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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 375 及答案与解析Part B (10 points) 0 The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 1-5, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-H to fill in each numbered box. The first, the fourth and the last paragraphs have b

2、een placed for you in Boxes. AIn addition, your legal system should make it nearly impossible for anyone to license a new business, however small. This will offer opportunities for your bureaucrats to make a living through corruption and will protect your cronies from domestic competition. An added

3、advantage is that most commerce will be made illegal and subject to arbitrary enforcement. BOf course, you may find it too tiresome to nationalize everything, in which case it is very important that you establish high tariffs that insulate your countrys remaining private industries(usually owned by

4、your cronies anyway)from competition. CFirst, make sure that your countrys money is no good. Print money like theres no tomorrow. Hyperinflation is one of the easiest and most popular ways to dismantle an economy. Another popular monetary gambit is to make sure your currency is not convertible. This

5、 guarantees that no one will ever want to invest in your country. DKeeping people poor is hard work, but following the above policies will achieve that goal. Modern poverty is a miracle that only you can make happen. EThis leads to the point that property is critical. Once people start to own someth

6、ing, they invest in it and improve it, leading inexorably to the creation of wealth. Again, the legal system can help to make it impossible to issue clear titles so that your citizens cant buy, sell, or borrow against their “property“. Also, force your farmers to sell their crops to government commo

7、dity boards at below-market rates. This will discourage them from investing in anything more advanced than subsistence agriculture, and you will be able to sell whatever crops you do seize at low prices to keep the urban populations quiet. F“Poverty, not economic growth, is the real miracle today,“

8、explains Leon Louw, executive director of the Free Market Foundation. GTo further discourage investment, be sure to nationalize all major Industries. Nationalization has additional poverty-enhancing benefits. For example, it will ensure that the nationalized industries never improve technologically

9、or become more efficient, and it makes workers pathetically dependent on their political masters, namely you. HHere is a short guide for kleptocrats and egalitarians who want to keep their countries poor. All of these policies have stood the test of time as techniques for creating and maintaining po

10、verty. The list is by no means exhaustive, but it will give would-be political leaders a good idea of how to start their countries on the road to ruin. Order: 5 You are going to read a text about technical resume writing tips, followed by a list of evidences. Choose the best evidence from the list A

11、-G for each numbered subheading(1-5). There are two extra examples which you do not need to use.List your technical knowledge first, in an organized way.Your technical strengths must stand out clearly at the beginning of your resume. Ultimately, your resume is going to be read by a thoughtful human

12、being, but before it gets to that point it often has to be categorized by an administrative clerk, and make its way past various sorts of key word searches. Therefore, you should list as many directly relevant buzz words as you can which reflect your knowledge and experience. List all operating syst

13、ems and UNIX flavors you know. List all programming languages and platforms with which youre experienced. List all software you are skilled with. Make it obvious at a glance where your strengths liewhether the glance is from a hiring manager, a clerk, or a machine.【C1 】List your qualifications in or

14、der of relevance, from most to least.【C2 】Quantify your experience wherever possible.【C3 】Dont sell yourself short.This is by far the biggest mistake of all resumes, technical and otherwise.【C4 】Be concise.As a rule of thumb, resumes reflecting five years or less experience should fit on one page. M

15、ore extensive experience can justify usage of a second page. Consider three pages(about 15 years or more experience)an absolute limit.【C5 】Have a trusted friend review your resume.Proofread, proofread, proofread.Be sure to catch all spelling errors, grammatical weaknesses, unusual punctuation, and i

16、nconsistent capitalizations. Proofread it numerous times over at least two days to allow a fresh eye to catch any hidden mistakes. Laser print it on plain, white paper.Handwriting, typing, dot matrix printing, and even ink jet printing look pretty cheesy. Stick with laser prints. Dont waste your mon

17、ey on special bond paper, matching envelopes, or any color deviances away from plain white. Your resume will be photocopied, faxed, and scanned numerous times, defeating any special paper efforts, assuming your original resume doesnt first end up in the circular file.ACite numerical figures, such as

18、 monetary budgets/funds saved, time periods/efficiency improved, lines of code written/debugged, numbers of machines administered/fixed, etc. which demonstrate progress or accomplishments due directly to your work. BAvoid lengthy descriptions of whole projects of which you were only a part. Consolid

19、ate action verbs where one task or responsibility encompasses other tasks and duties. Minimize usage of articles(the, an, a)and never use “I“ or other pronouns to identify yourself.CLeave all these things off your resume: social security number, marital status, health, citizenship, age, scholarships

20、, irrelevant awards, irrelevant associations and memberships, irrelevant publications, irrelevant recreational activities, a second mailing address(“permanent address“ is confusing and never used), references, reference of references(“available upon request“), travel history, previous pay rates, pre

21、vious supervisor names, and components of your name which you really never use(i. e. middle names).DBegin sentences with action verbs. Portray yourself as someone who is active, uses their brain, and gets things done. Stick with the past tense, even for descriptions of currently held positions, to a

22、void confusion.EBe sure to pick someone who is attentive to details, can effectively critique your writing, and will give an honest and objective opinion. Seriously consider their advice. Get a third and fourth opinion if you can.FOnly list your degree and educational qualifications first if they ar

23、e truly relevant to the job for which you are applying. If youve already done what you want to do in a new job, by all means, list it first, even if it wasnt your most recent job. Abandon any strict adherence to a chronological ordering of your experience.GYour experiences are worthy for review by h

24、iring managers. Treat your resume as an advertisement for you. Be sure to thoroughly “sell“ yourself by highlighting all of your strengths. If youve got a valuable asset which doesnt seem to fit into any existing components of your resume, list it anyway as its own resume segment.6 【C1 】7 【C2 】8 【C3

25、 】9 【C4 】10 【C5 】Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 10 【F1】 The problem to be taken up and the point at which the search for a solution will begin are customarily-prescribed by the investigator for a subject partic

26、ipating in an experiment on thinking(or by the programmer for a computer). Thus, prevailing techniques of inquiry in the psychology of thinking have invited neglect of the motivational aspects of thinking.【F2】The conditions that determine when the person will begin to think in preference to some oth

27、er activity, what he will think about, what direction his thinking will take, and when he will regard his search for a solution as successfully terminated(or abandon it as not worth pursuing further)barely are beginning to attract investigation. Although much thinking is aimed at practical ends, spe

28、cial motivational problems are raised by “disinterested“ thinking, in which the discovery of an answer to a question is a source of satisfaction in itself.【F3】For computer specialists, the detection of a mismatch between the formula that the program so far has produced and some formula or set of req

29、uirements that define a solution is what impels continuation of the search and determines the direction it will follow.Neobehaviourists(like psychoanalysts)have made much of secondary reward value and stimulus generalization; i. e. , the tendency of a stimulus pattern to become a source of satisfact

30、ion if it resembles or has frequently accompanied some form of biological gratification. The insufficiency of this kind of explanation becomes apparent, however, when the importance of novelty, surprise, complexity, incongruity, ambiguity, and uncertainty is considered.【 F4】Inconsistency between bel

31、iefs, between items of incoming sensory information, or between ones belief and an item of sensory information evidently can be a source of discomfort impelling a search for resolution through reorganization of belief systems or through selective acquisition of new information.The motivational effec

32、ts of such factors have been receiving more attention since the middle of the 20th century, mainly because of the pervasive role they have been found to play in exploratory behaviour, play, and aesthetics. But their role in all forms of thinking also began to be appreciated and studied in relation t

33、o curiosity, conflict, and uncertainty.【 F5】As evidence accumulates about the brain processes that underlie fluctuations in motivational state, and as psychophysiological equipment with which such fluctuations can be monitored comes in for increasing use, future advances in the theory of thinking ar

34、e likely to correct the present imbalance and give due prominence to motivational questions.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 The publisher s techniques for book promotion have become increasingly sophisticated in all advanced countries. The typical traveler or book salesman is likely to hold a

35、college degree, certainly in the United States; he receives a careful briefing from the home office, with elaborate samples and sales aids, and perhaps a car provided, or partly provided, by the firm.【F1】A well-run publishing house issues two or three seasonal announcement lists with details of its

36、forthcoming books, as well as an annual catalog of its present and past books still in print, which are sent to the principal booksellers and librarians. For many books, a prospectus may be issued, both for the use of booksellers and for direct mailing by the publisher. The distribution of review co

37、pies to the press is the last item in the normal program. These three steps, traveling, catalogs, and reviews, are the vital elements in the machinery of book distribution, which it is virtually impossible to accomplish without the professional work of a publisher.【F2】The capacity of some authors to

38、 produce a quite presentable book with the help of a printer still leaves them far from their objective unless they can find a publisher to undertake its distribution.Newspaper and periodical advertising is the publishers principal means of reaching the public, and standards here have also risen con

39、siderably since World War II .【F3】Originally handled entirely by the publishers own staff, it is now not uncommon for the larger houses, especially in the United States and in some European countries, to employ advertising agencies to prepare the copy and the general details of the campaign for any

40、important book.【F4】While few authors consider that their books are advertised adequately and most publishers are highly doubtful whether press advertising does in fact sell books, the amounts spent in relation to sales revenue are much higher than for most other commodities, seldom less than 5 perce

41、nt for new books.【F5】Over the whole field of sales promotion, as publishing houses have grown in size and profitability, there has been a marked tendency for the more commercial methods of general business to be applied to books, which are aggressively promoted to retailers and the public in the sam

42、e manner as are many other commodities. Though this may increase sales, at least in the short term, it may be doubted whether it is in the interests of the public and to the long-term advantage of good publishing.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 375 答案与解析Part B (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解

43、1 【正确答案】 H【试题解析】 本文可从前文获取排序信息。上文提到了本文的关键词“贫穷”,并指出贫穷是当今真正的奇迹,可知下文所说的应与贫穷有关。通读选项,选项 H既从宏观上概括了本文的主旨一个国家如何保持贫困,又引出下文,即对国家保持贫困的策略进行分析,具有承上启下的作用。故选项 H 为最佳顺序。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 本文可以从上文获得信息。上文指出下文是介绍国家保持贫困的策略,而 C 选项则指出国家首先要通过保持国家纸币一文不值或者不能兑换的方式使国家整体处于贫困水平,并且段首的“首先”(First)一词可以作为一个关键连接词,连接上下文,因此放在此处比

44、较合适。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 G【试题解析】 此处从上下文均可得到有效信息。从上文看,上文结尾指出保持纸币不能兑换可以阻止外国投资。G 选项开始指出了进一步阻止投资的方法是确保所有工业国有化,可与上文相衔接,即进一步介绍阻止投资的方法。从下文看,选项 B 放在此处,指出如果领导人觉得将一切国有化太麻烦,可以采取提高关税来阻止竞争。选项中的“国有化”作为关键词与上文相衔接。因此 G 选项较好地连接了上下文,放在此处最为合适。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 此处应该综合余下的选项 A 和 E 来分析。选项 A 论述了法律体系在保持国家贫困中的作用。选项 E

45、 则论述了财产的重要性,并指出政府如何让城市人口安于现状,保持平静。并且选项 E 中出现了“法律制度”一词,而此前的文章内容并未涉及到法律制度一词,只有 A 选项中论述了法律体系在保持国家贫困中的作用,依据逻辑判断,可知 A 应排在 E 前面,故 A 放在此处比较合适。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 结合上题分析,此处选择 E 为最佳顺序选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 本段的主要内容是按照相关性写出自己的条件,并按照重要程度排序。通读选项可知,选项 F 介绍了针对自身的特点和应聘职位的不同来排列教育背景、已有经验等内容

46、,并指出时间顺序不是最佳的排列自身条件的顺序,与段落主题相符,为最佳例证。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本段的主要内容为尽可能量化工作经验。可以推测所选例证应与量化和工作经验相关。通读所有选项,A 选项指出应该把因个人的工作而取得的进展的具体数据列举出来,并举出了具体例子。其中“具体数据”与前文的“量化”相呼应,因此为最佳例证。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 G【试题解析】 本段的主要内容是别低估自己,并指出低估自己的能力是目前求职简历中出现的最大问题。通读剩余选项,G 选项大意是我们应该相信自己的经历是有价值的,并且要善于发现自己的优点,即使是这些优点不适合

47、出现在简历的现有部分中,也要想办法在简历中体现自己的长处。因此选项 G 与前文相吻合,也从另一个角度给出了解决求职简历中出现的最大的问题的方法要自信。故 G为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本段的主旨是要简洁。段落前段指出以五年为一个单元来安排简历的内容,并且最多不能超过 3 页。选项 B 则从如何撰写简历的内容的角度来说明怎样让简历简洁清晰地展现求职者的工作经历,与前文内容相符,为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 本段的大意是让一个值得信任的朋友帮忙检查简历。可知选项应与具体描述某个人所具有的特征相关。选项 E 则具体描述了

48、帮助检查简历的人应具有的基本特征:关注细节、客观评价、坦率提出意见,以及应找的朋友的数量,与段落内容相符,为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 研究人员通常为参与一项思维实验的受试者(或者编程员通常为计算机)指定要解决的问题,并且确定寻求解决办法的出发点。【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 从何时开始,这个人偏重

49、考虑某种其他活动;将会思考什么;思路朝什么方向;何时他会认为自己寻求解决办法已经成功结束(或认为不值得继续下去而放弃)。研究人员仅仅刚刚开始对判定以上问题起作用的条件感兴趣。【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 对于计算机专家来说,发现程序所得出的方案与解决问题所需满足的原则或若干条件不吻合,这正是推动他继续寻求解决办法的动力,同时也确定了他的努力应遵循的方向。【知识模块】 阅读理解14 【正确答案】 各种信念之间的冲突、感知到的各种信息之间的矛盾、个人的信念和感知到的某项信息之间的不一致,显然会使这个人思想上感到困惑,思想的困惑必然迫使他重新整理信念体系,或是有选择性地获取新信息,来寻找解决问题的办法。【知识模块】 阅读理解15 【正确答案】 动机大小上下起伏基于大脑的活动。随着逐步积累有关这种大脑活动过程的证据,随着可以用来监测这种起伏的精神生理学仪器开始越来越多地被采用,思维理论未来的进展很可能会纠正目前的不均衡并且对于动机方面的问题给予应有的重视。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解16 【正确答案】 管理有方的出版社每季度印发两、三次书单,详细介绍即将出版的书籍,每年印发一次书籍目录,介绍仍在出版的新旧图书,散发给主要的书商和图书管理员。【知识


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