they are perceived to be at risk for impoverished intelligence

17、. In a program conducted in North Carolina by Craig Ramey and his associates, pregnant women with IQs averaging 80 were recruited for a study. After their babies were born,half of the infants were cared for during the day at an educational daycare center and half were reared at home by their mothers

18、; both groups of children were given medical care and dietary supplements, and their families were given social services if they requested them. At the age of 3, the children who attended the educational daycare center had significantly higher IQs than did the home-reared children. This difference w

19、as likely due to the decline in the IQs of the home-reared children during the period from 12 to 18 months of age. By the time the children were 5 years old, 39 percent of the home-reared children had IQs below 85 but only 11 percent of the educational day-care children had IQs this low. In the most

20、 recent evaluation of this project, positive effects of educational daycare on the intellectual development and academic achievement of the children were evident at age 12. Some parents, such as those in Rameys study, have difficulty providing an adequate environment for the intellectual needs of th

21、eir infants. Once these difficulties are a reoccurring part of the family system, changing efforts probably will be more difficult and costly; early intervention in the family system is directed at changing parental adaptive and responsive functioning so that permanent negative effects are minimized

22、. In another investigation, the Infant Health and Development Program, early intervention with low-birth weight children revealed that both home visitation and an educational child curriculum improved the childrens IQ, decreased behavior problems, and improved the home environment. The intervention

23、was more effective with mothers with low educational attainment than those with high educational attainment, more effective for African American than White children, and effective for most at-risk children. Intervention programs have the most positive effects on childrens well-being when they (a) be

24、gin as early as possible, (b) provide services to parents as well as to the child, (c) have a low child-teacher ratio, (d) have high parental involvement, and (e) have frequent contacts. In one review of family intervention studies, intervention was more effective when there were eleven or more cont

25、acts between the intervener and the family; while eleven sessions is a somewhat arbitrary number, it does indicate that a certain duration of contact is necessary for intervention success.6 From the first sentence of the first paragraph, we learn that researchers(A)have increased the risks to child

26、growth by manipulating the natural environment.(B) are increasingly aware of the effects of environmental factors on intelligence development.(C) are increasingly interested in manipulating the environment without being aware of the risks involved to children.(D)are increasingly interested in figuri

27、ng out how intelligence is developed in early childhood. 7 What does the word “impoverished“ (Para. 1) mean?(A)Improved.(B) Enhanced.(C) Poor.(D)Missing. 8 It is implied in the passage that the babies at the daycare center(A)were given more medical care than those at home.(B) were born of mothers wi

28、th higher IQs.(C) were reared under a more favorable environment.(D)were more closely attended to by their mothers. 9 The finding that children reared at home had low IQs at age 12 indicates(A)parents fail to provide an adequate environment for their intelligence growth.(B) educational daycare cente

29、rs are the best place for children to grow up in.(C) intellectual development and academic achievement of children are closely related.(D)the age of 12 is a critical point in time for intellectual development in children. 10 It is clear from the passage that the author advocates(A)providing enough d

30、aycare centers for children of working mothers.(B) early intervention in childrens intellectual growth.(C) the natural development of childrens intelligence.(D)depriving poor mothers of the opportunities to raise their children at home. MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 9 答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirec

31、tions: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 细节题。文章第一段指出,没有任何参考书,也许没有任何书像“词典”这样被广泛地应用除了圣经之外。这说明,词典的应用同圣经一样广泛。这与 D 项的意思相符。A、B 和 C 都与文章的意思不相符。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推论题。文章

32、第三段后半部分指出,自从 18 世纪词典首次得到明确规定后,很长时间以来,词典的宗旨就只是用来收录最优秀的作家所使用的词汇,所有其他的词汇都被禁止收录,所以编辑者总是宣称这样的词典收录的词汇“少”;显然,词典的这个方面在普通入的心目中占据了如此重要的位置,以至于如今大多数人们并不知道现代的词典编辑工作己发生过巨大的变化。这说明,优秀的写作中可能不认同现代词典中出现的词汇。这与 C 项的意思相符。 A、B 是文中明确说明的,不必推论就可知结果,所以不对;文中只是说“尽管大多数词典有一套标明某些单词已弃用的体系”,并没有说“词典在标明其所收录的词汇方面有不同的体系”,所以 D 不对。【知识模块】

33、阅读理解3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 细节题。文章第三段指出,自从 18 世纪词典首次得到明确规定后,很长时间以来,词典的宗旨就是只用来收录最优秀的作家所使用的词汇,所有其他的词汇都被禁止收录,所以编辑者总是宣称这样的词典收录的词汇“少”;如今大多数人们并不知道现代的词典编辑工作己发生过巨大的变化。这说明,大多数人并不知道现代的词典收录的词汇“少”。这与 C 项的意思相符。文中没有提到 A、B;D与文章的意思不相符。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 细节题。文章最后一段指出,普通入总是以为,“这本词典”有绝对的权威,并且引用它来支持自己的观点;尽管这是一种优势,因为词

34、典给出了某个定义的基本意思,说话者不可能改变这个意思,但是,只有在所有词典对争论的要点解释相同时这个意思才可能被接受。这说明,只有好几本词典对争论的要点解释相同时,人们才能引用词典支持自己的观点。这与 B 项的意思相符。A 是普通入的观点,与文章的意思不符;C 也与文章的意思不符;文中没有提到 D。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 细节题。文章最后一段指出,词典的权威性最终只依赖于词典编辑者的权威性,并且,无论他可能多么仔细,词典编辑者都可能犯错误,声誉好的词典也可能在观点上有分歧,实际上,同一本词典的不同部分也可能有差别。这说明,作者认为,不同词典之间或者一本词典中存在

35、差异通常源于编辑者的观点不同。这与 D 项的意思相符。A、B 和 C 都与文章的意思不符。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 归纳题。文章第一段第一句话指出,研究人员对于调整孩子成长的早期环境越来越感兴趣人们觉得此时的孩子有缺乏智力的危险。这说明,研究人员越来越意识到环境对孩子成长的影响。这与 B 项的意思相符。A 、C 明显与文章的意思不符;文中没有提到 D。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 词义题。文章第一段指出,研究人员对于调整孩子成长的早期环境越来越感兴趣,人们觉得,此时的孩子有缺乏智力的危险;克雷格瑞迈及其同事实施了一个

36、计划,招聘了一些平均智商为 80 的怀孕女性进行研究;第二段指出,孩子三岁时,那些接受教育日托中心照料的孩子的智商明显高于在家中照料的孩子。这说明,该单词的意思应该是“贫乏的”。这与 C 项的意思相符。 A、B 和 D 都与文章的意思不符。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推论题。文章第二段指出,孩子三岁时,那些接受教育日托中心照料的孩子的智商明显高于在家中照料的孩子;到孩子五岁时,在家里抚养的孩子中,39%的智商低于 85,而在教育日托中心接受护理的孩子中,只有 11%的智商低于85。这说明,日托中心的孩子受抚养的环境更好。这与 C 项的意思相符。文章第一段最后一句话说

37、“两组婴儿都得到医疗服务和饮食供给,如果需要的话,他们的家庭可以得到社会的帮助”,这里并没有说哪种婴儿得到的医疗护理多,所以 A 不对;文中没有提到 B、D。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第二段最后一句话指出,教育日托中心的护理对孩子的智力发展和学业成绩产生积极影响的时期明显是在孩子 12 岁时;第三段第一、二句话指出,一些家长在为婴儿的智力需求提供一个适当的环境时面临困难。这说明,在家抚养的孩子 12 岁时智商之所以低,是因为其父母没能力为其智力需求提供适当的环境。这与 A 项的意思相符。文中没有提到 B、C;D 与文章的意思不符。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 细节题。文章第三段指出,对家庭的早期干预的目的是为了改变父母对孩子所起有适应性的、易起反应的作用,以便将其持久的负面影响减少到最低限度;第四段指出,早期干预对于那些受教育少的母亲更有效,对非洲裔美国小孩比对白人小孩更有效,对大多数有智力缺陷的小孩更有效;最后一段指出,干预计划对孩子的幸福有最积极的影响。这说明,作者倡导对孩子的智力发展进行早期干预。这与 B 项的意思相符。文中没有提到 A、D;C 是作者反对的观点。【知识模块】 阅读理解


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