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1、1安徽省濉溪县 2018-2019 学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题(扫描版)23456789濉溪县 20182019 学年度第一学期期末考试高一英语试卷参考答案一 、听 力 :1-5 CBABB 6-10 BABAA 11-15 CBBCB 16-20 BCCAB二 、 阅 读理 解:21-23 DAD 24-27 BBBC 28-31ABCD 32-35 ACDD三 、 七 选五 :36-40 CGEDB四 、 完 形填 空:41-45 BADCD 46-50 BABCC 51-55 DACDC 56-60 A BDCD五 、 语 法填 空:61. is called 62. because

2、 63. education 64. where65. unfairly 66. to 67. following 68. an 69. to buy 70. himself七 、短 文改错:71. . big and small. and or72. . we live happy life. happy 前加 a73. . are good both to . are is74. . people lived in a dirty . lived living75. . can live happy. happy happily76. . for more and more . forwi

3、th77. Beside, some factories . Beside Besides78. . still poured out. poured pour79. . making it is hard . 去掉 is80. . the better place to . the a八、书面表达Dear Jack,Im very glad to have received your letter. Now Id like to introduce my school life as follow s.My school is not big but beautiful. The clean

4、 campus is full of life w ith students hurrying to class or playing sports on the playground. We study in a five-storey building shaped like an open book, every classroom in w hich is air-conditioned and equipped w ith a computer, and a very big screen.My teachers have left me a very deep impression

5、. Some of them are very strict w ith us; others are very kind and patient. They are all professional and w illing to give us any help w e need.I feel excited about the brand new life in senior high. In the meanw hile, having more homew ork and thus less spare time makes me a little stressed. But I feel hopeful of achieving my goals in such an excellent school.Best w ishes to you.10Yours, Li Hua


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