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1、考研英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 2 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 A. Title: GOOD HEALTHB. Time limit: 40 minutesC. Word limit; 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)D. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below an

2、d should start with the given opening sentence: “The desire for good health is universal. “E. Your composition should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)Outline:1. Importance of good health2. Ways to keep fit3. My own practices2 A. Study the following set of pictures carefully and write

3、 an essay in no less than 120 words. B. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) C. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below; 1. Interpret the following pictures. 2. Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your rea

4、sons. 3 A. Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words. B. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2(15 points). C. Your essay should meet the requirements below: 1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon. 2. Give your comments. 4 A. Study th

5、e following graphs carefully and write an essay in at least 150 words. B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points ) C. Your essay should cover three points; 1. effect of the countrys growing human populations on its wildlife; 2. possible reasons for the effect; 3. your sugges

6、tion for wildlife protection.5 A. Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay of at least 150 words. B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) C. Your essay should meet the requirements below: 1. Describe the pictures. 2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer o

7、f the pictures. 3. Suggest your counter-measures.考研英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 2 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 The desire for good health is universal. Since we need to be fit, both physically and mentally, to enjoy everything in li

8、fe, health becomes the most important asset to human beings. Lack of health will rob us of the pleasures in life and the capacity for work, thus making our personal world come to a standstill.The ways to keep good health vary for each individual but generally include healthy eating, physical activit

9、y and social interaction. To begin with, healthy eating, including nutritional and balanced diet, supports all body activities, from the the ability to fight off illness to the ability to make decisions and leam. Then, physical activity is one of the key components of keeping in good health. Exercis

10、e decreases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke, makes it less likely to suffer from accidental injuries, and may extend lifespan. Moreover, a strong level of social interaction helps in maintaining good mental and emotional health.As for me, I prefer vegetarian diet and fruits, which can

11、 improve my immunity and make me energetic. Besides, walking after supper, doing aerobic exercises whenever I am free and hanging out with my friends on weekends have already become my daily habits for years.【试题解析】 本文要求以“健康”为题写一篇作文。文章的提纲已经给出:1健康的重要性;2保持健康的方式;3个人保持健康的做法。考生应该根据此提纲要求进行写作。在具体写作时,要切记材料应为


13、叙述个人保持健康的做法,描述时可更加具体化,如在饮食上的偏好和运动习惯等。2 【正确答案】 The pictures aim at revealing a worldwide problem; tobacco consumption. From the pictures, we learn that cigarette smokers account for 20% of the total population of the world, reaching approximately 1.1 billion. Smoking results in a significant loss of

14、property ( $200 billion) and 3 million deaths every year.Nevertheless, the production of tobacco in the world dropped from 14.364 billion pounds in 1994 to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995, as seen in the first picture, which suggests the downward tendency of tobacco consumption in the next years. As is

15、known to us all, our government has set more strict regulations to forbid smoking in public areas so as to limit and reduce tobacco consumption. Meanwhile, severe impacts of smoking, such as lung cancer and cardiovascular disease ( CVD) , have emerged year by year and most smokers have an awareness

16、that smoking cessation is conducive not only to themselves but also to their family members.For the cleaning of the air, for the health of people a-round us, and for the prosperity of the whole society, I firmly appeal for a universal campaign against smoking and sincerely hope that everyone can che

17、rish their health and stay away from tobacco.【试题解析】 鉴于图中数据较为庞杂,根据题干要求分析图表中各数据的内在关系是写好文章的关键。根据题干中的第一点要求,先一一分析图中数据:图一对比了 94 年和 95 年世界烟草的总产量,并呈现出下降的趋势;图二显示出世界吸烟人口数量及其比例;图三显示出世界每年吸烟造成的经济损失和人口损失。再结合题干中的第二点要求,图一中烟草总产量的下降则为题干中第二点要求的论述提供了依据。第一段:分析图表,描述危害。根据题干要求分析图表中的数据,此时一定要将图表标题同图表内容联系在一起。可先描述图二和图三,得出世界吸烟人

18、口数量大,对经济和健康造成重大危害的结论。第二段:预测趋势,有理有据。开头先通过图一的数据走势,分析出烟草消费的趋势。接着可从国家和个人两方面入手,分析出现该趋势的原因。第三段:提出呼吁,展望未来。末段可从环境和个人两方面入手,呼吁人们停止吸烟。1998 年的考研写作是考研史上第一次以图画作文的形式来考查写作,这是中国考研命题组的独创,这一独创可谓一石激起千层浪,在业界引起了强大反响,而图画作文也成为近年考研写作的主力题型。但因其是首创,还存在不足,比如写作指令中的两点要求就显得很不成熟。考生在写作时,还是写成三段为宜。3 【正确答案】 The cartoon presents an iron

19、ic scene, in which a hen holds a piece of paper, proudly promising that the eggs she lays have shells, egg whites and yolks but no angles. On second thought, the promise the hen made is nothing but her responsibility. And unfortunately, such false promises have permeated nearly every aspect of socia

20、l life.Complex as the causes for this phenomenon are, there are three main reasons noteworthy. First of all, with the market-oriented economy intensifying the competition, many enterprises and merchants make false promises to attract customers and win their favor. Furthermore, lax regulation gives r

21、ise to a cat-and-mouse game between relevant government regulators and market participants, leaving false promises unchecked. Even worse, we, as consumers, lack the awareness to defend our own rights and interests, encouraging the arrogance of those making such false promises.Credit is the key to di

22、e success in business and false promises can destroy consumers trust in merchants. It seems that consumers are the victims of such promises, but in the long run it is die merchants that will suffer, which may in turn hinder the development of the whole economy. Therefore, measures must be taken to s

23、top the practice of false promises.【试题解析】 这幅漫画极具讽刺意味,使观者忍俊不禁。漫画中的母鸡昂首挺胸,将自己作为一只鸡应尽的义务与分内的职责化为一纸承诺,为自己披上伟大而高尚的外衣。结合漫画右侧的打油诗来看,画家笔下的这只母鸡其实代表着那些做出虚假承诺的企业、单位以及商家。而漫画的目的就是讽刺、批判这种不正之风。该漫画的特点是说明文字较多,考生在描述细节时切忌逐字逐句将内容一一译出,分析总结,归纳中心思想即可。第一段:描述图画,点明主题。应指出母鸡的承诺实为其分内的职责,并以小见大,引出虚假承诺这一普遍的社会现象。第二段:分析现象,列举原因。可从经济利

24、益、市场监管以及消费者自身三个角度进行原因分析。第三段:总结评论。说明虚假承诺的危害,尤其是其造成的社会影响,并阐明自己的立场。4 【正确答案】 According to the graphs, along with the steady growth of the American population over the last two centuries, the number of wildlife species no longer existing rose sharply. This means population growth poses a grave risk to th

25、e existence of wildlife species.We may cite several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, human beings are spreading out across the globe, setting up their homes, farms and factories on the lands that were once the habitats of many wild animals, for which a sudden change in living envi

26、ronment equals a catastrophe. Moreover, with the increase in human activities, water pollution occurs. Factory waste and untreated human waste are dumped into rivers and seas, killing wild animals after they regularly drink the contaminated water. Air polluted by exhaust fumes and industrial emissio

27、ns is also one of the culprits of species extinction.The number of extinct wildlife species has been rising throughout the world, but only in recent years have we given it more thought and considered how to tackle it. As for the countermeasures, population control should be a top priority, followed

28、by water and air pollution control. Last but not least, raising the awareness of wildlife conservation and environment protection counts a lot.【试题解析】 两个图表分别以美国人口及该国野生物种为主题,左图展现了美国人口的增长曲线,右图展现了该国物种灭绝数量的增长曲线。不难看出,两者呈同向增长趋势。深入分析后可知:美国人口增加是导致该国野生物种灭绝的主要原因。人类扩张占据了野生动物的栖息地、人类活动引发了环境污染,这都是加速野生物种灭绝的因素。考生在写作

29、时可先指出问题,继而分析原因,最后给出个人的解决建议。第一段:联系图表,点明主题。具体描述时应重笔墨于人口增长与野生物种灭绝之间的因果关系。第二段:针对问题,剖析原因。可以从栖息地破坏、环境污染等多个角度探讨人口增长导致物种灭绝的原因。第三段:总结评论。在第二段分析原因的基础上,提出自己的具体建议和措施。5 【正确答案】 As is truly demonstrated in the above pictures, due to the rapid expansion of commercial fishing, ocean resources are severely depleted. I

30、n 1900, there were various kinds of fishes available for the only fishing boat in the ocean. On the contrary, in 1995, there came many fishing boats to catch the only fish swimming in the sea.The purpose of these pictures is to remind us that on no account can we ignore the over-exploitation of ocea

31、n resources. During the past hundred years, commercial fishing experienced a robust growth, heralding the steep decline in fishery resources which has, until now, still been neglected by us. Two key factorsreveling in the huge profits made from fishing and lacking the awareness of ecological protect

32、ioncontribute to the current situation. If overfishing remains uncontrolled, the marine food chain will be disrupted, thus damaging the oceanic ecological balance.To end this thorny situation, drastic measures should be taken. The most basic and effective way is to pass laws and regulations to contr

33、ol commercial fishing. Moreover, we should raise the public awareness that ocean resources are vital to us. I believe that with joint efforts, we human beings are sure to solve the problem at bottom and embrace a bright future.【试题解析】 本次命题是在 1998 年之后考研写作历史上第二次考查图画作文,堪称图画命题的典范。它首次将两幅图进行了对比,这一举措将直接影响到

34、2000年之后的命题趋势。两副图画分别向我们展示了 1900 年和 1995 年的渔船数和鱼量变化情况。通过对比不难发现,近一个世纪以来,商业捕捞经历了快速扩张,随之引发了一个重要的问题:海洋资源消耗殆尽。图画寓意明显,旨在告诫人们应停止无节制的商业捕捞行为,否则海洋生态平衡,乃至整个人类的生存都将受到威胁。环保这类话题涉猎内容较多,考生在写作时切忌思维过于发散,引出环境污染、森林退化、全球变暖等问题,导致失分。第一段:联系图画,点明主题商业捕捞使海洋资源面临枯竭。描述图画时应着重对比两幅图中的渔船数量以及鱼量变化情况,以烘托主题。第二段:挖掘图画深层含义。不但要立足现在,分析目前的严峻形势,而且要展望未来,说明如果对过度捕捞不加以控制,会带来哪些更为严重的后果。第三段:总结评论。提出应对措施,可以从政府和个人这两方面入手。

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