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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 261 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 Somebody might say that anxiety is a small price to pay for maximizing individual liberty.【F1】Freedom from nature is bound to have its unpleasant side eff

2、ects, but surely it is still much better than submitting to the brutish, undignified fate nature has in store for each of us.【F2】Yet it is also true that our inability to find a standard of personal dignity or significance to trump productivity might be the foundation for a new birth of tyranny in t

3、he emerging biotechnological world.Consider that a perfectly technological world would be one in which every natural resource was harnessed to maximize the productivity of free beings. Biotechnology, in effect, adds ones own body to the list of natural resources. The philosopher of unregulated indiv

4、idualism, John Locke, said that my body is my property to be exploited at will with security and enjoyment in mind. Biotechnology promises to make into a reality the transhumanist dream of leaving behind our bodily limitations.This insight is the source of our enthusiasm today for cosmetic surgery a

5、nd neurology.【F3】It would seem that enhancing the body of a perfectly healthy individual would be a violation of the literal meaning of the Hippocratic Oath; it says, in effect, do not turn someone into a patient for reasons that have nothing to do with health. These days, autonomy seems to trump su

6、ch traditional concerns. But what arc the main reasons that people have themselves nipped, tucked, and Botoxed? To look younger and more pleasing and so to be more productive. To avoid the indignity of being old, alone, and poor. Autonomy is subordinated to dignity understood as productivity.【F4】If

7、there is nothing wrong with such physical enhancement, we will all be pressured to stay young and pretty as long as we can, which will be a lot longer than nature intends. Autonomy, in effect, will be sacrificed to productivity. The same will be true of other potential improvementsto our cognitive a

8、bilities, our memories, and our moods.By way of example, consider a case from the university: the notoriously autonomy obsessed and unproductive professor. Despite the fact that such professors often drove off students and were too disoriented to publish to their full potential, we used to tolerate

9、their moodiness for two reasons. First, we did not think that they could help it; professors are eccentric by nature.【F5】And second, we sort of bought the claim that we alland profound people especiallyhave a right to our “natural moods“ as an indispensable clue to the truth about who we are.1 【F1】2

10、 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 【F1】I cant help wondering what Charles Darwin would think if he could survey the state of his intellectual achievement today. 200 years after his birth and 150 years after the publication of “On the Origin of Species“ , the book that changed everything. His central idea evol

11、ution by means of natural selectionwas in some sense the product of his time, as Darwin well knew. He was the grandson of Erasmus Darwin, who grasped that there was something wrong with the conventional notion of fixed species. And his theory was hastened into print and into joint presentation by th

12、e independent discoveries of Alfred Russel Wallace half a world away.But Darwins theory was the product of years of patient observation.【F2 】We love to believe in science by epiphany, but the work of real scientists is to rigorously test their epiphanies after they have been boiled down to working h

13、ypotheses. Most of Darwins life was devoted to gathering evidence for just such tests. He writes with an air of incompleteness because he was aware that it would take the work of many scientists to confirm his theory in detail.I doubt that much in the subsequent history of Darwins idea would have su

14、rprised him.【F3】The most important discoveriesMendels genetics and the structure of DNAwould almost certainly have gratified him because they reveal the physical basis for the variation underlying evolution. It would have gratified him to see his ideas so thoroughly tested and to see so many of them

15、 confirmed. He could hardly have expected to be right so often.Perhaps one day we will not call evolution “Darwinism“. After all, we do not call classical mechanics Newtonism .As for the other fate of so-called Darwinismthe reductionist controversy fostered by religious conservativeswell, Darwin kne

16、w plenty about that, too. The cultural opposition to evolution was then, as now, scientifically irrelevant.【F4】Perhaps the persistence of opposition to evolution is a reminder that culture is not biological, or else we might have evolved past such a gnashing of sensibilities.【F5】In a way, our peculi

17、arly American failure to come to terms with Darwins theory and what its become since 1859 is a sign of something broader: our failure to come to terms with science and the leaching of science.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 What shapes moral emotions in the first place? The answer has long been ev

18、olution, hut in recent years theres an increasing appreciation that evolution isnt just about competition. Its also about cooperation within groups. 【F1】Like bees, humans have long lived or died based on their ability to divide labor, help each other and stand together in the face of common threats.

19、 Many of our moral emotions and intuitions reflect that history. We dont just care about our individual rights, or even the rights of other individuals. We also care about loyalty, respect, traditions, religions. We are all the descendents of successful cooperators.The first nice thing about this ev

20、olutionary approach to morality is that it emphasizes the social nature of moral intuition. People are not discrete units coolly formulating moral arguments. They link themselves together into communities and networks of mutual influence.The second nice thing is that it entails a warmer view of huma

21、n nature.【F2】Evolution is always about competition, but for humans, as Darwin speculated, competition among groups has turned us into pretty cooperative, empathetic and altruistic creaturesat least within our families, groups and sometimes nations.The third nice thing is that it explains the haphaza

22、rd way most of us lead our lives without destroying dignity and choice. Moral intuitions have primacy, Haidt argues, but they are not dictators.【F3】There are times, often the most important moments in our lives, when in fact we do use reason to override moral intuitions, and often those reasons alon

23、g with new intuitionscome from our friends.The rise and now dominance of this emotional approach to morality is an epochal change. It challenges all sorts of traditions. It challenges the bookish way philosophy is conceived by most people. It challenges the Talmudic tradition, with its hyper-rationa

24、l scrutiny of texts.【F4】It challenges the new atheists, who see themselves involved in a war of reason against faith and who have an unwarranted faith in the power of pure reason and in the purity of their own reasoning.Finally, it should also challenge the very scientists who study morality.【F5】The

25、y re good at explaining how people make judgments about harm and fairness, but they still struggle to explain the feelings of awe, transcendence, patriotism, joy and self-sacrifice, which are not ancillary to most peoples moral experiences, but central. The evolutionary approach also leads many scie

26、ntists to neglect the concept of individual responsibility and makes it hard for them to appreciate that most people struggle toward goodness, not as a means, but as an end in itself.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 Darwin discovered two major forces in evolutionnatural selection and sexual sel

27、ection and wrote three radical scientific masterpieces, “On the Origin of Species“(1859), “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex“(1871)and “ The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals“(1872).The “Origin“, of course, is what he is hest known for. This volume, colossal in scope ye

28、t minutely detailed, laid the foundations of modern biology. 【F1 】Here, Darwin presented extensive and compelling evidence that all living beingsincluding humans have evolved from a common ancestor, and that natural selection is the chief force driving evolutionary change.【F2】Sexual selection, he ar

29、gued, was an additional force, responsible for spectacular features like the tail feathers of peacocks that are useless for(or even detrimental to)survival but essential for seduction.【F3】Before the “Origin“, similarities and differences between species were mere curiosities; questions as to why a c

30、ertain plant is succulent like a cactus or deciduous like a maple could be answered only, “Because“. Biology itself was nothing more than a vast exercise in catalog and description. After the “Origin“, all organisms became connected, part of the same, profoundly ancient, family tree. Similarities an

31、d differences became comprehensible and explicable. In short, Darwin gave us a framework for asking questions about the natural world, and about ourselves.He was not right about everything. How could he have been? Famously, he didnt know how genetics works; as for DNAwell, the structure of the molec

32、ule wasnt discovered until 1953. So todays view of evolution is much more nuanced than his.【F4】We have incorporated genetics, and expanded and refined our understanding of natural selection, and of the other forces in evolution.But what is astonishing is how much Darwin did know, and how far he saw.

33、 His imagination told him, for example, that many female animals have a sense of beauty that they like to mate with the most beautiful males. For this he was ridiculed. But we know that he was right. Still more impressive: he was not afraid to apply his ideas to humans. He thought that natural selec

34、tion had operated on us, just as it had on fruit flies and centipedes.As we delve into DNA sequences, we can see natural selection acting at the level of genes. Our genes hold evidence of our intimate associations with other beings, from cows to malaria parasites and grains.【F5】The latest research a

35、llows us to trace the genetic changes thai differentiate us from our primate cousins, and shows that large parts of the human genome bear the stamp of evolution by means of natural selection.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 261 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully

36、and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 摆脱大自然的约束注定会产生令人不快的副作用,但是毫无疑问,依然比屈服于大自然为我们每个人所安排的,和畜牲一样的、毫无尊严的命运强多了。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 然而,同样正确的是,我们找不到个人尊严的应有尺度、弄不清提高生产效率的重要意义,这可能是新兴的生物技术世界出现暴政的基础。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 似乎为一个身体完全健康的人作美容手术有违医学救死扶伤及遵守从医准则誓约的真谛。事实上,

37、该誓约说,不要因为与健康无关的理由把人当病人处置。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 如果这种美容手术没有任何错处我们都会受到压力,要远远超出大自然的局限,尽可能长久地保持年轻、漂亮。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 其次,我们多少有点相信,我们,尤其是知识渊博的人都有权把有自己“天生的脾气秉性” 作为真正了解我们自己的必要依据。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 在查尔斯达尔文诞辰 200 周年之时,在他那改变了一切的著作物种起源出版 150 周年之际,我忍不住想象,如果他能审视一下自己的成就在今天的地位,他会如何作想。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案

38、】 我们喜欢靠顿悟来相信科学,但是真正科学家的工作是:把自己的顿悟提炼成为初步假说后,再对其进行严格的检验。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 像孟德尔的遗传学和 DNA 结构这些最重大的发现几乎肯定会令达尔文感到满意,因为这些学说揭示了进化变异的物理基础。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 或许对进化论的持续抵制提醒我们文化并非生物属性。否则,我们可能早已进化,没有了这种充沛的情感。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 从某种程度来说,我们美国人特别不习惯于接受达尔文的进化论和 1859 年以来进化论的演变。这在更宽泛的层次上揭示了以下事实:我们不习惯于接受科学和科学教育。【知识

39、模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 和蜜蜂一样,人类繁衍至今,靠的是劳动分工、相互间的协助以及面对共同威胁时的团结战斗能力。【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 进化总与竞争相关。但是正如达尔文所推测的,对于人类来说,群体之间的竞争使我们变得富有合作精神、能为他人着想、摒弃私心。至少我们在家庭和群体范围内,有时在国家层面上也能够如此。【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 实际上往往在生活中最重要的时刻,我们确实倾向于运用理性而非道德的直觉,而且这些理性和新的直觉往往来自朋友的启发。【知识模块】 阅读理解14 【正确答案】 它是对新无神论者的挑战。新无神论者认为自己

40、参与了理性与信念之战,他们毫无根据地相信纯理性的力量和自己推理过程的纯粹性。【知识模块】 阅读理解15 【正确答案】 这些人善于解释人如何就伤害和公平做出判断。但是他们却仍然不能解释敬畏、超越、爱国、欢乐和自我牺牲等情感。这情感对大多数人的道德体验来说不是次要的,而是核心的。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解16 【正确答案】 在此书中,达尔文展示了众多令人关注的证据表明包括人类在内的所有生物,都是由共同的祖先进化而来的自然选择是驱动进化变革的主要力量。【知识模块】 阅读理解17 【正确答案】 达尔文论证说,雌雄淘汰是另一种力量。正是由于这种力量才产生了像孔雀尾部羽毛那样引人注目的特

41、征。这些特征对生存毫无意义,甚至有害,但对于吸引异性却必不可少。【知识模块】 阅读理解18 【正确答案】 在物种起源发表之前,物种之间的相似性与差异性至多只能激发人们的好奇。诸如为什么某种植物,比如仙人掌。是多汁植物,或者为什么枫树每年落叶这样的问题,答案只能是“没有为什么” 。生物学本身只不过是对浩瀚资料的编目和描述。【知识模块】 阅读理解19 【正确答案】 我们已经创立了遗传学,并拓展和提升了我们对于自然选择以及进化过程中其他力量的理解。【知识模块】 阅读理解20 【正确答案】 最近的研究使我们能够探索使人类有别于其灵长类动物远亲的基因变化。并且表明人类的大部分基因组都刻有在自然选择下进化的印记。【知识模块】 阅读理解

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