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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 7 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Network Information Safety in SchoolUniversity letters to students and alumni are usually cheerful. But the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

2、 is now composing 800,000 embarrassing ones. The university announced Tuesday that its notifying nearly a million members of its communityincluding students, faculty and alumnithat a hacker gained access to their Social Security numbers, dates of birth,home addresses and contact information. UCLA co

3、mputer security technicians noticed a suspicious number of database queries on Nov. 21, and after a quick investigation, discovered that a hacker had accessed records dishonestly all the way back to October of 2005. The university blocked further access to the private data and hired a consultant to

4、help figure out how it happened. In a letter to those who may have been victimized, UCLAs Acting Chancellor Norman Abrams noted that the data does not include credit card or banking information, but apologized. “I deeply regret any concern or inconvenience this incident may cause you.“ Abrams wrote.

5、Jim Davis, UCLAs Chief Information officer, who is responsible for the universitys computer security policy, says UCLA had already begun removing Social Security numbers from common usage, but that some numbers remain in the university database because of financial reporting requirements. “With 20/2

6、0 hindsight, the best way to deal with this kind of situation is not to have Social Security numbers there in the first place,“ Davis says. “The faster we move on that, the better off we will be. “He says that while those at the university are “scared“ there is no indication thus far that identity t

7、hieves have used any stolen data, and that while the investigation is still in process, the actual number of those affected by the hacking may be just 5% or less of the 800,000 whose data was potentially vulnerable.The FBI has launched its own investigation of the incident, but tracking down those r

8、esponsible will be a challenge. In 2005,8. 9 million Americans suffered from some type of identity theft, according to a study done by Javelin Strategy some board members were less than fond of his ideas about the division of church and state.This is not Texas first such skirmish. Since the 1970s, t

9、he state has tried to drop books that were seen as too liberal or anti-Christian, to omit passages on the gay-rights movement and to tone down global-warming arguments. But the nations battle over textbooks stretches back almost half a century earlier. In 1925, Tennessees Butler Act (which was aboli

10、shed in 1967 ) made it illegal to teach“any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible. “The Scopes monkey trial“ famously followed. In 1974, a clash erupted in Kanawha County, West Virginia, over the controversial writings of such authors as George Orwell, Art

11、hur Miller and Alien Ginsberg. Opposition was so heated that some schools were threatened with explosions.As one of Americas largest textbook buyers, the Longhorn State has a good deal of sway over what is sold to schools nationwide. And while Napoleon may have maintained that “ history is the versi

12、on of past events that people have decided to agree upon“, getting Texans to come together on the past may prove to be their Waterloo.14 It can be learned from the first paragraph that_.(A)the Texas board of education voted to decide whether to teach history in schools(B) the problems of the capital

13、ist society are criticized in the Texan textbooks(C) the political standard in Texan textbooks is more similar to that of the Republicans(D)most Texas education board members are for the division of church and state15 The word “skirmish“ ( Line 1, Para. 2) most probably means_.(A)accident(B) conflic

14、t(C) challenge(D)disaster16 Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?(A)The Texans hold a favorable attitude towards religion.(B) The Texans are sympathetic with the gay-rights movement.(C) It was illegal to teach religion in Tennessean schools in 1920s.(D)George Orwell was w

15、idely hailed by West Virginians in 1970s.17 What can be learned from the last paragraph?(A)Longhorn State is the largest textbook painter in the U.S.(B) The textbook choice in many American schools is affected by Longhorn State.(C) The Texans share the same opinion with Napoleon about past events.(D

16、)The Texans would eventually reach an agreement on the choice of textbooks.18 Whats the authors main purpose in writing this passage?(A)To describe the winners in history.(B) To reveal the social problem in America.(C) To give a brief account of Napoleons opinion.(D)To illustrate the textbook wars i

17、n the U. S.18 How to Rescue Global EconomyLast year, the annual gathering of TIMES Board of Economists on the first day of the World Economic Forum in Davos was dominated by a debate over just how bad the then-gathering financial crisis would be, and whether the rest of the world would share in the

18、economic comeuppance facing the U. S.This Jan. 28, on a day when the lowering snow-filled skies matched the mood of those inside the Davos Congress Center, there was no such debate. In a packed room for what has become an opening-day tradition, everybody agreed with Morgan Stanley Asia chairman Step

19、hen Roachs grim assessment that “this will most likely be the first year since the end of World War 2 when world GDP actually contracts“. In fact, after Roach predicted 2.5% average global growth over the next three years, Keio University economist and former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs H

20、eizo Takenaka quipped that Roach was being “much more optimistic than expected“. Depression or Recession?Later on, Roach and Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf, who was in the audience, differed on whether were in a “ proto-depression “ ( Wolf) or a “ global recession the likes of which weve neve

21、r seen“ ( Roach). There was also some disagreement over Chinas growth prospects. World Bank chief economist Justin Yifu Lin said he thought the countrys big fiscal stimulus plans, including massive expenditure on infrastructure, would keep growth above 7% per year. No one else was that confident.U.S

22、. economic policy - and in particular its response to the current crisiscame under fire, and there were no U. S. officials on hand to defend themselves. Lawrence Summers, the top economic adviser in Barack Obamas White House, had planned to take part in the discussion, bat canceled his trip to Davos

23、 shortly before everyone trudged their way through the snow to the Swiss mountain town. With lots of big economic decisions being made in Washington this week, especially on the shape of the Obama Administrations stimulus package, U.S. officials and lawmakers were in short supply.Roach agreed that t

24、he key thing was to find a way to value and dispose of the bad debts on financial institutions books. “The issue here is to develop a pricing mechanism for toxic assets,“ he said. That was the original goal of the Treasury Departments Troubled Asset Relief Program ( TARP ), introduced after the cris

25、is really broke out into the open in September, but all the money so far has gone to capital injections. “Come on guys, let TARP be TARP,“ Roach said.Silver LiningStill, audience member Jacob Frenkel a vice chair man of troubled U.S. insurer AIG and former governor of the Bank of Israel who was for

26、many years an outspoken optimist at Davos-detected a “silver lining“ in the current U. S. situation. “One of the problems we had last year was that there was an election in the United States, and we learned the lesson: Never have a financial crisis during an election year,“ he said. “We do not have

27、an election year, so maybe there is a recovery.“But whether its an election year or not, policymakers and financial institutions in the US. have tough choices to make. Nobody on the panel was cruel enough to blame the U. S. for the worlds woes. “We got the benefit of globalization,“ said Turkeys Sah

28、enk. “We all enjoyed these past 15 years. Lets stop blaming people. Its not the U. S. , its not us, its not them.“ But in large measure, it could in fact be the choices that the Obama Administration now makes that will determine whether the mood at next years Davos will be as dark as todays skiesor

29、whether some shafts of sunlight will be apparent on the snow covered Swiss mountains.19 Which season mostly matches the mood of the people inside the Davos Congress Center?(A)Spring.(B) Summer.(C) Fall.(D)Winter.20 What is the assessment given by Morgan Stanley Asia chairman ?(A)the world GDP firstl

30、y declines since the end of World War 2.(B) the world GDP firstly increrases since the end of World War 2.(C) the world GDP Basically stays unchanged since the end of World War 2.(D)people are always satisfied with the world GDP since the end of World War 2.21 What peoples attitude towards U.S. econ

31、omic policy?(A)satisfied.(B) criticized.(C) supportive.(D)defensive.考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 7 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 UCLA 负责计算机安全的技术人员 11 月 21 日发现了一个可疑的对数据库进行查询的号码,经过快速调查之后发现,一个黑客非法获取了一些资料

32、,而这种行为可一直追溯到 2005 年的 10 月份。【试题解析】 此句翻译难点首先是词语在特定语境中词义的确定,通读全文我们可以发现,本文主要描述了计算机方面的一些问题。Query 本义是“询问,疑问”,和 database 搭配后就要翻译成“对数据库的查询”。其次是两个短语翻译时前置与后置的问题。All the way back to October of 2005 作状语是用来修饰 discover 后的宾语从句中谓语动词 access 的,英语多长句,而汉语多短句,尤其用来形容多个行为时,这种特征尤其明显,这个短语翻译成汉语比较好的处理方式是另起一句翻译避免与前面翻译成一句而显得罗嗦。

33、【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 在给那些可能已经成为受害人的一封信中,UCLA 的代理校长诺曼爱布拉姆指出,被盗的资料中并不包括信用卡和银行信息,但仍然表示了歉意。【试题解析】 本句的翻译主要涉及词类转换以及根据语气表达需要增词的情况。首先是单词 victimized,在文中是个动词,但根据句子的意思,翻译成名词“受害者”更为适合;thedata,原文没有修饰词,但根据上下文,可知其指的是 “被黑客盗取的资料”,所以翻译时要补译出来,避免意思表达不清;再者,apologized 之前没有类似 still 意思的词,但翻译成汉语根据语气表达的需要可增加“仍然”,既符合原意,又使语句流畅。【知

34、识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 同时,他还指出,尽管那些资料被盗者惶恐不安,但到目前为止,还没有迹象显示那些偷取资料的人已经使用过偷取的资料,并且,随着调查的进一步展开,那些受到黑客偷盗行为实际影响的人可能只有 5或者更少,尽管个人资料存在被盗用潜在威胁的人多达 80 万。【试题解析】 本句主要涉及两个 those 内容的增译和 number 的省译。Those 在英语中可以承前指代上文提到的人或物,名词可以省略,汉语照此直译则会指代不明,所以一般要根据上文意思补译出指代的人或物。第一个 those 实际指代的是“那些被偷取资料的人”,第二个指代“那些受到黑客偷盗行为影响的人”。此外,单词 n

35、umber 翻译成汉语倒显累赘,故可以省译。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推理判断题。根据题干关键词 odd 定位到原文第一段第 i 句:Being thin is deemed as such a virtue以及第四段第二句:We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue由此可知,瘦被认为是一种美德,我们把瘦作为美德的新标准。故选C项。【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语义分析题。根据题干关键词 swept 定位到第二段前三句:The problem with such a

36、 view is that some people actually attempt to live by itI myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothesConsequently I have been on a diet for the better-or worse-part of my life可知,有些人追随以瘦为美,作者也幻想能穿上著名设计师设计的修长的衣服,并感觉自己必须节食。故选A项。【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 推理判断题。根据题干关键词 history 定位到第三段末句

37、:In some religious groupsfatness a sign of wealth and well-being和第四段第二句:We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue可知,在一些宗教团体中肥胖是财富和健康的象征,而我们现在已把瘦当作美德的新标准。由此推断,人们对体重的观点不断变化。故选B项。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 语义分析题。根据题干关键词 criticizes 定位到第四段第三句:The result is that being fatis bad because it impli

38、es a lack of moral strength本句是社会学观点上的批评;而第五段首句:Our obsession with thinness is also fuelled by health concerns是医学健康上的批评。故选B项。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语义分析题。根据题干关键词 advice 定位到文章最后两句:It is actually hazardous if those who get or already are thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from p

39、aying attention to their overall life-styleThinness can be pure vainglory可知,作者认为那些想变瘦或已经变瘦的人想当然地认为自己很健康,且不注意整体生活方式,这是很危险的。这种瘦只是单纯为了满足虚荣罢了。由此推断,迷恋瘦身的人应多注重整体生活方式。故选A项。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 推理判断题。由题干中的 the death of the 18 一 year-old cheerleader 定位到第二段第一句可知,这一悲剧引起了人们对青少年追求更加“理想的”身材这一问题的关注。所

40、以,提到这位拉拉队队长的死亡,是为了D“引起人们对青少年接受整形手术这一问题的关注”。这个例子的重点不在拉拉队长这一身份上,所以排除A ;文章其他地方没有再涉及整形手术是否有危险,所以排除B“为了警告人们整形手术不像它宣传的那么安全”;文章也没有提到整形会付出什么代价,故排除C 。【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干中的 surfing on the Internet 定位到第三段第四句。本句说:青少年网络用户蜂拥而至与外貌有关的网站,网站的主要内容都围绕在塑身、减肥和皮肤护理等方面。当然,整容类的网站也绝对少不了。由此可知,他们最关心的是怎么让自己的外表看

41、上去更光彩照人。因此D“如何变得更加吸引人”为正确答案。文章没有涉及到精神健康,所以排除A;他们本身年龄就很小,只有 18-24 岁,所以保持年轻不是他们所担心的问题,故排除B;而C“如何预防和治疗疾病”是年长者所关心的,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干中的 a cause for young people to pay attention to plastic surgery 定位到第四段第一句。本句说:整容类电视节目可能引起了年轻观众对整容手术的兴趣,而且在第一段最后一句也说:青年人已经成了外貌转型类电视节目的主要观众群体,他们对外貌形象的改

42、变很是着迷。因此A为正确答案。第二段说青少年喜欢在美容类网站浏览,但并没有说这类网站引起了他们对整容的兴趣,故排除B;第二段中拉拉队队长的例子不能说明这是青少年对整容手术感兴趣的原因,故排除C ;文章没有说五十岁的女性整容手术的效果,故排除D 。【知识模块】 阅读12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干中的 whether to have plastic surgery 定位到第四段第四句。该句说,在整容流行网站的搜索模式中,“花费”是去年出现最多的一个词,而且本段第一至三句也表达同样的意思,指出美国经济萧条导致整容手术数量下降,这是因为人们的收入减少了。所以B“手术所需的开销”

43、是青少年决定是否进行整容手术的决定性因素之一,为正确答案。文章没有提到青少年对手术的安全性、效果和必要性的关注,所以排除A、C 和 D。【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 推理判断题。由题干中的 the last paragraph 定位到最后一段。本段说:当年长的人群仍然在搜索关于面部拉皮手术和吸脂术步骤的信息时,在艰难的经济时期,年轻的网络用户也在关注着如何改善他们的外在美,不同的是他们只能选择折扣价。由此可知,虽然重心不同,但是不管是年龄偏大的人还是年轻人,对整形手术都非常关心。因此A为正确答案。上了年纪的人比较关心吸脂手术和面部拉皮手术,但文章并没有说这一类手术价格最

44、昂贵,因此排除B;本段说青少年注重外在美,但没有说他们对内在美的看法,因此排除C;文章没有说青少年在做整形手术时经常可以享受折扣优惠,故排除D。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推理判断题。由题干提示定位到第一段。根据该段第三句 The changes,expected to win final approval in May,include an increased emphasis on and sympathetic treatment of such Republican standards as the National Rifle Associ

45、ation and the Moral Majority这些改变有望在 5 月份获得最终审核并通过,其中包括对于像全国步枪协会和道德多数派的共和党标准的逐步靠拢和重视。可以推断出,C“ 德州教科书中的政治观点更接近共和党的观点”。【知识模块】 阅读15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 语义理解题。由题干提示定位到第二段。根据第一段讲述的德州教育委员会对于教科书的选择进行投票的案例以及在其他方面的纷争,第二段第一句承接上文说 This is not Texasfirst such skirmish这并非德州第一次出现这种 同时结合下文对德州和其他地方在历史上就教科书内容选择的争斗,可以推断skir

46、mish 为“斗争,冲突“之意,故选B。【知识模块】 阅读16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干提示定位到第二段。根据第二句中的 Since the 1970s,the state has tried to drop books that were seen as too liberal or anti-Christian自从 20 世纪 70 年代以来,该州一直都在设法放弃那些看起来过于具有自由主义倾向或是反基督教的教科书。可知,德州人对基督教应该是鼓励和赞同的,故选A“ 德州人对宗教持赞同态度 ”。【知识模块】 阅读17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干提示

47、定位到最后一段。根据本段第一句中的the Longhorn State has a good deal of sway over what is sold to schools nationwide长角公司对于销往全国各所学校当中的教材有着广泛的影响力。可知,B“美国许多学校教科书的选择都受长角公司的影响”为正确答案。短语 has a good deal of sway over 意为“对有重大影响”。【知识模块】 阅读18 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 主旨大意题。作者在第一段描写德州教育委员会在如何选择教科书的问题上进行投票,第二段又对教科书的选择问题进行了横向和纵向探讨而在第三段对教科书

48、选择这一主题进行了总结。因此,通篇都在描写“美国的教科书之战”,故选D。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 事实细节题。由题干关键词 the mood of the people inside the Davos Congress Center 定位到第二段。本段第一句说:今年 1 月 28 日,大雪纷飞的天气很符合达沃斯会议中心与会人员的心情,这一天没有诸如其他国家将如何面对美国经济危机恶果这样的争论。由词组“snow-filled skies”可知与会人员的心情最接近的季节是冬季。【知识模块】 阅读20 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语义理解题。由题干关

49、键词“assessment given by Morgan Stanley Asia chairman”定位到第二段。本段第二句说:与会人员都同意摩根士丹利亚洲主席斯蒂芬洛奇冷酷残忍的评价,这很可能是继二战结束以来第一年全球国内生产总值真正减少。本题考查关键词“contracts”,意思是缩短、收缩。所以A“全球国内生产总值下降”为正确答案。B、C、D 均与题意不符,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读21 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 观点态度题。本文总的来说以客观陈述为主,但从第四段第一句可以看出:美国的经济政策尤其是应对当前的经济危机遭到抨击,出席论坛_的美国官员没有为自己辩护。题中关键词“come under fire”意思为遭到抨击。所以B“ 批评的”与原文意思最接近。A“满意的”、C“ 支持的”、D“辩护的”均与文意不符,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读


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