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1、1山东省潍坊市 2018 年中考英语一模模拟卷一、听力测试(一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍1A Its warmB Its beautifulC Its crowded2A Time is moneyB Let me help youC All right3A On August 1stB On October 1stC In December4A They are cheapB 8 yuan a kiloC I like apples5A Read a book and write a reviewB Buy some new books quicklyC Stop and hav

2、e a rest6听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍(1) (2) (3) 7What present will they buy for his birthday?A Birthday cardB Model planeC New dictionary8Why has Maria bought books?2A Because Tom has no booksB Because Tom likes readingC Because the books are cheap9What day can they have a picnic?A On ThursdayB On Fri

3、dayC On Saturday10What problem are they talking about?A PopulationB TrafficC Noise11What time did they start to have lessons?A SevenB Half past sevenC Eight12How will the stranger get to the Book Fair?A By taxiB On footC By bus13 ( 1 ) When did Halloween start?A 500 years agoB 1,000 years agoC 2,000

4、 years ago( 2 ) Where was Halloween first celebrated?A In the US and FranceB In North America and the UKC In northern France and the UK( 3 ) Why did people celebrate Halloween?A To celebrate the beginning of new lifeB To call back the dead3C To admire the moon14 ( 1 ) Whats the relationship between

5、Mary and the woman?A Mother and daughterB Teacher and studentC Doctor and nurse( 2 ) What did happen to Mary yesterday?A She lost her movie ticketB She hurt her armC She hurt her knee( 3 ) Where is Mary now?A In Room 409 No 2 HospitalB In Room 509 No 2 HospitalC In Room 519 No 1 Hospital15Kite flyin

6、gOn a sunny day youll see (1) kites flying in the skyThe shapes like swallows they mean good (2) Weifang is the home of the kite It holds festival in (3) every year(4) of kite fans They are from more than 30countriesThe kite was invented by Chinese people It was over (5) years ago二、单项选择16Its already

7、 7:45 I think _ impossible for me to get to school on time ( )Aone Bit Canother Dthat17I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our healthYesI agree _ you ( )4Ato; to Bwith; to Cat; with Dfor; with18I spoke loudly _ all the people in the room could hear me ( )Aso that Bin order toCbecause Dalth

8、ough19 Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start Im sorry, but I _ when to meet ( )Adont tell Bhavent toldCwasnt told Ddidnt tell20The woman _ bought me a schoolbag is my aunt ( )Awhat Bwhich Cwho Dwhom21 What did your father say? He asked us _ ( )Aif we could fix up the bikeBwhy we

9、 fix up the bikeChow did we fix up the bikeDwhere did we fix up the bike22Tom _ the USAHe _ back in two months ( )Ahas gone to; comes Bhas gone to; will beChas been to; comes Dhas been to; will be23 Could you please pass me todays newspaper? _ ( )AYes, please BYoure welcomeCNot at all DHere you are三

10、、完形填空24On the way back from work every evening, there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway (高速公路的出口) He always smiled and waved at every carEvery day after work I would (1) to gather some spare change (零钱) ,and put it aside to give to him Id quickly roll down (摇下) my car windo

11、w and 5give him the(2) Sometimes the red light would be on for a minute and we would(3) each other about our day His answer would always be the same, “Im blessed (有福的)!“Then one day I was told that I had (4) my job For the rest of that day all I could think of was “how am I going to provide for my k

12、ids as a mother?“Needless to say that on my way home that day I was very(5) I didnt remember to look for my spare change and keep it ready like I usually did There he was as always He(6) smiled and waved at others as usualWhile I was waiting for the red light to turn, he came over to my(7) He had a

13、big smile and said, “Today I will(8) you a dollar “ He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill (钞票) That day he taught me a(9) lesson more than a dollar bill No matter what material things are taken from you, (10) can take away your choice to be happy Every time Im faced with chall

14、enges, I think of the homeless mans valuable lesson and remember that I am blessed( 1 ) A remember B forget C decide D choose( 2 )A food B map C tickets D coins( 3 )A see B ask C hear D check( 4 )A lost B found C got D finished( 5 )A excited B nervous C happy D sad( 6 )A yet B still C already D agai

15、n( 7 ) A shop B bike C house D car( 8 ) A give B show C borrow D receive( 9 ) A painful B useless C valuable D strange( 10 )A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody四、阅读理解25A6Ticket to IndiaBy N H SenzaiType: AdventureNumber of Pages: 288Whats the basic story line?Sixthgrader Maya and her family tra

16、vel from America to Pakistan, after her grandfathers death Before leaving Pakistan, Maya, her older sister, Zara, and her grandmother take a trip to India to find a valuable box hidden in her grandmothers childhood house While in India, Mayas grandmother has a stroke (中风 ) Maya and her sister have t

17、o find the box on their own Along the way, Maya not only finds what she was looking for but also her bravery and strengthAre the characters believable?Yes They feel hope and disappointment just as we all do at times As Maya stands on the doorstep of her grandmothers old house, her high expectations

18、soon turn to disappointment But she doesnt let that disappointment stop her Although some of the plot (情节) seems unbelievable, it is also very imaginative and one of the many reasons why readers will keep turning the pagesWho would like this book?People with a taste for adventure will love the plot

19、of this book( 1 )Where does Maya come from? A The UKB IndiaC PakistanD The US( 2 )Which of the following is true? A Two people go to India with MayaB Maya doesnt find the box at last7C Mayas grandmother has a childhood house in PakistanD Mayas grandfather passed away during a trip to India( 3 )This

20、passage is a A music reviewB meeting recordC book reviewD film review26For years, I had been in depression (沮丧) The first event I can remember happened when I was 14 As I walked to my home in Singapore after school one day, I suddenly couldnt help sitting against a wall and crying I hardly tried to

21、reach my house before bursting into tears (大哭) These strong and sad feelings scared meBy the time I was 16, these things were happening about once a month Most of the time I lived my life normally, but then my mind seemed to take a life of its own They happened for no reason, but now everything beca

22、me a reason a frown (皱眉)from a teacher, first prize for a competition, a long line at a supermarket It didnt matter whether the events were happy, sad or different, all would be made by my mind into something terribleI didnt like this feeling, so I decided to help myself I took some medicine I also

23、joined a group and started reading selfhelp books More importantly, I made a decision to get out of this situation I made myself go out and make new friends Today, two years later, I m much better Im taking a preuniversity course and have a lot of friendsI have also become more positive (积极的) I am e

24、njoying my life and my work as an English and Science teacher at an education centre It has not been easy to open up or share my feelings, but its getting easier all the time And the best 8part is, I did lose myself, but I succeeded in finding myself again( 1 ) How did the 14yearold writer feel when

25、 the first event happened? A StrangeB NaturalC AfraidD Surprised( 2 ) The underlined sentence means A the writers mind broke her lifeB the writer lived two kinds of lifeC the writer was unhappy all the timeD the writer couldnt control her mind( 3 )In what order did the following things happen in the

26、 story? a I joined a groupb After crying, I was able to reach homec I pushed myself to go out and make new friendsd I live a happy and positive lifeA bcadB bacdC cabdD bcda( 4 ) Whats the best title for this passage? A Find MyselfB Lose MyselfC Understand MyselfD Believe Myself27George was sitting a

27、t home one day when he noticed that his cat had something in its mouth a dead animal of some sort Taking a close look, he recognized the dead animal It was a rabbit that belonged to a girl who lived next door Her name was Bonny George felt terrible, believing his cat had killed Bonns rabbit9George c

28、ame up with a plan Removing (移动) the dead animal from the cats mouth, which by now was a dirty mess, he put it in the sink (水池) He tried to clean up the dead rabbit as best he could Then he took a hair dryer and blowdried (吹干) the rabbit until it looked pretty good Finally, he took the dead rabbit o

29、ut to the neighbors rabbit cage (笼子) and put it back in the cageThe next morning, George looked out the window and noticed some people gathered around the cage Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing He decided to go over and act like any normal curious neighbor and find out what was going onWhen

30、 he got there, Bonnys mother said to George, “You wont believe what has happened! Its a miracle (奇迹)!Bonnys rabbit passed away a few days ago, and we buried that little rabbit right over there “Have you ever tried to cover up one mistake with another? Covering up only makes matters worse When we get

31、 caught doing something wrong, we may try to cover it up with a lie But just like Bonnys rabbit, the result is never what we expect We end up looking foolish We should admit we are wrong and accept the result( 1 ) Why did George feel terrible? A Because he thought his cat had messed up his homeB bec

32、ause he thought his cat had killed his neighbors petC Because he thought his neighbor would kill his catD Because his cat made the dead animal a dirty mess( 2 )In this passage, which of these events happened first? A A lot of people gathered around the cageB George put the rabbit back in the cageC T

33、he rabbit passed away and was buriedD Bonnys mother said something to George( 3 ) What did George s cat do actually? 10A It dug the rabbit out of the groundB It cleaned up the dead rabbitC It buried the rabbitD It killed the rabbit( 4 )This writer is mainly telling us A not to change our minds often

34、Bits not a good habit to tell liesC its good for people to stick to their dreamsD not to cover up one mistake with another28In New York City public schools, 176different languages are spoken among the more than 1million studentsNew York City Department of Education makes learning better for these st

35、udents by offering duallanguage (双语的) programs (1) Maths, social studies, science and all other courses are taught in both languagesMilady Baez is a leader of New York City Department of Education She says these duallanguage programs will help children succeed in the future“The jobs of the future re

36、quire that our students know more than one language They are going to be traveling to foreign countries They are going to be communicating with people from all over the world (2) “Shuya Zhang teaches a duallanguage class She says the program helps children get ready to work with people in other coun

37、tries“Look at our world, America has started economic relationships with China Lots of factories have been built in China (3) They need people with skills in both languages “For Hanna Jiang, she likes to go on learning her first language, Chinese“I can speak Chinese and learn in Chinese while learni

38、ng in English (4) So it makes me feel better and understand more about the task Im learning “11The New York also offer duallanguage programs in seven other languages There are plans to add even more languages in the futureA Many companies have moved to ChinaB Learning two languages can open doors fo

39、r themC For many children, English is not their first languageD It makes me feel that I am homeE Students are taught in two languages, English and another one五、词汇应用阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词29 Look at the flower in the picture Its beautiful, isnt it? In fact, its not a (1) (normally) flowerOn

40、January 16, Scott Kelly, an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS) , (2) (take) the picture He said, “Yes, there are other life forms in space!“ And (3) (that) other life forms are zinnias (百日菊) , a type of flower that is (4) (wide) planted in the world The flowers were grown inside the

41、Veggie lab on the ISS which (5) (set) up in early May 2014 It was the (6) (one) time flowers grew in space However, they (7) (were) the first plants grown in space Last year, astronauts grew lettuce (8) (success) on the ISS and ate it (9) (compare) with the plants astronauts had grown before, zinnia

42、s are (10) (much) sensitive (敏感的) to (=than) the environment They have a longer growth period (生长周期)between 60and 80daysGrowing such flowers zinnias can (11) (eat) is part of a long term NASA project known as Veggie It is designed(12) (produce) food with an eye to long, manned missions (载人任务)to Mars

43、 Growing tomato plants is planned for next year12六、翻译句子30对我来说,编造一个英语故事太难了 (it 作形式主语) 31他梦想将来成为一名艺术家 (dream of) 32她的裙子和我的很相似 (be similar to) 33我们班被分成六个组 (divideinto) 34学生们正在忙着准备考试 (prepare for) 七、阅读表达35From the time my children started school, I (A) their lunches In each lunch, I put a note The note

44、might be a thank you for a special moment, or a bit of encouragement for a test or sporting eventWhen they were small, they loved their notes They talked about (B) after school, and when I went back to teaching, they even put notes in my lunches However, as kids grow older they become selfconscious

45、(有自我意识的) By the time my son, Marc, reached high school, he told me that he (C) needed my daily notes, but I continued writing them until the day he graduated from high schoolSix years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move home for a few months He didnt return home ofte

46、n these years since he found a job in Sacramento and lived away from homeA few weeks after Marc arrived home to rest for a while, he was back at work Since I was still making lunch every day for his younger brother and sister, I packed one for Marc, too (D)I was so surprised when I got a call from m

47、y 24yearold son,complaining(抱怨)about his lunch“Did I do something wrong? Dont you love me, Mom?“ were the questions he 13threw at me I asked him what was wrong“My note, Mom,“ he answered “Wheres my note?“This year my little son also said that he was too old for notes But like his older brother, he will receive those notes until the day he graduates and in whatever lunches I pack for him afterwards(1)在 A.C 两处填入一个合适的单词或短语 ; (2)第二段 B 处 “them“指代: (3)将 D 处句子翻译成汉语 (4)Why


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