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1、广东专插本(英语)模拟试卷 18 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The car_by the side of the road and the driver tried to repair it.(A)breaks down(B) was breaking down(C) has broken down(D)broke down2 When he went out, he would wear sunglasses_nobody would recognize him.(A)so that(B) now that(C) as though(D)in cas

2、e3 _he was seriously ill, I wouldnt have told him the truth.(A)If I knew(B) If I know(C) Had I known(D)Did I know4 Some people think_about their rights than they do about their responsibilities.(A)so much(B) too much(C) much more(D)much too5 _ traveling expenses rising a lot, Mrs. White had to chang

3、e all her plans for the tour.(A)Since(B) As for(C) By(D)With6 I felt so embarrassed that I couldn t do anything but_there when I first met my present boss.(A)to sit(B) sitting(C) sat(D)sit 7 The chair looks rather unusual in shape, but it is very comfortable to sit_.(A)by(B) on(C) with(D)at8 _how to

4、 deal with the trouble of the computer, Martin had to ask his brother for help.(A)Not know(B) Not known(C) Not to know(D)Not knowing9 It s said that the agreement_between the two companies last month will become effective from May 1st.(A)to sign(B) signed(C) to be signed(D)signing10 Many people have

5、 found _ uncomfortable to hold the same position for a long time.(A)it(B) this(C) which(D)that11 The reason for my refusal is_you re unreliable.(A)because(B) that(C) due to(D)for12 _ to find the proper job, he decided to give up job-hunting in this city.(A)Failed(B) Being failed(C) To fail(D)Having

6、failed13 If you dont mind, I_do my homework than play cards with you.(A)had better(B) would rather(C) prefer(D)would like14 No one, except his two best friends, _ where he is.(A)know(B) to know(C) knows(D)knowing15 The condition being_, he may succeed.(A)favorite(B) favorable(C) favoring(D)favored16

7、 _ helping those who are unwilling to help themselves?(A)What sense is it about(B) Whats the point of(C) Whats the sense with(D)What point is it in17 If I found the book, I_ it to you.(A)will bring(B) would have brought(C) would bring(D)might have brought18 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_

8、 it helps us to correct our mistakes.(A)in that(B) in time(C) in turn(D)in effect19 He works too hard. That s_ is wrong with him.(A)how(B) where(C) why(D)what20 All _ is peace and progress.(A)what is needed(B) which is needed(C) that is needed(D)for our needs21 No one was_in the accident.(A)damaged(

9、B) wounded(C) injured(D)suffered22 You and I shall get a_ holiday of two or three weeks.(A)respectful(B) respectable(C) respective(D)respecting23 We dont deny that your products are superior in quality to_ of Japanese make.(A)the one(B) that(C) these(D)those24 I am afraid I can t _ you _; you will h

10、ave to go to a hotel.(A)put; up(B) put; down(C) put; off(D)put; out25 I would gladly lend you the money, but I really_.(A)couldnt have it(B) didnt have it(C) shouldnt have it(D)dont have it26 They_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.(A)carried forward(B) carried out(C) carried on(D)carri

11、ed off27 When Edison died, it was proposed that the Americans _ all power in their homes, streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man.(A)turn off(B) turned off(C) must turn off(D)would have turned off28 _ are afraid of difficulties; we are all determined.(A)None of us(B) Not

12、 all of us(C) All of us(D)All of us not29 If I _ Marys reputation, I defend her reputation.(A)speak up for(B) speak ill of(C) speak well of(D)speak well for30 _ all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Smith for his speech.(A)On account of(B) On behalf of(C) For the purpose of(D)Ins

13、tead of31 Will all those _ the proposal raise their hands?(A)in relation to(B) in contrast to(C) in excess of(D)in favor of32 What you have done is_ the doctor s orders.(A)attached to(B) resistant to(C) responsible to(D)contrary to33 _ be careful in making such experimenting.(A)Do(B) Does(C) Did(D)W

14、ill34 There is no evidence_oil price will come down in the near future.(A)which(B) that(C) where(D)as35 So fast _ that it is difficult to imagine its speed.(A)light travels(B) travels the light(C) do light travels(D)does light travel35 Are you planning a vacation? If you like hot and extremely dry s

15、ummers, go to Phoenix, Arizona. For hot temperatures but lots of rain and thunderstorms, try Miami, Florida. If you want average temperatures and rainfall, St. Louis, Missouri, is the spot. Or if you re a cold weather fan, head to Fairbanks, Alaska. Its winters are very cold with little precipitatio

16、n. Each of these cities has a certain type of weather. The average weather for a place over many years is called climate, and in no two places in the world is it exactly the same. How can this be?Many things in nature, such as sunshine, temperature, and precipitation, affect climate. Nearness to mou

17、ntain, oceans, and large lakes affects it too. Another factor is altitude, or height above sea level. Air cools as altitude increases. So a city at a higher altitude may be colder than one at a lower altitude. Finally, winds affect climate. They move heat and moisture between the oceans and continen

18、ts. Winds keep the tropics from overheating. They keep the polar regions from getting overly cold.Climate changes over long periods of time. Some scientists think, for example, that the earth s climate changed at the time of the dinosaurs. They think the dinosaurs died because of the change. What ca

19、uses a climate to change? One possible cause may be changes in the sun. Sunspots, for example, are cool, dark spots that form on the sun. Sunspots may decrease precipitation on the earth and cause unusually dry periods. Changes in the atmosphere may change climate too. Volcanic eruptions, for instan

20、ce, release solid particles into the air. These particles may form a cloud that blocks out the sun s heat. Human activity is another cause of climate change. Air pollution and the reduction of forest cover may have long-term effects on climate.36 This passage is concerned with things that affect_.(A

21、)precipitation(B) climate(C) altitude(D)sunspots37 Change in climate may have caused_.(A)dinosaurs to die(B) dark spots to form on the sun(C) volcanic eruption(D)air pollution38 The effect of a volcanic eruption on climate may be to make it_.(A)wetter(B) dryer(C) warmer(D)colder39 To help readers un

22、derstand how climate can change, the writer uses_.(A)examples(B) a story about the seashore(C) order of importance(D)a strong argument40 Which of the following is the place of greatest altitude on a mountain?(A)The foot of the mountain.(B) 8,500 feet up the mountain.(C) The top of the mountain.(D)15

23、 ,785 feet up the mountain.40 While the cities of China have undergone modernization evident in the rising towers and bright lights that have awakened the sleeping country, the countryside remains largely the same.Rectangular(长方形的)rows of rice fields litter the landscape separated by long lanes of w

24、ater designed to provide the constant supply of water that is vital to producing the crop. The experience is not unlike driving through the American Midwest, only rice not corn dominates the landscape.Four years ago, when I last took this trip, the roads were dusted and telephone wires did not run p

25、arallel to the highway. Bare roads had been replaced by sleek, newly paved highways running from Shanghai to Nanking, to my smaller, home city, Wuhu. Unlike the changes I had heard of and expected in Shanghai, Wuhu was much more of a surprise. The small city where I was born had grown up as I have.

26、There are large high-rise buildings, each ringed with smaller buildings around it, many of these apartment complexes. Little seemed familiar and I wonder what my grandparent s flat built of brick and mortar(灰泥)had become.Perhaps 1 shouldnt have been surprised to find out that their home had been dem

27、olished(拆除)and rebuilt as a six-story apartment complex as well. Walking up to the second floor I saw my grandfathers face peering out of the screen door. He began to smile as he saw me, and so did I. Their home is now no different from a western apartment. Equipped with the modern amenities(便利设施)of

28、 a gas stove, a toilet, a showerthis was indeed different from four years ago.41 According to the author, dramatic changes took place in _.(A)cities but not countryside of China(B) countryside but not in large cities(C) both cities and countryside of China(D)everywhere42 It can be inferred from the

29、second paragraph that_.(A)peasants lead similar life all over the world(B) Chinese irrigating system is more impressing than that in America(C) peasants in Midwest America raise more corns while Chinese peasants raise more rice(D)peasants in Midwest America raise more rice while Chinese peasants rai

30、se more corns.43 The author was traveling to Wuhu _.(A)in order to take a stop during the trip from Shanghai to Nanking(B) in order to find some place similar to his hometown(C) in order to visit his grandparents(D)in order to find out changes in small cities44 The author s grandparents _.(A)live in

31、 their house of brick and mortar(B) live in an apartment similar to westerners(C) led a totally westernized life(D)was poor as they always were45 Which of the following is the best title for this passage?(A)Flash back to China(B) Back with My Grandparents(C) Wuhu Today(D)From Shanghai to Nanking45 T

32、housands of years ago, ten of our very distant ancestors were hungry. They went out and picked berries or dug up roots to eat. Four of them chose poisonous food and died. The remaining six noticed that their food was safe to eat. They told their children, who, in turn, passed the message on to their

33、 descendants. In this way, habit became a vital factor in the survival of mankind; if you ate the right plant, you lived; if you wanted to make your own experiments, you would probably die.The importance of habit on the survival of the human species is an interesting matter. Even today, most of us h

34、esitate when we are invited to eat a new type of food or drink something we have not tasted before. Even if the food or drink is offered by a friend, we are usually not at all anxious to experiment and accept the offer.When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. The

35、n notice which one you put on first on other days. You may discover that you tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that if you are right-handed, you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. If you try to change this habit, you may find it uncomfortable or annoying, and vou will

36、 soon return to your old habit.When it comes to other matters, we often follow a fixed pattern. We sleep in one or two favorite ways. We often follow familiar routes even when they are not the shortest or best. We often wear a watch on the same wrist even when there is no real reason for doing so. I

37、n hundreds of other ways, we show that we are creatures of habit, following fixed patterns of behavior. This characteristic can help us to survive but it can be a barrier to progress too. We must be alert and not let a beneficial factor become a harmful one.46 The best title for this passage might b

38、e _.(A)Habit A Barrier to Progress(B) The Survival of Mankind(C) Various Patterns of Human Behavior(D)We Are Creatures of Habit47 The first paragraph of this passage is mainly about_.(A)the danger of making experiments(B) the importance of habit in the survival of mankind(C) the food our distant anc

39、estors ate(D)the behavior of younger generations48 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Para. 2?(A)Habit can be harmful to the development of mankind.(B) People usually like to taste new things at the risk of their lives.(C) Most people hesitate to eat new things they have never ta

40、sted before.(D)People are usually willing to try a new food if it is offered by a friend.49 The example shown in Para. 3 proves that_.(A)it is difficult to change a habit(B) habit can be changed easily(C) shoes and socks are essential in our daily life(D)everyone puts on shoes and socks in the morni

41、ng whether he is right-handed or left-handed50 From the last paragraph we know that in the writer s opinion_.(A)habit can never become a harmful factor(B) people develop all their habits with good reasons(C) habit will always help people to make progress(D)people often behave in fixed patterns50 Whe

42、ther you are an American citizen or a foreign national living in the United States, travel abroad requires preparation. Travel may be for the purpose of attending meetings or activities in other countries, visiting families or simply taking a vacation. This page is intended to provide guidance and u

43、seful resources.What information do U. S. citizens need?Depending upon the requirements of the country to be visited, citizens of the United States need to carry a passport that is valid for six months beyond the visit or documented evidence of their citizenship and identity(身份). In addition to a pa

44、ssport, some countries will require a visa. For more information, see Visa and Foreign Entry Requirements.Current information on passports is available at the Department of State Passport Services and Information website. There is a new passport requirement for U. S. citizens traveling between the U

45、nited States and the rest of the Western Hemisphere(半球). For details, see Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.When traveling to some specified countries, U. S. citizens may be subject to restrictions on publishing, the exchange of information, the sponsorship of conferences, etc.51 What is the usua

46、l minimum limit to the validity of the passport held by an American citizen?(A)There is no limit to the validity of the passport.(B) The passport must be valid for half a year beyond the visit.(C) The citizen can apply for a passport as long as six months.(D)The minimum limit depends on the nature o

47、f the citizen s visit.52 American citizens can obtain the current information about passports from_.(A)the country they are going to visit(B) the Department of State s website(C) the authorized travel agency(D)the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative53 It can be inferred that there are restrictions

48、on publishing when American citizens travel abroad because of_.(A)the limitation of the number of publications(B) the security of the United States(C) the interest of individuals(D)the protection of copyright54 This passage is mainly to remind American citizens of_.(A)the importance of applying for

49、a passport and visa(B) safety regulations for visiting other countries(C) the limitations to traveling around the world(D)the requirements for their traveling abroad 55 From the passage we can infer that_.(A)to get a visa is a new requirement for American citizens visiting other countries(B) it s easi


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