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1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 28 及答案与解析一、翻译1 Translate the following passage into English(江苏大学 2008 研,考试科目:英语语言学与英汉互译)谈话的艺术虚荣心使人生出种种愿望,其中最普遍,或者最少受非议的,莫过于希望能以谈话艺术使他人刮目相看。有些人不论到哪里都能成为众人瞩目的中心,一进门就仿佛欢乐也同时降临;但是一旦离去,大家都会惋惜不已,仿佛北方严寒的天气里太阳突然消隐,仿佛想象失去了灵感,欢乐失去了源泉。少有其他人能像他们那样经常受到大家的艳羡。2 Translate the following passage

2、into English(江苏大学 2007 研,考试科目:英语语言学与英汉互译)说起春天可真是神奇不然的话,草儿怎么会知道该是转青的时候呢?沉睡的树突上怎么会突然冒出了绿色的嫩芽? 我最喜欢的山茱萸也长出了精巧的花朵。春天的空气似乎在闪亮,像是发出活泼的金色亮光,闻起来有一种春天特有的奇香。爱情也充满神奇。没有任何言词能说得清“爱” 是什么,即使这样我们大家也都知道爱是一种什么感觉,既热烈又活泼,闪烁着金色的光芒。啊,每逢春天不就是这种感觉吗?在春意荡漾之时人们坠人爱河,这有什么奇怪的呢?春天正是人们爱上自然爱上生活的绝好时机,这时人们爱自己,也爱与自己共同生活的人。3 Translate

3、the following passage into English(苏州大学 2009 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)毛姆说:“ 莫泊桑是一位自然主义者,一味追求真实,而他所达到的真实,在今天看来未免有些肤浅,这对莫泊桑带来的结果是人物刻画的简单化。”毛姆对莫泊桑的评论,虽然针对的是文学史上的个案,但对于经典作家作品的阅读、鉴赏和批评却有着普适性的意义。细读毛姆,首先让我们生出敬意的,是他对待文学经典的心态以艺术至上为本位的科学分析态度。对莫氏,他既指出了其他作品致命弱点又对艺术技巧作出了恰如其分的很高的评价,而且充满了热情。毛姆给我们的又一个重要启示,就是他的思辨方法那是一种艺术哲学在批评实践

4、中的具体而细微的体现。“没有十全十美的作家” 、“经典作家的缺点,往往是他优点的补充” 这些话充满了艺术辩证法。这一点,对于曾经长期经受“ 左倾思维”、“大跃进思维”和“文革思维”影响的我们几代人来说,尤其显得重要。是啊,我们公正的回望巴尔扎克、托尔斯泰、梅里美、曹雪芹、鲁迅等伟大作家,他们的缺点(有些只能说是特点) ,不正是其优点的延长和补充吗?4 Translate the following passage into English(苏州大学 2008 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)接读朋友的来信,尤其是远自海外犹带着异国风云的航空信,的确是人生一大快事,如果无须回信的话。回信是读信之乐的一

5、大代价。久不回信,屡不回信,接信之乐就会相对减少,以至于无,此时友情暂告中断,直到有一天在赎罪的心情下,你毅然回起信来。蹉跎了这么久,接信之乐早变成欠信之苦。我便是这么一位累犯的罪人,交游千百,几乎每一位朋友都数得出我的前科来。英国诗人奥登曾说,他常常搁下重要的信件不回,躲在家里看他的侦探小说。王尔德有一次对朋友说:“我认得不少人,满怀光明的远景来到伦敦,但几个月之后就整个崩溃了,因为他们有回信的习惯。” 显然王尔德认为,要过好日子,就得戒除回信的恶习。可见怕回信的人,远不止我一个。5 Translate the following passage into English(苏州大学 2007

6、 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)陆文夫是个现实主义作家,他写市井生活,他的小说从生活中撷取真实的细节。有人说,陆文夫的小说取有一种“糖醋的现实主义” ,因为他的作品中有甜也有酸,甜者,往往给人一点喜悦或希望,比较温和,酸者,人物命运总是坎坷波折,内含辛酸的人生经历和生活哲理。从形式上说,陆文夫的小说很像苏州评弹,这是早有人论及的,无论是“ 卖关子 ”、“穿插”、“砌噱” ,还是“ 叙述角”,都可从评弹中找到相应的表现手法。陆文夫曾写过一篇“向评弹学习” 的文章,说评弹“在表现生活和思想时,几乎是无所不能的”,“ 如果写小说时能把自己设想成一个评弹演员坐在台上,那就有许多方法可以借用。”其实,陆文夫

7、的小说归根结底得力于唐宋传奇和话本小说,苏州正是明代民间文学编纂家冯梦龙的故乡,这里历代流传着许多民间传说故事,这对陆文夫的小说创作是有影响的。说到底,评弹不也是从话本曲词逐步演变而来的么?6 Translation from Chinese to English(河海大学 2008 研,考试科目:基础英语)“天助自助者 ”,一条老生常谈的座右铭,体现了浩瀚人生经验的一孔之见。个人得以真正发展的全部真谛均植根于自助精神;这种精神在人世百态中展现,构成民族生机与力量的真正源泉。外来的帮助时常事倍功半,而内在的帮助却总给人以活力。无论帮助人民或社会阶层做了什么,在某种程度上都减弱了他们凡事需自立的

8、动力与必要性。如对一方人民引导太多,管辖过头,必然的趋势是置他们于一个相对而言不可救药的境地。7 Translation from Chinese to English(河海大学 2006 研,考试科目:基础英语)鼓楼位于南京市中心的鼓楼,建于明洪武十五年,那时担当为全城百姓昼夜报时的重任,有时也用作迎王、接诏书等大庆。到了清代,鼓楼只遗留下城阙,康熙皇帝南巡时,在此登临四望,地方官才在鼓楼基座上树碑建楼,并更名为“碑楼” 。鼓楼分上下两层,下层高达 9 米,红墙巍峙,飞檐迎风。上层建筑,分为中殿和东西殿,滴水直落台座之外。如今的鼓楼是人们登高远眺,领古城风貌的胜地。8 In this par

9、t, you are asked to translate the following paragraph into EnglishWrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(中国矿业大学 2007 研,考试科目:基础英语)全面完成今年经济社会发展的各项任务,在工作指导和部署上,要突出抓好三个方面:一是着力搞好宏观调控。进一步消除经济运行中不稳定、不健康因素,推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变,保持经济平稳较快发展,保持价格总水平基本稳定。二是着力推进改革开放。坚持以改革推动各项工作,把深化改革同落实科学发展观、加强和改善宏观调控结合起来,注重用改革的办法解决影响

10、发展的体制问题。全面提高对外开放水平,更好地利用国内国际两个市场、两种资源。三是着力建设和谐的社会。9 In this part, you are asked to translate the following paragraph into English从新世纪开始,我国将进入一个全面建设小康社会并加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段。国民经济将保持持续快速健康发展。经济结构将进行战略性调整,在推进国家工业化的同时,加快国民经济和社会信息化,以信息化带动工业化,全面优化产业结构。西部大开发将迈出实质性步伐,地区经济朝着协调的方向发展。经济体制改革将继续向深层次推进,社会主义市场经济体制会不

11、断完善。科技、教育将有更大发展。对外开放将推进到一个新的水平。精神文明建设和民主法制建设也将继续得到加强。所有这些,将为我们向现代化建设的第三步战略目标奠定坚实的基础。10 Translate the following into English(深圳大学 2008 研,考试科目:综合英语)孟子日:“ 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。三里之城,七里之郭,环而攻之而不胜。夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣;然而不胜者,是天时不如地利也。城非不高也,池非不深也,兵革非不坚利也,米粟非不多也;委而去之,是地利不如人和也。故曰:域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪之险,威天下不以兵革之利。得道者多助,失道者寡助。寡助之

12、至,亲戚畔之;多助之至,天下顺之。以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔;故君子有不战,战必胜矣。”11 Translate the following passages into English(深圳大学 2007 研,考试科目:综合英语)大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。12 画中已经有诗。有些画家还怕诗意不够明显,在画面上更题上或多或少的诗词字句。我想,画的最高境界不是可以读得懂的。一说到读便牵涉到文章词句,便要透过思想的程序;而画的美妙处却

13、在于透过视觉而直接诉诸人的心灵。话给人的那种心灵上的享受,不可言说,说便不着。13 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your translation on the ANSWER SHEET( 中山大学 2013 研,考试科目:基础英语)青花瓷(blue-and-white porcelain)能在中国瓷坛独占鳌头,主要因为它与中国人长期追求的文化和美学精神相契合,这就是平淡天真、自然从容。中国人认为,最高的美是一种平淡天然的美,任何过于造作、文饰的艺术,都与这种精神相违背。青花瓷作为中国瓷器的代表,以白色和蓝色所构成的简洁清雅

14、世界,表现宁静清洁的美。青花是一种单色彩绘,色彩看上去比较单调,这也是青花的特点,没有过分的装饰,没有刻意的夸张。元明时期的青花瓷器追求透明的感觉,纯洁的白色和优雅的淡青相配,干净爽利,产生极为雅致的效果。14 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your translation on the ANSWER SHEET( 中山大学 2012 研,考试科目:基础英语)剪纸是中国民间一门有着近千年历史的独特艺术。它要求的材料很简单,只要有纸张和一把剪刀(或刻刀) 就可以了。熟练的剪纸艺人剪纸的过程如同变魔术,他将一张红纸在手上左叠右叠

15、,然后用剪刀轻轻地剪几下,摊开一看,就是一幅漂亮的图画。有的艺人根本不需要眼睛看,就能在袖子里剪出漂亮的图案来。剪纸是一种即兴的艺术,剪纸人无需画稿,就靠手中的一把剪刀,刀起图出,每一次剪出的都有所不同,所以它的表现力很强。旧时人们的窗户多是纸糊的,白白的纸,显得过于单调,也不吉利。于是心灵手巧的女子就剪出红色的四喜娃娃,或者剪一只美丽的蝴蝶,贴在窗上,于是平凡的窗子便有了灵气。15 Translate the following passage into EnglishWrite your translation on the ANSWER SHEET( 中山大学 2011 研,考试科目:基

16、础英语)徐志摩在吸烟与文化中深情地写道:“我在康桥的日子可真是幸福,生怕这辈子再也得不到那样甜蜜的机会了。我不敢说康桥给了我多少学问或是教会了我什么。我不敢说受了康桥的洗礼,一个人就会变气息,脱凡胎。我敢说的只是就我个人说,我的眼是康桥教我睁的,我的求知欲是康桥给我拨动的,我的自我意识是康桥给我胚胎的。” 进入剑桥的人文环境,扑面而来的是诗的气息,各种流派的文学氛围令每一个学子陶醉,让他们的灵魂受到熏陶。徐志摩也不例外。他通读了哈代、狄更斯、雪莱、拜伦等撰写的名著、名诗。他所创作的诗歌都打上了这些大家的烙印。16 Translate the following passage into Eng

17、lish(广东外语外贸大学 2010 研,考试科目:英语写作与翻译)红楼梦问世二百年以来,通过汉文原文和各种译文读过本书的人,无虑多少个亿。这样多的读者哪一个是先看批评家的文章,然后再让批评家牵着鼻子走,按图索骥地去读原作呢? 我看是绝无仅有。一切文学作品,特别是像红楼梦这样伟大的作品,内容异常地丰富,涉及到的社会层面异常地多;简直像一个宝山,一座迷宫。而读者群就更为复杂,不同的家庭背景,不同的社会经历,不同的民族,不同的国家,不同的文化传统,不同的心理素质,不同的年龄,不同的性别,不同的职业,不同的爱好还可以这样“不同” 下去,就此打住 ,他们来读红楼梦,会各就自己的特点,欣赏红楼梦中的某一

18、个方面,受到鼓舞,受到启发,引起了喜爱;也可能受到打击,引起了憎恶,总之是千差万别。对这些读者来说,“红学家”就好像是住在“太虚幻境”里的圣人、贤人,与自己无关。他们不管 “红学家”究竟议论些什么,只是读下去,读下去。17 Translate the following passage into English清明上河图描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节的繁华热闹的景象。清明上河是当时的民间风俗,如像今天的节日集会,人们藉以参加商贸活动。全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:第一段是市郊景画,第二段是汴河,第三段是城内街市。先是汴京郊外的景象。农民在田里耕作,有钱人扫墓归来。路上,驮队、挑夫、

19、骑马坐轿的人物正匆匆进城。接下去是最精彩的部分汴河。汴河上的拱桥如一道彩虹,桥上行人如潮,熙熙攘攘,磨肩擦踵,桥下舟楫相竞相争。许多细小情节刻化得极有情趣。如桥头一匹惊马造成险情,毛驴被惊吓,好奇的人在围观。接着又描绘汴河的街市。汴京作为当时政治、经济、文化的中心,城中官府衙门、民居宅院、作坊店铺、茶肆酒楼,屋宇错落,林林总总,街上车水马龙,九流三教,应有尽有,百业兴隆,热闹非凡。画面又展开一幅从容的景象,有张有弛,形成有趣的对比和节奏感。画家通过对汴京城内建筑、商贸、交通、运输几个方面的描绘,再现了北宋都城的繁华和发达。18 Translate the following two passa

20、ges into English(厦门大学 2013 研,考试科目:写作与英汉互译)1991 年,中国同东盟建立对话关系,体现了双方顺应时代潮流,探索区域合作的战略远见和勇气,开启了中国与东盟关系的历史进程,具有里程碑意义。我们恪守相互尊重、互不干涉内政的原则,不断增进政治互信。东盟国家奉行一个中国政策,支持中国和平统一,在涉及中国主权等重大原则问题上照顾中方关切。中国尊重东盟各国自主选择的发展道路和价值观,支持东盟按照自己的方式处理纷争,反对外部势力干涉东盟内部事务。我们在合作中倡导互利、互助、互鉴,促进共同发展。今年双方贸易额将超过3500 亿美元,是 1991 年的 40 多倍。中国成为

21、东盟最大贸易伙伴,东盟成为中国第三大贸易伙伴。中国为东盟成员国发展经济、改善民生提供了真诚的援助和帮助。东盟成员国也给中国提供了积极的支持。双方在治国理政方面交流经验,取长补短。19 有人喜欢看猴子,看那些乖巧伶俐的动物,略具人形,而生活究竟简陋,于是令人不由得生出优越之感,掏一把花生掷进去。有人喜欢看狮子跳火圈,狗作算学,老虎翻筋头,觉得有趣。我之看骆驼则是另外一种心情,骆驼扮演的是悲剧的角色。它的槛外是冷冷清清的,没有游人围绕,所谓槛也只是一根杉木横着拦在门口。地上是烂糟糟的。它卧在那里,老远一看,真像是大块的毛姜,逼近一看,真可吓人!一块块的毛都在脱落,斑剥的皮肤上隐隐的露着血迹。嘴张着

22、,下巴垂着,有上气无下气的在喘。水汪汪的两只眼睛好像是眼泪扑簌的盼望着能见亲族一面似的。腰间的肋骨历历可数,颈子又细又长,尾巴像是一条破扫帚。骆峰只剩下了干皮,像是一只麻袋搭在背上。骆驼为什么落到这悲惨地步呢?难道“ 沙漠之舟”的雄姿即不过如是吗?20 Translate the following two passages into English我深深爱着的祖国历经磨难而又自强不息。千百年来,中华民族一次次战胜了天灾人祸,渡过了急流险滩,昂首挺胸地走到今天。深重的灾难,铸就了她百折不挠、自强不息的品格。中华民族的历史证明了一个真理:一个民族在灾难中失去的,必将从民族的进步中得到补偿。经过半

23、个多世纪的艰苦奋斗,中国有了比较大的发展,经济总量跃居世界前列,但我们仍然是一个发展中国家,同发达国家相比还有很大的差距。人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,这种基本国情还没有从根本上得到改变。中国的人均 GDP 水平,排在世界 100 位之后,仅为英国的 116 左右。到过中国旅游的朋友,你们所看到的城市是现代的,而我们的农村还比较落后。到本世纪中叶,中国要基本实现现代化,面临三大历史任务:既要努力实现欧洲早已完成的工业化,又要追赶新科技革命的浪潮;既要不断提高经济发展水平,又要实现社会公平正义;既要实现国内的可持续发展,又要承担相应的国际责任。中国要赶上发达国家水平,还有很长很长的路要走,还会遇到

24、许多艰难险阻。但是,任何困难都阻挡不住中国人民前进的步伐,只要我们坚持不懈地努力奋斗,中国现代化的目标就一定能够实现。英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 28 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确答案】 The Art of ConversationNone of the desires dictated by vanity is more general, or less blamable, than that of being distinguished for the art of conversation. Few are more frequently envied than thos

25、e who have the power of drawing attention of the multitude wherever they go, whose entrance is considered as a promise of felicity, and whose departure will be lamented by everyone, like the recess of sun in the cold north, as a privation of all that enlivens fancy, or inspirits gaiety.2 【正确答案】 Spri

26、ng Is AmazingAnd how does grass know its time to turn green? How else can we explain a dormant tree suddenly sending forth green shoots? Or in the case of my favoritethe dogwood tree intricately shaped flowers appear.Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with th

27、ose wonderful smells that only occur in spring.Love is filled with magic as well. Even though there are no words to explain what love is, we all know what love feels likewarm and lively with golden light. Oh! Its similar to the feelings we get each spring.Is it any wonder that people fall in love in

28、 the spring time? Spring is a perfect time to fall in love with life, with nature, with ourselves and with those who share our lives.3 【正确答案】 Maugham said, “ Guy de Maupassant was a naturalist, pursuing the truth, which he achieved, seems somewhat shallow today., which brought Maupassant the simplif

29、ied characterization. “Maughams comments on Guy de Maupassant , although some of the cases in the literary history, there is universal significance for reading, appreciation and criticism on classical writers. Reading the Maugham, first, arouses our respect for his attitude to literary classicthe sc

30、ientific analysis attitude of the supremacy of art. For Maupassant, he not only pointed out his fatal shortcomings but also gave proper and high evaluation of artistic techniques, full of enthusiasm.Maugham gives us another important hint by his mode of thinkingit is a form of concrete and subtle ex

31、pression of artistic philosophy in critic practice. “No perfect writer“ , “The shortcomings of classical writers, are complementary to his strength“these words are full of artistic dialectic. This is of vital importance for those generations who withstand and bear great influence from “leftist think

32、ing“ , “Great Leap Forward“ and the “Cultural Revolution Thinking“ . Right, faily enough we look back to Balzac, Tolstoy, Merimee, Cao Xueqin, Lu Xun and other great writers, and their shortcomings(some can be seen as characteristics), are the extension or complement of its advantages, then what els

33、e?4 【正确答案】 Its really a pleasure in life when receiving and reading the letters from friends, especially the air letters which come from abroad bearing the outlandish flavor, provided there is no need to write in reply. Writing back is a big price for the happiness from reading letters. Not replying

34、 for long or ever, the happiness when receiving letters will decrease and even disappear. Therefore, the friendship will pause till one day you resolve to reply the letters with hearful penance. As this situation lasts for a long time, the happiness of receiving letters becomes the painfulness for n

35、o replying. And I am such a recidivist, who made hundreds of friends, but everyone of them could say what I had committed before. British poet Auden once said that he had always neglected some important letters and stayed at home to read his detective novels. And Oscar Wilde once said to his friend,

36、 “ I have known many people coming to London full of bright prospects and seen them break in a few months, due to their habit of answering letters. “Obviously, in Wildes opinion, if you want to lead a good life, you should give up the habit of replying letters. So, I am not the only one who is reluc

37、tant to reply.5 【正确答案】 Lu Wenfu is a realist writer: he writes street life of the city. His novels figures in capturing the true details from life. It is said that Lu Wenfus novels take on a “sweet and sour realism“ , because there are sweet and sour in his works. The sweet often gives people a litt

38、le joy or hope and it is more modest, while the sour is that the characters fate is full of twists and turns, containing bitter life experience and life philosophy. Formally speaking, Lu Wenfus novels are like storytelling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect, which is discussed long before. Whether

39、 it is “hedge“ , “interlude“ , “puzzle amusement“ or “narrative corner“ , we can find technique of expression from the corresponding storytelling and ballad singing. Lu Wenfu once wrote in the article Learning from Storytelling and Ballad Singing which said that storytelling and ballad singing were

40、almighty in expressing life and ideas. “ If when you write a novel you can imagine yourself an actor of storytelling and ballad singing, there will be a lot of methods to borrow. “In fact, Lu Wenfus novels, in the final analysis, benefit from legendary and text stories of the Tang and Song Dynasties

41、. Suzhou was the home of Feng Menglong, who is folk literature and compilation of the Ming Dynasty, where many ancient folk legends are widespread. This exerts influence on the creation of Lu Wenfus novels. After all, didnt storytelling and ballad singing stem from the words of text stories and lyri

42、cs gradually?6 【正确答案】 “ God helps those who help themselves, “ a commonplace motto, reflects the narrow view of the vast life experience. Getting individuals real development is rooted in the self-help spirit which has demonstrated in all aspects of the human world, which constitutes the nations tru

43、e source of vitality and strength. Outside help is often less effective , but inherent help always gives people energy. No matter what has been done to help the people or social class, to some extent, it will weaken their self-motivation and necessity. If a party guides the people too much, has too

44、much jurisdiction , the inevitable trend is they will be placed in a relatively hopeless situation.7 【正确答案】 Drum TowerDrum Tower, located in the city of Nanjing, was built in Ming Dynasty Hongwu the fifteenth year when it beared the important task of time-keeping day and night for the people of the

45、whole city. Sometimes it was also used to welcome the empire or receive dict, etc. To Qing Dynasty, only the city palace was left. When the Emperor Kangxi took his southern tour, he climbed up and enjoyed the views in distance, then the local officials built a monument and constructed a building and

46、 renamed it as “Bei Lou“. Drum Tower was divided into two floors, the lower was up to 9 meters, with magnificent red walls, cornices upwind. The higher was divided into nave and east-west Hall, drips could fall down straightly outside the pedestal. Todays Drum Tower is the resort for visitors to cli

47、mb up, look far into the distance and enjoy the scenery of the ancient city.8 【正确答案】 In order to fully complete this years tasks of the economic and social development, we must focus on the following three aspects in work guidance and arrangement: First, we must strive to improve macro-economic regu

48、lation and control, further eliminate unstable and unhealthy factors in economic operation, promote economic restructuring and growth mode to maintain stable and rapid economic development, and keep die general price level in market basically stable. Second, we should make efforts to promote Reform

49、and Opening-up policy, persist in taking reform as the impetus for the work, integrate the deepening of reform with the implementation of scientific concept of development, strengthening and improving macro-control, and adhere to using the reform methods to solve problems in institutional mechanisms which affect the development. We will open to the outside world more fully and make better use of both domestic and international markets and resources. Third, we must focus on building a harmonious society.9 【正确答案】 From the


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