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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1硬币n._ 2(女士)短上衣,衬衫n._ 3玻璃 n_ 4广泛地,普遍地adv._ 5加工,处理 v_ 6当地的,本地的adj._ 7避免,回避v._ 8可移动的,非固定的 adj._,coin,blouse,glass,widely,process,local,avoid,mobile,9交通,路上行驶的车辆 n_ 10用颜料画,刷漆v._ 11形式,类型n._ 12生气勃勃的,鲜艳的adj._ 13项目,工程n._ 14热,高温;加热,变热n.&v._ 15提到,说到v._ 16煮沸,烧开v. _ 17疑惑,疑问n.

2、怀疑v._,traffic,paint,form,lively,project,heat,mention,boil,doubt,18冰箱n._ 19贸易,交易 n做买卖,从事贸易v._ 20锁上,锁住;锁v.&n._ 21目的,目标 n_,fridge,trade,lock,purpose,词汇拓展 1leaf_(复数形式)叶;叶子 2produce _(n.)产品;制品 3live _(adj.)生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 4near _(adv.)几乎;差不多 5rule _(n.)统治者;支配者 6sudden _(adv.)突然 7salt _(adj.)咸的 8customer _(

3、n.)风俗;习俗 9hero _(复数形式)英雄;男主角,leaves,product,lively,nearly,ruler,suddenly,salty,custom,heroes,重点短语 1以闻名_ 2不论,无论_ 3由制成的_ 4手工_ 5事实上,实际上_ 6传统艺术_ 7变成,成为_ 8偶然,意外地_ 9发生,出现_,be known for.,no matter,be made of.,by hand,in fact,traditional art,turn into,by accident,take place,10毫无疑问,的确_ 11突然,猛地_ 12沏茶_ 13错误地,无

4、意中_ 14把分成_ 15钦佩,仰慕_,without doubt,all of a sudden,make tea,by mistake,divide.into,look up to,16同时_ 17阻止某人做某事_ 18不仅而且_ 19根据_ 20有道理_,at the same time,stop sb.from doing sth.,not only.but also.,according to,have a point,重点句型 1你的衬衫是棉的吗? Are your shirts _ _ cotton? 是的,它们是。并且它们是美国制造的。 Yes, they are.And th

5、ey were _ _ the US. 2茶叶是在中国哪里生产的? Where is tea _ _ China? 3它是被谁发明的? _ was it invented _?,made,of,made,in,produced,in,Who,by,4茶叶是何时被带到朝鲜的? When was tea _ _ Korea? 5很高兴帮忙! My _! 6它是在六七世纪之间被带到朝鲜的。 It was brought to Korea _ the 6th and 7th _. 7哦,你看上去的确很有道理 Well, you _ _ _ have a point.,brought,to,pleasu

6、re,during,centuries,do,seem,to,8不同发明项目的先驱在那里被列出来了。 The pioneers of different inventions _ _ there. 9这个热的冰淇淋勺是干什么的? _ is the hot icecream scoop _ _? 10它被用来舀真的很凉的冰淇淋。 Its _ for _ really cold icecream.,were,listed,What,used,for,used,scooping,11薯片是无意中被发明的。 Potato chips were invented _ _. 12顾客说它们不够咸。 The

7、 customer said they were not _ _. 13最后这名顾客很高兴。 The customer was happy _ _ _.,by,mistake,salty,enough,in,the,end,14奈史密斯博士把班上的男生分成两组,并教他们玩他的新游戏。 Dr.Naismith _ the boys in his class _ two teams and taught them _ _ his new game. 15同时,他们需要阻止对手将球投入他们自己的篮筐里。 _ _ _ _, they need to stop the competing team _

8、_ the ball into their own basket.,divided,into,to,play,At,the,same,time,from,getting,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1avoid v避免;回避 【考点归纳】 avoid用作及物动词,意为“避免;逃避”。多指经过事先的考虑,故意避开不愿见到的人或预料中的不愉快、危险等。其后可接名词、代词、动词ing形式作宾语。 Wed better avoid the rush hour traffic.我们最好避开交通高峰期。 We must avoid making the same mistake.我们必须避免犯同样的

9、错误。,2complete v完成 【考点归纳】complete用作及物动词,意为“完成”。 Hes never completed a project on time. 他从未按时完成过计划。 【考点辨析】finish与complete 这两个词的一般含义是“做完,完成”,可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 (1)finish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,一般指较小的事情。 I have finished my homework.我已经完成了我的作业。,(2)complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。一般指较大的工程或者项目。 The

10、 bridge is not completed yet. 这座桥至今尚未完工。,3remain v保持不变;剩余 【考点归纳】(1)remain一般用作不及物动词,意为“留下,剩余”。 We are remaining at school.我们留在学校。 If you take 5 from 7, 2 remains.7减5剩2。 (2)remain除了用作实义动词外,还可以用作连系动词,意为“仍然”,后接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语作表语。 He remained in his office all day.他整天都待在办公室里。 His mind remained active.他的思维

11、仍然很活跃。,二、中考重点短语 4be made of 由制成 【考点辨析】be made of, be made from, be made in, be made into与be made by (1) be made of.由制成(由成品能够看出原材料) The table is made of stone.这张桌子是由石头制成的。 (2) be made from.由制成(由成品不能够看出原材料) Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。,(3) be made in.在某地被制造(产地) This kind of bicycle is made in Chi

12、na. 这种自行车是中国制造的。 (4) be made into.被制成 Wood can be made into many kinds of things. 木材可以被做成许多种东西。 (5) be made by.由(人)制造 This cake is made by my mother. 这蛋糕是我妈妈做的。,5be known for以闻名,为人知晓 【考点归纳】be known for意为“以闻名,为人知晓”,相当于be famous for,介词for后面接表示原因或贡献等的名词。 He is known for his paintings.他因他的油画作品而出名。 Guizh

13、ou is known for its Maotai.贵州以茅台而闻名。,三、中考重点句型 6No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你要买什么,你都会认为那些产品就在那些国家生产。 【考点归纳】 no matter意为“无论”,与 what, who, when, where, which, how等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。状语从句的位置可放在主句前或后。在这种让步状语从句中,我们一般用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用一般过去时代替过去将来时。 No

14、matter what you say,I wont believe you. 无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。,【拓展】疑问词后接ever,如:whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever,wherever,however 等也可以引导让步状语从句,而且意思和no matter加疑问词相同。但值得注意的是 no matter 加疑问词只能引导让步状语从句,而疑问词后接ever除了引导让步状语从句,还可以引导主语从句和宾语从句。,( )1.I think we can avoid_ at school late as long as we get up early

15、 every day. Aarrive Barrived Carriving Dto arrive ( )2.It will take you about three hours to_ your homework. Aproduce Bcomplete Ccompare Dshare,C,B,( )3.He has worked for nearly ten hours, but he remains_. Aactively Bactive Cexcited Dexcitedly ( )4.We all know that the windows are made_ glass and th

16、e paper is made_ wood. Aof; from Bof; of Cfrom; from Dfrom; of,B,A,( )5.Lucy is wellknown_ her excellent painting and Linda is wellknown _ a good tennis player in our school. Aas; as Bas; for Cfor; for Dfor; as ( )6._ where I go, I will be thinking of you. AIt doesnt matter BNot matter CDont matter

17、DNo matter,D,D,( )7.After falling ill, many people begin to realize _ important to keep healthy. Aone Bit Cthis Dthat ( )8.Mobile phones _ for communicating with others. Ais used Buses Cwas used Dare used,B,D,( )9.Its all known that sandwiches were invented by a man Sandwich _. Aby mistake Bby hand

18、Cby accident Dby far ( )10.Thank you for supporting the volunteer project. _.Many hands make light work. AMy pleasure BAll right CNever mind DThats right,C,A,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2018安徽)The weatherman says a rain shower _ this afternoon in the south. Aexpects Bexpected Cis expected Dwas expected ( )2.(2017安

19、徽) Mr. Green_ to sing an English song at the party and he sang well. Awas invited Binvited Cis invited Dinvites,C,A,( )3.(2016安徽)When the baby dog _, it was very hungry.So we gave it some food. Ais found Bwas found Chas been found Dwill be found ( )4.(2014安徽)Mum, what are you cooking? It _ so sweet.

20、 Atastes Bfeels Csounds Dsmells,B,D,( )5.(2014安徽)He is an honest boy.I have no reason to _ what he said. Ahear Bdoubt Crepeat Dbelieve,B,( )1.(2018十堰)Your sweater looks nice.Is it made of wool? Yes, and its made _ Shanghai. Aby Bin Cfor Dfrom ( )2.(2018广东)Many shops in China _ to shut down as a new

21、law against ivory(象牙) trade came into effect on January 1st, 2018. Aordered Bdidnt order Cwere ordered Dwerent ordered,B,C,( )3.(2018十堰)Too much time_ on computer games by most teenagers every day.And their parents are worried about their health and study. Aspends Bis spent Chas spent Dspending ( )4

22、.(2018襄阳)The Forum(论坛)on ChinaAfrica Cooperation Meeting will take place in Beijing this year. Yes.I hear thousands of guests _to the meeting then. Awill be invited Bwill invite Care invited Dinvite,B,A,( )5.(2018达州)I have a bad cold, mom. Oh, dear! Youd better _ a doctor with me in a minute. Awill

23、see Bsee Cnot see Dseeing ( )6.(2018襄阳)The traffic is terribly busy in the morning.Youd better avoid _ in the center of the city. Adrive Bdriving Cto drive Ddriven,B,B,( )7.(2018广东)Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got _ name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who

24、 had to work at Christmas. Aits Bits Cones Done ( )8.(2018黄冈) Which show do you prefer,Running Man or The Reader? The Reader, of course._I_my brother likes it. ABoth; and BNeither; nor CEither; or DNot only; but also,B,D,( )9.(2018温州)The cheese cake _ so good that I cant wait to eat it. Atastes Bfee

25、ls Csounds Dsmells ( )10.(2018凉山)Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three _ and four _. AGerman; American BGermans; American CGermans; Americans DGermany; Americans,D,C,( )11.(2018泸州)So kind of you to give me a ride to the bus stop. _ AMy pleasure. BNever mind. CI doesnt matter. DThats nothing to do.,A,


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